Saturday, October 25, 2008

How Long For Infant Ear Infection

Mamy XD

Holaaaa!! I'm back in here again with you with another character in the homestay Murders colored PC ghgh well, and the mother of the protagonist, who do you think? you also would like the uahahah vabbu 'nuff said here it is Mrs. Antoinette Murders ciauuuuXDXDXD

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Senior Week New Jersey


Salveeeee and place so that nn eh? and sisi but laziness and bad but I was sick sigh vabbu perk here is the picture that I also sent to the challenge of my own version Pusciastova sexi ghgh well, say that I hope you like ciauuuXDXDXDXD

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Windows Live Messenger Does Not Detect Webcam


Salveeeee nn since I felt like I had a color montaggino on a video game that I love Castlevania Symphony of the Night ^ ^ ^ ^ I love vampires ghgh visa ke bhe cmq XD I hope you like ciauuuuuuu

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Guy Acts Awkward Around You

An eccentric "puppy" Jess

I'm back to you with another picture I took eheh now fixed with Murders ghgh vabbu cmq hours vi presento il "cucciolo" di jess. Bhe essendo una ragazza strana nn puo avere un cane o un gatto no?? quindi eccovi la sua Pantegana Anakleto spero vi piaccia e al prox personaggio ciauuuuu^^