Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How To Change Toolbox Lock

BREAKS "conviction" to become a good father Egidio


La manovra correttiva del Governo suscita reazioni scomposte.
Le Regioni si mobilitano e spiegano “dati alla mano” quali saranno le conseguenze dei tagli.
Spacca unisce la propria vocina al coro dei disperati: “drammatica manovra economica”, “tentativi di scaricare sulla Regione la responsabilità della riduzione delle risorse”, "The responsibility is solely and exclusively of the national government."
The truth is that this maneuver does not preclude the exercise of social functions but requires Spacca and other governments to manage regional transport, road maintenance, end of production activities, agriculture, environment, housing, services with greater efficiency and accountability .
short, this is "just", and perhaps for the first time, save money, streamline and scissor kick last advice, missions, conferences and sponsorships. Bravo Tremonti who ordered the Regional Administrations, and to drop all the subordinate, seriously consider priorities.
The government itself, which has so far ensured the layoff, has already favored those who are in real difficulties and therefore, also established a new order of priorities "social".
From here on, will, I hope for the good of all, the much-desired positive process of rationalization of public expenditure.
On the other hand to read the words of Spacca filigree reveal, as in a Freudian slip, the essence of truth. Carry
quote: "at this stage is the courage to look to the real problems of the community, to select investments ..."
So if our first Governor had not done, from now on, pace patronage of waste, will have to adapt to the virtuous behavior of millions of "good fathers" Italians who for years now, faced with a crisis (this is) really "dramatic", had to revise the cash disbursements and any investments.


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