l'intervista di Rosalba Angiuli
PESARO - Sabato 18 Luglio 2009 è stata fondata nella provincia di Pesaro-Urbino "Evoluzionaria", un'associazione politico-culturale a sostegno del PDL. 36 i soci fondatori, alcuni già impegnati nelle istituzioni, di questo nuovo laboratorio di idee, uno strumento that will contact all the municipalities that make up the province to strengthen its identity and increase its consideration by the Region Marche. To speak of "evolutionary", whose presentation to the city was held Friday, August 7, we met Claudia Lucia Palazzetti and Diomede. Claudia Palazzetti, architect, Ciccio Tausani married with three children, is the president of "evolutionary". Lucia Diomede, real estate agent and member of the Real Estate Agency A & B Holiday Home snc, is one of the 36 founding members.
D. What is "evolutionary"?
R. "Evolutionary" is a loose association driven by strong civic and cultural values \u200b\u200brelated to our territory che vuol dire agire con costruzione graduale e progressiva, ma con decisione, partendo dal "locale" per approdare a progetti di più ampio respiro, incanalando la voglia di cambiamento, lavorando in squadra nel rispetto delle molteplici individualità, coniugando onestà, lealtà, responsabilità e impegno, per conservare e rilanciare parole quali rispetto, meritocrazia e libertà. "Evoluzionaria" diventa lo spazio ordinato, libero e senza dogmi, aperto a tutti coloro che vogliono condividere i propri valori e le proprie idee per uno sviluppo comune, esprime l'idea di una politica pulita ed efficace, formatrice di senso e di cultura, che possa non solo garantire "utilità", ma sappia motivare di più la nostra vita.
D. Quando è nata questa idea?
R. "L'idea è nata durante la campagna elettorale - dice Claudia Palazzetti - quando mi sono ritrovata attorno un bel numero di giovani di belle speranze, desiderosi di fare qualcosa per Pesaro. E' nata da poco, in un momento difficile, subito dopo le ultime tre tornate elettorali. Il PDL è un partito grande, in costruzione, con tutti i problemi che sorgono dalla messa in opera di un partito di questa entità; non dobbiamo dimenticarci che è più grande della DC, che storicamente è forse stato il più grande partito d'Italia. Le difficoltà interne che ci sono nel portarlo avanti sono dovute alla fusione di due partiti importanti quali Forza Italia e Alleanza Nazionale e tanti altri children who have joined this project. Because the parties are made by people and because people have expectations, it is not easy to combine in a few months the needs of all components. So, although we come from different histories, it is important to find moments of cohesion on the projects, on the facts, not on the pattern of origin. The status of the PDL provides the emergence of local associations to enable people who joined this party to come together in the territories.
D. Consequently Claudia?
R. I got the idea to involve, in addition to people with whom we do politics for 15 years, even people who attend in life and who are willing to commit the party who may have difficulty to enter, because right now the party itself is locked, all the problems mentioned above. Instead, the ideas people can meet and therefore still reason together.
D. Who are founding members?
R. The founding members are already represented in the political institutions of this party, but there are also people who start a course and that in five years, when local elections will take place again, they will be ready, controversially said, more than now. But being ready in a cultural sense, this is the problem. Policy-making, first of all, it's a passion, many people undertake voluntarily, there are very few places of prestige paid, and to be productive you need to know also the rules, you must be a bit 'in the political world. Hence the need to also make a training school for young people who may not know what is a decision, an agenda, how do you 'a motion.
D. Claudia spirit in which you move?
R. I am 15 years that I deal with this area, because the balance of the province of Pesaro Marche region is morphologically the most beautiful of all. With Valmarecchia, which has gone recently, we lost a wonderful piece of land. We at the regional level do not count because there is nothing Ancona, which is the center of the world, because then the other provinces are a little whiter and to us as a province there considered. On a regional basis we believe more in ourselves, we must raise the cultural level in the country, we must increase the sense of belonging. We need to focus on tourism - as is also said Lucia Diomede. We need to remove the railway from the coast. The problem is administrative. The laws are fine in Milan are not valid for Pesaro. We know the problems of our territory and we have the right ideas and we want to get serious. Finally
"evolutionary" will be on the streets of Cagli, Pesaro (September 13 in square Collenuccio) Novafeltria, Urbania, Gabicce Mare, Sant'Angelo in Lizzola, Mercatino Conca, Sassocorvaro, Pergola, Macerata Feltria Cartoceto Mondavio and Fossombrone . For Fano and Urbino were thought most important events, including two conferences on energy and economics.
l'intervista di Rosalba Angiuli
PESARO - Sabato 18 Luglio 2009 è stata fondata nella provincia di Pesaro-Urbino "Evoluzionaria", un'associazione politico-culturale a sostegno del PDL. 36 i soci fondatori, alcuni già impegnati nelle istituzioni, di questo nuovo laboratorio di idee, uno strumento that will contact all the municipalities that make up the province to strengthen its identity and increase its consideration by the Region Marche. To speak of "evolutionary", whose presentation to the city was held Friday, August 7, we met Claudia Lucia Palazzetti and Diomede. Claudia Palazzetti, architect, Ciccio Tausani married with three children, is the president of "evolutionary". Lucia Diomede, real estate agent and member of the Real Estate Agency A & B Holiday Home snc, is one of the 36 founding members.
D. What is "evolutionary"?
R. "Evolutionary" is a loose association driven by strong civic and cultural values \u200b\u200brelated to our territory che vuol dire agire con costruzione graduale e progressiva, ma con decisione, partendo dal "locale" per approdare a progetti di più ampio respiro, incanalando la voglia di cambiamento, lavorando in squadra nel rispetto delle molteplici individualità, coniugando onestà, lealtà, responsabilità e impegno, per conservare e rilanciare parole quali rispetto, meritocrazia e libertà. "Evoluzionaria" diventa lo spazio ordinato, libero e senza dogmi, aperto a tutti coloro che vogliono condividere i propri valori e le proprie idee per uno sviluppo comune, esprime l'idea di una politica pulita ed efficace, formatrice di senso e di cultura, che possa non solo garantire "utilità", ma sappia motivare di più la nostra vita.
D. Quando è nata questa idea?
R. "L'idea è nata durante la campagna elettorale - dice Claudia Palazzetti - quando mi sono ritrovata attorno un bel numero di giovani di belle speranze, desiderosi di fare qualcosa per Pesaro. E' nata da poco, in un momento difficile, subito dopo le ultime tre tornate elettorali. Il PDL è un partito grande, in costruzione, con tutti i problemi che sorgono dalla messa in opera di un partito di questa entità; non dobbiamo dimenticarci che è più grande della DC, che storicamente è forse stato il più grande partito d'Italia. Le difficoltà interne che ci sono nel portarlo avanti sono dovute alla fusione di due partiti importanti quali Forza Italia e Alleanza Nazionale e tanti altri children who have joined this project. Because the parties are made by people and because people have expectations, it is not easy to combine in a few months the needs of all components. So, although we come from different histories, it is important to find moments of cohesion on the projects, on the facts, not on the pattern of origin. The status of the PDL provides the emergence of local associations to enable people who joined this party to come together in the territories.
D. Consequently Claudia?
R. I got the idea to involve, in addition to people with whom we do politics for 15 years, even people who attend in life and who are willing to commit the party who may have difficulty to enter, because right now the party itself is locked, all the problems mentioned above. Instead, the ideas people can meet and therefore still reason together.
D. Who are founding members?
R. The founding members are already represented in the political institutions of this party, but there are also people who start a course and that in five years, when local elections will take place again, they will be ready, controversially said, more than now. But being ready in a cultural sense, this is the problem. Policy-making, first of all, it's a passion, many people undertake voluntarily, there are very few places of prestige paid, and to be productive you need to know also the rules, you must be a bit 'in the political world. Hence the need to also make a training school for young people who may not know what is a decision, an agenda, how do you 'a motion.
D. Claudia spirit in which you move?
R. I am 15 years that I deal with this area, because the balance of the province of Pesaro Marche region is morphologically the most beautiful of all. With Valmarecchia, which has gone recently, we lost a wonderful piece of land. We at the regional level do not count because there is nothing Ancona, which is the center of the world, because then the other provinces are a little whiter and to us as a province there considered. On a regional basis we believe more in ourselves, we must raise the cultural level in the country, we must increase the sense of belonging. We need to focus on tourism - as is also said Lucia Diomede. We need to remove the railway from the coast. The problem is administrative. The laws are fine in Milan are not valid for Pesaro. We know the problems of our territory and we have the right ideas and we want to get serious. Finally
"evolutionary" will be on the streets of Cagli, Pesaro (September 13 in square Collenuccio) Novafeltria, Urbania, Gabicce Mare, Sant'Angelo in Lizzola, Mercatino Conca, Sassocorvaro, Pergola, Macerata Feltria Cartoceto Mondavio and Fossombrone . For Fano and Urbino were thought most important events, including two conferences on energy and economics.