act ... A piece of my heart ... Viewed ke would be unnecessary and also very painful to think of the memories you left me I will write just a few thoughts that I will always be in my heart. I will always remember your personality, your funny jokes and argue that sometimes you did with the cousins \u200b\u200bafter all were funny hehe but especially your kindness that you gave nn never see anybody because you were a grumpy grouch but basically good and so sweet. You went away because of that damn evil that has taken away even my beloved grandmother, yet No I can comprehend his death and the same will be for you since you disappeared k for the same cause, but unfortunately, life and EHHHHH a real shit and rips off the people to whom you care about most. I will always carry in your memory, the memory of nice crusty uncle who loved me even though No one has ever shown me openly, but which I will always bene.Spero that will now be more happy and watching over us all ... I love you ... Hello Uncle ...
your niece Catherine
hate chains and therefore will die sadistically qualkunoXDXDXD YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH! XD
then whatever I hate these chains grrrr vabbu means qualkuno sadistic torturer, and ghghgh guilty of this and Skleromucill ghghgh
But let's start ...
The Rules:
1) say 7 things about themselves .
2) Tagging 7 other poor unfortunate.
3) indicate he / she is responsible for having "stuck" ( Skleromucil l) qualkuno sadistically If I die will be your fault haha \u200b\u200bskerxolo but it tempts me
Invitation to "Cianci" ...
Number 1: I'm a bit paxxoide and are in constant struggle with neuro and he that nn vojono make peace ghghg
Num ber 2 : I love apartments designed to play my beloved chitaruxxa and are also good ah I forgot I also write canxoni eh! ghgh
Number 3: I love the black black for ever XDXD
Number 4 : ah forget at times I enjoy the song although I prefer to play ghgh
Number 5: My dream beyond ke to be able to break into the field of comics and the destination of my dreams to visit Japan! !
Number 6: AH the most important thing I love doing martial arts especially karate and too ganxoo whataaaaaaaaa
Number 7: And finally I'd love to live in the world at least I know all of my comics, and n c have problems Fiki irrosolvibili ghgh
... And now the unfortunate ...
1) Mr. storm
2) Cube
3) Pulp
4) Katarzyna
5) Yukiko93
6) Skleromucill
7) Mirella
My sister Devil No 1 Air Salveee I'm back with another job now now baked ghgh you remember my Luana? well, for everyone who knows and can see that other ki my blog where you'll find the first drawings of my history eheh cmq no more talk here is the first plank of the story hope you like it in color soon ciauuuu
of Fantasy!
Here a preview of the main characters of a fantasy story in my work XDXD! Meet Leonarth!
women arrive! Hippie I come to you with another illustration eheh this time we are in the band's version Pusca well, you rightly ask us, who? and I tell you who we eheh then from the left which takes us Kat Cube on his shoulders then c 'and Sklerati and finally I ghgh well, the idea came to me when talking to a band we said well, we nn bombshells? Hahahahahah cmq Sklerati the ever faithful to me even consilgiato let us just a story about this band and follow his advice ghgh ke knows will come out well, after all st
to complain here are Pusch ^ ^