Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Amount Of Thc In Vegan Hemp Balm
The Blackberlyne
Who could imagine that the investigations of Rubygate we would open a world which is completely new, alternative use of technological devices?
It's like this: young women friends of Silvio Berlusconi, the now infamous Olgettina, possess all the Blackberry and now we realized that one of their main activities during the day is to talk, talk, talk ..... (Cited above) of everything that happens to them.
But, you know, is not always so easy to do: often do not find the right person and, even more often, there is the problem of the line, the phone does not take that. But the brilliant Olgettina have found the solution.
Invece di scrivere sms - troppo brevi e spesso male interpretabili – oppure mail – troppo faticose da scrivere - oppure lasciare messaggi in segreteria – tempo limitatissimo – hanno deciso di comunicare tra loro registrando degli audio messaggi sul proprio BB e inviarli come allegate alle mail.
Non fosse già di per sé fantastica la notizia, ci si mettono anche i giornalisti, a digiuno di robe tech, che si prodigano in spiegazioni esilaranti (leggere Colaprico su Rep. e le sue meravigliose “il BlackBerry è un telefonino usato anche dai capi di Stato" o “"Le email arrivano sul palmare attraverso appositi server: i dati sono considerati cifrati e sicuri”).
Io vorrei that news like this never end.
Breastfeeding Is It O.k For A Man
Women & advertising (will not debate)

In response, those genes of creative advertising take a unique beauty and unquestionable as Bianca Balti, replace the TIM as a testimonial advertising instead of Belen Rodriguez (just when all the average Italian had understood, after sanremo, which was not the only babe on duty or one-who-is-with-Corona, but a good showgirl. Congratulations on the timing, guys) and turn it into a cross between Pippo Franco and the singer of Aerosmith.
This is art, no doubt about it.
We look forward to see the brilliant creative rational behind the new campaign and to justify the transformation of Balti in a kind of Mona Lisa. Some say it is to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Italy (eccheppalle, we add here), others suggest a sad connection with the renaissance of the new Christian De Sica My friends (in case we are here attrazzando with heavy artillery).
However, the key to 10 € a month is a good offer.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Nvidia Vanta/vanta Lt World Of Warcraft
E 'that justice is wrong
Today (March 2011 ) before sitting for the process of recording evidence of the massacre of the Viareggio train June 2009 killing a total of 32 innocent people.
Among the suspects are great names, by CEO of Railways, M. Moretti and managing director of Trenitalia, Vincenzo Soprano. Them in class today, no trace. Only their lawyers.
Nothing done.
The next hearing is scheduled for November 2, 2011 .
The process for the massacre of Viareggio could be started at the beginning of ' summer 2012 and end the first months later (March 2013 ).
The risk of prescription is around the corner, especially if the process were to last longer than two years, according to the reform of the justice that the Government intends to launch
(and here we would be well also bestemmione if would do the trick)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
What Wood Goes With Brown Couch
The opening day is approaching more and more, the park also knows this and is refurbishing to make a good impression in front of his guests.

Modest Cocktail Dresses For Older People

Gaspare Morgion .
The Zeitgeist Movement was founded in 2009, is not a political movement. It does not recognize nations, governments, races, religions, beliefs or classes. The vision of the Movement considers these false distinctions and overcome, factors far from positive real growth of humanity. Their base is in power division and stratification, not unity and equality, we have set as a goal. While it is important to understand that everything in life involves a natural progression, we must recognize the reality that the human species has the ability to drastically slow down or paralyze progress, through social structures that are outdated, dogmatic and therefore not in line with the nature . The world we see today, full of wars, corruption, elitism, pollution, poverty, epidemic disease, human rights abuses, inequality and crime is the result of this paralysis. Federico Pistorno is the coordinator of the Movement Zeitgeist Italy, gave this interview to the Albanian newspaper Gazetaonline the aims and objectives of the Movement:
redefining our culture and spirit of the time. Interview with Fred
Pistono - coordinator of the Movement Zeitgeist Italy.
cultural architecture of today's society has become that of a sick and twisted society, paradoxically, in its deepest ethical values. The imbalance in which we find ourselves both individually and collectively there is in the race to capture and control of economic profit, the competition to create scarcity, and the stratification of society. But in the advanced theories of systems and the Culture of the key interaction in which the existence of past, present and future of society finds reason to be, sharing and continuity. For too long
Culture does not play the role of pull factor to the formation of a homogeneous mass thought. On many occasions, the policy takes possession of the ordinary sense of "Culture" and uses it banal and instrumental: it follows a reduced quality of the discourse civil, political, inter-generational opportunities critical for young people and the future of new generations. If today, the concept wrongly of 'Culture' is linked to that of 'Enterprise' as is 'capital' is associated with 'human', perhaps our children will not have Culture, man and life the same idea and that bit of respect that we have us. The Zeitgeist Movement we want to give back to the Culture ideal value, and above all human temptation, which originally belonged to it.
Brunilda Ternova : Richard, let me start this interview with one simple question: What is the Zeitgeist Movement, as it is born and how did it develop?
Federico Pistono : The Movement was founded in 2009 by an artistic creation of U.S. director Peter Joseph, with the release of his movie Zeitgeist: Addendum, but he soon hired an international and decentralized. This is a non-profit social movement, which seeks a change of values \u200b\u200bon a global scale. The aim is to raise the Zeitgeist (spirit of the time), exactly, the cultural spirit of the company, at a more humane and healthy, so that it is based on the resources of the Earth, our scientific and technological knowledge, and liberation of people , they can finally realize their potential, respect for nature.
In just one year of age, the Zeitgeist Movement has reached half a million members worldwide, has produced two films, other books and dozens of conferences. There are hundreds of activist groups scattered in 100 countries around the world, that translate the material in more than 30 languages, organize conferences, screenings, discussions, create podcasts, articles, music, art. All freely available online via Creative Commons, all done by volunteers. There is a project called "Zeitgeist Media Project" ( http://zeitgeistmediaproject.com/ ), dedicated to artists who create 3-D rendering of the future city projects, musical pieces, paintings, original and remix video, stories and much more.
Brunilda Ternova : Peter Joseph - besides being the founder del Movimento Zeitgeist - ha scritto, diretto, prodotto, e realizzato tre importanti documentari: Zeitgeist The Movie nel 2007, Zeitgeist Addendum nel 2008, Zeitgeist Moving Forward nel 2011. Vogliamo spiegare al lettore albanese di cosa trattano questi documentari?
Federico Pistono : Zeitgeist The Movie originariamente non era un film, ma era parte di uno spettacolo che consisteva in un evento multimediale vaudevilliano con musica, strumenti dal vivo e video. L’evento fu tenuto per 6 notti a New York e poi, senza alcun interesse per un rilascio professionale o una produzione specifica, “gettato” su Internet. Il lavoro non fu mai concepito come film o documentario in senso tradizionale, ma come un’espressione creative, provocative and emotionally stimulating, full of side dishes and artistic achievements of heavily stylized. However, once online, has begun to generate an unexpected and enormous interest. In a few months has reached more than 100 million hits. Suddenly the show "Zeitgeist" Zeitgeist The Movie became the most watched documentary in the history of the Internet.
Meanwhile, Peter was contacted by Jacque Fresco. The speech is more or less went like this: "Very interesting, but all you do is bring to light problems. Rather, you are interested in finding solutions? ". Zeitgeist Addendum is born with the idea of \u200b\u200ba truly sustainable society through the wise use of science and the changing values \u200b\u200bon a global scale. He was born a movement, global, peaceful, rational, humane and unstoppable.
series of Zeitgeist movie, despite being an inspiration to the movement with which it shares the term "Zeitgeist" is not to be confused with the content and the visions of the latter. The Zeitgeist Movement is essentially a social movement and sustainability, relations with the contents of the film series does not have consistency. While movies are increasingly moving towards the promotion of the movement, yet an analysis of intellectual / artistic work, then they would not be a basis of the movement itself. Moving
Zeitgeist Forward is a work of complete documentation describing the need for a transition beyond the current paradigm that money rules the world society as a whole. In this film, attended by experts in the field of public health, anthropology, neurobiology, economics, energy, technology, social sciences and in other relevant fields that affect the functioning of society and culture. The central themes are the human behavior, monetary economics and applied sciences. If you join you create a model for understanding the current social paradigm and why it is important to get out of. The application of a new approach to social, radical, but practical, based on advanced knowledge, solve serious social problems facing the world today.
alternative to war - terrorism is won with more intelligence than force
Since the production of oil can no longer increase, cuts to the waste of energy are becoming the condition because possano continuare a diffondersi in tutto il mondo, e in particolare nei paesi emergenti, il benessere, lo sviluppo e la democrazia.
Ma i risparmi di energia nell'autotrazione, nella produzione elettrica e nel riscaldamento di edifici, oltre che necessari per ridurre i costi e rilanciare l'economia, sono anche la migliore strategia per allentare le tensioni in Medio Oriente, per mettere fuori gioco il terrorismo, e per prevenire nuove guerre per il controllo dei pozzi di petrolio.
Infine la riduzione dei consumi è necessaria per ridurre l'impatto ambientale.
E dato che persino un modesto sito come quello dell'Ecofantascienza è in grado di dimostrare che le tecnologie adatte non mancano, l'obiettivo di un sostanziale incremento dell'efficienza energetica deve diventare una priorità assoluta.
Il petrolio è la causa di molti mali che affliggono l'umanità, a cominciare dalle guerre per arrivare all'inquinamento del pianeta. Sul petrolio si basa tutta l'economia dei paesi industrializzati, sia come fonte di energia che per la fabbricazione di moltissimi prodotti. Dal petrolio si ricavano la benzina e il gasolio, che serve per produrre energia elettrica. Ma col petrolio si fabbricano anche molti materiali come le plastiche di cui, per esempio, è fatto il computer su cui sto lavorando.
Non solo. Anche la plastica che avvolge i cavi elettrici…tutti electrical cables have a plastic, cables and there are millions of miles everywhere on earth. Only this figure is expected to meditate. The Western economy is heavily dependent on oil. Whether your industry is your company yourself wholly. There are very few products that you can say "oil free", in which the process of construction, development and / or assembly does not require a certain amount of oil, if only for packaging.
From when we wake up in the morning until we go back to bed our path is surrounded by oil and its byproducts. Maybe we do not notice it, but this is reality. Even where everything seems to be naturale e biologico troveremo il petrolio, magari sotto forma di energia elettrica equivalente, ma comunque sempre presente.
Immersi nel petrolio fino ai capelli come siamo, noi occidentali, riusciremo a immaginarci senza? E' urgente per noi uscire da questo stato di dipendenza assurda che ci porta a fare scelte di guerra di sapore feudale, quando i signori della guerra combattevano per la conquista di un territorio e per le sue risorse. Oggi, con le nuove tecnologie e la nostra cultura civile basate sul diritto, ha ancora senso pensare di “conquistarci” il petrolio? Ha ancora senso investire così tanto denaro in armamenti, anzichè investirne anche solo una parte in tecnologie alternative che ci permetterebbero di out of this situation of dependence? It makes sense to all this? Or someone agrees to the war?
The convenience of the war to someone, I wish everyone would stop and think. While I will step in to ask me another question: should we still use oil? And I speak from a purely economic point of view. To get it we are fighting in several parts of the world. We fight real wars in some places, while others participate in more or less open to inter-ethnic conflicts that are unleashed to accapparrarsi oil. Our economists calculate the price we are paying as Western civilization to be able to have security on our supplies? This time I am referring to both military costs is the cost in human lives.
But then what price the oil? "Only" $ 70 a barrel? I think not. It 's a bit like the environment: no one calculates the actual cost when it comes to forming the price of a product. So the environment is all that ultimately mean to anyone. If you are finished thinking about who should the war, I ask you another question: what is the best way to defeat terrorism? War or get out of oil dependence? And what is cheaper: the war or get out of oil?
easy answers for those who have followed the reasoning and has little environmental sensitivity.
The stated purpose of Gulf War combat terrorism, promote democracy in a region where there is very little democracy, and preserve the possibility of continuing to buy that oil which nowadays we can not do without.
It is true that have been killed the tyrannical rule of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, and that many terrorist bases were destroyed. But these same military interventions also are getting exactly the opposite results. In fact, together with increased demand from emerging markets, are pushing up the price of hydrocarbons, making it increasingly dependent on developed countries and consequently increases the strategic importance of Middle East. The increasingly high cost of energy, in addition to military spending, penalizes the consumer countries from Europe and the United States, while increasing their revenue schemes that spread Islamic fundamentalism and more or less openly finance terrorism. A really nice way of doing their own interests, fight terrorism and strengthen democracy!
If these wars are really necessary, do not see why we should give such an advantage to terrorists and their financiers. The logic that would be made the same commitment to reduce our dependence on strategic and avoiding to give advantages to the enemy we are fighting.
In fact, se avessimo fatto qualcosa di efficace per sostituire le importazioni di petrolio con risparmi e produzioni alternative, forse le guerre si sarebbero potute persino evitare. Ci saremmo liberati del ricatto dell'interruzione delle forniture di energia. L'importanza strategica del medio Oriente sarebbe venuta meno, e con essa anche la necessità di intraprendere delle guerre.
... Continua
Il futuro è anche sapere come saranno le nostre abitazioni, un ottimo suggerimento viene dal blog Il Cambiamento con la spiegazione di come sono fatte le case di paglia e la convenienza a costruirle:
Case di paglia, intervista Maurizio Macri and Stefania Mancuso
Nate Nebraska in the early '900, the houses of straw have been rediscovered and revived in the United States during the 80s in the vein ecological building. Even in Italy there is anyone involved in this technique. Read more about the architects we interviewed Torino Maurizio Macri and Stefania Mancuso, been engaged in building construction with straw.
Maurizio Macri Stefano Mancuso and two architects from Turin, co-founders the new association Edilpaglia and collaborators on the show House EcoLogical , so they kept the location information, mostly.
You are passionate about the topic from the university, where they started carrying cases and then fall in love with the hyper-innovative development in the straw. Precursors of this technique, yet semidisowned in Italy (the only Italian experience was at the center Panta Rei ) was formed in Switzerland and France, have collected material in different languages \u200b\u200band become known by all the professors of architecture and by mid- those of agriculture. Now, years later, the design houses themselves.
It is not an Italian tradition, where and how the practice of straw houses?
practice as we know it today was born in Nebraska as a choice dictated by the need of the pioneers to the early 900 (the first documented construction dates back to 1896) to create temporary shelters with materials readily available: very little wood, large fields, territories sandy, dry climate. Once introduced packing machine found themselves in front of large brick and invented what today is called 'technical Nebraska'. Homes that now after a hundred years are still standing and in good condition.
The issue has been rediscovered in the United States in the 80s in the vein of building label, which was restored with modern techniques and design features that allow its applicability even in humid climates, so that now there are several examples even in humid and rainy like England.
When and where you can build (climate, latitude, land features ...)?
Water is the enemy of straw. That said, with good planning and some design features can be built in any climate, latitude, area. The issue of water must be managed throughout the design process, but if they succeed in England ... That moisture - is that coming from outside is due to vapor condensation that forms inside - is a problem that affects all buildings, but when you have to do with organic materials / natural this manifests itself more prominently.
Maurizio Macri Stefano Mancuso and two architects from Turin, co-founders of the newly formed association Edilpaglia and collaborators on the show House EcoLogical
The thatched building is associated with a specific type of home? In other words, it is a choice that we have with a particular final form?
The technique is combined with any type of home, even traditional. It is a construction system that requires of features that depend on location and climate.
The question is simple: the architectural choices can reduce the transport to the south until you reach the roof, with the necessary precautions, the flat roofs. Here in the north, the protection of the walls become even more important, but this applies to all building types. The real limitation lies in our designers often ignore the land on which the building will be built.
In theory you can use the straw in two ways:
method Nebraska, or Load Bearing , uses bales of straw stacked in staggered joints, like bricks in the wall, to form the backbone. Among the straw bales are inseriti degli elementi che conferiscono maggiore stabilità alla struttura: paletti, spesso di nocciolo, che fungono da elementi di connessione ed assumono il ruolo che ha la malta nelle costruzioni in laterizio. Ha limiti per l’ampiezza delle aperture e la lunghezza dei muri e per il numero dei piani, al massimo 2 salvo eccezioni. In provincia di Bolzano esiste una casa a 3 piani costruita con jumbo balle . Ma in Italia non si può più usare questo metodo dal 2008 in seguito all'approvazione delle 'nuove norme tecniche per le costruzioni'.
L'agricoltura del futuro si chiama Permacultura , la progettazione and integrated management and sustainable human settlements and productive land in the agro-environment, a technique invented and developed by Masanobu Fukuoka , in Italy one of the leading proponents of this technique is called the farmer Antonio De Falco contemporary, this video explains how to use this new technique to grow in harmony with the earth and nature:
Libya is taking a bloodbath, but you have to ask the causes of the uprising of the people of Libya, a reading relevant to the reality tells us Disinformation:
The Franco-British revolutions
"The North-Africa is on fire, an escalation of unrest trasformatesi soon in civil wars. This is the war in the Mediterranean, which aims to track the new spheres of influence, and subtract any energy control Italy. This as stated by Michael Altamura, director of Italian, according to which are now obvious manipulation of the campaigns of disinformation and false justicialism, aimed at creating the "false color revolutions" false and so the new Islamic capital. A major role is now done by the Internet and social-network that reveal a face much danger, that is a tool for the creation of gatherings and meetings of protest, as well as for the coordination of the masses. At stake are the interests of oil giants of the old Franco-British colonizers of Africa, with Total, Chevron, Exxon, Shell and BP have defined their empires energy, deciding now the dismissal of those Governments that they themselves have contributed to create. Italy, with its small giants, is now forced to retreat more and more, finding himself almost forced to leave Tripoli and the long series of cooperation economic signed with Gaddafi, but by itself will face a wave of refugees pressing on the coast of Lampedusa.
Such events will surely be echoed in the Balkans, where governments on the stability already precarious likely to be the target of inflammatory events, given the ethnic and religious implications in play. Swell so forums and blogs that incite hatred, discontent, riots, using every trivial pretext to turn the fuses to the fighting. Rising prices for the freezing of pensions, construction of a church expropriation of land.
After the recent sex scandals involving the premier small and despite the large-scale protests, the Knight will remain stubbornly clinging to the chair, we are senile? The analysis in this country Francesco Lamendola :
Maybe now only an exorcist could freed from the evil
We believe that no one can doubt the fact that the Italian people is made up of intelligent people on average.
Even the most prejudiced against foreigners Italy recognize him willingly, even though I have my doubts about how this intelligence is exercised within the limits - that is - the cunning, eventually becoming the exact opposite of itself.
Similarly, we believe there is little doubt that the Italians, considered in general, are people with excellent taste: they know how to dress well, better than any other nation in the world, appreciate the good things, I hate that ugly.
not we do appearances deceive you: yes, the new rich are building its ugly house with swimming pool on the hillside, in spite of the aesthetic and landscape restrictions, but it is still a minority of people, both rich in terms economic, as poor and miserable on the cultural and human.
But the ability to furnish a good house, choose some nice pictures to appreciate good music, and a good lunch (do not not want the music lovers for the combination of sacrilege, but in the end not arbitrary), is a natural endowment of the average.
As for the public sense of morality and ethics, then there is no reason di pensare che, fra gli Italiani, siano meno sviluppati che presso qualsiasi altro grande popolo dell’Europa: sempre parlando in generale, ossia delle persone comuni, e non di categorie specifiche, come, ad esempio della casta politica dominante.
È probabile che anche un Tedesco, un Inglese o uno Scandinavo finirebbero per tentare di evadere le tasse, se fossero alle prese con un fisco ottuso e rapace come il nostro; per gettare le immondizie direttamente sulla strada, se fossero in balia di un servizio per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti, come quello che esiste a Napoli; per guidare l’automobile in maniera tanto indisciplinata, se dovessero giocare d’astuzia con gli Autovelox posti ovunque in agguato, a tradimento, only to allow the government to make money with little effort.
You have to have the eternal whining habit of self-denigration which afflicts so many pseudo-intellectuals, to think that the Italians as a people, are worse than any other and deserve to be eternally all possible misfortunes, with no hope of redemption to atone not know what original sin.
Now: Italians are a nation that stands for intelligence, good taste and love of beautiful things, and that does not occupy the last places in terms of honesty, loyalty, ethics, despite what the self-denigration Vulgate says and repeats continuously.
But then, someone will be never be able to explain the evil spell has taken possession of them, their hearts, their minds, their sense of ethics to the point of making them not only blind to the obscene spectacle of a prime minister who acts as he does Silvio Berlusconi, but also fun and enthusiastic about his exploits, of his achievements, his media performances intolerable?
feminism's appeal to South the anniversary day of March, the eight women
reduced to the March 8 celebration of patriotic wombs!
Already she had spoken here. The first call for the March 8 committee snoq was a call for mass reproduction, a decision to fight not to win more rights, even claiming their freedom of choice, but a day when women remember that their first and only concern should be to serve his country by children. This appeal does nothing more than to be confirmed by another ( accompanied by the invitation to wear a pink ribbon bad) with the eloquent title Italy return to the world. If the other call had me worried, I have to say this worries me, however.
Under the appeal, and a comment.
return to the world ITALY
the title already speaks for itself. Because again the call to motherhood?
Italy is a country for women and we want it to be. In the year when we celebrate the 150th Unification of Italy, we give more value to 8 March, the day came more than a century ago to honor the workers of the world, became in time at today's celebration of women and of rebirth for our country.
If the appeal to patriotism in the appeal was made to wait from a starting, this time he just replaced.
We want an Italy capable of being in the world, in an open and solidarity with all peoples, especially those who struggle for freedom as now those of North Africa. We want to be on 8 March, as February 13, the day of all.
Here, First Amendment (never make the mistake of considering a final appeal snoq). It has now become the agenda for all, without nationality, which can not fail to please.
Of the women who work steadily in and out of home, of those seeking work and do not find it, of workers forced undeclared work, license, their precarious and the many who have left their families away to deal with our own, and women into slavery. In Italy is a widespread insecurity that is not just work but life. It involves a growing number of women and men.
Second correction: Specifies the men who was not there before, which again can not fail to please.
For all you heavy mortgage on the future, but the uncertainty that weighs on young women affects the entire national community and its prospects. In Italy have children, a family, has long since become a luxury. We want that for all and all there is the freedom to choose whether and when to become parents.
points to the homeland again, and the ability to start a family (when using the term "young women" always feel the smell of rotten). I note as a good teacher, the addition of ".. if you become a parent" . A sop.
Why can choose you must: compulsory maternity leave and maternity allowance. Statutory paternity leave. Rules preventing the dismissal "estimate": no more blank resignations.
The use of women's bodies made by advertisers is a bleak and destructive activities, the complaint Women thinking in this video:
More about women and sexist advertising, comments Wit:
Sexism is not a problem
Another hilarious output Toscani, the genius, the provocateur, the one who photographs chips by vegetable tanned and that says a friend-like graphics - " is an old man who lost his creativity, and then use the vagina for no reason .The interview is delusional and poses as a "provocation" is at least exaggerated, given that its wording is a vulgarity and misogyny that not even the worst bar: "all sluts, you make me sick. Do you have hairy armpits, the ass down and short legs. "
Apparently the rant of one of those old angry with life that is inexorably moving away, and one wonders what on earth they did women in Tuscany (in addition to enriching it) for having done so to become resentful.
Speaking of these things on Facebook, I found once again that sexism and gender discrimination are not a problem for the vast majority of people, even those who recognize it as similar to me.
Toscani I know that if he had said "Jews are all money-lenders, black stink and Romanians are all drunk rapists," dozens and dozens of people have cried foul, racism, Nazism. They pulled out the Holocaust, racial segregation and racism most vulgar.
For women no. Women can be insulting.
is not considered a problem to read words like "all women are sluts" is just a provocation genio della comunicazione.
Qualcuno è arrivato a dirmi che "in qualche modo" con quelle parole Toscani stesse parlando della condizione femminile e che sono io che voglio vederci il marcio, perché a dire che le donne sono tutte troie pelose col culo basso è stato " un pubblicitario e non un politico ", come se il mestiere che uno fa potesse giustificare il sessismo e gli insulti misogini. Insomma, se a dirti che sei una puttana è un pubblicitario va bene, mica sta in Parlamento, no? Solo che io mi incazzo anche se me lo dice il mio vicino di semaforo e non mi è mai capitato di chiedere "scusi, lei che mi ha detto bocchinara perché non le piace come guido, mi dice cortesemente che your job? "
Obviously the most popular topic is the great classic," is full of hoes and their fault if women are discriminated against. "
I quote:" if today lacks respect for you women's fault those of your distinguished colleagues for money if they would do everything .... and not only works well in higher social classes in those medium-sized ... you really think that those feminists take a fierce de je by 5 million euro and the flag of modern women if it is refused?? is the competition among you who will fuck .... not the man .... "(obviously" one of those fierce feminist "refers to the companions of Feminism In South )
Unable especially interested in seeing just what's behind it, is much more convenient to blame the "whores" who "would do everything" for a salary to be committed rather than to question the modes of communication and society in which we live.
And of course I do not reason with my brain, are darkened by feminism and are not able to see how many sluts are out there.
... Continue
of Women in Tarif :
calendar from the bus
SUBJECT: Advertising Dinamica Materassi PirelliDal calendario agli autobus della città e provincia
Calendario Pirelli, sinonimo di foto d’autore e erotismo, può piacere o non piacere. Un calendario si può comprare e non comprare. Si può scegliere. L’autobus per andare a lavorare no, per andare a scuola no.
Non condividiamo quindi la scelta di trasportare lo stile del Calendario Pirelli agli autobus pubblici. Non ci importa se le foto sono d’autore, belle e levigate, resta il fatto che i corpi di donna sempre più nudi vengono accompagnati più o meno volgarmente a campagne pubblicitarie.
Cioè per vendere prodotti. Per competere sul mercato e realizzare profitto, il corpo della donna è trattato come merce di scambio in troppe pubblicità. Quando vediamo una campagna pubblicitaria in cui è esposto un corpo di donna nudo o, in altre occasioni i suoi pezzi, per vendere prodotti ci chiediamo e chiediamo a creativi e pubblicitari: perchè usare l’immagine di un corpo di donna nudo? Per una questione artistica? per una questione estetica? o perchè si presume che il corpo di donna, oggetto di desiderio, seduca e inducendo desiderio di possesso, produca un acquisto d’impulso, a prescindere dal valore e dalle caratteristiche commercial product. To some extent the female body in these postures and opportunities, is the only motivation to purchase, because as the purchased goods if they can do what you want.
share the words of President Alberto Contri Advertising Progress. "... .. Making advertising with class, professionalism and good taste is quite another thing than improvised communicators who use these tricks miserable."
La cultura è per sempre?
Guardate questa pubblicità su una rivista femminile di inizio anni ’80 . Si può discutere sul prodotto pubblicizzato, e si può arricciare il naso al look datato: ma una cosa è certa, fino ad un certo punto la cultura è stata un VALORE condiviso. Tanto da utilizzarla in pubblicità associandola alla seduzione, e senza neanche bisogno di sbottonare il secondo bottone della camicetta.
Da quando la cultura ha perso valore?
E ancora sulle miserie di our house, and politicians in the world who have resigned from not read this blog :
He resigned.
1995, Sweden . Deputy resigns Mona Sahlin: " Yes, yes, I used a credit card by the state to do fornitami acquisti personali. Ho comprato pannolini e cioccolato per i miei figli. Ma questo errore non è stato il frutto di disonestà, ma solo di disorganizzazione ... Per fare il leader devi avere la fiducia della gente. E ora io non so se l' ho ancora ".
1998, Usa . Sexgate, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Bill Clinton mente sui suoi cittadini per i rapporti intrattenuti con Monica Lewinsky: i suoi avversari gli scagliano contro la procedura d'impeachment, portandolo ad un passo dal baratro. Le accuse: " falsa dichiarazione giurata " e " intralcio alla giustizia .
1999, Germany . The unifying the two Germanys and former Chancellor Helmut Kohl apologized on live television with the entire country, admitting that blacks have received funding from his party. After 50 years of his career - and successful - Kohl finds himself on his knees.
2002, U.S. . Celebrating the centenary of Senator Storm Thurmond, one of the " All laws of Washington and bayonets Army will not be enough to bring the Negroes into our homes . The then leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Trent Lott during the Celebrations pronounces this sentence: "If the rest of the country had voted as we did in Mississippi, we would not have had so many problems over all these years . In network bursts dissent, Lott was forced to resign.
2005, France . He resigned Finance Minister Herve Gaymard loyalist Chirac the state paid 14 000 euro per month for the give him a free furnished apartment in Paris. He will say the former minister: " I am aware that they acted so awkwardly and had made a serious error of assessment .
... Continue
And Pyper :
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Gummy From the description of Femme fatale:
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Lia Celi recounts the recent events in Libya:
Best of Pokemon: Gaddafi's sons!
While the Bedouin tent on the leader is about to fall permanently, its many offspring are preparing to divide his inheritance more unwieldy: a huge wardrobe of gaudy uniforms of mothballs that only costs millions a year. Some of Gaddafi jr. are already known to the Italian news, but the most interesting are yet to be discovered. Know them better!
MIRAMMAR Gaddafi Muammar
Born on the relation between the promoter and a Club Med, said that the future of the Libyan Jamahiriya and seaside tourism: now arrived last chance. The all-inclusive would be overcome: Mirammar we have created the all-reclusive resorts, picturesque bunkers sunk into the sand, surrounded by barbed wire, where the guest can indulge laziness more complete, because if he steps outside he gets A machine gun ...
But choosing the personnel between the proud Bedouin of the desert was not a good idea: I am so proud that if a tourist asked him to rifargli the bed, sticking on the spot. Mirammar has just unveiled a series of outdoor pools, mistaken by the media for mass graves, "But no dead bodies," he explained, "were the only swimmers who were dead."
son of Colonel Gaddafi and a dancer at the Crazy Horse, has a solid reputation for themselves as a ladies: women can not say no because he is rich, fascinating, mainly because the gags. For twenty years running after all skirts of Europe, as evidenced by his love story with many Scots Guards, and monsignors Evzones Greek Catholics. Among his flirtation, Stephanie of Monaco, which left him after discovering that, despite its appearance, was not a psychopath, lion tamer, and Carla Bruni, which inspired the most tender ballad Cochon, nor me touche pas ou j ' Appelle la police . E 'Monamur found that he wanted the hand of Camilla Parker Bowles, but it was not a marriage proposal, convinced that the woman had stolen luggage at the airport, I wish the Islamic punishment for thieves.
result from the marriage of the Rais and the cashier of a film club of Derna, as a boy has the cult of Federico Fellini Rimini is convinced that the teacher was actually Libyan thoroughbred, and that all his films, in spite of appearances, is set in Giarabub. In honor of his idol, Muammarcord always wears a broad-brimmed black hat and a white scarf, and her favorite pastime is to round up unarmed citizens on the beach, dressed as clowns and bonds with falsetto voice to walk in a circle playing the trumpet, Junoesque actresses fountains or immerse in oil (water is rationed). He hopes to open his country to the West in order to import big tits and ass Fellini in Libya is now lacking. Italy is focusing on him: he alone could get rid of forever Sandra Milo.
Welfare - Offices PDL, buzz Silvio
The logo is simple, the writing is blue: "The PDL in the service the Italians, "which sounds like a terrible threat. And we are quite a lot. While waiting to get their hands on television talk shows and in the Corriere della Sera, here's merry band of national jokes for a new challenge, this time assisted by the Minister of Tourism Brambilla disaster. Objective: To open an "office the PDL "in every Italian town (ie more than eight thousand offices) to help the Italians. To do what? To make a tax return, to find work, to help pensioners with the form of patronage, to manage relationships with INPS and INAIL, and dealing practices for the recruitment of domestic workers, or caregivers (no minors ), and so on. In short, a surrogate of Caf, the consultancy firms of auditors, and also the advice, although - as stated in the website dedicated to the initiative - that the offices of the PDL will also provide "guidance on the rules of interruption of pregnancy" . Let's face it, getting complete your tax return Berlusconi is like asking a marriage counseling to Bluebeard, but the stated aim is "rooted in the territory," that is opening an office in each country. Morethat the area the feeling is that we want to control the inhabitants: their tax returns, their relations, their use of social services (those that still exist). So, after years and years of obsessive mantra "liberal" on "state eye" which sees everything and controls everything, here is the private security made in Silvio: a political party which reveals its ambition to mass profiling. It must be said that some possible functions of these "offices PDL" will benefit from a consolidated experience. For example, when busy (always on the website) for "advice on property and rental of the house. Or when the largest seller of advertising in the country, including his, the most deceptive promises to provide advice to "defend and protect consumers." Certainly, the presence of Mrs. Brambilla in any initiative is a guarantee of failure, just look at the success of his action under the command of National Tourism. But you know, Italians are patient and optimistic, and something might just work. For example, advice on the house might make the experiences of the Premier: planning regulations changed with a snap of the fingers, speculation, but rents in exchange for commodity-like via Olgettina, Milan.
... Continue
The images of the blogger friends from Gold Fiorentino :
From Keishia :
From Rosemary3 :
From Cuore562 :
From the master of satire Vauro comments on recent events:
From enema :
the value of silence
Friday, March 4, 2011
Dune Buggy Life Glitch
My week on Twitter / a
I realize I am a bit snubbed 'the blogghino to other socialcosi faster, lighter and synthetic.
However, I note that there is always a hard core of readers every day peeps here (thank you) and then I decided to open yet another rubrichetta where I select my interventions (In) Twitter happy about the last days. Here is the first
- Feast of Vogue and Gucci party of 500: on a night I played the entire bonus glamor of 2011. (24 Feb)
- Vecchioni by Fazio. No thanks. (27 Feb)
- Every time someone says caciucco (with one c) a Livorno dies. Understand this. (28 Feb)
- RT @ polaroid videos on wired Italy are very slow to load. It must be part of their plan to convince us that the internet is dead. (1 Mar)
- The poor little children, children of fashionistas, forced to wear low waist pants and tirarseli every minute (3 Mar)
- [We call it like you NOIA] How many. fuck. of. times. pass. him. spot. again. of. Telecom. (3 Mar)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Ebay Croscill Pillows
The Keith
If you are not enough for the wonderful autobiography Life , then take a couple of hours and look below Under Review, the documentary on Keith Richards released on DVD in 2007.