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Maurizio Crozza Berdun and Lorraine in the sixth lesson in tackling the subject of sex under "G" and the female as well as talking point "G" Men:
Towards a World Conference on Women
an important call from Caracas in Venezuela:
Today on Facebook I learned of this news: the ' appeal for a world conference of women in Caracas in 2011 that summons the women for the rebirth of an international movement and whose organizing committee consists of: Women's Movement "Ana Soto" of Venezuela; CONFEMEC - Ecuadorian Confederation of Women for Change, Ecuador; Women's Political Council / Council woman fighting, Germany. We quote
I think the most important steps of the appeal :
Thirty-eight Secondi
un'aquilana duramente colpita dalla tragedia alcune considerazioni in merito:
Quattro chiacchiere tra i rifiuti
In primis, occorre che siano applicate politiche vere di risparmio energetico; a L’Aquila può nascere truly a city with low environmental impact. For example, through a reconstruction, even in the suburbs, buildings and homes insulated with photovoltaic systems, schools and public buildings energy independence. With the use of public lighting at low power (see here
). Then definitely need to gear up so that productive activities can tap into energy sources that provide power compatible and which are efficient, on 24 and 24 hours 365 days a year.
It so happens that the Vatican safe is not new to scandals enormous.

The only bank in the world that does not issue receipts (the Holy Spirit is never wrong accounts) has been involved in the Calvi case, with the most pious Marcinkus who has forfeited his seat. Anyone interested in learning more can 'get the very interesting film, "The Bankers of God" which reconstructs the events of the Banco Ambrosiano and the IOR with the plots.
This time the catch was founded on a operazioncina over € 20 million of which were passed from hand to hand with a bank. This is precisely
€ 23 million (!)
seized on an account opened at a Rome branch of the Credito Artigiano. Credito Artigiano has itself discovered the cards first: After you have ordered the suspension of operations last Sept. 15 for five days, said all the prosecutor of Rome.
In sostanza,il conto dello IOR da 28 milioni di euro (!) stava per essere rapidamente prosciugato con un bonifico da 20 milioni euro verso J.P. Morgan Frankfurt e un bonifico da 3 milioni di euro alla banca del Fucino.
Il tutto in barba alle nuove disposizioni antiriciclaggio in vigore dal 9 settembre. In particolare, si tratta di operazioni avviate senza l’indicazione dei soggetti per conto dei quali erano state disposte e senza i riferimenti agli scopi ed alla natura delle stesse.
... Continua
La scuola pubblica è fondamentale per la formazione di tutti gli individui ed il tentativo di renderla sempre più fatiscente è la testimonianza di una dittatura strisciante,
tells how the children are enriched by their peers attending experiences of all racial and social class: WEALTH TRAINING
I found an article on "Friday" to "Republic" of last June, had appeared to me and am I still so truthful in his simple but profound reflections on the richness of life in common training of children in public schools, which I thought I'd send it to you because there is a comfort for the school year just started.
An affectionate greeting. Lucia
Children learn more from other children by teachers
waking up one morning from uneasy dreams, Maria Stella Gelmini saw that he had dreamed of the future. Italy was a vast expanse of private schools were religious institutions, agnostics and atheists. The children of the rich went to school for the rich, the children of the poor in those for the poor, Catholics to Catholic, and Steiner's Steiner to the Lega Lega. Children of Seventh-day Adventists attending institutions for small Seventh-day Adventists, the children of the Salesian Salesian institutes and even fly fishing enthusiasts sent their children in schools dedicated to fishing mosca. Farmacisti, notai, giansenisti, fiorai, milanisti, giostrai: a ogni corporazione, opinione e reddito, il ministero dell’Istruzione non più pubblica aveva regalato un apposito istituto.
Erano tutti contenti e sicuri che i loro bambini non avrebbero mai frequentato cattive compagnie. Era un incubo, ma Maria Stella non se ne accorse, si stiracchiò e sorrise felice.
A proposito di scuola pubblica, la vicenda della scuola del comune di Adro con l'adozione dal parte del sindaco dei simboli della Lega sui banchi, zerbini, bagni ecc., il successivo ordine del Ministero a rimuovere i suddetti simboli lascia in sospeso one question: Who pays? It says the blog Kittymol77
:Questions about Adro ...
And now, the Mayor will be able to remove the 700 symbols of the school league? The removal work will be subcontracted to any outside company or the directors get to work leaguers who have convinced you could do?
Why then, things, we must also do it, not enough to say. So, he went to understand why, this morning I wondered how the poor man going to be done. I reasoned. Okay, the doormat at the entrance saw on TV is a common doormat, throws e ne compra un altro. Metti che l’abbia pagato 30 euro (vogliamo fare 50?), non è un gran problema ricomprarne uno senza sole delle Alpi incorporato. E i soli verde Lega sui banchi? Tenuto conto che i banchi li usano i bambini, immagino quel sole a prova di abrasione, altrimenti i ragazzini l’avrebbero grattato via nel giro di un paio di settimane. E quello nei bagni? Ho letto che 300 mila euro per la scuola erano stati raccolti da donazioni di cittadini e potrebbe chiedere agli stessi ora di rifare una donazione per riparare il danno. Tuttavia, immagino che rimuovere quei simboli costi un po’ di più: chi paga? Sistemerà la cosa dando una grezza mano di vernice sopra i banchi nuovi di zecca? Sarà sufficiente? Perché then we must think of the future. Put that some unpredictable natural disaster the school is submerged by an avalanche of mud (in 50 years, not tomorrow) and that among thousands go to make some archaeologist digs just Adro: pull out pieces of the wall and buried with aged above the symbol of the sun of the Alps Lega and you start all over again, with the symbols of the people who belong to the history of the Po people of Adro, and then a mayor of 3025 will want to stick up for each bank and also on the doormat at the entrance of the school.... Continue
And always about public schools and lack of the money to even buy toilet paper, these pseudo ministers found a way to introduce and fund the military educational institutions, from the blog of
Natalino Balasso :
When I was 83 Police handed over to of Rome saying that I was not going to learn to shoot
and then they decide what they wanted I would never have made the military was starting (it was already started) a tiring journey which he was to replace military service with the volunteer. Many said that this would not be a step towards peace and the facts have demonstrated.
For there to be peace, we want first and foremost a "culture of peace ", starting from the knowledge of our violent instincts and get to sublimate through the practices of non-belligerents. Exactly the opposite of "War in the school
" which is what the minister and the minister
La Russa would like. The protocol signed recently, calling the school to learn through the use of arms, to form " patrols students" (sic) to compete in a healthy way, with blowguns and survival pathways considered in this way " combat bullying "is a clear intention to bring the schools' culture of war
. It remains to ask why, at a time when parents must provide toilet paper for their children and school gymnasiums and facilities for sport, real, are in Libya, we are able to find so quickly funds to start courses of war disguised as experiences social sharing. The name given to the "
trained for life," says a lot about how our ruling class wishes to life.
... Continue And from the blog of Alessandro Robecchi : Editorial - Nostalgia Balilla stomach in, chest out! At-try! Finally some good news for Italian schools: the teachers are laid off in bunches, ceilings helmet on, the structures are disgusting and compassion, but at least we can all pull their caps into the air and shout hooray for the formal Memorandum of Understanding signed between the minister Gelmini, blissful ignorance, and the source Russa, il colonnello alla parata militare. In alto i cuori! Il protocollo d’intesa si ammanta di notevoli paroloni, roba forte qui nel Berlusconistan, come ad esempio “conoscenza e apprendimento della legalità e della Costituzione”. Ma questa è la teoria, roba da comunisti. E’ la pratica che è più interessante, e prevede: “cultura militare”, “arrampicata”, “tiro con l’arco e con la pistola” (ad aria compressa, aggiunge pietoso il documento), senza contare “nuoto e salvamento” e “orienteering”. Insomma, una specie di incrocio tra i littoriali, il sabato fascista e i film con Alvaro Vitali, il tutto sotto l’occhio La Russa's watchful and sciura Gelmini, elected from the lobby of hunters in the land of the Beretta pistol Italian. Memorandum of Understanding called "Train for Life", which teaches among other things also "night into a hostile," which may be helpful to girls who are no longer blocked overnight in Palazzo Grazioli. It is not enough. To crown the ordeal come to an end a manly "competition between patrols students practice" that will constitute a credit. "Mom, do not break that I've got three in math, because I just took the pace of the jaguar." E 'so that you form a ruling class, learning to say sir. Not talking about hand grenades and submarines fast and invisible, and is a major flaw of the initiative (perhaps lack the funds), but we are sure someone will correct. All the orders of a hundred officers on leave, aware that the structures to the objectives, the stairs to the dormitories, a school might look perfectly at a military barracks. All this, needless to say, sponsored by public and private, which means that the hour of gym activities and military (sic) or visit the shooting range will be funded by the enlightened Italian industry, because people have when you can have soldiers? The agreement is for the time region (Lombardia) and concerns secondary schools, but do not despair: nostalgia is a beast and the temptation to dress up even the smallest Balilla road will be soon. ... Continue
And still Lia Celi
Adro Much about nothing: little guide to the new school party
There goes that your children become members of the League? Okay. You want not remain illiterate? Well, now expect too much from the Italian school. Be content to send their offspring to schools farther from Adro and closer to your political orientation. The offer is now vast, here are some suggestions. PLEXUS
INCLUDING "PD" Why questo nome? Perché bisogna essere di sinistra per chiamare una scuola "plesso" e molto, molto comprensivi per accettare la perpetua confusione dei programmi, i continui battibecchi fra dirigenti, l’ingerenza di vecchi baroni ormai screditati, che caratterizzano la vita di questo istituto, un tempo così autorevole. Nel giardino, ormai incolto, languono piante stecchite, Ulivi sterili, Querce cadute e numerosi cespugli parassiti, mentre nel gabinetto di Scienze si impolvera Piero Fassino, costretto a sostituire lo scheletro (qui sopra, foto Ansa-Somatoline), passato ad Alleanza per l’Italia con Rutelli. L’unica cosa che funzionava era il punto di ristoro, dove generosi volontari cucinavano eccellenti salsicce e gnocco fritto, ma è stato chiuso dall’Asl dopo la scoperta che il colesterolo degli alunni delle elementari era schizzato a livelli da 70enni.
Intitolato all’eroica staffetta partygiana di Casoria, l’istituto si ispira al pensiero del Cavaliere - quello fisso, come dimostra la pianta dell’edificio, a forma di gnocca – ma per ragioni statiche è situato a muro con le scuole leghiste, perché senza il loro appoggio si sgretola. La scuola, frequentata da alunni dalla prima alla quinta classe e da maestre dalla quinta alla nona misura, si propone come laboratorio della rivoluzionaria «Pedagogia della Libertà»: uno exhibitionist and unruly pupil should not be punished, but elected premier. Topical program of study designed by the minister Gelmini, which consisted solely of a great trip to Reggio Calabria to get the promotion without a club, lifted the book of excuses obsolete, replaced by that of the "legitimate grounds", the mandatory uniform ( blue suit for boys, little black dress and light make up for girls). The classrooms are decorated with busts of the Heroes of Freedom, by Vittorio Mangano Maurizio Gasparri (as similar as it is headless). To express a balanced ratio of the PDL with the Church and State, there is a crucifix on the wall with Napolitano's face. ... Continue
And 'round The
Twiggy with her first crash course to become a crap Trailer:
QUICK COURSE TO BECOME AN ASSHOLE BY TRAILER Part 1 - Introduction to the asshole
When two people like each other, like each other. There is little to do. And to say. And if it takes the mutual spark there tactics that can withstand. The best strategy is to be yourself. But how many times after seeing the girl of your dreams, or at least not that of your nightmares, it's cool to get her out of turn? How many damn times blond with a tuft succeeded in two persuasive talk to get what you did not know months in zerbinaggio professional? The secret is certainly not the hair. But in case you noticing that the kidnapped girl admires the crest Caucus consider moving to the hairdresser. Anyway. What differs you from him, forelock aside, is nothing more than a handful of mundane tactics of conquest. That woman sgam within two seconds. But nevertheless can not help but run to the toilet to touch up the mascara. To blink with even greater force to the asshole of the day. Why?
Strontium has the same ability to make a woman fall in love with a nice guy. Only that the cares about the weather. With its provision for mozzicate tactics, his tirarsela., Her throw the stone and hide the hand, in the female creates a kind of unhealthy fixation. See how you punishment I blond! Want to make an asshole? And I'll die I mo ...
This woman's sense of revenge will fade with the same speed with which the poor deluded slam his head against the wall. All of a sudden. Scattering all around the shreds of his dignity offended they were not even confetti. That, by dint of finding a way to do fall in love with her, gently as the blond came under the skin. And without even realizing she is in love with him. Fail. Epic fail. Never underestimate the destructive potential a beautiful big baby! Or at least, if not love, fixed. It is not romantic love. It's a hate
if I see him ruined. And we hope to destroy him. So at least it means that I have seen.
practically a return to adolescence. Looking younger is fine. But in certain circumstances is never the case. And the blond in question would suffice even a single first appointment to succeed in this psycho-hormonal upheaval. The woman changes her ways. Turns in teaching a mix between Sherlock Holmes and the periphery of a serial killer thriller from Austrian production in an attempt to study all his travels, his knowledge and investigate the imaginative reason he is not calling as it should. The idea that it is only a notch more on the solid wall of self-built by the little touches not even good ...
... Continue
The bearded lady is with Silvio
Vote in the House
There is much talk of "Responsible Group", the parliamentarians from different backgrounds which should ensure Berlusconi to the continuation of the legislature. Who are these obscure, humble, but decisive protagonists of Italian political life? Here are some of their profiles.
Mr Panzuto
Elected twenty legislatures ago, in the sixties, has been forgotten by their relatives in Parliament. I do not remember which party was elected: "It's been so much time," he says, smiling to reporters. He sits on the front bench that is free, it is very well liked by colleagues from all groups for the friendliness and used to offer meats and pickles, extracting them from a bag-door refrigerator from home. In sixteen forty years has presented draft laws, the protection of all pickled Calabrese. His vote goes, from time to time, the deployment showing greater sensitivity to the protection of pickled Calabrese.
Mr Slime is considered a borderline case: it is in the list of the UDC, but was elected as the PDL because his name, for a lack of ink, is poured down the ballot. It is almost illiterate and does not care about politics, but the House has a role, very important modifying a garden rake, has created a tool that is able to press ten buttons simultaneously, making obsolete the old trick of "Pianist". Guarantees, only ten votes in the Berlusconi government.
of Latvian origin, Mrs Karina has been in elected office PDL having won the Miss Tits Huge selections. But the first meeting of the parliamentary group, when Berlusconi was realized that it was a caretaker in his sixties, was expelled and went to the Democratic Party, even if he does not know how because the current is still counting. Called several times by the Chair of the button accidentally crushed because of the vote with the breast. His vote is to be subtracted from the opposition because Karina, due to the size of the breast, pressing both buttons simultaneously. ... Continue
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Faraglioni Isole Eolie
Stromboli Aeolian Islands
Faraglioni Aeolian Islands