Viewed ke would be unnecessary and also very painful to think of the memories you left me I will write just a few thoughts that I will always be in my heart. I will always remember your personality, your funny jokes and argue that sometimes you did with the cousins \u200b\u200bafter all were funny hehe but especially your kindness that you gave nn never see anybody because you were a grumpy grouch but basically good and so sweet. You went away because of that damn evil that has taken away even my beloved grandmother, yet No I can comprehend his death and the same will be for you since you disappeared k for the same cause, but unfortunately, life and EHHHHH a real shit and rips off the people to whom you care about most. I will always carry in your memory, the memory of nice crusty uncle who loved me even though No one has ever shown me openly, but which I will always bene.Spero that will now be more happy and watching over us all ... I love you
... Hello Uncle ...
your niece Catherine

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