Thursday, February 11, 2010

What Is Difference Between Ringworm And Rosea

Palazzetti (PDL): Agreement Pd-Udc, suspicions have become reality

Now we must not scatter the votes of the electorate Catholic-moderate ".

I had always thought. I waited until the last that was not the case, but now it's official. For thirst of armchairs, opportunism, lack of future vision and above all lack of understanding of the roots of "alternative party" to the left, the UDC has sided with a gap in political competition Regional. But we Catholics moderate "doc" we clear about our identity and sense of life's journey. The electorate has nothing moderate UDC to do with this left grabber, confusing and often anti-clerical. This left has failed in Fabriano, the "soil" and the territory of Smash, which squanders through mangiasoldi Health and patronage, which has not achieved the necessary infrastructure to take off from our region who are not interested in tourism than with spot without appeal and systematic way.
Now that the play is over, we try to maintain the moderate Catholics of the area. As long as the policy was a central location, "different" regarding the organization of bipolar no objection. A respectable position but out of my sensitivity and political awareness the majority of Italians. Now the "alliances variables and the policy of the two furnaces, could destroy the future of our region. It 's time to say enough. You can not return to the policy 15 years ago, immobility elected system, you can not make choices that could be devastating on the future employment and quality of life of many citizens just because they are dominated by an irresistible impulse towards a return impossible Democrat golden age. We have to win our values \u200b\u200bwithin the large Polo, the PDL. We must affirm and witness here and now, the primacy of the human person, the Christian concept of family, protection of life, our modern way of seeing and moderate the economy and immigration. My appeal is addressed to a wide area of \u200b\u200btraders, merchants, businessmen, artisans, artists, professors, intellectuals, employees, workers, pensioners, youth, women, men who identify with our values. But not only that I address all of the moderate leadership of the Marche, the men of government, public administrators, directors of regional, municipal and provincial. How many of them knew or showed reckless this agreement came out of time. But it's never too late. Friends, Christians, Catholics, liberals, you who work well and responsibilities on our side in many joints and local government, you wonder: what will you say now to the "our" voters? I think it's time to come out, to make a choice of sides, a choice of value and values. Now, before you enter the heart of the campaign. Finally, especially to you citizen-voters that the last policy you have trusted, you have believed in good faith to a balanced position between the poles, now that we have witnessed the true power games, now that the "King" is completely and permanently naked I ask for your vote to merge in the moderate Catholics of the PDL.


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