L'informazione è il fulcro della democrazia, chi controlla i media controlla tutta l'opinione pubblica e ne indirizza i convincimenti, in tutti i paesi l'informazione è gestita e controllata dai gruppi di potere politico economico, Luogocomune affronta l'argomento in This Post:
The media and the construction of reality
The importance of information in our society is enormous, so dreadful as it reveals the power concentrated in the hands of big media managing the construction of reality. Almost everything we know and go beyond the walls of our house, factory or office where we work and the narrow circle of our friends and our knowledge does not exist in its true nature, but one in which the media have deemed to represent . A protest, a march, a demonstration, unless we have personally involved, will be part of nostra consapevolezza solamente se l’informazione ha deciso di darcene notizia, altrimenti per noi sarà come se non fossero mai esistiti.Un progetto come quello dell’Alta Velocità ferroviaria sarà da noi giudicato indispensabile, inutile, dannoso o strategico, in funzione dei vari giudizi che gli esperti e gli uomini politici avranno espresso attraverso i media che sono perciò in grado di filtrarli al fine di ottenere l’effetto voluto.Se non viviamo in Valle di Susa saranno i media a svelarci l’identità e le motivazioni dei contestatori e in funzione della realtà che i media ci rappresenteranno noi li considereremo. Anarco - insurrezionalisti, provocatori, teppisti alla ricerca di ogni occasione che permetta loro di sfogare la propria violenza, oppure onesti cittadini e brave persone che pacificamente difendono la propria terra....Sono i giornali e le televisioni ad offrirci i parametri attraverso i quali leggere il mondo che ci circonda, ...... individuare i buoni e i cattivi, separare i progetti utili da quelli sbagliati, considerare la validità delle scelte di ordine economico, ambientale, etico, scientifico, formarci un’opinione su tutto ciò che accade. Sono i giornali e le televisioni a fornirci le coordinate che ci permetteranno di entusiasmarci, preoccuparci, indignarci, emozionarci, solidarizzare, condividere, contestare, disapprovare, manifestare qualsivoglia genere di emozione funzionale alla realtà che ci viene rappresentata.Ma i media not limited to shape and construct reality to their liking, they are able to decide whether a particular event existed or not, and can operate in this way very easily, simply to publish or ignore a particular news. Anything that is not represented in newspapers and on television, simply did not exist, except of course for those who have been directly involved in the event. The control of information is essential, therefore oligarchy of power, much as it is the policy only through the condescension of the media is in fact possible to manage public opinion, build consensus and destroy any avversari.In Report this obsessive need to mystify the real world by the media, in order to guide public opinion in a functional manner to the best interests, even the language is changing in depth. The words no longer have a specific functional significance to their content, but have become empty shells deprived of intrinsic meaning, is not suitable to represent a concept, but simply to subdue the other person emotionally. How many times watching television or reading newspapers c ' encounter concepts such as "of strategic work," "needs development", "serving the goals of growth," vital to the recovery economic "," democratization of a people "," recovery of competitiveness "," greater flexibility "," global market "," large infrastructure of international importance. "It's phrases, clichés, external effect that although devoid of real meaning, however, slow to the desired result, because we tend to be affected by the redundancy of the concept, without worrying about digging into its contents. Who made the outside will never be able to explain why that particular work is the reason for the strategic or development needs, or the reasons for which a decision serves the vital objectives of economic growth or economic recovery. No one will be able to explain how it is possible to export democracy, what it really means to regain competitiveness, which is the international importance of infrastructure or why it is necessary to have more flexibility and what are the parameters that we will have a market globale.Nonostante metabolized the priority and essential concept of accepting it as necessary and indispensabile.Un another example of packaging that every day is imposed on us by the misuse of words consists of those terms that are used as synonymous with modernity, while not of no specific value for themselves.
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The miracle of reconstruction in Abruzzo told by Piero Ricca Blog:
called L'Aquila. Milan meets
As the guarantee of a solution in a few weeks of the tragedy of waste in Campania, which in truth would require decades of good governance for the remediation of the territories. As the vaunted tax cuts, which - ipse dixit - are so high as to permit evasion morally, but in recent years have even increased. As the history of the "safest cities", with blows of cuts police and laws that weakened the fundamental tools of investigation. As these and other promises, so the miracle of reconstruction in Abruzzo, a shameless propaganda walkway through the rubble during the wave of emotion, proved nothing but a number of salesman. Yet many still Boccalon applaud the spectacle, as if the reality in their eyes and no other message was so persuasive to shake hypnosis television. The salesman and his clique of cronies have duped the government only but the whole of Italy L'Aquila, in ways seen and reviewed elsewhere: the delegation of decision-making powers to a small clan around her head, "notwithstanding" the procedures, reducing el'aggiramento inspection, the media hype, the management of contracts paramafiosa, the neutralization of dissent.
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And on the earthquake in L'Aquila's account of Miss Kappa : Take back our city
Saturday it was raining on our hopes. And our anger. On our claims. And the truth. The Eagle has shown to us and many came from outside, in all its stark reality. Aquilani reality that too many are likely to get used to. Reality, however, it should be shouted, and fought. We were many. More than twenty thousand, and under the cold water that has accompanied, as our merciless ruins, along the painful journey. And the houses gutted, empty and dark, were the scene of the representation of pain from which we try to go out.
Many there were, many were not. There were those who wants to respond, those not satisfied. And who does not delegate. There were those who refused to believe and pretend that all is well. There was no arrende.E who was also in the name of the many that have not come. Of the many that have made it to go back and represent their pain. Of the many who are weak, and tired, and resigned.
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On 25 November was the international day against violence against women, some evidence and considerations, Bewitched by :
Poetry Attack: femicide (day against violence against women)
After I severed fingers to play, after
will be your loss. What does not kill
but remains in the belly
a whisper, piano,
(Giorgio Vezzoli - Bewitched)
From Blog Wit:
Thursday, November 25, 2010
No to violence against women!
Today is the International Day Against Violence Against donne.Si, in fact every day should be a day against violence against women, but qua tra omicidi -riusciti o meno-, stupri, botte è una guerra.Lunedì a Vieni Via Con Me tre Donne hanno letto tre elenchi, che sono quello che molte di noi pensano ogni giorno.Ognuna di noi avrebbe potuto scrivere quegli elenchi. Femminismo A Sud ne ha scritto uno e chiede a Saviano e Fazio di leggerlo.E' l'elenco delle donne uccise negli ultimi QUATTRO mesi .Più di sessanta donne ammazzate in quattro mesi.E mancano tutte quelle che sono state stuprate, mutilate, picchiate.Mancano quelle che sono sopravvissute e se andate a fare un giro su Bollettino di Guerra potrete avere un'idea dei numeri.Sono donne normali, non eroine e proprio per la loro normalità vengono dimenticate, perché too many people still think that "things" are not a problem tutti.Per join the initiative of Feminism in the South, you can can send the list, or directly link to their post, to info@robertosaviano.it, through the form on the site of transmission or leave a message on the bulletin board of their facebook page . For every woman killed, raped and hurt we are all part injured. From the blog
Women thinking:
Women and Advertising: How did it end
U-power: the shoe that kicks ass women
On October 15, 2010 by mail, a reader I Send this advertising that speaks da sola.
Apro una discussione nell’area forum della community: http://donnepensanti.ning.com/forum/topics/upower-ovvero-prendere-a-calci e contemporaneamente scrivo allo IAP usando l’ apposito modulo .
In molti abbiamo scritto per segnalare il contenuto offensivo nei confronti delle donne contenuto in questa campagna pubblicitaria.
Oggi mi arriva questa mail:
Associazione Donne Pensanti
alla c.a. Dott.ssa Francesca Sanzo
Segnalazione messaggio pubblicitario “Con le Scarpe da Lavoro U.Power ti puoi permettere “Quasi” tutto!!”
rilevato su affissioni diffuse nella città di Novara nel mese di ottobre 2010
to inform you that the Audit Committee, reviewed the advertising message you reported, decided to issue an order of discontinuance for violation of Articles. 9 - Violence, vulgarity, indecency - and 10 - Moral, civil, religious and human dignity - of the Code of Commercial Communication.
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Mesic From the description of some types of women:
Slut Machine!
will be true? There are a lot of women, thousands, too, most of them are whores, but each is different, each has a way of making us distingue.Conosco slutty girls who love to get in posa nelle foto come avessero solo loro la figa e sproloquiano su quanti ragazzi si fanno e quanto gli piacciono i baci e così via. Sono quelle che poi non fanno pompini. Ok, non a tutte piace farlo, lo posso capire. Sono quelle che non si masturbano. Questo proprio non lo capisco, ma non ci credo neanche. Insomma dici che hai voglia di cazzo ma non ti masturbi che ti fa schifo ed è squallido? In cosa è squallido? Ok toccare la gnagna non è proprio il massimo ma è per un bene superiore che lo fai.Conosco ragazze che non lo fanno se non col proprio uomo. Poi parli con questi uomini e ti raccontano di quanto siano porche a letto. Siete delle fighe, non ve la menate, lo fate solo con chi è nel vostro interesse e vi godete la vostra sessualità and with partners in zoccolaggine questione.Ci tontolone are those who just do not talk about sex but does not even try with a guy, waiting for some manna from heaven. Are those people who are trying with the sleazy guys. You're right, because there are those out if you only try, but if you go out is to stay with friends and have fun but if you find someone, flirt a bit 'christ.
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CherryLotus is a woman who lives in China, recounts his experiences in this vast country
I happened to talk to university students of Chinese studies. There are some things that really surprised me. Primo, alcuni mi dicevano di non essere contenti dei loro studi, nel senso che a loro non piacciono molto, e uno si chiede perché l'hanno scelto. Secondo, le ragazze mi hanno detto che devono cercare di avere un titolo di studio più basso dei loro ragazzi o futuri mariti, per evitare di guadagnare di più e creare dei problemi ai poveri maschietti. Questo è nettamente in contrasto con la cultura di rispetto verso le donne che c'è in Cina, ma potrebbe essere un ritorno del maschilismo tradizionale, che risale ai tempi di Confucio, e che fa comunque far preferire alle famiglie un figlio maschio piuttosto che una femmina, e cose del genere. Terzo, alcuni mi hanno detto che continuano a studiare per poter avere un lavoro migliore, e che comunque even with a degree find a good job is not easy. It does not seem to speak a country's booming, but an average country, where work is scarce. Even I do not know if this is due to the fact that graduates are "spoiled", and just want good jobs and well paid, or if indeed the Chinese workforce culture requires less manpower and more.
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Ireland is on the verge of bankruptcy, has accepted the loan offered by the European Community, Lia Celi reveals the background:
EU: "Yes, the loan to Ireland but only if you subscribe to Alcoholics Anonymous '
' s official: Ireland accetterà il prestito offerto da Ue e Fondo monetario. L’opinione pubblica europea è sconcertata: solo l’altra mattina il premier di Dublino Brian Cowan sosteneva di non vedere nessuna crisi, mentre la sera, uscendo dal pub, diceva di vederne addirittura due. Fatto sta che l’isola verde è ancora più al verde, e l’unica voce dell’economia irlandese ancora attiva è quella di Enya. Vediamo perché.O’ CONNOR? O’ FAMESecondo un’antica leggenda, la secolare indigenza dell’Irlanda deriv adall’inganno teso dal perfido Fiode na-Mighnothagh, l’elfo delle speculazioni finanziarie, all’ingenuo re celta Poweropirlagh: lo spirito materializzò davanti agli Iridescent eyes of the sovereign a bubble through which we could see enormous wealth. Fascinated by the vision, Poweropirlagh abolished taxes, and its people began to buy houses, horses and castles that really could not afford. But a bad day the bubble burst FIOD, leaving everyone poorer than before. When St. Patrick landed on the island, the Irish exchanged him for another financial planner and tried to cut his throat. When Patrick explained that he was a harmless esole evangelist arrived there by chance were so relieved that not only is immediately converted to Christianity, but signed with the confidence of its derivatives "Pozzo di San Patrizio," which promised profits without end. They knew that they were the most toxic securities of Europe, born in unsanitary banks overseas infested with rats, fleas and analysts at Goldman Sachs ...
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Interior Minister claimed to be invited to the transmission RAITRE Come away with me to refute the claims of Roberto Saviano business on interaction between the League and the 'Ndrangheta in the north, Michele Serra provides further developments on the denials of Our man at the Interior Ministry:
Rai, come the Smentine
After the performance of Maroni and the claims of the Movement for Life, is all the rage forced the adjustment. Here are the next steps
After the man who has eaten watermelon 12 in an hour and a surveyor who has managed to approve the plan linear two kilometers of terraced houses, another Italian triumphantly enter the Guinness Book of World Records. It is the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, the author denied the world's longest. To respond to a phrase of Roberto Saviano, the minister was a "Porta a Porta", "The Last Word", "Matrix," "In half an hour," "Come away with me" and in twenty news using double or even of the cardboard shape when the broadcasts were at the same time. In total, sixteen hours in response to a sentence of four seconds. The minister has in mind as a response to Gomorrah, forty volumes bound in leather, a work monument that will be sent to every Italian family with payment until it is needed, even in installments. Maroni's strategy, devised by a German engineer who specialized in mega-structures, it is just the beginning.
Face to face Minister will sound the bell of some citizens chosen by lot, which explains why Saviano is wrong and he is right. After the meeting, Maroni will present the citizen with a stylish brochure with photographs of the boss stopped by to update files.
Variety exhausted talk-show, the minister denied prepare suitable for any television format. In a variety ribatterà surrounded by Saviano Smentine handsome, a quartet of three girls selected by Renzo Bossi. A Quark, Piero Angela if the accords, the mysterious word "indeed deny Saviano" should appear, photographed from a satellite in the Arizona desert, perhaps drawn by aliens perhaps by Renzo Bossi, recognizable at the end of the last "O" a huge brush in hand and a proofreader at his side.
Maturity With the support of the minister Gelmini, at the next graduation exam will be offered the following theme of Italian: "The denial of the Minister Maroni Roberto Saviano, in the wake of the great rationalist tradition, gets many of the procedural and substantive values \u200b\u200bthat are the basis of political thought and philosophical modern. Explored and expanded on this relationship, particularly with regard to the passage "Mica is true what he says Saviano." Full exposure by referring to the arrest of forty-two of the most wanted fugitives. "
The Camorra Iovine fugitives was captured in his home after 14 years on the run and after 14 hours of monologue Saviano. Given the success of public The minister intends to refine the number arresting a person in direct boss, recognizing him in the audience of a talk show. The scene was already prepared in detail and tested in secret by the Minister in the study for comparison. Conductor: Minister , the most wanted fugitives she has already seventy-nine arrested. The judge a satisfactory result? ". Maroni:" Not yet. Behind him, confused the audience, I recognized the boss Gennaro Trunk. Arrest him. "Conductor:" But what is the sound engineer ... Mr. Pino ...". Maroni: "They all say so". ... Continue

The work I like it, fascinates me. I could sit for hours watching!. (Jerome K. Jerome)
intelligent lazy I have always very ambitious per poter così giustificare alla propria intelligenza la loro inerzia.(Fowles)
Sono un pigro altruista: mi stanca pure vedere lavorare gli altri.(G. Vanella)
Una gran quantità di persone ha un'anima che adora nuotare. Volgarmente vengono chiamati pigri.(Henri Michaux)
Ogni mattina mi sveglio e tocco 200 volte le punte delle mie scarpe. Poi mi alzo dal letto e me le infilo.(Max Greggio)
La pigrizia non è altro che l'abitudine di riposarsi prima della fatica.(Jules Renard)
Le immagini di Ninfearosazzurra :

Di OroFiorentino :

Of Romina05 :

Some works of the great Vauro :

Students rebel inability and inefficiency (and not only that ) di chi sta rubando loro il futuro, preparando una strada di precarietà e buio che giova soltanto ai grassi imprenditori e mazzettari, amici degli amici.
Nonostante le manganellate d'ordinanza, questi ragazzi sono saliti sui tetti e sono entrati nelle stanze del potere. Una piccola rivoluzione che deve far riflettere le mummie del regime.
Ma se cerchi di trombarti la moglie del produttore, l'amaro te lo porta direttamente lui, sottoforma di cazzottoni in faccia.
Dal produttore al consumatore !!
SuperSilvio had thrown it there ... easy easy.
seemed one of his usual nonsense and in fact it was.
Not only ... Now the floods also
junk Palermo, but do not talk too much, perhaps not too dirty pages of newspapers. His.