Monday, December 21, 2009
Una Flaminia su rotaie.
L'architetto Claudia Palazzetti, che sarà tra i candidati alle regionali del PDL, rilancia una proposta da decenni nel cassetto, ossia realizzare una direttrice ferroviaria Roma- Perugia - Urbino - Rimini - Venezia che toglierebbe dall'isolamento la Città Ducale e Cagli.
Il progetto c'è.
Lo ha elaborato l'ingegnere urbinate Raffaello Cioppi e dal 2000 è depositato al Ministry of Transport.
Besides the obvious advantage in terms of tourism cist are no different for environmental benefits.
In essence it would revitalize the ancient Flaminia, in railway version, as an alternative to the current unosce link the two coasts and passing through Florence.
Cioppi The draft has already had at the time the general consensus of the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, the Province of Venice and Ravenna, and other companies interested by the work.
The challenge for the rail and won the start, the bet is to find the various institutional levels of government men who want to turn words and ideas into action.
The benefits of environmental sono confermati da uno studio del CER nel quale si evidenzia come eliminando il trasporto su gomma si potrebbe avere una riduzione del 10% di emissione di anidride carbonica e del 7% di gas.
Infatti su strada ferrata si consuma il 91% in meno rispetto al volo, il 77% rispetto al camion, il 68% in meno rispetto all'auto.
Monday, November 30, 2009
For Bare Floor Which Is Best Robot
Su e giù per il territorio della provincia, sono andata a caccia di ricordi, di domande, di attese. Armata di passione, con il gazebo di Evoluzionaria, ho trovato e ritrovato il senso delle mie radici. Sono partita piena d’amore per il mio territorio, sono tornata ancora più stregata dalla bellezza di borghi e luoghi.
Ancora più convinta dell’indispensabilità to replace a policy day by day, poor and sloppy, a policy "high", made of feasible projects and reworking of hearing individual and collective.
So I decided to stand in the forthcoming regional elections driven by a strong appeal, mature, tested in the field.
Anyone who knows me knows that.
My trip was in need and hope. Need than the paucity of ideas and non-presence of official policy, need not be isolated and need to get institutional neglect.
And hope, beyond the crisis, beyond suspicion, beyond the proclamations and "rehearse" the last election now, for a better future. A
Gabicce the sun rises and sets in the sea.
E 'from here, from this metaphor, I want to leave. From
un''idea of \u200b\u200bfuture solar and positive, to be invented. From the initial resistance of the people melt into streams of words, from "anoraks pull" to ask, do not ask for the superfluous, but what is right and necessary. In these places, in countries such as in cities, the hustle and bustle of the media shoot of Fini is a shadow without substance. Here
the PDL needs to be more. He needs us here, not only the solar image, recognizing and protecting (I say this without irony, indeed!) Berlusconi. Here ideas are waiting to become body and soul. Here, every time, with amazing variations idiomatic, I heard the same Litany by young people anxious about the lack of employment prospects, by SMEs and contractors that are in crisis, the crisis of Merloni Smash-and do not have roads and infrastructure.
farmers that count and earn very little, tour operators and the tourist industry that almost do not understand, but him-if-you-understand-and explain how the lack, by the regional government, a vision system. And then the health gap, the mediocritas of our hospital services that stand up not for strategic and organizational development, but the dedication of individual doctors and health workers. And yet I have heard and listened to the stories of the failures of the school and the mortification of the training. I say no more because those who live in by user or a professional, he knows everything. Evolutionary was right then. He pointed the telescope towards real goals, real and possible. To change, according to the rules of our democratic system, voting is a new and different.
I tell them all across the board on the right and left. Those absent, and the thousands of disappointed with the regulars of the white card. Listen people, we can reverse course. We must do this. Who will do it for you? None. Do not delude ourselves.
One woman, one of our in Urbania said: "But you sir palace, what is doing here wasting time ... so nothing changes?". To all of you let the ball: the choice is between inaction and fatalism-a possible change, evolutionary.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Best Deals For Brazilian Waxing Mississauga, On
"I remember like two years ago, when the left was taking Italy to the decline, even you Liberals Popular ask me strongly to take the initiative to overcome the fragmentation of the center and found the Italian section of the European People's Party.
When I launched the idea in Milan the People of Freedom immediately have adhered to our great and epoch-making project.
Today we are the government and our parliamentary groups are the focus the majority.
Forza Italy, National Alliance, the Popular Liberals and other political forces have created the People of Freedom in which you represent, especially the liberal Catholic values. In our great party has to coexist with equal dignity those coming from the right democratic, secular socialist who experience and who, like you, represents the continuity of a policy that Sturzo De Gasperi until the disappearance of the Christian Democrats in 1994 is still was an alternative to the left, a presence that I like and I intend to personally guarantee.
In these three days of work you have shown once again that on the big issues of bioethics, the right to life, family, solidarity with the Southern Italy, immigration and integration in the security of all citizens, you made a certainty which can look with confidence to Catholics and those who lay with Cross can not but recognize the Christian roots of our country .
To you and all friends of the Liberal People's heartfelt best wishes to take root and grow together even more in our great country the People of Freedom ".
Rome, November 15, 2009
-Silvio Berlusconi
Monday, October 26, 2009
Vidos Niñatas Follando
Ceron REMIGIO Regional Coordinator PDL
Vice Coord.Reg CHARLES GREAVES. vicar PDL
BRINI OTTAVIO Capogruppo/Vice Capogruppo Regionale
PISTARELLI FABIO Capogruppo/Vice Capogruppo Regionale
CITERONI LUIGI Segretario Amministrativo PDL
DE SIMONE MICHELE Presidente Regionale Giovani PDL
CARLONI MIRCO Coordinatore Regionale Giovani PDL
maximum mobility
Skipjack PHILIP
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Firsttimeauditions Stream
Where you can not change
Article 4 In the still completed after 31/12/08. In
properties where municipalities provide for 45 days after publication of this law to limit its application to BUR.
In buildings with multiple owners where there is In agreement
city centers and more generally in the areas in Zone A
full protection of the Landscape Plan Regional Environmental
floodable In areas defined by the Plan hydrogeological
more precisely in the areas in the Parks:
nature reserves in which the natural environment is preserved in its integrity;
oriented general reserves, security zones
on buildings that are located in buildings on public lands
counted by article 15 of Regional Law 13/90 (Building standards for agricultural land) undergoing restoration or rehabilitation conservative.
on property in commercial use if they involve a derogation from the limits in size of the parking function. However
assistance under this Act may not lead to progress on the street front.
Article 1
1.1. - You can extend the 20% residential buildings up to a maximum of 200 cubic meters, ie 65 square meters
1.2 - For residential buildings under 80 square meters, the extension is allowed up to the achievement of approx. Net area of \u200b\u200b95 (thus excluding the external walls and internal), plus 18 square feet for garage or parking space.
1.3 - For non-residential buildings located in homogeneous areas for industrial, commercial, office, commercial and agricultural expansion is expected to be 20% if motivated by production needs but not exceeding 400 square meters.
If this extension affects the modification of building height must not exceed 100 square meters. expansion.
1.4 - For non-residential buildings located in homogeneous areas with different destination apply paragraph 1.
1.5 - For agricultural buildings in the area built before 1950 enlargement can not alter the building type and design.
1.6 - For buildings in the agricultural zone which is not of historical and architectural value even as instructed by the Regional Environmental Landscape Plan referred to in LR 8 June 1987, No 26 are allowed to combine the volume of the main building accessories pertaining to a maximum of 70 m also with change of use, with the approval of a recovery plan.
1.7. - Each extension is designed to achieve improvements in energy as established by Decree n.192 of 08.19.2005.
1.8. - Any expansion is not expected to change the target if not in accordance with current planning instruments and ensure compliance with the standards of Article. 3 of Ministerial Decree 1444/68:
For residential developments are set to such an extent as to ensure for every person - to be set up or established - provided the minimum mandatory of 18 sqm for public or reserved for collective activities in public parks or parking spaces with the exception of the headquarters road.
The total amount to be divided as a rule, as follows:
a) 4.50 square meters of land for education: kindergartens, nursery schools and primary schools;
b) 2 square meters of land for facilities common interest: religious, cultural, social, welfare, health, administration, public services (post and telegraph offices, civil protection, etc..) and others;
c) 9 square meters of land for public park land and equipped for the game and Sport, actually used for such systems with the exception of green belts along the roads;
d) 2.50 sqm of parking areas (in addition to surface parking provided by art. 18 of Law No 765): these areas - in special cases - Will be distributed over several levels.
If you can not find areas of standards will be possible, subject to agreement or act of obligation, backed guarantee policies, monetise (equal to market value and in any case not less than the costs of urbanization)
Article 2
2.1. - It 's possible to demolish and reconstruct buildings to residential use, with 35% increase in the volume demolished. There shall be no change of destination, and reconstruction should enable the improvement of seismic safety, according to DM 01/14/2008 and improve the environmental sustainability of energy depending on the version Brief Protocol ITHACA Marche, and provide renewable energy sources.
2.2.3. - It 's possible to demolish and rebuild to target non-residential buildings, with an increase of 35% (allowed to modify the height of the building) of gross floor area demolished. E 'admitted the change of intended use when placed in areas B or C according to DM 1444/68 and not used for productive activities as of 31/12/06 and is compatible with the purposes intended by the planning instruments and ensure that the compliance with the standards (Article 3 of Decree 1444/68), or the action falls within the Urban Renewal Programme (LR 05/16)
not permitted change of use if the property is placed in homogeneous areas for agricultural, industrial, commercial, and commercial.
2.4. - It 's possible to demolish and rebuild to target non-residential buildings, with an increase of 35% of the demolished without a change of destination, and reconstruction should enable the improvement of seismic safety, according to DM 01/14/2008 and improve sustainability environmental energy according to the synthetic version of the protocol ITHACA Marche, and provide renewable energy sources.
How to expand to meet the standards you can monetize prior agreement or act of obligation
speeches on works pubbliche ed immobili di enti locali, regione e Erap
Art. 3
3.1. Sono consentiti gli interventi di ampliamento e/o demolizione e ricostruzione anche negli immobili di proprietà pubblica.
L’ampliamento per l’Erap è consentito sino al 50%
Monday, October 12, 2009
I Have Pvc When I Am Training
un primo bilancio.
political concept: the PDL is Berlusconi ... I discovered the hot water ... I will say more! Hot or not, like it or not, the majority of citizens who have honored us by their attention and praised "defended" Silvio Berlusconi, also good appreciation on the work of Minister Brunetta. Some frown on the attitude of Fini ... "what it will do?" However, the voters of the PDL (the minority in our province) are pleased to see us there, among them, with our face, even if only with a gazebo for an association to support the party official, commenting on, you see little! According
political concept: always them, the voters of the PDL, the ones that do not "militarized" not enrolled in the party, they have local references. But it is so unpleasant to say, we do not know, do not know who we are and what we do ... we need to take note! On the contrary, those who are a bit 'more informed about local events, they are rather dissatisfied with the internal disputes of the issues that ... within the party divide us, and those who are wasting energy in its territory of belonging takes time and money . Did not agree with the choices made in past elections and still licking their wounds ... five years to pass even the opposition!
single request instead comes through loud and clear in terms of needs, employment opportunities! Nothing is new, in line with the many resumes that I arrive in the mail every business day.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Makeuptips For Formal Occasion
LIST EVENTS October November
17/10 Mercatino Conca - P.zza Puccini
Sassofeltrio - Montegrimano
SASSOCORVARO 24/10 (Mercatale) - Piazza Ottaviani
Lunano - Piandimeleto - Belforte - Unbreakable
PERGOLA 31/10 - Corso G. Matteotti
Pediment - Serra Sant'Abbondio - Fratte Rosa - Monteporzio - San Lorenzo In Campo
07/11 MACERATA FELTRIA – Via Antimi
Montecerignone – Carpegna – Montecopiolo – Pietrarubbia – Auditore - Tavoleto
14/11 CARTOCETO (Lucrezia) – P.zza Martiri di Bologna
Saltara – Mombaroccio – Isola Del Piano – Serrungarina – Montefelcino - Montemaggiore
21/11 MONDAVIO – P.zza Matteotti
Orciano – Barchi – Piagge – San Giorgio - Mondolfo - S.Costanzo
28/11 FOSSOMBRONE – Corso G. Garibaldi
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
New Salon Client Letter Template

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What Happened To Cytheria?

l'intervista di Rosalba Angiuli
PESARO - Sabato 18 Luglio 2009 è stata fondata nella provincia di Pesaro-Urbino "Evoluzionaria", un'associazione politico-culturale a sostegno del PDL. 36 i soci fondatori, alcuni già impegnati nelle istituzioni, di questo nuovo laboratorio di idee, uno strumento that will contact all the municipalities that make up the province to strengthen its identity and increase its consideration by the Region Marche. To speak of "evolutionary", whose presentation to the city was held Friday, August 7, we met Claudia Lucia Palazzetti and Diomede. Claudia Palazzetti, architect, Ciccio Tausani married with three children, is the president of "evolutionary". Lucia Diomede, real estate agent and member of the Real Estate Agency A & B Holiday Home snc, is one of the 36 founding members.
D. What is "evolutionary"?
R. "Evolutionary" is a loose association driven by strong civic and cultural values \u200b\u200brelated to our territory che vuol dire agire con costruzione graduale e progressiva, ma con decisione, partendo dal "locale" per approdare a progetti di più ampio respiro, incanalando la voglia di cambiamento, lavorando in squadra nel rispetto delle molteplici individualità, coniugando onestà, lealtà, responsabilità e impegno, per conservare e rilanciare parole quali rispetto, meritocrazia e libertà. "Evoluzionaria" diventa lo spazio ordinato, libero e senza dogmi, aperto a tutti coloro che vogliono condividere i propri valori e le proprie idee per uno sviluppo comune, esprime l'idea di una politica pulita ed efficace, formatrice di senso e di cultura, che possa non solo garantire "utilità", ma sappia motivare di più la nostra vita.
D. Quando è nata questa idea?
R. "L'idea è nata durante la campagna elettorale - dice Claudia Palazzetti - quando mi sono ritrovata attorno un bel numero di giovani di belle speranze, desiderosi di fare qualcosa per Pesaro. E' nata da poco, in un momento difficile, subito dopo le ultime tre tornate elettorali. Il PDL è un partito grande, in costruzione, con tutti i problemi che sorgono dalla messa in opera di un partito di questa entità; non dobbiamo dimenticarci che è più grande della DC, che storicamente è forse stato il più grande partito d'Italia. Le difficoltà interne che ci sono nel portarlo avanti sono dovute alla fusione di due partiti importanti quali Forza Italia e Alleanza Nazionale e tanti altri children who have joined this project. Because the parties are made by people and because people have expectations, it is not easy to combine in a few months the needs of all components. So, although we come from different histories, it is important to find moments of cohesion on the projects, on the facts, not on the pattern of origin. The status of the PDL provides the emergence of local associations to enable people who joined this party to come together in the territories.
D. Consequently Claudia?
R. I got the idea to involve, in addition to people with whom we do politics for 15 years, even people who attend in life and who are willing to commit the party who may have difficulty to enter, because right now the party itself is locked, all the problems mentioned above. Instead, the ideas people can meet and therefore still reason together.
D. Who are founding members?
R. The founding members are already represented in the political institutions of this party, but there are also people who start a course and that in five years, when local elections will take place again, they will be ready, controversially said, more than now. But being ready in a cultural sense, this is the problem. Policy-making, first of all, it's a passion, many people undertake voluntarily, there are very few places of prestige paid, and to be productive you need to know also the rules, you must be a bit 'in the political world. Hence the need to also make a training school for young people who may not know what is a decision, an agenda, how do you 'a motion.
D. Claudia spirit in which you move?
R. I am 15 years that I deal with this area, because the balance of the province of Pesaro Marche region is morphologically the most beautiful of all. With Valmarecchia, which has gone recently, we lost a wonderful piece of land. We at the regional level do not count because there is nothing Ancona, which is the center of the world, because then the other provinces are a little whiter and to us as a province there considered. On a regional basis we believe more in ourselves, we must raise the cultural level in the country, we must increase the sense of belonging. We need to focus on tourism - as is also said Lucia Diomede. We need to remove the railway from the coast. The problem is administrative. The laws are fine in Milan are not valid for Pesaro. We know the problems of our territory and we have the right ideas and we want to get serious. Finally
"evolutionary" will be on the streets of Cagli, Pesaro (September 13 in square Collenuccio) Novafeltria, Urbania, Gabicce Mare, Sant'Angelo in Lizzola, Mercatino Conca, Sassocorvaro, Pergola, Macerata Feltria Cartoceto Mondavio and Fossombrone . For Fano and Urbino were thought most important events, including two conferences on energy and economics.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Where Else Can Shell Gas Cards Be Used
Saturday, July 18, 2009 was established in the Province of Pesaro-Urbino politico-cultural association in support of the PDL. In this blog, soon come out programs and objectives for the cultural renaissance of the area. 36 founding members, already engaged in some institutions. It will be a laboratory of ideas and a tool that will put together all 67 municipalities that make up the province to strengthen the identity that is little regarded by the Marche Region. The membership is open to all residents in the province.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Martial Arts Belt How To Measure
Salveeeeeeeeeee amiciiiiiiiiii first I apologize for my absconding from a blogger, but I had a bit of trouble and then I'm finishing some drawings and I have not been able to post them but new things are underway and a short Meanwhile you can admire them and I'm also rearranging the blog to make it more beautiful and easy to see then as they say WORK IN PROGRESS ^___^ XD for now we are working for you eheh friends in early ciauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
How To Connect A Hps Ballast
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Gerbera Program Cover
2009 administrative elections. Pesaro Province
A short comment on the just concluded elections that could apply to City of Pesaro, and more generally for the majority of municipalities in the province of Pesaro, including the Province itself, can be summarized in few words. Many voters voted for the PDL to the European elections and at the same time chose to vote for "no change of local power." It 's true that this was as predictable as it is also true that people in this area tries to present itself as an alternative exit from the election with broken bones and the moral ground. We should add however that the project of change can not be improvised. To dismantle a network of power that has established itself in 60 years of local government are not enough two months of campaigning, but you must set a long-term strategy that makes use of a daily work and a constant presence on the unresolved issues for years but Always promises. For this to happen I will go in first person from now on.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Remove Grenadine Stain

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Number Combination Calculator Toppings
do not know the president Berlusconi, even if I have a picture with him, but I recognize his way of being in many facets of the character of my father. Men who came from nothing and that, at a given moment in history when this was possible, were able to emerge and stand out at work and in life. I think there are many "small Berlusconi" in this country, men and practical talents who have rolled up their sleeves in the 50s, which have taken many burdens and responsibilities that have contributed to the growth the Italian production system, in some ways unique.
Around these characters grew up a "court" composed of people more or less trustworthy, capable staff, some parasites, too many yes-men and courtiers. We must say that "Berlusconi" have a clear composition of the court ... and in some ways to exploit it as required. The courtesans, Veronica was referring to these, irritate the sensitivities of the wives when they become obvious, and produce the burst of pride. What I do not agree with the "wives of Berlusconi" is to involve the children in their positions. In the specific case Veronica said that she and the children are victims, but was allowed to speak in the name and on their behalf? The balance that is created within a couple who spend their lives together is not noticeable from the outside, and even children have the right to judge, but it is deeply unfair to involve the children when this balance falters for various reasons, and in most cases is independent of them. As a proud daughter of one of the many Berlusconi of Italy to thank my mother, in all honesty, he confessed that he has endured the courtesan's turn to sound selfish, very candidly to my prying questions about courtesans still answers me:
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I Keep Getting Bumps Inside My Nose
expire a few days the deadlines for submission of lists that will participate in the elections of 6 / 7 June. In my city, are multiplying, as well as in the neighboring towns and unfortunately for the Province . It is not enough, the lesson that Italian citizens have given the "political" with the vote taken in April 2008, which showed clearly the desire for simplification. They flower on the right and left civil lists of all kinds, which, when added parties, in each area of \u200b\u200bexpertise would make up the complex ballot. Each list, whether in a party or a civic list, consists of a number of candidates in proportion to population (40 per Pesaro) ... the fact is that each of us will have friends and relatives candidates, who will ask for personal preference ... if all goes well, generating plenty to choose. Many candidates have been involved without being the least prepared, unaware of the election system, and serve as a simple riempiticcio ... the experience will be traumatic for anyone and will leave politics forever! Most of those who were "cheated" will be young, and this is deeply unfair and dishonest.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hot Babe Braces Headgear
Salveeeeee XDXDXD after so much time on the run back to post qualkosa ehehXDXD well, you have to say chee spent too much time but my Dry cmq inspiration you place a couple of doodles the the one and my astrological sign up for the challenge PUSCIASTOVA then invieroXD 's another and another character in my fantasy I present to you the magnificent MayaXDXD well, that say good view ^ ^

Monday, February 2, 2009
What Happens If You Digest Fish Bone
Friday, January 30, 2009
Sister's Wedding Card Examples
Salveeee and so No place that I know eheh sn but still in the planning stages and more work up comic with a little time and then eheh cmq had two people who will be the protagonists dialcune episodic vignettes bhe ke else to say good visioneXDXD
ps had two versions background images and gradient background ^