Sunday, December 12, 2010

Culinary Student Coverletter

Planet Earth, the extinction of mankind

Up: Image taken from blog

I learned something from life? Only that human beings are divided into two: mind and body. The mind embraces all the nobler aspirations as poetry, philosophy ... But those who like the body.
Woody Allen.

Planet Earth, the extinction of mankind

For planet Earth as we humans are the parasites which infest and destroy the resources in the last two hundred years we have squandered and consumed most of the territories and seas in which we operate, how much longer we can live as a species? And 'the question che si pone Mathias Wackernagel nell'intervista rilasciata a Byoblu :

Mathias Wackernagel
Dal punto di vista della Terra, intesa come pianeta, la nostra estinzione non fa una grande differenza. Non più di quanta ne faccia una moria di scarafaggi chiusi in un barattolo senza più aria da respirare e neppure un grammo del proprio sterco da mangiare. E' la storia degli ecosistemi: via una risorsa, via tutti quelli che ne sono dipendenti. Speravamo di essere diversi, ci siamo autoproclamati sapiens, ma la nostra sapienza ha una lungimiranza a scarto ridotto, buona solo per gli interessi di prossimità, possibilmente personali. Le evidenze circa la sventura che il future holds for us as a species we do not excuse you from circumventing any measure aimed at stopping the inevitable course of destiny, which we run happy and carefree as a stupid group of lemmings . And no hand to click on our destiny ...
devour, consume, excreted and we reproduce like bacteria, wraps mephitic concretions now infects the skin of the planet that hosts us. But what can really go on? If it is asked Mathis Wackernagel, co-founder of Global Footprint Network . Mathis and his organization have calculated a good approximation of how many resources the Earth can produce in one year and the rate at which we consume. Today, for example, Sunday, December 5, we have already consumed 145% of the budget of nature. Every year, when it exceeds 100%, the equivalent of a planet, we celebrate the bitterly Overshoot Day, the day of overfishing. It means that from that moment on we go into debt, a bit 'like when you use a credit card because the ATM can not be taken. Except that, unlike what happens with a current account when the money ends up seriously no one is refinancing its debt. Simply, you die. I met Mathis in Milan, hosted by some humanoid strangely still interested in his fate. I interviewed him for you.

manmade environmental disasters are increasingly evident, confirms a study published by Greenpeace The Change :

The changing climate is bad for health, analysis of Greenpeace ISDE and
While the climate negotiations are proceeding slowly in Cancun, Greenpeace and ISDE (International Association of Doctors for the Environment) in the ratio Every man for himself confirm the serious health effects caused by climate change in progress: increase of disease from air pollution, extreme weather events such as 'heat waves', changes in the geography of disease Infectious and parasitic infections, loss of biodiversity.
"The data confirm that the human mortality increases by 3% for each degree increase in temperature of the earth - says Roberto Romizi, President of ISDE Italy - Climate change is a global concern and the consequences also affect the daily lives of each of us ".
The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere increased from 300 ppm (parts per million) in 1908 to 389 ppm in 2010. The pace of growth in 1980-2008 was 1.6 ppm per year and has been estimated that with the current pace (1.9 ppm / year, average 1995-2005), the CO2 can be reached in about thirty years, the threshold 450 ppm limit set at Copenhagen to contain disasters to an acceptable level.
We expect an increase in extreme weather events such as 'heat waves' this summer have sparked fires in Russia in August 2003 and caused over 52,000 deaths in Europe, of whom 18,000 in Italy. "Who in Cancun working against a new binding agreement to reduce emissions - says Domenico Belli, campaign manager for Greenpeace Climate and Energy - is simply complicit in these massacres."
The report highlights one of the most underrated when it comes to greenhouse effect: the increase of disease from air pollution due to interaction between temperature rise and air pollution. The result is an exponential increase, even in Italy, the incidence of allergies and respiratory diseases especially in population groups most at risk, primarily children and the elderly.
Biodiversity is another victim of temperature: in Italy only in the last 25 years we have halved the species typical of the farmed birds - larks and swallows in particular - are at risk from 47.5% to 68.4% of vertebrate species, 66% of those of amphibians and about 15% of higher plants and 40% of those below. In fact, we're already in a period of 'mass extinctions', like that which led to the demise of the dinosaurs in the Jurassic era.

About human mortality, it seems certain that recent illnesses are cancers and tumors, acquired by mankind over the last two hundred years, explains Massimo Mazzucco in this enlightening article on Luogocomune :

"Cancer is caused by man "
Several newspapers reported the news yesterday of a scientific research, conducted by Professors David Zimmermann and University of Manchester, according to which there is no trace of cancer in human history, before industriale.Fatta era except for a few rare cases, a thorough review of all historical data available, combined with the fossil record - human and animal - have revealed the almost complete absence of cancer on the planet until the last 200 anni.Una systematic analysis of hundreds of fossils dating back to the Neanderthals, for example, would reveal a single case of possible cancro.Zimmermann and David wanted to extend the experiment to the Egyptian mummies, and have developed a method of re-hydration and tissue analysis that would reveal any cases of cancer. Since this is a civilization in which surgery did not exist - say the two researchers - tumors should be preserved as much as the rest of the tissues, if not better. Well, it seems that one mummy, on hundreds of case studies, has shown signs of a potential waste tumore.In reality, it is not surprising that much: since the beginning of the 900 ...... get cancer one in 20 people, one person in the 70 to 10, and today one in three does not take much to turn back the project, to understand that the farther in time than the cancer disappears the life of man. In turn, only the most recalcitrant can not attribute this frightening upsurge in the spread of cancer to the so-called "modern civilization", that the combined effects of stress, pollution (air first, now including electronic) and a power increasingly distant from the natural processes on which should be based.

Giusi a woman who lives in L'Aquila, tells of his life before the earthquake that devastated his life and the lives of thousands of other people of Abruzzo, the blog Thirty Seconds:

Berlin , April 5, 2009
This post is part of one of my previous lives, that first of 6aprile 2009, my second life. I wrote this at 21:30, 5 April 2009. I had just returned from Berlin. It was a Sunday, like today. The 309 victims, like me, were at home. The Eagle was a wonderful city.
Ho avuto un’idea. Geniale. Paghiamo ai nostri politici/amministratori delle gite educative nelle altre città europee. Cosa significa? Che vanno lì, come fossero dei turisti e, in incognito (tanto all’estero non li conosce nessuno) se ne vanno in giro per la città. Così, per esempio, potranno vedere che a Berlino ci sono ben 9 linee di metropolitana, più alcune (penso almeno 12) linee di superficie che fanno il giro della città e alcune di queste vanno in continuazione da est a ovest attraversando la nuova stazione (tutta in vetro e con fotovoltaico integrato quindi completamente indipendente dal punto di vista energetico), e la famosa Berlin-Friedrichstraße che è una delle stazioni più centrali together with Potsdamer Platz and Hauptbahnhof and scored for years the border between East and West. All trains run every 5 fitted in the evening and every 10 or 15 minutes. Not to mention buses and trams. So any politician, anywhere, even if the airport can get on a train and get to where want to buy a ticket for 2 Euro and 10 cents goes for two hours. Any means you take and any number of races you do. Moreover, each machine for the tickets (all work) you can do day tickets (6.10 Euros) or 72 hours for tourists (which also include a museum) and so on. On trains, which have no divisions of cars, every now and then pass a person in civilian clothes who exhibits the tesserino e controlla i biglietti.

La reazione di una donna esasperata dalle non risposte di un dipendente pubblico, dal blog Phoebe1976 :

Io sono calma.
Io sono educata.
Io non alzo mai la voce se non adeguatamente scatenata dal mio interlocutore.
Io sono MOLTO calma, specie sul lavoro.
Io non mi lascio alterare da te, piccolo cafoncello che lavori in un ufficio pubblico anche se t’è morta la maestra in third grade and you do not have more than replaced.
I'm not proud, no no.
I am educated.
But if after a disc, press 5, to another disk, please wait, press three, iesterdeiiiiiiiiiiiiiii oll never trabol eueiiiiiii sims so far, two awards, please wait, it nau luk astug tusteiiii Teir, ohhh iesterdeiiiiii to belive in, you give me answer "Oh, what?", I feel justified in sending you to fuck off.
I know it's easy to say which has the right Brunetta down from his stool lined with zebra fur. But
I hate to die than those who answered the phone in a public office of a company, a study o comunque non di casa loro ti apostrofano con un “Pronto?”. Ma pronto ché? Ma chi sei? Ti conosco? Cercavo te????
E soprattutto (perché mi succede spesso) ho sbagliato numero o ci ho preso????
Chi sei? Chi risponde?
Ma ti costa tanto accendere il motoneurone che gira come un matto tra le pagine di internet e dire: “Pronto ufficio Larillallero, sono Pippo”?
E’ molto complicato?
Non ci arrivi o sei solo cafone?
Peggio ancora quelli, e sono tanti, che rispondono: “Sììììììììììììì?”
Ma sì che cosa? Ma sì chè????
Ma ti detraggono a salary as a word?
... Continue

Women who count in our society, women immortalized on a special calendar, the blog of Cristina Tagliabue Sivieri :

Calendar Girl

have in common an Italian philosopher, a German of Turkish origin who is a lawyer, a Swedish top managers, a farmer Finnish, English and Maltese un'eurofunzionaria with muscular dystrophy? The women are the attendees in the 2011 calendar, "Women who inspire Europe, carried out dall’Istituto europeo per l’uguaglianza di genere (Eige). Il calendario è un’iniziativa nata quest’anno in seno all’Eige per coronare non solo l’8 marzo, giornata della donna, ma per celebrare anche la forza, le determinazione e il coraggio di dodici donne di diversa età ed estrazione, di paesi e culture diversi, di professioni disparate, e che hanno contribuito a costruire una società più giusta per le donne grazie alle loro parole e azioni.Le donne ritratte vengono da Svezia, Germania, Gran Bretagna, Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Polonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Finlandia e Malta. Tra di loro troviamo l’unico primo ministro donna del Portogallo (anche se solo per sei mesi) e la detentrice britannica del record mondiale di triathlon, una funzionaria europea di altissimo livello e un’imprenditrice svedese. Sono tutte modelli di riferimento nel loro paese e anche al di fuori, e tramite le loro esperienze l’Eige vuole anche cercare di tracciare la strada futura delle pari opportunità e dell’uguaglianza di genere.
... Continua

Donne importanti e determinate, Puertovaillarta riporta l'elenco delle donne al potere nel mondo:
Donne al potere

Ecco i sedici Paesi nel mondo guidati da una donna:

- IRLANDA: Mary Mcaleese, 59 anni. Nata a Belfast è al potere dal '97. And 'much loved and much-discussed .- ICELAND: Johanna Sigurdardottir, 68 years. In 2009 she became the first openly gay premier in the world. Legalized marriage between homosexuals.

- BRAZIL: Dilma Rousseff, former chairman of the Workers' Party.

- Germany: Angela Merkel, 56. E 'became chancellor in 2005 and reconfirmed in 2009.

- FINLAND: Tarja Halonen, 66 years. Human rights activist, was in contention for the role of UN Secretary General. And 'the second term.

- Lithuania: Dalia Grybauskaite, 54. Black belt in karate, has swept the elections in 2009. Much appreciated for his financial expertise.

- COSTA RICA: Laura Chinchilla, 51 anni. Al potere da quest'anno, sostiene la Chiesa cattolica, si oppone alle nozze gay, all'aborto e alla pillola del giorno dopo.

- CROAZIA: Jadranka Kosor, 57 anni. Madre single, due volte divorziata, è stata scelta dal Parlamento per condurre il Paese in Europa.

- SLOVACCHIA: Iveta Radicova, 53 anni. Di centro destra, vedova di un celebre attore, è stata eletta quest'anno ed ha subito attuato una dura manovra economica contro la crisi.

- INDIA: Pratibna Patil, 75 anni. Dopo una nomina molto contestata, nel 2007 è diventata la prima donna a guidare il subcontinente, grazie al sostegno di Sonia Gandhi e del Partito del Congresso.

- KIRGHIZISTAN: Roza Otunbayeva, 60 years. After the Tulip Revolution, has overseen the transition to parliamentary democracy.

- ARGENTINA: Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, 57. In 2007 he took the place of her husband Néstor Kirchner. His term was marked by scandals and tensions with neighboring countries.

... Continue

Happysummer From the result of the deadly sins, lust

The Deadly Sins - Lust

women, according to the saying of a French desire to inspire us make masterpieces, but forbids us ever to do so. (O. Wilde)
Many men owe their success their first wife, and their second wife to their success. (Jim Backus)
Under the sun there is no 'best person' unhappy fetishist who desire a woman's shoe and has to settle for a whole female. (Karl Kraus)
The flirtation is the champagne of love (T. Hood)
many bring flowers to the Virgin Mary, but no one invites her to dinner. (F. Di Iorio)
many men I had ... Mine or the other? (Mae West)
The pleasures of the flesh all'insalata end when you switch (Giusi Vanella)
Viva females, living the good wine, support and glory of humanity. (Mozart)

Boys, a series of stunning images from the blog of women, from FulviaLuna :

Vecchi proverbi.....

Ed è arrivato Dicembre.....

"Dicembre le foglie per il fuoco raccoglie.Dicembre imbacuccato, raccolto assicurato."

Da Ninfearosazzurra :

Da MoniqueD :

Da Romina05 :

Da Marylin86 :

Da Loralya :

Kayblu :

From Dolcemania a beautiful image and poem:

not enough snow to cover the sadness
of an inevitable clash with the melancholy ,
in this curtain of winter.

Sheets gelidity,
knock at the door of my mind asthenic,
impressing the path of a strong-willed pride.

affliction of senseless
give voice to the thoughts wandering,
in memory of fervent moments,
to a clouded future.

After the tragic act of Mario Monicelli the most unlikely characters have commemorated the great director's commentary Vauro and another of his works:

Life torque from the pencil of PV64 :
words as weapons

our country in terms of Altan :

The latest works enema :
The Lord hath ordained?
E 'news a few days ago:
China has ordered a bishop without the permission of Holy Mother Church.
And what's weird?
The world now is full of counterfeit goods from China.

Today she jumped out of a new sentence of amazing little Silvio: if someone is in trouble, I do everything to help him.
How to resist a fast churn sticker?

Pill day: 61 Magdalene and his Amarcord


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