Alessandro Bergonzoni .
The biggest news, however, is the debacle of the U.S. president Barack Obama has lost control of the U.S. Congress, the main cause of this failure is due to the devastating economic crisis and continued to broken promises and compromises that the president agreed with various corporations, primarily to maintain the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, but the news more depressing is the lack of approval the legalization of Marijuana in California, Luogocomune explains in detail the history and properties of this plant exceptional
not pass in California to legalize Marijuana.
Many expected him to be more "liberal" of the confederation, from which they were born almost all the cultural revolutions of the last century, would triggered a series of reforms aimed at legalizing marijuana throughout the country, but the way to go is obviously still very long.
There are two major obstacles that arise on this path: first, cultural, due to false beliefs, deeply rooted in the population on the harmful effects of marijuana. Despite evidence that alcohol and tobacco are much more harmful than marijuana, the effects of propaganda against cannabis, which lasted for many decades, they still suffer.
In this sense, the prohibitionists were easy game, ...
... during the election campaign, which have wrought on key fear, carpeting California with advertisements that said "if we pass Proposition 19 offices full of people 'tune'."
The second problem is legal, and stands at the federal level. Any law in favor of marijuana, voted on by any American state, would in fact automatically to collide with the prohibition at the federal level. The problem already exists with the use of marijuana for medical purposes (there are 13 states that have approved to date), but of course the central government has always avoided direct confrontation, not to be accused of cruelty to the sick desperate need of marijuana. At the time where marijuana became legal but also for recreational purposes, the U.S. government would be obliged to fully enforce federal law, which under the Constitution always prevails over the local one.
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The reason for the prohibition of marijuana is always described by Luogocomune :
Marijuana (English), or cannabis (Latin) or hemp (English) is a plant that could be described as miraculous, and has a long history as much as that of humanity. Only plant that can be grown at any latitude, dall'Equatore alla Scandinavia, ha molteplici proprietà curative, cresce veloce, costa pochissimo da mantenere, offre un olio di ottima qualità (molto digeribile), ed ha fornito, dalle più antiche civiltà fino agli inizi del secolo scorso, circa l'80 per cento di ogni tipo di carta, di fibra tessile, e di combustibile di cui l'umanità abbia mai fatto uso.
E poi, cosa è successo? E' successo che in quel periodo è avvenuto il clamoroso sorpasso dell’industria ai danni dell'agricultura, e di questo sorpasso la cannabis è stata chiaramente la vittima numero uno.
I nascenti gruppi industriali americani puntavano soprattutto allo sfruttamento del petrolio per l’energia (Standard Oil - Rockefeller), the forest resources for paper (publisher Hearst), and artificial fibers for clothing (Dupont) - all areas in which they had invested large amounts of money. But they faced, each on its own ground, this powerful opponent, and joined it to form an alliance strong enough to beat him.
The only solution to cut cleanly through the legs of a giant mass of that size proved to
The moral condemnation and uncontested quick trip from coast to coast (there was no counter!), And from there to pass a law to put out the cannabis law was a breeze. Also because it seems that three-quarters of the senators who approved the famous "Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, still in force, did not know that marijuana and cannabis were the same thing would have been the genius of Hearst to introduce the nickname, shuffling the cards for 'occasion.
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's over the age Berlusconi! Wow! A cry arose from the brutal trenches of opponents: MUBARAK!
B. had resisted armed Judges communist movements in purple, shackle evil, low troubled areas, worldwide ridicule, hostility priestly (post Boffo), documentaries, comedy, imitation mortal Guzzanti, tripping zeroing Santori, sex scandals, off shore, recordings of showers, mysteries Mafia, Finian ambushes, and I go on a trip to Mubarak!
Yes, because the Italian is a little boy and shit in it, reluctantly, smazzettato, drink all, if they're flavored with some half-naked dancer, but he gets a limit.
A limit is not ethical, do not even know where is the ethics of the house, this is a borderline aesthetic almost, I think.
to Italian can you fake the game of football and even rub the severance pay, you can grind the portfolio with the Parmalat bored with the bureaucracy the soul, but you can never, never, under any circumstances when there is a whore extra-minor, no papers, ran away from the community, who is accused of stealing 3,000 Euros, and not returned them, you can not, tell the police that the un'incaricata must entrust the Presidency of the Council because it is the nephew of MUBARAK! !
Mubarak, a species of unknown deity, a God of cumprà Vu!
Silvio, Mubarak has used to frighten the quaestor like a Babau Baluba.
I think this has really upset by the fact the average citizen. And the average policeman.
And if instead of bringing the girl to secure the trust another bitch who then beats her savagely, then you're not the smartest in the neighborhood and you're not drinking as Prime Minister .
And the meeting in defense of the family do not want you anymore.
and men in stocks, heroic servants of the state, turning the balls of all these movements of little girls who are not there to accompany the escort to anyone.
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Sono il gay che detesti Caro Silvio Berlusconi,
mi presento.
Sono l’uomo che hai mandato in missione di pace , ad esportare democrazia in Iraq, e poi in Afghanistan, e poi in Libano, e un pò ovunque gli alleati chiamino a raccolta il nostro Stato scodinzolante e fedele, sono quello che ha lasciato moglie e figli per saltare in aria per mano di un altro disgraziato come me, di cui ignoro il nome, sacrificato sull’altare di una guerra voluta da altri, tra cui te.
Sono la puttana che forse hai corteggiato a suon di regali e denari per allietare i tuoi istinti animali di vecchio sporcaccione settantaquattrenne are one of the dolls with which many games, including a summit and the other, to mask your infinite loneliness.
'm the fag who hates , fighting against a life of a society of prejudices and barriers, both physical and mental, that are from yesterday, feels even more isolated due to a prime minister so stupid and vulgar to laugh above in a public assembly.
the youth who are not married because he does not have a contract renewed already expired at the start, like any food product on a shelf in a seedy suburban supermarket, what are the statistics is busy and should feel grateful for these new forms of slavery.
I'm the teacher who does not take it anymore , to invent a profession that continues to cut, mortify, destroying day by day, what are handling the future of a nation and does it with all the tools and resources inadequate.
I'm the older one , wounded in the wound of the city more and more made of concrete, and industries and automobiles, not people, not a woman, a woman alone, one elderly woman, what are will end their days in a hospice where I parked obscene like a rotting carcass of cars in the yard of a scrap dealer.
Sono il tumore infilato nei polmoni di un bambino che vive a due passi dall’ennesima discarica e dall’ennesimo forno inceneritore, sono il risultato di 15 anni di menzogne e scelte fatte con l’avidità certo non con il cuore e il buonsenso.
Sono il servitore dello Stato cui è stata tolta la vita mentre combattevamo una battaglia contro l’antistato e lo Stato, quello vero, si voltava dall’altra parte, sono quello per cui fate una targa, intitolate una strada, e bestemmiate il suo nome per dire di guerre che nemmeno combattete, per davvero.
Sono il negro e il rom e l’albanese , che disinfetta le piaghe di decubito dei vostri vecchi in black and occupies your second and third homes, are what produces the incomes and pay taxes like a mule working in enterprises of the north-east was rich, or in the fields of slavery of the many southern Italians.
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The baffling statement by Knight on gay commentary by Daniele Martinelli :
Silvio was better if I was gay
Ruby, Pearl, Nadia, Berlusconi marijuana in the home, sex with 10 000 euro a pop. Revelations that while it must be verified, on the other lay bare what is chairman of the board in the eyes of the average of the province: the boss of the TV, the fama, dei soldi facili e del successo patinato. Non certamente l’uomo delle istituzioni che fa politica per il bene del Paese.
Ruby, Perla e Nadia accomunate dal debole della tivù e dei soldi, trovano nel premier il debole per la loro carne. Due deboli che mancando di forza (morale) abbisognano di spinte artificiose che li facciano apparire forti. L’artificio che li compensa sono i soldi e i gioielli in cambio di finto amore e sesso. L’artificio che tarocca due deboli produce una finta forza che si trasforma in ricatto. “ Io mi vendo, tu ti sfoghi sul mio corpo schifato a patto che tu mi piazzerai in tivù. Se non lo fa(Rai) perché credi bastino gioielli Swaroski e abiti Damiani, ti trascinerò nei my troubles as soon as I have occasion. Because at that point I will not have anything to lose . "
Premier brought up the prostitutes comes to terms with his real traitor: the conflict of interest . The revelations concerning him transform him into a broken record against newspapers and tapping the knowledge that his millions can not hide between two lips of the vulva.
The premier is naked in the streets as prostitutes who have paid in his villas. Its power totters under the blows of his weakness for whores dressed as a political leader incapable of governing public affairs because of incomplete rudiments of the law, betrayed by his method of corrupting businessman champion malaffare che pullula di sostenitori come lui: da Trapani a Parma, tra sindaci, assessori, nani e ballerine la mignottocrazia di Guzzanti è il segreto svelato che ha tenuto “uniti” per il culo gli esponenti del partito dell’amore.
Durante le celebrazioni del quattro novembre all'Altare della Patria due delle massime istituzioni del paese impettiti davanti al sacro monumento, parleranno dei massimi sistemi? Tutt'altro, guardare per credere, dal blog Non leggere questo blog :
Non ci crederete mai. O forse sì.

Dai, provate guess. We do not ever, ever, ever, but try it anyway: What could have told the President of the Council of Ministers the President of the Chamber of Deputies in the first exchange of words - on the occasion of celebrations to ' Altare della Patria - after months of atomic war and political value, the conflict that has literally reduced the Party, government, institutions and countries to shreds? Come on, try it, let yourself from the image above, taken only a few hours ago, from that uncontrollable facial tics , from multiple eye twitch ... No, no, they did not come to blows, nor were there insults.
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Lea Del Greek, a woman outraged appeals to women who voted PDL, the blog Byoblu :
A Te ... Women
This time I address you, women like me. Women who have voted PDL and probably in a semi-hypnotic come back to vote for him. Women from other parties remain silent. Women who you've never been interested in politics because has always been to deal with your husband. Women concerned. Women terrified or fearful. Women just idle!
As you can passively accept all that is happening in our country desolate and bleak and not get angry with? How can you not realize that our Prime Minister with this disgusting theater of prostitutes, pimps, and nymphomaniacs sexual phobia, fed by the media and by the servants of the information, is deliberately debasing and denigrating the image of woman, always helping to entrench most barbaric and uncivilized country in our culture of discrimination Gener ee of subjection to male power and male? How can you not feel that this pantomime of Bunga Bunga is part of a plan designed and far-sighted of annihilation and discharge of female intelligence, more and more relegated to the margins of the social, economic, business and national policy? I ask you, women are rarely were able to give me a convincing answer, too often women are left helpless to watch, while others bartered your future and your dreams shattered.
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outraged many women in their blog take a stand on this sordid affair, from Silvergirl09 :
the crowning
Terry Rodgers. The Coronation of Concupiscence while regaining the limelight and the spotlight of his electorate.
because, let's face it, how much of its voters are continuing to love and appreciate? too. and envy.
and think exactly like him.
and are convinced that it is better to go to hell (including minors, who cares) than in males. and would like to be like him, can spend thousands and thousands of euro to be surrounded by pimps and brothel tokens, favors and prizes. severgnini is right when he says that the difference between the left and Berlusconi is essentially this: the left stick left and right (do not do this, do not make that one, you pay taxes) while the berlosco forgive tutto e tutti (tranne i magistrati, i comunisti e chi non la pensa come lui). non pagare le tasse non è grave.
corrompere non è reato. pagare il corpo di una donna non è peccato. e agli italiani questa assoluzione laica e godereccia piace eccome.
perché per molti, troppi italiani, meglio berloschi e mafiosi e piduisti piuttosto che froci, negri, ebrei e comunisti.
perché gli italiani han la memoria a brevissimo termine e già fra un mese della bella ruby non si ricorderà più nessuno. leggevo ieri sui quotidiani che la partecipazione del berlosco non sarebbe gradita alla conferenza nazionale della famiglia.
la sua presenza, dopo lo scandalo con la marocchina minor, to embarrass them.
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For one not to miss anything, the young prime minister has played the card more obvious today, the attack on gays. Best pig that queer short (and pardon the term - premier ).
After all, de gustibus, non sputandum. But a collective sputone , who sommergesse heels raised the false hairpiece, it would not be a bad idea, do not you?
The eel does not dance the bunga bunga
Several times I have openly thrown against Italy that I dislike more, completely forgetting the ideals and morals. A country more concerned about the latest model SUV which the installments to pay for it, an Italy that reads the story of greedy and for which the Crown Silvio is a man who is self-made. Of course, the clay, though.
Then eventually I gave up, too sick and tired to continue to slam his face against a wall. Ironically (but not so at the bottom) I have also designed to emigrate to Cuba and open a beach bar that served cake to the text and kebabs.
Surrender, yes, and perhaps even resigned.
niche and Berlusconi himself in front of his venial sin
, MD, Member of PDL reaches its peak today, combattendo ogni ipocrisia, mettendo nero su bianco senza paura né mezzi termini quello che pensano tutti, ma che in pochi pare abbiano il coraggio di dire: meglio un figlio morto che un figlio frocio. Berlusconi,
che "è meglio essere appassionati delle belle ragazze che gay", ha avuto la virile audacia di affermare quello che tutti noi sentiamo nel profondo del cuore e chi grida allo scandalo e si indigna lo fa solo perché è pervaso di falso conformismo. E poi le parole di Berlusconi sono un inno alla vita, visto che se sei gay non puoi riprodurti e se invece guardi le belle ragazz(in)e si. La frase del premier "Better to be passionate about pretty girls being gay," which apparently may seem discriminatory, but for Berlusconi is a normal and natural thing to say. In fact for him is a hymn to life. In its own way of course, but for someone like him who loves life and lives it so much and makes no mystery, it would be inconceivable to prefer a sterile existence, leaving no physical sign of him. It is not in his nature. This was demonstrated in all ways, it still shows today and will continue to do so. (this is a threat, anyway)In a very interesting article on
Il Giornale
(which has an incredible ability to scrambling to defend the indefensible), Rizzoli parthenogenesis uncomfortable even to explain how gay people are destined to a sad life and tragic ending: Homosexuality in fact does not create life and would be without modern science, a minority extinct. Gays, whether you like it or not, are not only sad, perverted, unnatural: they are also all going to die. Nobody says still Rizzoli, hopes to have a homosexual son, and then who after listening to the words of Mr Berlusconi is outraged and felt insulted, is nothing but a hypocrite, one who does not want to admit the facts. of us parents would not agree Wishing to have a boy fond of pretty girls rather than gay?
Well, I still do not have mother, but to say that my son would have other desires, apart from being a fan of beautiful girls. And the same for my daughter. Maybe I would think first of their sexual orientation to their happiness, whatever sexual selection will want to do. I would like them strong, determined and intelligent. I would like them empathetic, passionate and selfless. Let's say that their sexual identity is not at the top of my concerns. Anyway, I think that here the help of mom and dad to count for something short, if your mother thinks that having a gay son is a misfortune, for you will grow as more difficult to avoid a piece of shit.
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Dalle8 at 5
protest the police of Rome, we must stand guard and taxi drivers who go to the hotel (read: whores in).
protest the police: we have to guard and taxi drivers to escort (read: whores) ranging from Silvio.
All people who pay us citizens.
including Mignotte, after all of the fair.
From Bewitched
Giorgio Vezzoli talks of our times:

time I speak of consciousness infected
tainted by poisons, by markets,
by misinformation,
who has lost the ability to discern and can not distinguish
eyes lie to those who beg.
him in the Temple of the drunks,
of who you strip their rights, which were once supposed
and fought.
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From misery to serious matters, the situation in L'Aquila, the appeal of Miss
Debris of democracy
L'Aquila, Italy epicenter of the emergency.
L'Aquila, with its ruins, stops at 6 April 2009.
L'Aquila unemployed. With poverty knocking at the door. Economy and local market to collapse. Seven million hours of layoffs for seventeen thousand employees, will increase. About 80% of its business and craft that has not reopened. Families have lost their jobs in which husband and wife. And no help is provided.
heavy reconstruction that does not start. That light che si muove fra mille impedimenti.
Non c'è danaro, se non virtuale. E la vita di tutti i giorni è gravata dai mille disagi di una città fantasma.
Questo terremoto non è eguale per tutti. Paradigma dell'Italia: va avanti chi sa sgomitare, chi conosce l'amico dell'amico, chi si allea con il potere. Chi paga il potere.

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Bagheera tells how women are represented dai media:
Lettrici che bevete le tisane di finocchio per la digestione, Lettori che dormite da due giorni consecutivi per riacquistare le forze perdute dopo aver portato a termine un orgasmo di 1 secondo e 3 quarti.
Oggi voglio essere tremendamente seria e profondamente triste.
Indosserò quindi il manto verde muschio dell'intellettuale per affrontare una questione che mi attanaglia l'intestino tenue.
Stavo pensando a quanto sia squallida
l'immagine della donna
che ci danno i media e che di conseguenza è messaggio comunicativo che arriva ad ognuno: giovani,bambini,donne,uomini. Fondamentalmente today's woman is mechanically driven to live by checking daily to what is falling on your ass. Why is that woman's ass is now considered.
I challenge anyone to prove otherwise
. Although the only spot that would necessitate the use of an ass they are the ones inside the toilet paper, the butts are scattered here and there for the publicity of denture adhesives. Every self-respecting TV program has its own butt to show off as a foxy Italian pedigree. A woman on TV is not required expertise, but a nice ass. Every magazine that you're browsing the daily session during the evacuation, contains many
del sistema che ci vuole tirate all'osso tanto che a forza di tirare ci ritroveremo una pallottola di carne dietro alla nuca e d eternamente giovani come la principessa bambina della storia infinita che non so voi ma io trovo estremamente scabrosa poiché satinata,avvolta dal cellophane e finta come un riporto posticcio . La donna di oggi è ridotta ed autoridotta ad oggetto sessuale adibito ad accontentare i desideri dell'uomo. The advertising campaigns of companies to fashion for children, show off a little pregnant fotomodelle
erotic worthy of Mr. puttanoni totally out of place for creatures of 7 years or so. Women humiliated and squeeze into clothes that could come into force one of my thigh showing publicly their asses. No man is forced to live with the injustice of being judged according to age and height of your ass. Women that they look at each other with their eyes, male lining up against each other as small lizards fighting. Some women try in vain to break free to find themselves not to be taken seriously defeats da tristissimi doppi sensi e in alcuni casi volgari molestie. ... Continua SuzieQ invece parla di mariti: Parliamo di mariti scritto da SuzieQ il giovedì, 28 ottobre 2010,17:28Ma sì, sdrammatizziamo un pò, divertiamoci a mettere in discussione i nostri mariti.E chi il marito non ce l'ha? E' una buona occasione per pensarci su ed eventualmente riflettere se sia il caso o meno di accasarsi. Prenderò in considerazione alcune situazioni-campione accompagnate da una serie di commenti. E' il momento della prima colazione, dovrebbe essere un'occasione di relax per la coppia che si accinge a dividersi, ciascuno diretto al proprio lavoro; invece......
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The exhumation of the body of the bandit Giuliano told by Lia Celi
confess: try a bit of envy for Palermo magistrates last Thursday have exhumed the body of Salvatore Giuliano. The air flows from a coffin uncovered is much cleaner than what you breathe in Italy in recent days. A move to the prosecutors, dozens of allegations that the man buried in the sarcophagus in Montelepre is not the most popular bands of the postwar period. Complaints filed by historians, medical examiners, and even from Satan himself, who in 1950 had prepared a welcome worthy of hell murderer and a robber was seen to reach a quaquaraquà who immediately asked for political asylum in Purgatory ...
's face as the grave exhumed According to who opened the coffin, the body of the bandit was so well preserved that it has been paved with a machine gun in the face in the Sicilian Strait necrofori ordering hand over all their possessions. But the body was found would seem to twenty centimeters shorter than the measures of Julian: so or not he or his corpse before the funeral, was washed at room temperature is too high and ristretto. Numerosa la folla che nel frattempo si era assiepata davanti al cimitero: parenti, giornalisti, turisti dell’orrore rimasti chiusi fuori dalla villetta di Avetrana, e appassionati di videogiochi. «Pazzesco,» commenta un collezionista, «ho letto che Giuliano era manovrato contemporaneamente dagli americani, dai servizi, dai latifondisti e dai mafiosi: è l’unico sparatutto in modalità multiplayer uscito prima degli anni Novanta.» Non poteva mancare Raffaele Lombardo, il fondatore del Movimento per l’Autonomia. «Salvatore Giuliano è uno dei nostri numi tutelari», ha dichiarato, «la strage di Portella delle Ginestre, con undici braccianti morti, resta l’unico intervento managed to reduce the number of poor in Sicily.. " But it might not be so if, as some historians argue, firing on the peasants was in reality a socialist command of neo-fascists. Still inexperienced in the strategy of tension, had forgotten to house the bomb packed for the occasion, and were due to arrange for the moment, with the weapons that were in their pocket. Forget that, after that time, would no longer be granted.
, the Mystery: Mystery
Ode of Love.
: Vargas
works Vauro
the old man Arcore:
And still
Little premier can not speak nor to be silent.
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