Saturday, November 27, 2010

Car Alignments Prices In Columbus Oh

Waste, Saviano and the Camorra

Above: Image taken from blog /

Politicians have their own ethics. All of them. And it's a notch below that of a sex maniac.

Saviano, the Camorra and politicians waste

Roberto Saviano in transmission RAITRE Come away with me spoke of the Camorra and spilled toxic waste in Campania in the last twenty years, for completeness of information is good to read the open letter that the oncologist Patrizia Gentilini sent to the blog of Beppe Grillo :

public and I get a letter from the oncologist Patrizia Gentilini the allegations made by Roberto Saviano in the transmission: "Come away with me" on the Camorra and waste.
"Dear Beppe, the issue of waste in the Campania region is too important because you can afford to be given information is biased or not representative of reality. For this I ask hospitality in the hope that this I come to the attention of Roberto Saviano - which is certainly a lot of esteem for his testimony - but just for this and the role it has assumed, can not afford to "slip" of sorts. State, as Saviano has done on TV with 10 million people who see it and write to the Republic (about 2 million others) that the Camorra is guilty of the disaster of urban waste in Campania is not true to say one thing: in the ongoing trials Bassolino and Summits Impregilo & Fibe there shall be charged for crimes "of the Camorra," but for fraud and falso.Qui the responsibility of the Camorra are not, but of politics and if you are discharging the administrators and politicians who have combined this disaster ago lla a favor because Camorra the racket is being fought by drying the water in which swim! And it's good to know that the difficulties in the right way to manage waste (collection home centers, composting and recycling) are not so much by the Camorra but rather from a perverse plot between big business and politics, without distinction of party, we know well something we citizens of a region "red" as the 'Emilia Romagna ... Of course then Saviano is outdated and does not know that they are not just some meager scholars express doubts about the safety of incinerators, but entire scientific associations and Order of Doctors (like dell 'Emilia Romagna in Italy and France). Who wants to be just an idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem can be read published on Sun 24 hours by the Health colleague Peter Carideo, or even the open letter to the citizens of our doctors in Parma, or statements made by the oncologist French, D. Belpomme, President of ARTAC. And if that's not enough carry the words of Prof. David Kriebel of the Department of Health and Environment Massachusetts said that a recent study - published in the journal Occup Environ Med - conducted by researchers at the University of Lyon in an area where they are active 21 incinerators (study showed that of 304 infants with severe genital malformations of the secluded statistically significant risk-up to almost six times the expected - related to exposure dioxins emitted by incinerators). These are the words of Professor Kriebel: "The study .. raises serious concerns about the health risks caused by emissions from municipal waste incineration plants. This fact, combined with evidence of other adverse effects of this technology, would in itself be decisive in the choice of waste management. In fact, apart from being very dangerous to health, these facilities because: 1) cause the production of toxic ash and slag from smaltire2 anyway) contribute to the warming globale3) prevent the waste reduction and recycling, because once these plants expensive were built, managers want to have garantita una sorgente continua di rifiuti per alimentarli".Ripeto, non pretendo certo che Saviano sappia tutto di rifiuti , ma spero si renda conto che con il suo intervento - certamente suo malgrado - è stato funzionale alla promozione del "ciclo integrato", ovvero quello che prevede un'importante quota di rifiuti da incenerire e l'utilizzo successivo delle ceneri residue.... nel cemento!

L'informazione è il fulcro della democrazia, chi controlla i media controlla tutta l'opinione pubblica e ne indirizza i convincimenti, in tutti i paesi l'informazione è gestita e controllata dai gruppi di potere politico economico, Luogocomune affronta l'argomento in This Post:

The media and the construction of reality
The importance of information in our society is enormous, so dreadful as it reveals the power concentrated in the hands of big media managing the construction of reality. Almost everything we know and go beyond the walls of our house, factory or office where we work and the narrow circle of our friends and our knowledge does not exist in its true nature, but one in which the media have deemed to represent . A protest, a march, a demonstration, unless we have personally involved, will be part of nostra consapevolezza solamente se l’informazione ha deciso di darcene notizia, altrimenti per noi sarà come se non fossero mai esistiti.Un progetto come quello dell’Alta Velocità ferroviaria sarà da noi giudicato indispensabile, inutile, dannoso o strategico, in funzione dei vari giudizi che gli esperti e gli uomini politici avranno espresso attraverso i media che sono perciò in grado di filtrarli al fine di ottenere l’effetto voluto.Se non viviamo in Valle di Susa saranno i media a svelarci l’identità e le motivazioni dei contestatori e in funzione della realtà che i media ci rappresenteranno noi li considereremo. Anarco - insurrezionalisti, provocatori, teppisti alla ricerca di ogni occasione che permetta loro di sfogare la propria violenza, oppure onesti cittadini e brave persone che pacificamente difendono la propria terra....Sono i giornali e le televisioni ad offrirci i parametri attraverso i quali leggere il mondo che ci circonda, ...... individuare i buoni e i cattivi, separare i progetti utili da quelli sbagliati, considerare la validità delle scelte di ordine economico, ambientale, etico, scientifico, formarci un’opinione su tutto ciò che accade. Sono i giornali e le televisioni a fornirci le coordinate che ci permetteranno di entusiasmarci, preoccuparci, indignarci, emozionarci, solidarizzare, condividere, contestare, disapprovare, manifestare qualsivoglia genere di emozione funzionale alla realtà che ci viene rappresentata.Ma i media not limited to shape and construct reality to their liking, they are able to decide whether a particular event existed or not, and can operate in this way very easily, simply to publish or ignore a particular news. Anything that is not represented in newspapers and on television, simply did not exist, except of course for those who have been directly involved in the event. The control of information is essential, therefore oligarchy of power, much as it is the policy only through the condescension of the media is in fact possible to manage public opinion, build consensus and destroy any avversari.In Report this obsessive need to mystify the real world by the media, in order to guide public opinion in a functional manner to the best interests, even the language is changing in depth. The words no longer have a specific functional significance to their content, but have become empty shells deprived of intrinsic meaning, is not suitable to represent a concept, but simply to subdue the other person emotionally. How many times watching television or reading newspapers c ' encounter concepts such as "of strategic work," "needs development", "serving the goals of growth," vital to the recovery economic "," democratization of a people "," recovery of competitiveness "," greater flexibility "," global market "," large infrastructure of international importance. "It's phrases, clichés, external effect that although devoid of real meaning, however, slow to the desired result, because we tend to be affected by the redundancy of the concept, without worrying about digging into its contents. Who made the outside will never be able to explain why that particular work is the reason for the strategic or development needs, or the reasons for which a decision serves the vital objectives of economic growth or economic recovery. No one will be able to explain how it is possible to export democracy, what it really means to regain competitiveness, which is the international importance of infrastructure or why it is necessary to have more flexibility and what are the parameters that we will have a market globale.Nonostante metabolized the priority and essential concept of accepting it as necessary and indispensabile.Un another example of packaging that every day is imposed on us by the misuse of words consists of those terms that are used as synonymous with modernity, while not of no specific value for themselves.
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The miracle of reconstruction in Abruzzo told by Piero Ricca Blog:

called L'Aquila. Milan meets

As the guarantee of a solution in a few weeks of the tragedy of waste in Campania, which in truth would require decades of good governance for the remediation of the territories. As the vaunted tax cuts, which - ipse dixit - are so high as to permit evasion morally, but in recent years have even increased. As the history of the "safest cities", with blows of cuts police and laws that weakened the fundamental tools of investigation. As these and other promises, so the miracle of reconstruction in Abruzzo, a shameless propaganda walkway through the rubble during the wave of emotion, proved nothing but a number of salesman. Yet many still Boccalon applaud the spectacle, as if the reality in their eyes and no other message was so persuasive to shake hypnosis television. The salesman and his clique of cronies have duped the government only but the whole of Italy L'Aquila, in ways seen and reviewed elsewhere: the delegation of decision-making powers to a small clan around her head, "notwithstanding" the procedures, reducing el'aggiramento inspection, the media hype, the management of contracts paramafiosa, the neutralization of dissent.
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And on the earthquake in L'Aquila's account of Miss Kappa : Take back our city

Saturday it was raining on our hopes. And our anger. On our claims. And the truth. The Eagle has shown to us and many came from outside, in all its stark reality. Aquilani reality that too many are likely to get used to. Reality, however, it should be shouted, and fought. We were many. More than twenty thousand, and under the cold water that has accompanied, as our merciless ruins, along the painful journey. And the houses gutted, empty and dark, were the scene of the representation of pain from which we try to go out.
Many there were, many were not. There were those who wants to respond, those not satisfied. And who does not delegate. There were those who refused to believe and pretend that all is well. There was no arrende.E who was also in the name of the many that have not come. Of the many that have made it to go back and represent their pain. Of the many who are weak, and tired, and resigned.
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On 25 November was the international day against violence against women, some evidence and considerations, Bewitched by :
Poetry Attack: femicide (day against violence against women)

After I severed fingers to play, after
will be your loss. What does not kill
but remains in the belly
a whisper, piano,
(Giorgio Vezzoli - Bewitched)

From Blog Wit:
Thursday, November 25, 2010
No to violence against women!
Today is the International Day Against Violence Against donne.Si, in fact every day should be a day against violence against women, but qua tra omicidi -riusciti o meno-, stupri, botte è una guerra.Lunedì a Vieni Via Con Me tre Donne hanno letto tre elenchi, che sono quello che molte di noi pensano ogni giorno.Ognuna di noi avrebbe potuto scrivere quegli elenchi. Femminismo A Sud ne ha scritto uno e chiede a Saviano e Fazio di leggerlo.E' l'elenco delle donne uccise negli ultimi QUATTRO mesi .Più di sessanta donne ammazzate in quattro mesi.E mancano tutte quelle che sono state stuprate, mutilate, picchiate.Mancano quelle che sono sopravvissute e se andate a fare un giro su Bollettino di Guerra potrete avere un'idea dei numeri.Sono donne normali, non eroine e proprio per la loro normalità vengono dimenticate, perché too many people still think that "things" are not a problem tutti.Per join the initiative of Feminism in the South, you can can send the list, or directly link to their post, to, through the form on the site of transmission or leave a message on the bulletin board of their facebook page . For every woman killed, raped and hurt we are all part injured. From the blog

Women thinking:
Women and Advertising: How did it end

U-power: the shoe that kicks ass women
On October 15, 2010 by mail, a reader I Send this advertising that speaks da sola.
Apro una discussione nell’area forum della community: e contemporaneamente scrivo allo IAP usando l’ apposito modulo .
In molti abbiamo scritto per segnalare il contenuto offensivo nei confronti delle donne contenuto in questa campagna pubblicitaria.
Oggi mi arriva questa mail:
Associazione Donne Pensanti
alla c.a. Dott.ssa Francesca Sanzo
Segnalazione messaggio pubblicitario “Con le Scarpe da Lavoro U.Power ti puoi permettere “Quasi” tutto!!”
rilevato su affissioni diffuse nella città di Novara nel mese di ottobre 2010
to inform you that the Audit Committee, reviewed the advertising message you reported, decided to issue an order of discontinuance for violation of Articles. 9 - Violence, vulgarity, indecency - and 10 - Moral, civil, religious and human dignity - of the Code of Commercial Communication.
... Continue

Mesic From the description of some types of women:
Slut Machine!
will be true? There are a lot of women, thousands, too, most of them are whores, but each is different, each has a way of making us distingue.Conosco slutty girls who love to get in posa nelle foto come avessero solo loro la figa e sproloquiano su quanti ragazzi si fanno e quanto gli piacciono i baci e così via. Sono quelle che poi non fanno pompini. Ok, non a tutte piace farlo, lo posso capire. Sono quelle che non si masturbano. Questo proprio non lo capisco, ma non ci credo neanche. Insomma dici che hai voglia di cazzo ma non ti masturbi che ti fa schifo ed è squallido? In cosa è squallido? Ok toccare la gnagna non è proprio il massimo ma è per un bene superiore che lo fai.Conosco ragazze che non lo fanno se non col proprio uomo. Poi parli con questi uomini e ti raccontano di quanto siano porche a letto. Siete delle fighe, non ve la menate, lo fate solo con chi è nel vostro interesse e vi godete la vostra sessualità and with partners in zoccolaggine questione.Ci tontolone are those who just do not talk about sex but does not even try with a guy, waiting for some manna from heaven. Are those people who are trying with the sleazy guys. You're right, because there are those out if you only try, but if you go out is to stay with friends and have fun but if you find someone, flirt a bit 'christ.
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CherryLotus is a woman who lives in China, recounts his experiences in this vast country
I happened to talk to university students of Chinese studies. There are some things that really surprised me. Primo, alcuni mi dicevano di non essere contenti dei loro studi, nel senso che a loro non piacciono molto, e uno si chiede perché l'hanno scelto. Secondo, le ragazze mi hanno detto che devono cercare di avere un titolo di studio più basso dei loro ragazzi o futuri mariti, per evitare di guadagnare di più e creare dei problemi ai poveri maschietti. Questo è nettamente in contrasto con la cultura di rispetto verso le donne che c'è in Cina, ma potrebbe essere un ritorno del maschilismo tradizionale, che risale ai tempi di Confucio, e che fa comunque far preferire alle famiglie un figlio maschio piuttosto che una femmina, e cose del genere. Terzo, alcuni mi hanno detto che continuano a studiare per poter avere un lavoro migliore, e che comunque even with a degree find a good job is not easy. It does not seem to speak a country's booming, but an average country, where work is scarce. Even I do not know if this is due to the fact that graduates are "spoiled", and just want good jobs and well paid, or if indeed the Chinese workforce culture requires less manpower and more.
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Ireland is on the verge of bankruptcy, has accepted the loan offered by the European Community, Lia Celi reveals the background:
EU: "Yes, the loan to Ireland but only if you subscribe to Alcoholics Anonymous '
' s official: Ireland accetterà il prestito offerto da Ue e Fondo monetario. L’opinione pubblica europea è sconcertata: solo l’altra mattina il premier di Dublino Brian Cowan sosteneva di non vedere nessuna crisi, mentre la sera, uscendo dal pub, diceva di vederne addirittura due. Fatto sta che l’isola verde è ancora più al verde, e l’unica voce dell’economia irlandese ancora attiva è quella di Enya. Vediamo perché.O’ CONNOR? O’ FAMESecondo un’antica leggenda, la secolare indigenza dell’Irlanda deriv adall’inganno teso dal perfido Fiode na-Mighnothagh, l’elfo delle speculazioni finanziarie, all’ingenuo re celta Poweropirlagh: lo spirito materializzò davanti agli Iridescent eyes of the sovereign a bubble through which we could see enormous wealth. Fascinated by the vision, Poweropirlagh abolished taxes, and its people began to buy houses, horses and castles that really could not afford. But a bad day the bubble burst FIOD, leaving everyone poorer than before. When St. Patrick landed on the island, the Irish exchanged him for another financial planner and tried to cut his throat. When Patrick explained that he was a harmless esole evangelist arrived there by chance were so relieved that not only is immediately converted to Christianity, but signed with the confidence of its derivatives "Pozzo di San Patrizio," which promised profits without end. They knew that they were the most toxic securities of Europe, born in unsanitary banks overseas infested with rats, fleas and analysts at Goldman Sachs ...
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Interior Minister claimed to be invited to the transmission RAITRE Come away with me to refute the claims of Roberto Saviano business on interaction between the League and the 'Ndrangheta in the north, Michele Serra provides further developments on the denials of Our man at the Interior Ministry:
Rai, come the Smentine
After the performance of Maroni and the claims of the Movement for Life, is all the rage forced the adjustment. Here are the next steps
After the man who has eaten watermelon 12 in an hour and a surveyor who has managed to approve the plan linear two kilometers of terraced houses, another Italian triumphantly enter the Guinness Book of World Records. It is the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, the author denied the world's longest. To respond to a phrase of Roberto Saviano, the minister was a "Porta a Porta", "The Last Word", "Matrix," "In half an hour," "Come away with me" and in twenty news using double or even of the cardboard shape when the broadcasts were at the same time. In total, sixteen hours in response to a sentence of four seconds. The minister has in mind as a response to Gomorrah, forty volumes bound in leather, a work monument that will be sent to every Italian family with payment until it is needed, even in installments. Maroni's strategy, devised by a German engineer who specialized in mega-structures, it is just the beginning.

Face to face Minister will sound the bell of some citizens chosen by lot, which explains why Saviano is wrong and he is right. After the meeting, Maroni will present the citizen with a stylish brochure with photographs of the boss stopped by to update files.
Variety exhausted talk-show, the minister denied prepare suitable for any television format. In a variety ribatterà surrounded by Saviano Smentine handsome, a quartet of three girls selected by Renzo Bossi. A Quark, Piero Angela if the accords, the mysterious word "indeed deny Saviano" should appear, photographed from a satellite in the Arizona desert, perhaps drawn by aliens perhaps by Renzo Bossi, recognizable at the end of the last "O" a huge brush in hand and a proofreader at his side.
Maturity With the support of the minister Gelmini, at the next graduation exam will be offered the following theme of Italian: "The denial of the Minister Maroni Roberto Saviano, in the wake of the great rationalist tradition, gets many of the procedural and substantive values \u200b\u200bthat are the basis of political thought and philosophical modern. Explored and expanded on this relationship, particularly with regard to the passage "Mica is true what he says Saviano." Full exposure by referring to the arrest of forty-two of the most wanted fugitives. "
The Camorra Iovine fugitives was captured in his home after 14 years on the run and after 14 hours of monologue Saviano. Given the success of public The minister intends to refine the number arresting a person in direct boss, recognizing him in the audience of a talk show. The scene was already prepared in detail and tested in secret by the Minister in the study for comparison. Conductor: Minister , the most wanted fugitives she has already seventy-nine arrested. The judge a satisfactory result? ". Maroni:" Not yet. Behind him, confused the audience, I recognized the boss Gennaro Trunk. Arrest him. "Conductor:" But what is the sound engineer ... Mr. Pino ...". Maroni: "They all say so". ... Continue

quotes on Laziness by Happysummer :
The work ' the refuge of people who have nothing better to do. (Oscar Wilde)
The work I like it, fascinates me. I could sit for hours watching!. (Jerome K. Jerome)
intelligent lazy I have always very ambitious per poter così giustificare alla propria intelligenza la loro inerzia.(Fowles)
Sono un pigro altruista: mi stanca pure vedere lavorare gli altri.(G. Vanella)
Una gran quantità di persone ha un'anima che adora nuotare. Volgarmente vengono chiamati pigri.(Henri Michaux)
Ogni mattina mi sveglio e tocco 200 volte le punte delle mie scarpe. Poi mi alzo dal letto e me le infilo.(Max Greggio)
La pigrizia non è altro che l'abitudine di riposarsi prima della fatica.(Jules Renard)

Le immagini di Ninfearosazzurra :

Di OroFiorentino :

Of Romina05 :

Some works of the great Vauro :

succession of vignettes from enema :
The protest is spreading throughout Italy.
Students rebel inability and inefficiency (and not only that ) di chi sta rubando loro il futuro, preparando una strada di precarietà e buio che giova soltanto ai grassi imprenditori e mazzettari, amici degli amici.
Nonostante le manganellate d'ordinanza, questi ragazzi sono saliti sui tetti e sono entrati nelle stanze del potere. Una piccola rivoluzione che deve far riflettere le mummie del regime.

Di solito al ristorante - se chiedi un amaro - ti portano un bicchierino di liquore scuro ed amarognolo.
Ma se cerchi di trombarti la moglie del produttore, l'amaro te lo porta direttamente lui, sottoforma di cazzottoni in faccia.
Dal produttore al consumatore !!

seems like yesterday ...
I got it!
SuperSilvio had thrown it there ... easy easy.
seemed one of his usual nonsense and in fact it was.
Not only ... Now the floods also
junk Palermo, but do not talk too much, perhaps not too dirty pages of newspapers. His.


Pill Day: From Ehvvivi remember, Sopravvoliamo Corrado Guzzanti & Co.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Christian Thank-you Quotes

Who killed John Kennedy? The Parliament of Fear

Above: Image taken from blog sedutainriva.

One book, one can disrupt the life of an individual. A library can culturally enrich a small town. A huge archive, however, will not change anything in the life of a metropolis.

About killed John Kennedy?
One of the darkest events of the contemporary world c is certainly the murder of U.S. president John Fitzgerald Kennedy ,
Luogocomune describes in detail the obscure aspects and weaves between the Mafia, CIA, FBI and intelligence:

some time now, it is clear to all researchers more aware that Lee Harvey Oswald killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The mountain of evidence to refute this hypothesis is that even the most ardent debunkers, as Gerald Posner and John McAdams, have given up trying to unmount them all. (In reality, their own view "official" have been made pieces from the conspiracy researchers, as did David Ray Griffin's book for Popular Mechanics 9 / 11).

The real question that remains on the table today is "who was to kill John Kennedy?"

We know that the Kennedy brothers - the first as president, the latter as Minister of Justice - in just two years were managed to alienate all the major power groups in America. You could then point the finger on the Mafia, the CIA, the bankers, industrial on the arms or FBI, to make mistakes without risking much.

In fact, the pair of brothers was placed in the complex mechanism of power American just like a stone can go from 5 pounds to get stuck in the middle of a delicate clockwork mechanism. At that point you can not remove it, you first need to grind.

In receiving the news of the assassination of John Kennedy, in his office in Washington, Robert Kennedy said: "I figured that sooner or later one of us would have done away with, but I thought it was my turn." Echoes the reasoning expressed by one of the Mafia boss, in the meeting where it was decided to kill the president: "If we cut the tail, the head will continue to try to bite. But if we cut directly to the head, even the tail will die. "

For this reason, it is important to remember that the killing of John Kennedy to be seen in relation to joint actions of the two brothers, and not only those of the president.

The essential feature of the whole affair was the surprise election of John Kennedy to the presidency in 1960 ...

... (Everyone thought he would be elected Richard Nixon), but first we must briefly recall what had happened the previous year. [Excerpt from the book "The Other Dallas", pp. 65-66:]

1959 - a crucial year in American history

the summer of 1959 Castro took over Cuba, immediately creating a double set of problems, both political and economic.

On one hand, Cuba's alliance with the Soviets had thrown into a panic the men of the CIA, who already lived many years in a state of permanent tension because of the cold war. Cuba in fact, as was demonstrated by the Missile Crisis of 1962, represented a position of absolute strategic importance in the Caribbean.

other economic damages reported by the Mafia, which had suddenly lost one of the capital of gambling and prostitution, had been enormous.

This is how the scene for one of the most bizarre alliances ever known in the history of the American nation, that between the CIA and the Mafia, which would last for long years.

There was also a normal type of economic urgency, especially from the sugar industry, which pushed for an immediate restoration of control over Cuba
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About the United States, perhaps not everyone knows that in our region are inside of NATO bases over ninety nuclear warheads, can never hope to free ourselves from this uncomfortable and intrusive occupier? From Maurizio Pallante some valuable information about this topic:

Stores NATO nuclear
In Italy it is estimated there are between 70 and 90 American nuclear warheads, all bases in Aviano and Ghedi Torre: B-bombs 61 with a power ranging from 45 to 170 kilotons (ie up to 13 times the Hiroshima bomb), F-16 fighters used by U.S., Belgian and Dutch and German and Italian Tornado, and comes under nuclear sharing, the "nuclear sharing", which involves member countries in planning for the use of nuclear weapons by NATO (which includes the deployment of U.S. tactical nuclear weapons in Europe). But all this makes sense? He still sense the presence of NATO in Europe, more than sixty years since the Second World War and more than twenty years since the collapse of the Soviet bloc?

Europe continues to be literally invaded by "NATO forces", which, in fact, American military forces are occupying more or less legitimate the soil of other sovereign countries. Among them, of course, Italy. Besides the question of why such a presence on the ground of countries which should be allies of the only "super power" left, one wonders what they would do the Americans on their territory if there was even one foreign military base, or a single nuclear warhead does not belong to them. Of course, as stated Beppe Grillo in one of his "red pill", not even angry, mad!

So why should we wonder that thousands of Vicenza, for example, are against the enlargement of what would become the largest U.S. base in Europe (Dal Molin)? Or if you already several European countries said today and tomorrow in Lisbon on their desire to rid itself of U.S. bombs on their territory? And why should we put in a position even more problematic both in terms of possible attacks by alleged international terrorism that tensions within the European continent (eg Russia)? For money? Not really, if you do the calculations listed on the site, which show that almost all of the costs be borne by the countries hosting U.S. bases and NATO.

But even if these bases, beyond their utility or not, should bring money, or "business" as many think, this would be enough to legitimize its presence and especially the possibility of starting and landing aircraft, in defiance of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty signed and ratified by Italy, carrying nuclear warheads? And of course anything but peaceful purposes, even in spite of the fact that Italy, as stated in Article 11 of our Constitution, "repudiates war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of settling international disputes ".

of this (hopefully) will discuss today and tomorrow, the Heads of State and Government of NATO member countries who meet in Lisbon. That already during the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in April 2010, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands (in October and also Norway and Luxembourg) had raised objections to the retention of U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe. There are two nations who have never expressed a wish to discard this American nuclear arsenal on its territory: Italy and Turkey.

did not seem a coincidence that precisely these two hours are eligible to receive the warheads removed from the rest of Europe. Yes, because in the report "U.S. non-strategic nuclear weapons in Europe: a Fundamental NATO debate", presented at the end of October 2010 by a committee NATO Parliamentary Assembly, we speak of the intention of NATO's "nuclear weapons in less group geographical locations." The areas in question, namely those involved in this relocation, some experts would be precisely controlled by the U.S. bases at Aviano in Italy and Incirlik in Turkey.
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The USA and the Italian Mafia has always been linked by an indissoluble bond, but the Mafia of our house with such personalities from politics and the economy is big business? Ten questions about the Mafia from Nonleggerequestoblog Minister Maroni:

League and the Mafia: 10 questions to the Minister Maroni.

let's face it all. Today, you're nobody unless you ask 10 questions to someone. And these are my 10 questions to the Interior Minister Roberto Maroni.

1) Minister Maroni, for many years, the Northern League had no doubt about the mafia's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, have come to define "bad mafioso who earns money with heroin and cocaine," "bandit "" swindler "," delinquent "," the Camorra mafia Arcore, "one who has something" and Nazi-mafia "," Berlus-Cosa Nostra, "a Palermo speaking Milanese", "Palermo was born in a land wrong, "" one who has made money with the Mafia, "arguing that" Fininvest came from Cosa Nostra ", that" the North, people are still divided between those who know that Berlusconi is a mafioso and who does not know it yet. "In 1998 Bossi declared:" Until you have clarity on what is Strength Italy and what is the Fininvest, the financial and how were taking the money, there can be no dialogue with the Polo. "Today, the connections between business and the investments of the Knight of the Cosa Nostra look increasingly pronounced, can you explain what is the evidence - I assume overwhelming, given the seriousness of the allegations - which have squandered all your questions?

2) Minister Maroni, in 1998 the newspaper "La Padania" - the official organ Northern League - has bombed Silvio Berlusconi and his men with a heavy press campaign, hammering. Some titles: "Dirty money in the coffers of Berlusca", "A witness to the process Dell'Utri: pushing B. Craxi was in politics," "Silvio laundered money from the mafia," "Tangent to the Guardia di Finanza: Silvio sentenced to 2 years and 9 months, "" Where did the 1000 billion Stefano goodness? "," An Empire of nominees: Dear Silvio, why did you used from '68 to 84? "," Kiss the hands "," So the Alfa Romeo put his hat "," The Acts of Lucky Berlusca: the curriculum of the judiciary would be the envy of a Knight of the mafia boss. " This campaign resulted in 10 surgical applications (Photo): "YOU ARE A BERLUSCONI mafioso? ANSWER." Minister: Knight has ever answered?

3) Minister Maroni, as placed against Marcello Dell'Utri - appears in its majority - recently sentenced on appeal to contest with the Mafia? A decade ago he declared: "The request for the arrest of Dell'Utri is legitimate, and not based persecution: I have considered carefully and with suffering, now you can decide in full awareness. In the background is visible spectrum Cosa Nostra, the specter of the Mafia. " Today we no longer speak of ghosts, but of certainties have been tested by Senator PDL relations with the Mafia of goodness before, and then that of Riina and Provenzano. Now that value judgments are exhausted, and convictions weigh like stones, because the Northern League continues to entrench itself in this awkward silence, in this ten-year institutional code of silence? Minister, because it allows multi-investigated Dell'Utri to humiliate citizens and institutions, claiming that the policy did not give him "damn", and is in Parliament, "only to defend themselves from the processes?

4) Minister Maroni, because the Northern League had previously refused to authorize the arrest, and then use the authorization of wiretaps of former Secretary and Deputy PDL Nicola Cosentino, investigated for collusion Association Camorra on charges of unprecedented gravity?

5) Minister Maroni, Roberto Saviano during the broadcast "Come away with me" said the 'Ndrangheta in the North in dialogue with the League. A statement that probably was better developed, almost certainly superficial, but what are your responsibilities in the explosion of the Calabrian Mafia in many areas of northern Italy? What did you do in practice to curb this phenomenon? Your party is "rooted in the territory", "close to the people", right? How is it that in 20 years in power have allowed all this overwhelming, often denying the existence of the problem and denouncing anyone with imbufalendovi infiltrazioni in molteplici settori dell'economia padana?

6) Ministro Maroni , come sa la vera forza delle organizzazioni criminali del nostro Paese è insita nella cosiddetta "Borghesia Mafiosa", e cioè in quell'insieme sconfinato di persone apparentemente per bene che consentono a Cosa Nostra, 'Ndrangheta e Camorra di proliferare, potenziarsi, e debordare nell'economia legale. La Lega Nord in questi anni ha votato una quarantina di leggi-vergogna, provvedimenti che non solo hanno seviziato la Costituzione e permesso al Presidente del Consiglio di mantenere la fedina penale pulita, ma che hanno creato grave danno alla collettività, rallentando i processi, creando ingiustizia, rendendo le indagini più difficili. Sto parlando della riforma dei reati societari - a partire dall'abolizione del falso in bilancio - della riduzione dei termini della prescrizione, dell'infinita serie di condoni, edilizi, fiscali, tombali, della legge Cirami e di molto altro. Senza tralasciare la "riforma" che avrebbe tranciato di netto l'utilizzo delle intercettazioni telefoniche - strumento fondamentale nella cattura di boss mafiosi (pure Iovine!), pedofili, stupratori, politici corrotti e criminali di ogni tipo - "riforma" per fortuna arenata in Parlamento, e non certo per merito vostro. Questa infinita serie di intralci al lavoro della Magistratura, che porta, tra gli altri, il marchio a fuoco della Lega Nord, quanto ha agevolato le mafie del nostro Paese?
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November 20 in L'Aquila, there was a great event to remember the state of abandonment faced by the citizens affected by the earthquake, the appeal of Miss Kappa :

The Eagle and the ' Italy meet

And tomorrow L'Aquila manifest. And Italy with us. Our rubble, yet all this will be the symbol of the rubble of all of Italy. The scheme does not talk about television. That left even pretend. The usual Santoro wanted us, yesterday, set design for its entertainment program, without giving dates. Demolishing even the initiative the popular law, written and presented to parliament by the people quake, for our emergency and for all emergencies in Italy. The piacione Fazio, the dude with Saviano, we were ignored, too busy to be pleased with themselves. And by the share of television. Italy resisting, between pain and destruction, Italy united, we are not audience.Ma, Italy real, the suffering and struggle, one that is not pleased useless in front of the television, tomorrow, we'll be square. The accessions are many: it shows that civil society there. And he answers. A small group of citizens of the Assembly of Piazza Duomo, presidium meeting, organized with an admirable effort and spirit of devotion, the great event tomorrow. And the city and the territory have responded. Abstained mayors Berlusconi: eight. And the province, Berlusconi also. They do not like the presence of Vendola and Di Pietro and committees of citizens from all over Italy. Those who, like us, living an emergency. They believe that the event is characterized by too much left. As if it rains, those natural and man-made, had colors. And parties.
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The machine told by mud Bewitched :

The Newsweek article, the answer of the Strip and the machine mud
Networked learning of the response of Striscia la Notizia the now famous article published in Newsweek. The piece of the American weekly denounced, in summary, the natural state of our tv, mirror the lifestyle of their owner, in turn mirror the serious delays in the evolution of the status of women in our country, with so much data that the certify.

Striscia la Notizia, cited his article as an example of the sexism of our television, defended itself by denying the thesis of Newsweek and pulling the ball comic Benny Hill, the ones so full of Toccata women, flying on that particular it was a program of English and not American, as is the weekly magazine Newsweek, but then more and stuff "Anglo-Saxon" it is enough to strip and whip for his pamphlet.

On the other hand, what response could be expected from a program of Mediaset?
Once again the Italian media downplay a serious problem in our country, which corrupts us for years and has been cemented, indeed crystallized from a media representation of women in a permanent role of image making.
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The Italian political situation is somewhat muddled, Michele Serra unveils a preview of possible future scenarios:

next move? The Putin government
direct succession to his friend the prime minister of the solutions proposed by UN observers and published in a secret report
The national political situation remains very uncertain and tense, despite the prime minister sought to play down with yet another joke that when we vote only for the renewal of the Chamber, delaying indefinitely the Senate by appointing a senator for life of all current occupants. The lack of content and vulgar double meaning in the words of Mr Berlusconi has created a misunderstanding, no one realized it was a joke. Meanwhile, UN observers, in Italy to check the status of democracy, have prepared a secret report, published in the main Italian newspapers, which anticipate possible developments.

military junta Would be established by a coup in full uniform, with the participation of all bodies and persons entitled Weapons (Army, Air Force, Navy, Police, Police, Fire Department, Financial Police, Forest Guards, Police Station, Corazzieri) that converge in Rome Busy restaurant Fortunato al Pantheon and thus crippling the Italian political and institutional life. The leaders of the parties, which although not to eat more Fortunato al Pantheon would be prepared also the abolition of the Constitution and to confinement in Ponza, look with some favor an authoritarian solution, but can not find an agreement between the Chilean model and model Burmese . In the great battle between Pd and colonels veltroniani dalemiani.

Government of National Unity participation of all parties, leaving only the opposition Clemente Mastella, to make him a joke. The Executive Board, chaired by Gianni Letta, was only one point in the program: to find an agreement for the new election law and then resign. But this would force the government to remain in office for twenty years, which contrasts with the Constitution.

Government Technical Each party is required to indicate a professional person to form a caretaker government. The new government would then be formed by a minor (as indicated by PDL), a seller of terraced houses (League), a psychoanalyst (Pd), a bishop (UDC), a Christian Democrat (Future and Freedom) a pain in the ass (List Grillo), a combine (Di Pietro), a blond ski instructor (People's Party) and a ski brown (Union Valdotaine). The prevalence of ski is evaluated with concern the Quirinale Palace, which seems driven to seek a step back to the People's Party, naming a hockey player. The caretaker government would be chaired by a structural engineer to the above parties, or by a master electrician at the above parties.

Protectorate Vatican Rereading the Lateran before falling asleep, Francesco Rutelli has discovered a codicil to the effect that Italy, in 2011, is officially a protectorate of the Vatican. The Pope would automatically become prime minister, dictating the main lines of government and choose his ministers through the competition "headgear from around the world." Do not change anything unless some formal measures: the official languages \u200b\u200bwould become the German and Latin, the Swiss Guards were finally divided by a Christian and the host will become the official currency. Italian State would be the right to open private schools approved.
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What will become of our beloved Premier Small? Lia Celi advance some possible scenarios:

And Silvio entrenched in the castle of King Arthur

Some evokes the Berlin bunker, some lusty late of Sardanapalus, whom the roar of a flush. One thing is certain: the last chapter of Berlusconeide, when it comes, it will be spectacular. And his character does not leave anything to chance. Indeed, as is his style, is already considering several scenarios, a most magnificent of the other, to surrender to history without bringing them to justice. Here are the most accredited.

CASE Davy Crockett
A secret trip in Texas, a visit to El Alamo, a trip to a real estate agency. And now the intercom of the fort where the legendary Davy Crockett in 1836 and a squad of volunteers resisted to the death against the Mexican army, is his name: Silvio Berlusconi. Conquered by Crockett figure, as he infallible hunter of wild hair, the premier would buy the entire strong to relocate its staff in view of the possible final siege by judges, journalists and partisan ring ungrateful. The locations where Crockett had placed guns that shoot balls will be devastating occupied by Augustus and Minzolini Victor Felts, and Nicolo Ghedini, the head of the Seventh quibble, will try to disrupt the lines of pm. For now, however, to lay siege to the Alamo are neither judges nor sent to La Repubblica, just hordes of angry Texans to have been peeled poker for Emilio Fede ...

CASE King Arthur '
supported by the recent purchase of a manor house in Cornwall, the Berlusconi-style showdown Camelot young right to dream fantasy that is owned by Giorgia Meloni. Following the legend of King Arthur, the generous king who spend their lives to free prisoners helpless damsels in lugubrious police headquarters, the prime minister and his entourage would be transported to a haunted castle lost in the mists of northern, to fall into a deep sleep - more or less
what happens during the holidays when Arcore Lele Mora is bottled on the freeway with the girls and Bumba. Marina Berlusconi would already hitting the flea markets in search of original armor for paladins more faithful Dell'Uther Pendragon, Lancicchitto the brave, the pure and Gasparsifal Alemanno, the Roman knight who fought valiantly against the toll on the Holy Gra.

During his last stay in the Caribbean's premier visited Guyana, where in 1978 the Rev. Jim Jones, a mandrill megalomaniac filostalinista accused of various crimes, poisoned himself with his followers to escape arrest. Panic among the Berlusconi at the thought that his head would repeat the nemesis suicide, even more terrified survivors of the sect of Jones, who at the sight of a tanned Berlusconi, in a tropical white suit and wig, they hid in the jungle screaming: "But then it is true that he was not dead. " Offended at being mistaken for a pro-Stalinist as Jones, Knight
hastily left the country. "I always had the suspicion that Jones was a jerk," he said, aboard his private plane. "He committed suicide while still having 900 followers, when 315 to get him enough confidence in the House and get away with it." However, to avoid any nasty surprises, now the party of Prime Minister is invited to bring drinks from home.

Subcomandante Marcos The dusk of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi could be the dawn of Subcomandante Silvios. To confirm the suspicions, his well-known passion for Chiapas, in addition to the Tetas, and persistent rumors on the purchase of a forest not far from the capital to take refuge in case of political collapse. Berlusconi as the guerrilla Marcos? "Yes, but he thinks it is Ferdinand Marcos, former Philippine dictator," trust those of his staff, "and then wear the mask allows him to dispel the facelift." No utopian project to Robin Hood: the presence of the Minister Tremonti (who had suggested the name "Selva Lacondona") warrants that the guerrillas Silvios continue to steal from the poor to give to the rich. But the flight into the woods might not be imminent despite the cuts the government environment, the Italian forests are still full of trees arranged at random by nature, while Berlusconi has in mind a hi-tech forest, with streams riscaldati, usignoli che cinguettano canzoni napoletane, scoiattoli-barman e Cappuccetti rossi in topless. Il progetto c’è già, ma per realizzarlo ci vorranno almeno due anni e una congrua tangente ai fratelli Grimm.
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L'Italia futura vista da Alessandro Robecchi :

Cronache dall’Italia futura
In ordine sparso, le notizie di cronaca politica che leggerete sui giornali la prossima settimana.
Undici tonnellate di rifiuti lasciano le strade di Napoli per passare a Futuro e Libertà. Appello dei vescovi perché Mara Carfagna scenda dalla gru. Dell’Utri presenta a un boss mafioso il termovalorizzatore di Acerra. Bobo Maroni goes on TV by Fazio and Saviano to make the list of torchlight Lega organized in recent years against the 'Ndrangheta: six minutes of silence, 28 percent of audience. Seventy tons of rubble of L'Aquila leave the center to land MPA Lombardo. The Democratic Party loses the primary Castagnito (Cuneo). Bompiani publishes false diaries Hiro Hito, inexplicably written in Sardinian. The radicals have supported the Klu Klux Klan, but only if justice will be heard. Daniela Santanché shoots himself in the foot: "I was wrong, it seemed a finiano. The Democratic Party loses the primary Perarolo di Cadore (Belluno). The overflowing rivers flooded in Veneto Pompeii and protest the neglect of the archaeological site. Council of Ministers: the five per thousand for lawyers to Dolce & Gabbana. Bompiani publishes false diaries Calderoli, inexplicably written in Italian. Cost of living: the centrist member touches the seventy thousand euro per kilo. The Tonton Macoutes and the private militia of Bokassa sign an appeal in defense of Victor Felts. Horror in Rome: the doves and the Future of Liberty used for scientific experiments. The Democratic Party loses the primary Ortucchio (L'Aquila). At Sotheby's in London offered to record a member of the mixed group: twenty-six million euro. Day in Milan for the arrival of a commuter train from Novara, was started in 1949.
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quotes from Happysummer :
I have stolen, bribed, extorted and lied, and the tears of pride and come to the point. (Gino Bramieri)
"They say that money is not everything in life. It certainly speaks of the money of others." (Sacha Guitry)

"If only God would provide me a clear sign of its existence! May deposit a large sum of money in my name in a Swiss bank." (Woody Allen)

The man who is stripped of all his possessions to help the poor is a saint What bare all the poor to help himself is a millionaire. (Giusy Vanella)

The bank has confidence in you, pero 'documents they ask you to accept your money and you lend a pen attached to a chain "(Beppe Grillo)

Epitaph on the memorial stone in a Scottish cemetery:" Here lies Fred Mc Guire . Fell a penny: he died in the melee.
Thoughts and Words from Red Azalea:

The pleasure is a sin, and sometimes

sin is a pleasure.
(George Byron)

That kind of courage is called resignation
the courage of a fool that
seize without a word.

Not everything that counts can be counted
and not everything that counts can be counted
(Albert Einstein)

While we laugh, we think that there is always

time for seriousness.
(Franz Kafka)

From Kayblu a beautiful poem on women: Women

Ah! As for us we are beautiful women, when we hear the murmur

and the outline of our voices we know and understand the ancient

authentic glow of pale and wan every moment of life ..
are so beautiful
tremor and heart that dangles over time

simply beautiful eyes proud
stubbornly clinging to the desire to be happy

harassed and helpless
infinite that is not enough to escape with our raging

our graceful return
our games and our laughter that explodes

and soul wandering in the woods, fields, mountains and valleys

so we keep our women!
with our tears in closed shells
our hearts in our mouths flower belly

full of so much beauty, too many charms
and our songs are longing thirst

and our words of love as spirals
di fuoco
che ballano di pioggia.
Pillola del giorno: Maurizio Crozza imita Zichichi

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Are You Fertile After A Chemical Pregnancy

In alto: Immagine tratta dal blog

Dio prese del fango, ci sputò su e nacque Adamo. E Adamo, asciugandosi il viso, disse: "Cominciamo bene...".
Giobbe Covatta .

Il Parlamento della Paura

In questi giorni da fine impero, fra alluvioni a nord e a sud, il crollo Pompeii, stories of coca and showgirls, all staff political shake and tries to distance itself from the premier small, from Luogocomune a lucid analysis of what's happening:

The foul stench of the mud that is sinking every day most of the Italian political give off a stench unbearable, a stench that smells of ideologies in an advanced state of decomposition, rotting of parties that after they die slow death to be born dead, or presumed leader of engaging in those same operations recycling that they look good from applying to waste management.

Future, left, freedom, democracy , values \u200b\u200bare empty words, stuck in bulk to cover the mud of the various factions, conscious of the need to hide, at least on the surface their true nature. Group to better manage the U.S. protectorate, friends employed by the ECB, progressive development of multinational companies, the future without having to get up in the chair never sui generis and other definitions are certainly not sufficient great appeal in the electorate. So here is a coat of fresh paint , whatever, populist, politically correct, optimistic, and that's it. Even a garbage bin may come to resemble a vintage Morgan, but the stench, that continues to feel the same. If it were not for

the fact that we all pay and pay on our skin ...

... the consequences of action / inaction of this gang of scoundrels "drunk", imbued with democratic freedom and forced to juggle between a party and a coke "ripassatina" at or transsexual escort duty, you might also catch the funny side consists of many "monkeys parliamentarians," that is shaking in fear of not being able to maintain its status quo forever ....

Yes, because your fear is a key component contributing to the stagnant mud. Everyone knows that is dirty and stinks, but all are aware that as soon as the budge, inevitably puzzerà di più ed è concreto il rischio di cascarci dentro, compromettendo inesorabilmente la fiducia degli elettori che, finchè resterà in piedi la farsa del voto, per la scimmietta politica costituisce l'unica vera assicurazione sul proprio status quo.

Ecco allora che tutti si agitano, ma premurandosi con attenzione che il fango resti al proprio posto.

Si agita Silvio Berlusconi, cosciente di essere ormai giunto alla fine di un'era, ma consapevole del fatto che si può cadere a tempo indefinito senza mai toccare terra, quando di fronte all'impero che crolla non esiste un'alternativa.

Si agitano le tante anime del camerata pentito Fini Gianfranco e del berlusconiano pentito Gianfranco Fini, un uomo che sul pentimento e la ritrattazione ha costruito la propria carriera politica, nell'eterno ruolo di "delfino" di qualcun altro. Si agita, Fini, dibattuto fra l'aspirazione ad imboccare una strada che lo possa portare a diventare Presidente del Consiglio e la paura di ritrovarsi solo su un sentiero di montagna, dopo avere perso la poltrona di Presidente della Camera. Si agita convulsamente, producendosi nella creazione d'improbabili futuri dove incanalare una destra neoliberista che strizzi l'occhio alla sinistra neoliberista, con ampi richiami retorici modello prima Repubblica e altrettanto ampio ricorso alla demagogia del nuovo che avanza, ma che tanto nuovo non è a giudicare dal fetore, degno di una discarica abusiva.
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Floods floods landslides and other disasters announced told by The Change :

Floods: if Italy is on its knees is not the fault of bad weather

Floods, floods, landslides. After the emergency Veneto also reaches the south of the peninsula. For the umpteenth time, Italy is completely unprepared to face the bad weather season. Whole areas in a state of disaster, entire communities destroyed. Yet the rain alone is not sufficient if only the towns were planned taking into account the hazard that characterizes many parts of the boot.

now just a simple time to cause not only flooding but real disaster

From Veneto to Calabria, time simply to cause not only flooding but real disaster, which put under siege the cities, small towns, services and primary activities.

Only Calabria, according to data from the Environment Ministry and the Union of Italian Provinces, are exposed to landslide and flood risk at least 185 000 people. According to the report Ecosystem Risk Legambiente, Calabria in 100% of the municipalities is at risk landslides and floods. 83% of municipalities have housing Alluvial areas, in the beds of rivers and landslide risk areas, 42% of government has indeed entire neighborhoods in areas at risk, while 55% have built structures in these areas and industrial buildings, endangering the safety of people for any spills of pollutants in waters and soils. Furthermore, in 26% of cases, the sensitive structures such as schools and hospitals are in areas at risk .

"Unfortunately, the tragic landslide last February in Maierato (Vv), the overflowing of the river San Biagio in Reggio Calabria in September and October, the dramatic flooding in Tropea only a few days ago and the great inconvenience that ripetono puntuali ad ogni pioggia – commenta Giorgio Zampetti , coordinatore scientifico Legambiente – dimostrano come la Calabria sia divenuta una regione estremamente fragile. È necessario iniziare ad agire concretamente e utilizzare i fondi a disposizione per interventi efficaci, a partire dalle situazioni di rischio maggiore".

Ci spostiamo in Veneto e la situazione non cambia. Qui ci sono 161 i comuni con aree a rischio idrogeologico, pari al 28% del totale regionale, di cui 41 a rischio frana, 108 a rischio alluvione e 12 a rischio sia di frane che di alluvioni. Il primato negativo del rischio idrogeologico in questo territorio va alla provincia di Venezia che ha il 50% dei comuni ad elevato risk.

messina alluvione
The rain alone can not justify the continued state of alert is located in the entire Italian territory

addition, four of the seven provincial capitals are considered at risk Venetian hydrogeological remain just outside Venice, Rovigo and Treviso. Despite the amount of territory exposed to landslide risk is lower than that of other regions, it is clear that the danger can not be underestimated. Year after year more and more areas become fragile and this is also due to the effects of climate change , with increasingly intense and concentrated rainfall in short periods, but also and especially for a gestione poco attenta del territorio.

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E l'alluvione che ha colpito Vicenza ha un colpevole, il raddoppio della base militare americana Dal Molin, leggere per credere, dal blog Climatrix :

Alluvione? Non per tutti: gli statunitensi all’asciutto grazie ai nostri soldi

Fonte: No Dal Molin *

La nuova base militare statunitense in costruzione al Dal Molin non ha provocato l’alluvione that hit Vicenza is what continues to repeat with insistence, representatives and politicians across the board is unanimous. Full acquittal, then, for the havoc land wanted by the U.S. Army and backed by the Italian Government.

The water came from the north, rains were exceptional; quickly melted the snow in the mountains. Are these some of the arguments with which you try to justify a disaster, however, is above all human. "A green area - remember Ilvo Diamonds in La Repubblica - unlimited and unregulated urban 'is in these few words of explanation un evento che ci ha colto di sorpresa, distruggendo e devastando interi quartieri delle nostre città.

E’ evidente: la nuova base militare in costruzione al Dal Molin non rappresenta l’unico esempio dello scempio territoriale del nordest; strade e villette, capannoni industriali e tangenziali, aree commerciali e residenziali: la cementificazione e l’impermealizzazione del territorio passano anche per queste opere, spesso inutili, che hanno trasformato il Veneto da territorio agricolo a reticolo metropolitano.

Ma escludere – come alcuni vorrebbero fare – la cementificazione statunitense del Dal Molin dai fattori che hanno contribuito all’alluvione significa voler difendere a priori un’imposizione che gran parte della cittadinanza non voleva, consapevole dei danni che avrebbe prodotto.

Gli abitanti del quartiere Produttività, di fronte al Villaggio del Sole, non ricordano di essere stati inondati anche quando altrove l’acqua entrava nelle case. Non si era mai visto Viale Diaz trasformato in un torrente. Cosa è successo?

Un anno fa abbiamo segnalato che l’argine sinistro del Bacchiglione , lungo il percorso che costeggia la costruenda base, era stato rialzato a scapito di quello di destra. Nella mappa prodotta il 7 marzo 2007 dal Genio Civile di Vicenza, Distretto Idrografico Nazionale dei fiumi Brenta-Bacchiglione, a firma del Dirigente Dr. Ing Nicola Giardinelli responsible, you see how the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dal Molin area is flooding in two specific points marked by a striking black arrow. A point is in the north of the cone of flight, at the plug that goes to the area of \u200b\u200bthe hammer, and a point is in the area west of the bridge Bo. Both points are within the area of \u200b\u200bthe building base.
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The testimony of an inhabitant of the Veneto, Natalino Balasso :

The flood has political color
E 'since I was 3 years I've heard of floods, being born in the Delta Po means knowing what it's like water at home. My kindergarten were married in '58, because the church was under water. The College of Feltre when I started primary school had divided the children into three categories: permanent and summer flood. Water has always invades homes and roads. You can avoid? Maybe not, but sometimes yes. It can be expected? Maybe. Some of the streets flooded with Padova dall'esondazione of Bacchiglione had already flooded in May and had friends tell me has happened before with heavy rain.

Has anyone done something wrong. Surely the management of the territory is also in a disastrous region governed by people of the area fills up her mouth until it becomes sickening. The most interesting thing about this drama, because drama is, with businesses shuttered, abandoned houses, people who have problems for months if not years, is that newspapers and news broadcasts have not found an interesting news. At the same Venetian point that they were not directly affected by what they have continued to not worry about it until someone (mostly local newspapers) did not open their eyes. It 's sad to realize once again that we live in a country where if something does not tell the television does not exist. Sure, there were the dead that make it so Succulent our evening news, and even the taste pecoreccio which is now fixed feature of our enrichment programs fill them with political whore and pimp. Maybe some admin Soviet manner League also thought that there was no need to spread the image a little 'back of a submerged Veneto and crying. Now, even those who voted League believing politicians to bale out of the choir, firsthand what it means to be weak part of the country, you need the money of others.

I must say that it is still uplifting chorus of those who also left, saying "You want to keep it all? Keep up the flood and do not smash the ball. Non c’è in queste dichiarazioni niente di diverso da chi, a destra, dice che l’immondizia a Napoli se la meritano perché hanno votato la Jervolino. E’ come se l’idea della punizione del cielo sopravvivesse anche fuori dalle chiese di stampo medievale. Nessuno si merita l’alluvione, nessuno si merita di finire nel fango, nemmeno se ci sta antipatico, nemmeno se lo riteniamo un nemico.
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Dal blog Icecimatti la lettera inviata al quotidiano La Stampa da un abitante colpito dall'alluvione in Veneto:

solidarietà al veneto

bacchiglione-cresole-2 sono attaccata alla mia casa come una nut.

not the house itself, but
all that's inside,
which is the summary of my life, my husband and my children.

drawings, photos, old toys, books, embroidery, letters .... too many things I want to save in the event of a disaster.

view pictures of floods in the Veneto makes me sick.
I can not think of children deprived of their property.
notebooks to be thrown out.

think children and people.
rather than those who voted. to autonomy. the league. to what you have been looking for with the arrogance.

think even the cows.
drowning forever.

this is a letter sent to the press.
read it because it's amazing!
(thanks very much to LGO which described it)

Dear Director, I learned that animals are the first to run under the flood. Ladybugs climbing up the wall. Cats climb up. The labrador swim to the shore road, as well as moles, amazing middle-distance runner on the water. The cows do not. Those go to the bottom.

"drown your ass," explains a breeder. She cries. He's trying to salvage the dairy barn of his family. "They can not close the sphincter, fill with water, and go under." Verità o leggenda? Non lo so, ma cosa non si sente, durante un’alluvione. E gli uomini? Loro provano a mettere in salvo un po’ di roba, prima di scappare.
Siamo a Casalserugo, provincia di Padova, 12 chilometri e 100 metri esatti da piazza dei Signori, il centro del capoluogo veneto, una delle città più ricche d’Italia, ma sembra un altro mondo.
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L'altra grande tragedia ormai dimenticata dai media, il terremoto in Abruzzo, il Cavaliere si è recato a L'Aquila ed è stato contestato pesantemente dalla popolazione, dal Blog di Miss Kappa :

Di botte. E di cialtroni. All'Aquila

Lo so, lo sappiamo, che viviamo in uno stato dove la libertà di espressione viene repressa. Dove la libertà individuale esiste solo se ti uniformi al pensiero unico. Dove la maggior parte delle persone a quel pensiero si uniforma. Ma viverlo, riviverlo, constatarlo ancora una volta, sulla propria pelle, anche se hai sulle spalle tante primavere, è desolante. Eravamo pochi, un centinaio. Sotto la pioggia. Gli striscioni, i cartelli, le carriole con le macerie della nostra città, un orinatoio che evocava Duchamp e facsimili di banconote tagliuzzati, a mo' di coriandoli: queste le nostre pericolose armi. Aspettavamo l'imperatore, in seconda passerella del giorno, dopo quella veneta. Ma è vietato dimostrare. E lo abbiamo capito subito. Loro, i celerini, erano più di noi. E determinati. E i poliziotti locali, quelli che , a volte, ci hanno mostrato la faccia buona, erano scuri in volto. La consegna era quella di picchiare. E lo hanno fatto. L'imperatore si è asserragliato al sicuro, nella scuola della guardia di finanza. Ed ha fatto il suo show, tra millantati meriti del governo e la solita barzelletta. Senza rispondere a nessuna delle domande che la cittadinanza gli aveva posto. Gli imperatori non devono render conto a nessuno. Men che meno ai sudditi. E il nostro sindaco ringraziava.
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Sull'alluvione in Veneto il commento di Alessandro Robecchi :

The League overflows and land drowning
While in Rome the glorious Po Bunga Bunga support the government in their lands, in Veneto, the great rivers to overflow, flooding the city like Venice, warehouses, workshops and fabbrichette are unusable. Not a bad control of the territory, the much-publicized specialty of Northern League, which this time, forgive the metaphor, has water on all sides. The governor Zaia with hat in hand asking a billion hated was central to the Veneto Veneto, for charity, but they are Schei from Rome. Of course, a flood is a flood anywhere, and since Italy is still there and the Po Valley, it is right that we run for cover emergency money of all. And that even if the Po Valley, a Northern League boasted works of Varese in Lombardy Veneto have not made: lean Goduria see the barbarians who insult each other. What we are missing, however, it is that magical word that the Janissaries League waving at every moment: the territory. Yeah, what they did to the land, its clean, its safety measures, its maintenance all the mayors and so busy writing signs in dialect? Growing up, developed.
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The mobile phones are harmful to health? A question we ask years, industries and governments minimize, however, and must be given some advice: Talk to the phone as little as possible, we risk that future generations grow up with gills instead of ears ... From the blog Antibodies:

The Trap of Mobile

Joel Hirschhorn
Translation by Antibodies

's new book Devra Davis "Disconnect", deserves the attention of anyone who uses the phone.

Daily d'oggi è difficile immaginare il nostro mondo senza i 5 miliardi di telefoni cellulari usati a livello globale. Sembrerebbe inoltre inconcepibile il dato secondo cui la industria miliardaria dei telefoni cellulari, insieme ai governi di tutto il mondo abbiano sostenuto tale tecnologia senza essere mai pervenuti a risultati definitivi circa lo studio della sua sicurezza per l'utilizzatore finale. Se fosse vero, sarebbe spaventoso.

Tutto ciò, purtroppo, è la realtà.

Si tratta di un bizzarro slittamento verso l'alto oppure di una cospirazione intenzionale tra governo e interessi corporativi? Quanto più certi meccanismi si conoscono, tanto più feared. The problem is that the mobile phone industry has become too big to fail, and its risks have been relegated to the background.

Let me say that personally I rarely use my cell phone. Very few people know my number, and I rarely turn on, right when I get the urge to make a call. As a former engineering professor I have always looked to technology as well as from the perspective of the benefits it offers, advertised constantly, even of the risks that inevitably entails, which too often have little consideration or simply ignored.

the level where we are, everyone should have learned how or regulations of any government or corporate responsibility protect us much good from harmful foods, drugs with too many contraindications and products without adequate testing.

Although the truth is often painful, if you care about protecting your health and that of your loved ones, then this (Disconnect) is a book you should read and do read. The present data do not fail to disturb, but beyond simply against companies and governments to not be providing adequate protection to the citizen, should be motivated to change our behavior. The book's subtitle sums up the theme: The truth about radiation from mobile phones and what the industry has to hide it, and how to protect your family.

Here I am going to explain some observations that I have come by reading this book.
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Monday 'last aired on the RAITRE seguitissima transmission Fabio Fazio and Roberto Saviano, with the outstanding performance of Roberto Benigni, reproduced in full in the margin of the post, young Man has posted the most important passages:

A breath of fresh air

.. last night to "Come away with me "

So does the machine mud

Vendola Law of 27 synonyms for gay

Benigni Berlusconi sings properties

Fazio-Saviano, I away because .. rest because

Benigni also sang the song of Elvis that gives the title to the transmission
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From D onne thinking an appeal to sign and distribute against the commodification of women's bodies:

IO NON CI STO: Enough with the media voyeurism over women's bodies (signature and word of mouth)

Open letter to media Italian media

We are tired and angry.

Not only have we been offended by the recent behavior of politicians against us, but also hypocritical attitude of many media outlets that, rather than just the complaint, obsessively popular soft-porn images and video, in 'nth profusion free of bodies of naked women as food for the eyes of all. There

and we ask: where does the duty to correct the record on the stories of those who should be politically and where he starts the wicked game of tickling voyeurism of the public?

If you do not begin to understand that, first, through the media who perpetrate the itching and sexist subculture that time corrupts us (we are at No. 74 for equal opportunity in the world define us and even civilians from this point of view is becoming a problem) in this country will never change anything. The faces will change, but not the substance.

We ask you to stop exploiting women's bodies are so massive and free and we ask coherence. It is not commodifying or taking advantage of the squalor that you can fight, because this is the best way to play indefinitely.

We are tired and we are outraged. Whose hand with a complaint and defend our rights and the other uses the unclothed body as decoy to attract its audience.

... Continue

We talk a lot of papers and underage girls in the court of the premier small, following the testimony of a woman in the leg, Chiara di Notte :

What 'an escort today?

R iPort below an article that appeared today on my part AgoraVox Italy on Facebook and published by Cogito Ergo Vomiting, which maintains relations with bloggers since I wrote about Mentecritica, which in recently wanted to share with me talk about that and that 'was my experience escort, how it is interpreted today the figure of the prostitute in the high board and everything that goes around the world to the news which is discussed much about the recent events involving Italian politics and beyond. Good reading.

But cos' is an escort today? Interview with Chiara, a former escort and bloggers

But what is an escort today? A victim of society, the Velino and the media, addicted to being a weak person, a martyr of contemporary art, or is a person capable of understanding and cunning will, using their bodies to achieve ulterior motives and who loves to sell their body? To try to do a little 'light on these and other questions, I tried to ask some questions to Clare, a former escort and blogger for several years.

So Claire, what un'escort today, and what differences noted with the past?

Firstly I must point out that my "adventure" lasted a couple of decades, ended a few years ago, to be precise in 2001, so many things could be changed in the meantime. Besides that does not reside in Italy even more though I have not gotten tired of constantly follow the events that affect a country that still feel a little 'me too. That said, I can say that the escort is now no more, no less, that is what has always been a prostitute who turns her sexual services - well paid - to a clientele that can afford it. I do not think therefore that there is a substantial difference between an escort of ten years ago, as I was, and one now, like I do not think there is diversity between today and an escort of a courtesan of Venice 500. This is the end of the year the oldest profession in the case of escort, but, unlike those who exercise in the street or in an apartment in a hasty manner and often cold, the service is aimed at people seeking a more immersive and so they are able to repay them with more money. One can therefore speak of a luxury prostitute. Escorts are usually models, showgirls, actresses or aspiring to, even though it is to have appropriate physical characteristics, perhaps have remained out of the game. But they can also be prostitutes from the street or apartment "evolve" and seek di salire di livello nella loro clientela indirizzandosi verso chi può pagarle di più. Un’importante caratteristica delle escort è che scelgono liberamente di esercitare senza altri obblighi se non la loro esigenza di denaro. Lo fanno quando vogliono e soprattutto fino a quando decidono di farlo. Non hanno padroni o lenoni alle spalle, o almeno non dovrebbero averne perché gran parte della loro reputazione e quindi del prezzo che possono chiedere per le loro prestazioni dipende molto dalla sensazione di “indipendenza” che riescono a dare in quanto i clienti delle escort tendono ad evitare ragazze che si suppone abbiano motivi coercitivi che le spingono a prostituirsi.
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Pitunpi recounts his misadventures in the purchase of an object indispensable for women:

the object of desire
too, yes. I bought the ones with wings, soaked in anti-stress, with complimentary
portassorbenti design "right."
Trullallà, get home, I open the package of Friends of chips and tell myself that evening, with my company, I look great. You know that nightmare pursued us women, right?
E 'that is not talked about ever topic too rough. I tell you this in confidence: The pads are the first thing that falls to the ground in the office, on the tram, in a pizzeria, just try to come up with anything that is useless in that Santa's sack that has the specific weight of a dead adult, we maidens, with a euphemism, we call the stock market.

The absorbent door serves to camouflage this awkward contraption. But only the external ones. Yeah, why should invent portatampax, the tool would be the size and shape of a ... we understand each other.
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Tasty recipes CuordiScarogna :

When the depression comes in alert levels is good and right thing to grapple with a Mediterranean dish of international fame such as parmigiana.

Anonymous Ferrara Take a boy and a wild woman of the Murge that have nothing in common except for their having spent a lot of their time on the same blog and close them together in the same house for a interminable weekend during which he has just discovered that he suffers from a neurosis, and she is about to lose their jobs.
They will also: 3 eggplants, 4 eggs rotten, tomatoes, garlic, onion, mozzarella and prosciutto. Paper towels as required, or a couple of miles.
NB The fact that all these ingredients are simultaneously present in casa1971 is due robbery perpetrated on the afternoon before the Queen Mother.

Preparing the sauce:
Heat the oil in a saucepan and add onion and garlic. Forget all about the time it takes for the fire in the kitchen to develop a fire. At this point removed quickly and mastery in the sink and throw the pot under running cold water. The eruption that will remind Pompei: Protect yourself from lapilli air throwing for all that you have in hand and yelling in the wrong way. The Anonymous hasten thoughtful offering help. Insultatelo in dialect (not understand) and ask them to clean the kitchen while you cut half the eggplant with nervousness. Throw everything in the bin and start again from the first line, leaving the Anonymous to guard the oil. Throw into the pot and a half jar of tomatoes bought in the past offered a decade ago. Add sugar and salt to counter the sour taste of stale.

Preparing aubergines
Beat the eggs in plate and left to stagnate in the eggnog eggplant just obtained. Anonymous insulted for not covering the pot of sauce and this time take care of it in Italian to realize with what kind of woman Paturnie you ever get to do.
Intimategli to clean the kitchen while you, who are born chef, you go to a sacred fumarvi on sediola stuffed cigar, not even you were in a bar in Dubrovnik.
In a mystic scent of collective Raid (you gave little pesticide dogs) think back to times when you were at home Geghe and Jay. Courage, indeed, even if it seems hard to believe, in your life you have been even worse. Go back limped into the kitchen through a principle of ingrown nails and with a more sinister echoes of that of Krakatoa dip the eggplant in hot oil impregnated egg.
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After the collapse of the barracks in Pompeii the Knight went on to take first place interim measures Michele Serra said the proposed solutions to revitalize the archaeological site:

A New Town on the frescoes

Enough of these historic sites

Italians so dusty, crumbling and not very functional. Here is the government's plan to rebuild Pompeii with monitors in every home and put the PVC windows at the Coliseum

Crollo della casa dei Gladiatori a Pompei
Crollo della casa dei Gladiatori a Pompei
Il crollo della casa dei Gladiatori a Pompei non ha colto impreparato il governo. Berlusconi ha immediatamente chiesto notizie sulle condizioni dei gladiatori, e subito dopo si è recato sul posto per portare conforto ai parenti. È rimasto molto scosso dalle condizioni della città: "Sembra abbandonata da secoli", avrebbe confidato ai collaboratori più stretti. L'unità di crisi, da lui presieduta, ha stabilito un piano dettagliato di interventi.

Pompei bis La ricostruzione di Pompei così com'è, osserva Berlusconi, non è ritenuta un percorso praticabile. Solo to equip all those houses video and garage, the cost would be astronomical. It was therefore decided to do the Eagle building, next to the old Pompeii, a modern new town of townhouses and condominiums. To preserve and even revive the tourism in the city, the people of New Pompeii wear the toga. For girls, the special tunic designed by Berlusconi himself: Every time you bend over you see the tits. As explained by the premier reporters, "We calculated that an average girl bends over six times a day. We hope to reach at least to 12 through a modification of street furniture: ATMs and parking meters will be at ground level." The premier also told the joke della pompa di benzina di Pompei.

Rifiuti Al primo posto, tra le priorità del governo, la rimozione dei cadaveri
dalle strade, dopo quasi 2 mila anni di colpevole inerzia delle amministrazioni locali. Il premier ha disposto l'immediato trasferimento delle vittime pietrificate nella discarica di Terzigno, fatta eccezione per la celebre "Fanciulla nuda" che è stata invitata a Villa Certosa e sarà candidata al consiglio comunale di Napoli. "È un po' rigida", ha confidato il premier agli amici, "ma mi dicono che è sicuramente maggiorenne".
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Tante bellissime immagini per rifarsi dalle brutture di questo disastrato paese, da Ventidiprimavera :

In time
branches laden with expectations

woven into a pocket of the heart sounds in words unspoken

hidden by the silent beats waiting

[... the call of the wind
a fresh clean look
a roof of stars

a night where darkness is the light ...]


Dafni From:

marilyn smoking

From Romina05 :


Kayblu From:

What is light if not to expand
the darkness of the womb?


From D alfusodiTaiwan the triumph of beauty

Zeng Chuangxing

... Continue

From Vauro the triumph of the cartoons:

It's okay! by enema:


It's okay.
Veneto? Two drops of water ...
Abruzzo? Completely rebuilt ...

Hail Caesar, masonry salutatio you!

Where he could not miss the Vesuvius

He could he!