Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Does Rj Mean In My Ring

Cinema is a long animated gif / 6

Cinema is a long animated gif / 6

Chikan In Bus Or Train

Future by Design the cities of the future of Jacque Fresco.

Above: Image taken from blog

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but I know that World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Albert Einstein.

Future by Design the cities of the future of Jacque Fresco.

The project vegan ecovillage begins to take its first steps in recent weeks have provided a series of meetings with interested people to get under the structure, click sull'elefantino top right of the blog countrylife60 us at mail @ gmail . com and ask to subscribe to the group created in Google to join and be informed of the progress of the project. The documentary film proposed Future by Design is part of the trilogy of the global movement Zeitgeist describes Venus Project conceived and designed by Jacque Fresco an American scientist who provides a world without religion without parties and freed by multinational companies, a world where there will be wars and exploitation of people and animals, the future is near, join the movement;
In this regard Alessandro Skill says

The Venus Project is a new social design, shown in the documentary Zeitgeist Addendum , proposed as an alternative to the current system in the industrialized world.

The pillars on which the plan is based Venus: infinite use of renewable energy sources and sustainable resources in general, the 'high-tech and sustainable mobility in the service of man.

The Venus Project Part of the concept that today we have the resources to give everyone a home, to build hospitals and schools around the world, the best facilities and laboratories, to teach and conduct medical research. We have all this but the problem is that very little of what is produced in our society is even minimally effective and sustainable. The current system is based on scarcity of resources, in order to keep the price under the market theory of supply and demand.

The Venus Project proposes to eliminate the root causes of problems, starting with that by human nature and its behaviors. Eliminating those processes that produce selfishness, bigotry, greed and corruption, which are acquired within the company, rather than in innate immunity. For people to benefit from each other

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For the integral vision of the film: Zeitgeist Future by Design

Per comprendere ancora meglio il concetto di futuro è utile approfondire la conoscenza, e la tecnologia ci permette di spaziare su numerosi concetti, dal sito del movimento Zeitgeist:


Quando consideriamo la rilevanza delle nostre strutture sociali e ideologiche nella società, molto spesso vediamo i governi, politici e corporazioni come guide per le istituzioni organizzative responsabili per la qualità della nostra vita. Questo è certamente vero… ma solo fino a un certo punto. Over time, humans have become increasingly aware of the nature, its processes, and therefore were able to derive inferences about how to imitate nature in all its creative glory ..

The result was the technology that separates humans from other species in terms of functionality. We have the ability to create very large areas. If you do not want to clean the sewers, we can create a machine to do it for us.

early industrial age, the vast majority of people worked in factories. Today, automation includes 90% of almost all industries. This has replaced the work of people and created un vasto e artificiale settore di industria di “servizi” per mantenere gli uomini nel sistema del lavoro salariato.
Questa evoluzione ci può dire molte cose. L’implicazione è che l’automazione è costantemente in lotta con il ruolo del lavoro umano. Questo non significa che gli uomini non avranno “nulla da fare” nel corso del tempo. Proprio il contrario… questa implicazione porta alla liberazione dell’umanità dai lavori che non hanno interesse nel portare avanti, così avranno modo di impegnarsi in ciò che gli interessa davvero. A margine: è importante far notare come la società oggi assume un atteggiamento davvero negativo verso l’umanità, supportando la credenza secondo la quale se gli uomini non sono “richiesti” per fare qualcosa, passerebbero il loro tempo a non fare nulla. Questa è una propaganda assurda.

La nozione di “divertimento” è un’invenzione monetaria, creata per l’oppressiva e fascista istituzione del lavoro salariato. La pigrizia è, nei fatti, una forma di rigetto del sistema. E’ una qualità che esiste solo in virtù dell’oppressione e servitù richiesta.
In una vera società, non ci sarebbe alcuna differenza tra “lavoro” e “divertimento”, in quanto gli uomini dovrebbero essere liberi di impegnarsi in tutto ciò che ritengono rilevante. In altre parole, considera la curiosità e l’interesse di un bambino. Lui o Lei non sa neanche cosa sia il denaro… devono essere motivati dal denaro per andare ed esplorare/creare? No. Hanno uno speciale interesse e lo seguono senza richiedere riconoscimenti. Infatti, i più grandi contribuenti alla nostra società, come Einstein, Newton o Galileo, hanno fatto quello che hanno fatto senza interesse per il denaro. L’hanno fatto solo perché lo volevano. L’atto del fare e contribuire era il loro riconoscimento.
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Anche Michele Dotti ripone tante speranze sul futuro e sul nostro paese, in questo post cita il messaggio Bob Dylan's :

The Times They Are a-changin '


"Times are changing" prophetically sang Bob Dylan in 1964, just a few years before the cultural revolution that no one expected it would change so quickly the history and worldview.

I have the feeling that we are today, contrary to what would appear to watching TV, in a situation similar to the one told in the words of Dylan.Girando Italy to meet my breath a growing thirst for truth.
fatigue and discouragement that have paralyzed our country in recent years are rapidly transformed in an extraordinary power of renewal from the bottom, able to mobilize more careful and sensitive parts of our society and also knows when to coagulate a broad consensus in the proposals appear credible.
Backminster Fuller writes: "You'll never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes reality obsolete" . That 's what's happening in our country, despite the deafening silence of the tv about it!

course, the Italian situation is very difficult. Italy is a country on its knees, with difficult problems perché frutto di scelte folli stratificatesi nei decenni. Basti pensare alla cementificazione selvaggia che devasta il nostro territorio, alla disoccupazione giovanile che è ormai al triplo della media europea, ai danni alla salute provocati dagli inceneritori e da una mobilità insostenibile, all'assurdità delle enormi spese militari a fronte di tante emergenze sociali...

Però esiste anche “un’altra Italia” , sempre più consapevole!
E non mi riferisco solo ai 4 milioni e 400mila attivisti che operano nel volontariato e che con il loro impegno quotidiano tengono in piedi questo paese nonostante le scelte scellerate della nostra classe dirigente. Credo che anche fra the common people there is no need to go far to find people who dream of a country more honest, friendly, supportive.
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About the future, supply-side energy the nuclear lobby is funding a million dollar advertising campaign to convince people about the goodness of the atom, Mario Agostinelli anticipates what is expected for the current year :

year before the referendum nuclear

The year that just ended had been opened with the announcement of the appointment of the Agency's top nuclear ("Within the month of January," see Relay Daily January 5, 2010). They would then follow the CIPE resolutions relating to information technology to be adopted and the formation of consortia for the construction of reactors, which would allow decisions to address the issue of localization, on which would be followed "an extensive comparison with the regions and territories." A year later, progress can be few, although in December the government tried to catch up.

is useful to remember that the Law n. 99 of 2009 and Legislative Decree 31/2010 requiring the adoption of measures at least 34 to define all technical and administrative relating to the regulation of planning, designing, licensing and operation of nuclear power plants in Italy. By June 23, 2010 should have been approved for nuclear strategy. However, last December 13, Sara Romano, director general of the Ministry of Economic Development for a semester right by a busy Berlusconi in another matter, he reiterated for the umpteenth time that "the strategy is well advanced," but it is not ready yet. CIPE deliberations about the types of plants should be ready for mid-February 2010. Have been submitted to the State-Regions Conference December 16, without receiving a binding opinion having regard to the strained relations between the territories and the center (only 4 regions, including the usual diligent Lombardia Bossi-Formigoni gave green light for third-generation reactors).

In 2010, arrived in port only the statute of nuclear safety, but still the government has failed to complete the appointments of its summit. Remains enthusiastic about his future role the incompetent Umberto Veronesi that Messon headed, rant by saying that sleeping with a waste container on the table and that in 2150, exhausted all the fossil remains in the inexhaustible field only (?) uranium. Also lacks a map for the storage of waste , the pattern Financial and insurance coverage for the operators, and lacks the appeal of the national campaign communication and awareness required by law (Article 25 paragraph 2). Given the inaction of the institutions, companies have already moved independently and December 19 has left the campaign Forum Nuclear Chicco Testa (budget of six million euro).
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Other atrocities, this time in the medical field, Chiara Manganelli report this video on plots of multinational drug companies, the invention of the diseases, we recommend viewing all related videos:

Ancora nefandezze, Miss Kappa racconta le vicissitudini da terremotata a L'Aquila:

Si ricomincia

Mi pesa scrivere questo post. Mi pesa tanto. L'ho iniziato da tempo, e sempre archiviato fra quelli da pubblicare. Ma, ogni volta che entro in questo spazio, lo ritrovo. Iniziato e mai finito. Lo ritrovo a dirmi che c'è qualcosa di non detto. Di non raccontato. Eppure ho sempre raccontato tutto quello che sentivo essere importante rispetto alla condizione di noi Aquilani. Non lo finivo, in attesa di una conclusione che fortemente aspettavo positiva. Ma ora è tempo di dire. It 's a post about a failure. But I want to make a post that also speaks of rebirth. Yet another rebirth.
I've always told the Eagle the paradigm of Italy, well, also the conclusion which is coming this paper it is.
"Because a blog can help to be reborn from the rubble," I wrote this, now twenty-one months ago. And I thought the physical debris. And the moral. But this movement of rebellion and rebirth, I'm telling that from 6 April 2009, the first one, then with some fellow travelers and then by many, has failed. Failed not because they died, but because it has missed its target. What? The only: that of citizens without a city that, together, go back the china. And reconstruction, if not their homes and their city, which is prevented, the social fabric and human relationships.
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Let misery of our house with the Knight still bolted to the chair, a good initiative of the blog Thinking Women to be run on the web, in streets, public places:

Appeal to demand the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi

Women Thinking calls for the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi and his government .

we ask how women, as citizens, and we ask with all those men and citizens who do not accept to be ruled by Berlusconi and his government.

While it is clear that today as women and as an association that protects the representation of women, can not but speak the havoc yet again made against us must be equally clear that the inadequacy of Berlusconi to govern Italy, with the scandals sex is only in recent days came to a climax and end.

  1. The inability of Silvio Berlusconi's government is likely to have already dented the credibility of our country at international level: reflected by its total lack of sense of the state from personalistic management of public affairs, by his repeated gaffes, and by the numerous accusations that are recognized as the contest with the Mafia, extortion and the facilitation of child prostitution . Berlusconi has long since lost any sense of limits, dragging the entire nation through the collusion of a court of loyal vassals ready to do anything to receive her favors, a decline of enormous proportions, to recover which will take many years and many, profound change.
  2. The sex scandals of recent days are just the latest in a huge series. Over the years of his government - with a strong surge in the last two, before our eyes is painted a shocking picture, whose characters and details are continuing to emerge - not because, as would have us believe, is a haunted / interceptor / spying-but because it is a matter of such magnitude that it is impossible, despite the resources used, to buy the silence of those who have seen and heard. A question arises at this point, more than legitimate: who governs Italy as the head of government and all his ministers have pledged to cover the evil deeds of one who is not even able to buy a public credibility?
  1. Misogyny Berlusconi is such that he did underestimate the danger of scandal, and yet it is the women who are starting to talk about: Veronica Lario first with his prophetic letter, then Patrick D'Addario with his anger, then various Letizia, Barbara Montereale, Ruby, Nadia Macri, who for a moment losing sight of guile and cynicism have been tangled up revealing, perhaps despite themselves, what they knew. But it is also a story of determination and seriousness of women like Anna Fiorillo and Ilda Boccassini that challenge the silence and using the tools of justice are contributing to the sinking of the last final blow.
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Talking about the similarity with the Cayman Youporn and Silvio from Byoblu :



Welcome to the Republic of Bunga Bunga . The Italians are crazy for YouSilvio . Spend hours watching television, in newspapers and on the internet to masturbate. Choose the category that stirs them, and there's something for every taste, and then smear as teenagers 30 years ago on the catalogs the Postal Market.
Who is fond of anal click on Ruby. For those who prefer blonde goes straight into the channel of Noemi. If you are gay , Signorini attizzerà you a lot. In the category shemale reigns supreme De Filippi, if you love blowjobs (perversion with toilet), the Minetti is a must, and if you excite the 'interracial Maristhelle not fail to attract like bees on honey.
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the comment of a judge on this shameful and disgraceful affair, Felix Da Lima :

The inevitable punishment of history

My wife and I are both judges and pay our service for twenty-five years in Sicily.

In the past it was only in the most troubled of the underworld and crime more odious judges (and therefore us) we become apostrophe with insulting remarks - type "cop" , "curnutu" , and others - who , being a criminal, he wanted to make a difference, so to speak ontological with whom, in his universe of reference, was serving the enemy : ie, the state.

And yet, these criminals and even the worst of them pronounced the injuries only when they spoke to each other or in environments where they had shared system of values \u200b\u200b so to speak. Why

anywhere else other than a slum even the most squalid mugs were referring to the judges with formal respect even insincere but aware of the fact that living in a civil society or at least vaguely civil or aspiring, would say Cetto, any civil requires at least feign a certain minimum respect for the rule.

For several years now, however, the typical language of the most squalid slum of the worst thugs is in use at Head of Government and is aired on all media at all times and preferably to one relying on generalist television.

So my wife and I we are forced to ban the use of television - and supremely in the news several times - to our teenage children, so that their souls disoriented on a simple showing of ideas that parents in some the way they taught: that judges are at the service of the State and have an honorable job.

Neither would make sense to deny the President of the Council before our children, because it seems clear that if the Prime Minister, like any hardened criminal, says that judges are enemies of the state, each person will be easily induced to think that we can not escape the alternative lies in the fact that if the prime minister was right, the judges were really the Anti-State, but if he was wrong, then no doubt he would be the Anti-State. And it's hard to say which of the two alternatives is worse.
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Here is the summary of previous episodes written by Andrea Scalzi :

vile disgusting brothels

of Andrea Scanzi

ditosantanch Did you think that the bottom had been reached. And yet.
recap: Last Thursday, Daniela Santanché imitates imitating Darth Vader Stielike the World 82. For Annozero , drawing a flirty hair in the left nostril and the typical charm prognathism, the Pasionaria Armchairs rebuke with a wealth of anti-Berlusconi, reminding us that there is no Rubygate and we're all idiots.
The outburst seems to coincide with the climax of a crescendo through which the Praetorians of Sire means removing the evidence, apparently irrefutable, for dinners with the girls of the neighborhood dell'Orgettina (Not a typo). Soon, there is instead a further acceleration. The next morning
Annozero , Lady Santadeché leaves Agora, the area of \u200b\u200bpacatissimo RaiTre led by Andrea Vianello, the quiet man of the world. The intervention of the caricature of Donna Rachele is so excessive as to induce Giampiero Mughini, not exactly an DiPietro, shouting: "But in what corner of the zoo ....". Lady Santadechè, exhaling the usual order of sentences, all made no sense to leave the study. Leaving a gap comparable to the day when Mannari Mock said goodbye to Milan.
Amicone_Luigi More or less simultaneously, Paolo Liguori, one of 712 living demonstrations of how the Sixty-eight have left just different offshoots from the original wish Mario Capanna, reminds us that we live in a police state and that the prosecutors in Milan seem the Communists of Germany 'East in the film The Lives of Others . Of his speech, like all the unnecessary interventions Liguori, does not affect both the ease with which he could remove the contents, but the fact that a masterpiece is grimly referred to in para-political reasons. By people who, in addition, maybe even have seen the movie (it wont even mention it Santadechè).
In the midst of such a display of intellectual freedom from Discount, stands out - like a bean stew on the horizon - the Brave Luigi Amicone. The Director of times, the only publication that has more pages that readers get to compare Berlusconi adulterers stoned in the public square (those jerks from the Islamists, perhaps). Amicone, as of MUST (?), Surprises us with its depth overt aphasic. A strong second only to that of bigotry Casini (the anti-abortion) and mindful of the dictates of the master of open-mindedness Baget Bozzo, Amicone The Man warns that a desire to climb on mirrors to be hatched as an unrepentant lusty novel martyr of the moralists. It 's true that Amicone about sex is an absolute abstraction. But perhaps even he, this time, he went over. Unless he applies the rule that Hannibal Lecter is just a victim of slander of journalists vegans. Do not miss one more
vittorio-sgarbi-il-sesso-e-un-coc_asp24711img1 ischemic attack by Vittorio Sgarbi, is the first Melandri as an outcast, then gives the "mafia" Peter Gomez. Ah: Sgarbi, one for which Casey was a professional antimafia gives the mafioso Peter Gomez. As if the bitch to give Nadia Macri Rosy Bindi.
rumor Sunday that the government wants to lower the threshold of adulthood, with retroactive effect (between riot pedophiles). It sounds like a joke: it seems. Monday circulates the sneaky ad personam to leave the prosecutor in his underwear. It does not seem a joke: it is not.
Meanwhile, in every corner of the world, the lure is in the carpet. Even in Uganda, used unfairly as a yardstick when someone was still communist, you almost feel the earthly version of the utopias of Thomas More.
In the evening, Lady Santadechè back. This time by Enrico Mentana. In one of his many jokes that are not funny, the comic-housewife Littizzetto advised her to go to Tg La7 to show the middle finger (uuuuuh, which frown satirical).
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Intervention of Maurizio Crozza on feasts of Arcore Ballarò is hilarious:

blog Dalle8alle5 reveals the background on pumps and related Arcore:

are known (or rather infamous) as a child for improper questions I do.
My mother, after 50 years, still remember with embarrassment that I, earliest frugolina still uncertain about the legs, I asked strangers met on the street, stuff like: sir, but you are rich? lady, but because your hair is a bit 'blacks and a bit' gialli?
La mia curiosità non conosce remore e nemmeno savoir-faire; per dirne una, quasi ventenne mi sono giocata un probabile marito della Milano bene, all’epoca tirocinante in pronto soccorso, perché, nel bel mezzo di una pomiciata sotto le stelle, gli ho chiesto a bruciapelo: ma quando amputate un arto, poi dove va a finire?
Il tirocinante, nonostante ci fossero stati tra noi ben sei mesi di splendida liaison amoureuse, mi scaricò la sera stessa. Però prima rispose alla mia domanda.
Quindi non c’è da meravigliarsi se nella mia testa ronzano sempre quesiti, spesso improvvidi. Di uno di questi sono riuscita a venirne a capo, finalmente!, ieri sera quando ho trovato in Rete un vecchio amico, soggetto perfetto perché barone ospedaliero, dotato di cultura enciclopedica e curioso più di me.
Gli ho chiesto: ma se il silvio è stato operato di un tumore alla prostata anni e anni fa, mi spieghi com'è possibile che abbia ancora erezioni?
Risposta: ma dài, lo sanno tutti, ha una pompetta, cioè una pompa interna peniena.
Incredula, ho cercato su Google e sì, tale Gianni Barbacetto , giornalista, l'ha effettivamente detto a Rai3, durante la trasmissione Agorà del 18.01.2011.

Le domande di Pyperita sulla cultura Television:

Did you know?

photos sparklystardust

Measure your culture

  1. Who won the final contest of Miss Italy?
  2. What is the name of one of the participants GF 11?
  3. Which channel airs the program Mystery?
  4. How many cooks are to try the Chef?
  5. know the name of the dog Alfonso Signorini?
  6. Where will the ultimate Famous Island?
If you have not been able to answer these questions by first grade of the viewer are: ignorant.

And therefore unfit to live in this country and obviously doomed to unhappiness.

The images of the blogger friends from El3onor3 :

Da Oro Fiorentino :

Da Solesenzanuvole :


Da Kay Blu :

Da Rosa rossa_3 :


Latest told by Vauro :

And enema :


Qualcuno ha sentito parlare del Carnevale di quest'anno ??


Ogni volta pensiamo di aver toccato il fondo, ma non è così.
Forse l'età avanzata, forse una sniffatina in più.
In questo modo si precipita verso il basso, senza paracadute.
E non manca la maleducazione, l'arroganza e la pretesa di essere soli nel giusto.
respect and education are not baggage of some people who unfortunately have free access to the means of mass communication.
Congratulations to Gad Lerner, who knows how to respond firmly and gracefully placed by the midwife.


What really lies behind the revolt of the Egyptian people?

Pill of the day: Even in China si parla di noi!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Funny Friend Invitation For Wedding

A spin doctors on the radio

A spin doctors on the radio
Inkiostro and Philip have dedicated an episode of their fingerprints, radio program broadcast on RadioCitta Fujiko, interview with yours truly. We talked about brand and Wikileaks, phantom of political communications, hip-hop, di marketing e di serie tv. Per la cronaca è stata città anche Hello Kitty.
Per gli amanti dei logorroici, il podcast del programma è qui.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ideas For A 54th Birthday Party

Legegte attetnaemnte

Legegte attetnaemnte

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Creative Baby Congratulation Wording

-Zeitgeist The Movie, a documentary about historical conspiracies

In alto: Immagine tratta dal blog

Da piccolo ero cosi' brutto che quando mia sorella mi ha visto per la prima volta ha detto a mia madre: "Perché non abbiamo tenuto la cicogna?".
Diego Parassole .

The Movie-Zeitgeist, documentario sui complotti storici

Large plots of history beginning with the enormous buffalo of the Catholic religion, a "faith" that has convinced a few billion people to believe that there exists a God in heaven who sees all and understands all things, an old gentleman who will judge us at the end of our days ... This documentary divided into three parts, distinct but apparently facing a single message: Dal sito ZeitGeist il film The Movie :

Un altro grande complotto della storia è stato rendere illegale la coltivazione della canapa in tutto il pianeta, con questa pianta eccezionale si possono produrre oltre ventiseimila prodotti, come carta, vestiti, plastiche biodegradabili ecc. Dal sito Usi della Canapa i principali prodotti che si possono realizzare con la coltivazione di questa pianta:


Si parla sempre molto di environment, but it also speaks very inappropriately. In fact, despite the many debates, when there is a chance to replace oil with natural and renewable raw materials, none of it (just as no one has ever noticed the biggest waste of energy resources in history, that of methane) . Of course, it is very difficult today to imagine that a developed economy can do without oil, millions of trees killed every year to make paper, and industrial chemicals. It is equally difficult to imagine a society without a tributary of the mountains of waste, pollution and other environmental damage to which we have long been accustomed to.
Yet there is a concrete and well-founded hope: that hope comes from hemp. With the raw materials of hemp can be produced, cleanly and cost-effective, textiles, paper, plastics, paints, fuel, building materials and even an edible oil of high quality. Hemp has been among the cultivated species, one of the few known since ancient times in both the East and West. In China it was used since prehistoric times for making ropes and fabrics, and more than 2000 years ago was used to produce the first sheet of paper. In the Mediterranean, the Phoenicians already used sails canapa per le loro imbarcazioni. E nella Pianura Padana la canapa è stata coltivata per la fibra tessile fin dall'epoca romana. Ma quali sono le materie prime della canapa, e quali prodotti se ne possono ottenere?

MATERIE PRIME - L a canapa è una pianta dal fusto alto e sottile, con la parte sommitale ricoperta di foglie, e può superare i 4 metri d'altezza. La parte fibrosa del fusto si chiama "tiglio" e la parte legnosa "canapolo". La canapa può essere coltivata per due scopi principali: per la fibra tessile o per i semi. Se si coltiva la canapa per la fibra tessile il raccolto va fatto subito dopo la fioritura, e si possono ottenere fibre tessili (20 %), stoppa (10 %) e legno o canapolo(70 %). Se invece si coltiva la canapa per i semi, la parte fibrosa o tiglio è interamente costituita da stoppa, cioè da fibra di qualità inferiore inadatta per l'uso tessile, ma che può sostituire la maggior parte delle fibre industriali. Una importante caratteristica della pianta di canapa è la sua produttività. E' una delle piante più produttive in massa vegetale di tutta la zona temperata: una coltivazione della durata di tre mesi e mezzo produce una biomassa quattro volte maggiore di quella prodotta dalla stessa superficie di bosco in un anno. Molti contadini vogliono riprendere to grow hemp if only because, given its fast growth, takes away the light and smothers all other plants on the ground, and therefore free from all pests do not know better than herbicides.
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We talk about the miseries of our house and the scandals that have involved our premier small, sex scandals and bribery, many articles on the subject, and especially the views of women, we begin with a call to Knight's resignation from site launched Libertaegiustizia :

Resignation: Sign the appeal di LeG

Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Paul Ginsborg e Sandra Bonsanti per tutta Libertà e Giustizia

1. Dimissioni
Chiediamo a Silvio Berlusconi di dimettersi immediatamente.
In nessun altro paese democratico un Primo ministro, indagato per così gravi capi di accusa, rimarrebbe in carica. Tutti i cittadini italiani, di qualsiasi credo politico, devono essere consapevoli che l’immagine del loro paese sarà profondamente danneggiata se Berlusconi rimarrà al suo posto.

2. Presenza in aula
Chiediamo a Silvio Berlusconi di non utilizzare la televisione per difendersi e screditare i magistrati grazie to his considerable media power, but would like to present to the judges every citizen. In court, Mr Berlusconi will still benefit from having signed the highest paid lawyers in the country. We hope for him and for Italy, which is able to prove his innocence. Since Berlusconi and his supporters argue that the courts are hopelessly biased against it, remember that more than one occasion he was granted the benefit of the doubt. If Mondadori, for example, the court judged in November 2001, the position of head of government a "mitigating circumstance" that, only in his case, the prosecution dropped the statute of limitations.

3. The role of the President of the Republic
In a situation where two major branches of government - the judiciary and the executive - face off in an extremely dangerous fight for the future of the Republic, we ask the President Napolitano to assess the situation and intervene promptly, within the limits prescribed by the Constitution.

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Indigniamoci! by Articolo21 :

Indigniamoci! How much more Abuser Berlusconi of our patience? The cost of his sexual privacy.

How long will run again because Italy was angry, like the rest of the Western world free?

How much longer will it take for the Church by Pope Benedict XVI, the Secretary of State Bertone, the President of CEI Bagnasco, come out of their liturgies and gattopardesche indignino?

Who will pay the bill for this scandal to end autocratic regime?

He's right the old French intellectual Stephan Hessel, partisan, long-time diplomat, author of the book "Indignatevi", recalled in this society in crisis because there are many reasons to be indignant, and because only thus becomes the first step to engage and seek to change our future. Yet another scandal "red light" that involves the old Patriarch of Arcore in his long gray and sunset can also be addressed in a different light, in addition to the legal, political, moral and health. These are the costs to the community that this incident betrays the courageous judiciary's investigation in Milan.

According to what has been published so far, in this case is about "itchy" and, going back to the other regarding Naomi, D'Addario, parties in villas in Sardinia at Palazzo Grazioli and Arcore, it appears that the standard of living "after-work" of the Prime Minister Berlusconi is really greedy. That's why his second wife, Veronica Lario, in the case of judicial separation and charge Berlusconi has asked for a staggering € 3.5 million per month as monthly allowance for maintenance, in addition to the villa in Macherio, while the other party would be willing to lend to 300 000 or so, over usufruct of Villa Belvedere (estimated in 2010 to 78 million and 156 000 €: 120 thousand square meters to which was added an area of \u200b\u200b286 000 others).

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point of view of women, since women's bodies blog :

Develop Anger

Available From The Daily Made in the Republic, through Grillo, I read in the network ' dangerous expression of anger. The prime minister and politicians in general is increased by the venom spewed a journalist with articles aimed at the immediate liking but that does not pose any educational purpose or reflection.
What is a journalist from one of the many blogs on the Internet to express your opinion on Nicole Minetti? But this is journalism? And 'This is the function of a popular blog? Mi verrebbe da dire: “e chissenefrega di cosa pensi tu”. Ciò che diventa cruciale oggi è che i blog assumano la funzione di elaboratori della rabbia, giustificata, degli italiani.

Stamane Radio Capital mi ha chiesto in un’intervista cosa penso delle madri e dei padri delle ragazze che si dicono felici se le figlie intrattengono relazioni con i potenti. Ora, può essere che anch’io non ne possa più di dovere rilasciare pareri su mie coetanee che vendono le figlie per un improbabile futuro da velina. Ma sono alla radio, migliaia di persone sono all’ascolto e ho dunque la responsabilità di elaborare il mio pensiero e di proporre un punto di vista articolato che serva a chi mi listen to understand what leads parents to outsiders as well. And 'my duty to say, in words understood as an expression as if the other side there was only Umberto Eco is not a democratic gesture, that these mothers and fathers have daughters / i of a society where "if it does not appear to exist" and that is not enough to be grown to be a responsible person. I will say also that for many, the TV is the only "teacher" in a society where the school is in serious difficulties and that there is a serious problem of illiteracy which also involves the feelings and emotions. It is urgent to offer positive role models to inspire them and that the TV could be a formidable training tool as well as pluralistic information. I'll tell you a few minutes, because these are the rules, and understandable to all: my role in society today is to provide a place where the anger, discontent, are processed with tools for understanding, that now, not all have access to . I think this is a course of action that honors the principle that everyone must be offered education tools, in a country that defines democracy.
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Of Concita De Gregorio :

The other women

There are also other women. There is San Suu Kyi, who says: "A life that is significant beyond the mere gratification of material needs. Not everything can be bought with money, not everyone is willing to be bought. When I think of a richer country I do not think the wealth of money, I think of the children suffering for the people, respect laws, safety of everyone, encouraged education and able to expand their horizons. This is the relief of a people. "

note girls who enter and leave by the Police during these days: they bring bags signed as big as suitcases, shoes by Manolo Blanicka, giant sunglasses that cost as a rental apartment. It is for this reason that spend their nights dressed as nurses to pretend to do shots and have it done by an old millionaire obsessed with his manhood. E 'because they think that having luck is this: a Louis Vuitton suitcase and a driver in the arm as Lele Mora. They think this because they have seen and heard, this offers an example to power, his TV and its leader, the policies being elected for their skills madam, the starlets who become holders of ministries.
Again the chasm is not political: it is cultural. E 'lack of education, culture, awareness and dignity. The absence of an alternative as convincingly. And 'that the damage caused by fifteen years we've been through, this is accomplished political crime: the void, the flight in free fall towards the cathode Middle Ages, Italy finally reduced to a brothel.

I'm sure, I know with certainty that the majority of Italian women is not in line for the bunga bunga. I am sure aware that prostitution as a form of emancipation from want and even as a means of access to ephemeral desires is a choice, if choice in these conditions can be called, For a small minority. It is therefore to the other, all the other women that I speak. For two years I do, but now is the time to answer aloud, where are you girls? Mothers, grandmothers, daughters, grandchildren, where you are. Right or left you are, rich or poor, North or South, women, daughters of a time that other women before you have made it rich in equal opportunity and free, where are you? I really think you can shrug your shoulders, you can not tell me? The big question that weighs on Italy today is not what I do Silvio B. and why.
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Of Consumables :

When the market women is promoted by the head of the government

finally came out on paper what we already knew, but he seemed there were not or do not wish to see the evidence. Thanks to the courage of some judges, first Ilda Boccassini (pictured) who were unwilling to bow your head.
Yes, in our civil and (very hypocritically) catholic Italy a criminal serving head of government , consisting of a journalist (the "court jester" Faith), an impresario with mafia connections (Lele Mora) and a dental hygienist and Regional Councillor Lombardia party of Prime Minister (Nicole Minetti) induced and organized prostitution of young women many of whom is a minor. investigated for induction, facilitation of prostitution and exploitation of the three adult and child, according to the papers of the Milan prosecutor's office that read is still a small part in today's newspapers (the 300-page dossier with details, proofs, print-outs phone, is still classified, examined in these days of the Board for authorization to the House ). Lele Mora in particular was well received € 1 million and a half from Berlusconi, the comparison of such fees for girls (up a diecimila euro, più, per alcune, il comodato d'uso degli appartamenti di una palazzina in via Olgettina a Milano) appaiono briciole. Per Berlusconi si profila il 600 bis comma 2 del Codice penale, cioè atti sessuali con prostituta minore di diciotto anni. E' emerso infatti che Karima El Mahroug "abbia frequentato la residenza di Silvio Berlusconi in Arcore dal febbraio 2010 al maggio 2010", quindi quando era ancora minorenne. E inoltre il premier è indagato per concussione aggravata dalla volontà di nascondere un reato, per essere intervenuto pesantemente nella vicenda del furto da parte della minorenne marocchina, determinando il suo rilascio e l'affidamento irregolare della ragazza a Nicole Minetti. Il tutto contro il parere del magistrate of the child in turn, Anna Fiorillo, who did not hesitate to insist on the irregularity of the proceedings , since she had decided instead to rely Karima a gated community or in police detention until had found a place in the community.
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And finally FemminilePlurale :

is not a question of sex

I believe that recent events involving Mr. B. not a question of sex. Or I think that Mr. B. would be able when he wants to be a young girlfriend and condescending. A woman who would be willing to keep it close to everything (sexually speaking). I also believe that B. could safely turn to a professional escort agencies if what interested him was just sex. There are elite agency to which the rich people like him can go to for what they want. But I think that in B. not enough. She needed someone to recruit these women outside of prostitution of high rim. Why bother so always seek new women, young people, not the trade? He is not interested in sex, but rather the exercise of power against these women.
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Finally we all have the ability to call directly to your phone our head of government to problems of any kind you can ask him and he will respond with a phone call to your requests, since the number is published as it was since so many people (you can find under the headings of the girls attend the feasts ...) is right that we who are the employers of small Silvio least we have the right to have ... from the blog Nonleggerequestoblog :

Here comes the mobile phone of Silvio Berlusconi.

Putting together the half this number in the call log of the Brazilian escort Michel ( reported in the 389 pages of ' subpoena served on the Knight of the PM Milan), half the number escort Nadia Macri shown by the last episode of Annozero - material in the public domain and available to all - is the result.

335 1500 431
Silvio Berlusconi

In practice, the 2011 Italian citizens have discovered the private number Chairman of the Board of their crossing the telephone books of two prostitutes, and I think with everything that was said. Finally

Marco Travaglio in this editorial should our Prime Minister to appear in court accompanied by a nurse stethoscope and armed with pump to the pressure:

partial infirmity of mind
Tangentopoli To explain, the prosecutor more Clean Hands witty often says: "In any economy the number of thieves can never exceed the number of robbed. When the thieves arrive at the 51% they begin to rob each other and the system implodes . Now here we go again. Humble faith which is the crest on the "loans" of Cain to Lele Mora is the emblem of a court and hungry predators, where everyone and steal all those who ultimately foots the bill is always he, poor B. Some Faggioli in a hurry, " I have only one thousand euro, I have to raise cash for force", and wait hopefully a new Bunga bunga. But rumor has it that he "wants to reduce dinners" and especially after dinner, so that a meditator Iris " It is time we begin to steal something in the house . Another Erinyes assumed the final solution: "What balls 'I'm old, in a little' sends us fuck them all ... that's the right time to kill him ... I am going to pull his face the statue. " That is, he deludes them with his charm electrocuted, " want to put the pleasure of conquest? . And those, suborn the party of hate, call it "our source of profit ", " man that sucks", " I saw him out, fat, ugly, more dead than alive has become too bad (the first was a cool but crazy, ed) : should only release. I hope to be more generous, I do not give him a dick ... .
A swarm of locusts
Assatanate and parasitic leeches, all wearing at that pover'ometto, among other elderly and seriously ill, to suck the blood (also). He has already had to pay Craxi, financiers, judges, Mills, a thousand members of parliament (the "responsible" twice, bought and bought back), servants, journalists, reporters servants, pimps, procurers, bricks, hoes (twice, Bunga Bunga for and then the silence), and now also has to buy himself a girlfriend. And what is an ATM? A case of circumvention of an incapable, but mass. And to think that he, in his own way, tried to communicate his infirmities when he did disguise some nursing care is needed because, other than erotic toys. Only those who did not understand, nor Lele Mora that so erudite a pupa, "Since you nurse officer, you have to take him a joke ... about ... what measures the pressure and then a fake shirt " . Roberta: "What by Dr. ... with nothing in the course ... . Lele, "The you buy today ... then you put the stethoscope on the nurse's shirt and stockings under white ... . Roberta: "Watch Lele I do, I swear ... I do not lack the courage ". Lele, "The say, 'Surprise! I'm the nurse, I see ... '. " Roberta: " A private visit to make sure his state of health ... . Lele: " Exactly ... you know how to laugh ... he has fun as hell . Roberta: " fact, for what little I know is a joke . Lele: " Yes, yes, it makes the fake sick . Roberta: " Yes, it did just last night . Lele: "However feeling great, wonderful. It is expected a great future for you, baby .

insensitive people: that is really bad and they think that pretend. Now poor sick big risks, and can indeed be said to be lucky anyone else in his place, is already in jail.
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Another vileness of this government is leaving the citizens affected by the earthquake in Italy without any chance to rebuild their homes, especially the city of L'Aquila, Thirty Seconds recalls those terrible moments:

Those "thirty" second

Last weekend I went to Rome with my son. I was surprised to remember how perfectly the way to arrive at the home of Gustavo. "Mom, remember? Just after the earthquake have come forward to back for almost a month! "
I had a crash. I had forgotten, simply shelved.
And so I wanted to plunge back into that time: travel, I and my children. We slept in Rome and in the morning, go! All in L'Aquila. To find friends, talk to everyone in the camp, who happened to bring bread, oil, blankets. A few days later one of my sons was with me at the University and helped me. He answered the phones went crazy, talking to all students who reached us and, like me, gave information to all through a wireless connection Coppito. Only one day remained in Rome to buy underwear desperate for some friends in tent cities.
Then we bought a camper and settled in L'Aquila, with electricity supplied by my brother, outside his home.
These memories are mostly made up of sensations, feelings, what you felt. I remember feeling like predominant feeling is all the same, in solidarity. I do not remember any other time in my life where so many people appeared to me like that. To As it was painful, it was exciting and liberating to talk to everyone. It was a driving force, which allowed us to work, and continue to resist, at least hope to do so.
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The intensive use of pesticides in agriculture is literally endangering the lives of bees, could be a few years a species endangered and soon will become extinct even the human being, an appeal from the blog Dalfusoditaiwan :

Emergency API
In silence and in the world, billions of bees are dying, putting
threat to our crops and food. But
a global ban on a group of pesticides
could save bees from extinction.
not just bees, but the entire supply chain
given that bees contribute to pollination

Four European countries have started to ban these poisons, and some bee populations are recovering. But the chemical industry are bringing heavy pressure to keep the killer pesticides on the market.
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The outburst Phoebe1976 on dismal representation of puttanificio Arcore:

Preda degli ormoni

Se c'è una cosa al mondo che mi infastidisce è quando, credendo di essere divertenti e smaliziati, gli uomini davanti ad una reazione femminile leggermente aggressiva si sentono in diritto di chiedere “ Ma che hai il ciclo? ”.
Grrr... grrr.... posso parlare? parlo? Allora vado, eh!?

Ecco, a parte che non sanno assolutamente di cosa si parla, io vorrei tanto chiedergli “Vi siete mai chiesti perché è toccato a noi donne avere il ciclo e fare figli? Perché un uomo con 37 di febbre è già in punto di morte!”
Come stavo dicendo.
Sono preda degli ormoni.
Sarà che sono in lotta con me stessa per smettere la pillola, sarà che c'ho 35 anni e la menopausa si avvicina. E visto che va così, ho deciso di rendere il mio sclero una rubrica fissa sul blog ( ne siete felici, eh? ).

Quindi, veniamo al sodo.
O all'argomento del contendere, che poi sennò vi illudete.

Tu, pidiellino orgoglioso, tu che sei una specie rara perché in Italia tutti dicono che non l'hanno votato , sì proprio tu. Tu che mi hai detto che non c'è niente di male nelle feste di Arcore, perché ognuno a casa sua fa quello che vuole. Tu che ridacchi e dai di gomito con i tuoi amichetti, ridendo sotto i baffi all’annuncio che il Silvio s’è fidanzato, proprio a te vorrei dire una serie di cosette:

Tu che vedi i festini di Arcore come il non plus ultra del figo e li rimiri con invidia e una punta di lussuria, non ti fai nemmeno un po' schifo? Ma se tua figlia minorenne andasse ad una festa ad Arcore, tu saresti contento? Ce l'accompagneresti bella bella, in mezzo ai vecchietti allupati? Magari le faresti anche le codine Lolita style o le accorceresti la minigonna? Dimmi, dimmi. Ti ascolto. Come dici? Those there did not show their age? And what do you know how your daughter will be in 17 years?

pidiellino my friend, do not you feel bad to see a Big Jim with shoe polish on his head and forehead tingle from botox and shiny as the butt of a baby babbles of crap on TV while problems Italy and several others are very clever use of Viagra?

You, maybe six or underpaid workers, do not you upset that your premier rather than implement policies to encourage work and protect the weaker parties to be with Marchionne ("But at least he is maggiorenne! ” Luciana Litizzetto op.cit.) e inciti alla delocalizzazione delle imprese come se fosse un imprenditore qualunque e non il Presidente del Consiglio?? Ma lo sai che tuo figlio non troverà un lavoro precario e malpagato nemmeno sventolando la tessera del PDL?

... Continua

Il referendum in FIAT è terminato con una stringata maggioranza dei si a favore dello stravolgimento dello statuto dei lavoratori all'interno dell'azienda, da Alessandro Robecchi le similitudini tra FIAT e Bunga Bunga:

Nel reparto bunga-bunga vince il sì, but so far has won the

yes - although very little - even in the departments of the establishment of bunga-bunga Arcore. Now shifts to the young ladies will be longer pause to rest only ten minutes, the right to strike is no longer guaranteed. It turns out, would have voted no to the cutest girls, those who know him the job, they know the fatigue, exhaustion, burn-out that door. The pole lap dance often begins to turn cold, the soup kitchen is always a bit 'sad and tricolor penne with songs that hail the master Berluschionne, the humiliation of the withdrawal of the envelopes with the salary, allowances or without contributions. Meanwhile, many say, heard by the police, the business plan is not clear, does not arrive, you do not even see. Other complaints of illegal hiring of a kind: Emilio called Lele, Lele pass the truck to pick them, they arrive at the factory and change: street clothes and overalls, a nurse, a policeman, topless. After the break (ten minutes) some out of the gates, tired, others last for overtime, which can last all night. The new agreement provides no disease before the holidays and no right to strike, no voter loses the right all'appartamentino paid by the company. Voted yes, the most privileged, the used, past the assembly line assignments most prestigious, such as recruitment, or delegating them to the police station surprises out of the factory child workers without papers.
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And speaking of our car factory in Turin, Michele Serra was able to find a preview of the new models that will be put into production in the coming months:

And the Americans the new Balilla

After winning the referendum, Sergio Marchionne has already turned the corner. To lead by example and encourage the workers entered the factory for undertaking the laying of the cornerstone of Fiat Still, the new brick strongly backed by Lapo Elkann. And, with a gesture of great symbolic value, the last bolt was screwed last, glorious Millecento sixties, still in production in a department that employs workers old, with posters on the walls of Gimondi and Anquetil. But here is the other important news.

New Chrysler
Mirafiori Finally you can produce fabulous American cars! As the limousine Potomac, eight meters long, with leather interior and a Corinthian colonnade of bison that divides the cockpit from the living room, which will be produced in at least ten copies. The dune-buggy Crazy, a small car with truck wheels perfectly suited for the evolutions in the desert, already half-booked by dealers Fiat Italy thanks to a stratagem: Marconi took over hidden characteristics of the car. The impressive two-storey Ingomber SUV, with a lift, powered by a communal boiler. And the spirit Strike!, A four-wheel two-seater chopper that Marchionne has already driven the streets of Detroit knocking down a row of street lamps on the outward and return to a school on the sidewalk. Corso Marconi estimates that the new U.S. models will affect very little in sales, but will give a decisive turning gray image of the brand, as calls for Lapo Elkann.

Fiat Fiom
is the new model designed specifically for the subscribers of the Fiom, which can no longer enter the factory but, according to the agreements must continue production at home. Screws onto each worker, on the kitchen table, what comes to hand, then deliver it to the neighbor who will add another piece and so on, until the complete car. The production cycle lasts from fifteen to eighteen. Each model will be completely different. Has not received any reservation by the dealers, art galleries, but some said they were concerned. The company has asked to go home Lapo Elkann Fiom workers to give useful tips and information about New York nightlife. Immediate tightening of labor relations.
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Lory75 and laundry particular:

This morning I did the laundry ..... Sorry ... I'll see if it dried ..

The beautiful images of Kamasa54 :

grieved your spirit ....

Of Gold Fiorentino :


Of Cuore562 :

Of Viola62 :

Any flower you are ...
when your time will be opportunities ...
before then .. a long, cold night you can pass.
also dreams of the night dpvrerai strength and nourishment
so ... be patient toward what happens to you ... cared for and loved ...
not compare yourself to want more sex a flower. . ... Because
there is no better flower best
of what is open to the fullness of what 'that is ...
and when you come true '
potrai scoprire che andavi sognando
di essere un fiore che aveva da fiorire...OSHO

Le ultime opere di Vauro sul nostro piccolo premier e le sue orge:

I commenti piccanti di Enema :


Silvio tries to save face.
He invents a stable relationship, in a vain attempt to stay afloat

... fixed but the couple has its drawbacks!

dangerous distraction

between a scandal and a bunga bunga, the small Silvio manages to divert the attention of Italians on a very important fact:
is not doing anything for the country.
thousands - even millions - of families are without work and without money, while he spends € 70 000 to orgy and nobody seems to realize this.

From pan to fire

Inspired by the spirit of a moving body (the offense), and Umbertino Robertino (not me, I mean the Calderoli ) Silvietta urge to take a vacation to recover from the night of intense bunga bunga.
In sostituzione avrebbero offerto al trombatore seriale la piena disponibilità a sostituirlo nei suoi impegni politici.
Praticamente a non fare un cazzo !!

Meno male

For a while I started to experiment with the cartoons ... here's a prime example!