hate chains and therefore will die sadistically qualkunoXDXDXD
then whatever I hate these chains grrrr vabbu means qualkuno sadistic torturer, and ghghgh guilty of this and Skleromucill ghghgh
But let's start ...
The Rules:
1) say 7 things about themselves .
2) Tagging 7 other poor unfortunate.
3) indicate he / she is responsible for having "stuck" ( Skleromucil l) qualkuno sadistically If I die will be your fault haha \u200b\u200bskerxolo but it tempts me
Invitation to "Cianci" ...
Number 1: I'm a bit paxxoide and are in constant struggle with neuro and he that nn vojono make peace ghghg
Num ber 2 : I love apartments designed to play my beloved chitaruxxa and are also good ah I forgot I also write canxoni eh! ghgh
Number 3: I love the black black for ever XDXD
Number 4 : ah forget at times I enjoy the song although I prefer to play ghgh
Number 5: My dream beyond ke to be able to break into the field of comics and the destination of my dreams to visit Japan! !
Number 6: AH the most important thing I love doing martial arts especially karate and too ganxoo whataaaaaaaaa
Number 7: And finally I'd love to live in the world at least I know all of my comics, and n c have problems Fiki irrosolvibili ghgh
... And now the unfortunate ...
1) Mr. storm
2) Cube
3) Pulp
4) Katarzyna
5) Yukiko93
6) Skleromucill
7) Mirella
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