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The framework of our province is the mirror of an old policy, perched on a strong conservative and outdated logic that has done little in terms of economic development, land conservation, of upgrading of road infrastructure and health of energy self-sufficiency, restructuring and downsizing of administrative governance. On the other hand, this very old policy called for its citizens in terms of taxation: it shows the IRAP as the Marche region, currently among the highest in Italy. Add to this the anxiety and concerns over the arrest of economic growth, the decline in jobs, income and the reversal of the current living standards. That's why the new strategy of the Regional Government must take care to reactivate the social and economic development, ensure the fullest extent of the benefits and offer more quality with special attention to women and youth. To achieve these goals we have identified eight areas of intervention.
system that best reveals the failure of the center-left politics and health. E 'need to distribute economic resources more fairly, to ensure quality health services throughout the region by reversing the current logic of centralization of patronage; rethink health plans, streamlining the supply of hospital care, reduce waiting lists and passive mobility, reduce response times, involve local identification of a targeted plan to reorganize the reference areas and facilities. All this must start with a project with the establishment of a Single Hospital Pesaro and Fano for bringing together the excellence of both companies. This project is the construction of a North Pole of Health was able to compete with the Health South of the Marches, canceling the current imbalances and enabling the growth of benefits, rationalization of personnel and development costs of hospital services and health.
The school is an important educational need for the development and growth of new generations. For this you need to rethink the entire system for a modern approach to education through the creation of Campus can be combined with teaching forms of social gathering for a quality integrated service that contributes to the construction of individual and collective. In the same direction is the enhancement of educational provision for a reduction in the hinterland of passive mobility and to facilitate access to a greater number of disciplines through an act of address urging the provinces to implement an education plan on the calibrated needs of the territories. In addition, for nursery schools is necessary to extend the school calendar and activate pathways of support for education. For primary schools it is proposed to restore after-school disciplines with depth and recreation such as music or sports group.
Large Chapter of the University that requires an administrative restructuring and downsizing of the economic and educational offerings of the University of Urbino. The decision to create a university in the city of Pesaro, with an education in the city already usable Duke, was one of the most short-sighted initiatives of recent years. The University at Urbino is an economic role led to the Montefeltro, since the area is currently lacking in alternative tourism and industrial. Urbino has become a workshop of talented engineers, computer, commercial, health and professionalism of all those from our territory through the replacement of the option less attractive to the world of work and strengthening of training designed according to the needs and demands expressed by the economic and social fabric of the region.
Le Marche will be able to affect strategic decisions in the whole country by building up representative offices in Italy and Europe. The Regional Government will have to share and make new choices for supporting productive activities with particular attention to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This is to initiate a policy of system and network to boost the economy Marche. Central to achieving these objectives, investment in research and innovation in collaboration with universities Marche: This is to encourage advanced training - professional and managerial; while it is necessary to facilitate access to credit for small and young entrepreneurs, the credit guarantee the consolidated companies to protect investments and employment, aiming at a system of credits to comply with the regional banks. The Regional Government will also develop a new planning law to boost construction activity and its extensive induced by streamlining the constraints of the environment.
TOURISM Tourism currently focuses only on the seaside resorts and cities of historical and artistic interest. This is an area long abandoned to itself. On the contrary, has become the industry through a strategic development plan in the medium and long term in which to invest public and private resources. This is to enhance the whole cultural, artistic, architectural, museum, landscape and environment. Here are four steps starting from which:
• Encouraging tourism school in some towns in the hilly-mountain through the recovery of the architectural heritage and pathways activating interaction with foreign countries, to create new and significant relationship of cultural exchange con forti implicazioni sociali ed economiche a favore di territori per troppo tempo posti ai margini dello sviluppo;
• Al fine di incentivare la conoscenza e la fruizione dei luoghi di eccellenza della nostra provincia, puntiamo alla valorizzazione dei siti panoramici presenti dalla costa all’entroterra con la realizzazione, ad esempio, di spazi aperti per manifestazioni culturali e musicali in grado di esaltare le peculiarità dei territori;
• Valorizzare la vicenda di Paolo e Francesca resa immortale da Dante, realizzando un parco tematico di respiro nazionale e internazionale nel territorio del Comune di Gradara;
• Attivare una struttura snella costituita da una rete di contatti, di collegamenti virtuali e non, per incentivare sinergie all’interno del comparto turistico e del suo indotto al fine di promuovere la regione e i suoi “territori” in Italia e all’estero.
La morfologia della nostra provincia è la prima cosa di cui dobbiamo tenere conto se vogliamo ricostruire il futuro delle Regione. Per rilanciare l’intero settore economico è necessario ripensare a buona parte del sistema viario che penalizza le zone dell’entroterra. E’ necessario portare a termine i progetti in corso e realizzarne di nuovi. Per questo tra le priorità emerge la creazione di un sistema portuale regionale che migliori l’efficienza e la produttività dei porti di Pesaro e Fano. E’ just as necessary to complete the project on track Flaminia, already developed and approved by the institutions concerned to provide a railway line Rome-Perugia - Urbino - Rimini - Venice that would take away from the isolation of the inland province of Pesaro. This project also would complement the regional transport system at street level along with the Fano - Grosseto and the third lane of the highway A14. No less important is the development of links between the coast and the hinterland of Pesaro, a transportation open to various groups of users. A light rail surface, the axis Pesaro - Gallo of Petra - Urbino, finally, would be a tool for of commuters provincial industrial zones in the district, as well as a means of transportation open to the community with particular benefit youth mobility.
Today more than ever, social security is a prerequisite for being able to look calmly at the future.
is to ensure the safety monitoring and exerting strong competitive awareness and training, linked to a regional law "Safety Award", to be paid to all workers on the basis of the lowest accident rate achieved.
is to ensure the safety of our elderly by creating a regional network of protection and assistance to person by integrating with the voluntary associations.
is to ensure the safety of our children through the monitoring of recreational places, with incentives, including economic, associations that deal with after school, boys.
This is to ensure the safety of living with quality and dignity of its existence, through the promotion of actions that lead to social integration and tolerance.
A knowledge-based society guarantees to all development tools, and equal opportunity to participate: schools, health care, justice and security. For this model a reality is essential: to inform and coordinate initiatives for the use of European funds, such as the creation of nurseries and micro-nurseries in the workplace, promote the management of new patterns of work (teleworking, part-time detection) targeted to facilitate the achievement of a more equitable gender citizenship; implement measures to prevent and combat racial discrimination by setting up an observatory of sociality in concert with the Faculty of Sociology, University of Urbino designed to record, monitor and study the phenomena the world of work and social life and active collaboration with local authorities to combat intolerance and racism.
Pur consapevoli che le fonti tradizionali (carbone, petrolio e gas) saranno ancora per molti anni fondamentali per colmare il deficit energetico del nostro Paese, non vi è dubbio che l’obiettivo dell’autosufficienza energetica del territorio marchigiano è raggiungibile attraverso gli impianti di termovalorizzazione dei rifiuti.. Per quanto concerne le fonti di energia alternativa, in particolare il settore dell’energia solare va detto che se da un lato risulta positivo per il non inquinamento e l’occupazione, dall’altro, allo stato attuale comporta costi per l’esecutività degli impianti a carico della collettività e forti spese di manutenzioni annue, il che ne rende problematica l’attuazione, with results that only a small part can respond positively to regional energy needs.
AGRICULTURE AND 'important to entrust to agriculture, apart from its "traditional", even the defense, protection and preservation of rural areas, environmental conservation, landscape and people's health, enabling residents in areas of high agricultural quality of life, and visitors (B & B, country houses, farms) to live satisfying and intense emotions, and to discerning consumers territorial origin of the products to acquire goods natural and genuine. This condition is the basis for any action of the structural material. That said, that "the regional agricultural system, can increase its competitiveness is crucial to put in place a policy to
- developing agile and impactful programs of intervention that makes clear the objectives to be pursued in the medium and long term, procedures and resources to be used, methods of monitoring results in order to make the necessary corrections in the pipeline route;
- support the establishment of best business arrangements, business, economic and productive, even in the consortium;
- to preserve the typical regional products, by preventing their disqualification and the introduction of distorting elements market is less added value contained in them;
- introducing the "country market" theory to protect consumers by providing direct local production and enliven contemporary urban centers in the marketing function.
Particular attention should be given a dynamic equilibrium between small, medium and large retailers, as the latter for some years, was particularly favored by the settlement in the "new suburbs" very large structures. These have impoverished and humiliated streets and historical sites of the area, depriving them a variety of functional and symbolic qualities of a social and cultural heritage are an essential of community. This heritage, by a suitable modernization, should be protected and enhanced to combine the past and future and also produce beneficial effects for multi-sectoral tourism, gastronomy and crafts, especially an artistic one.