There is real progress only when the benefits of a new technology for all.
2011. The diary of the crisis
The country is now over the precipice, we're in an economic crisis of biblical proportions, as well as Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal, the 2011 is coming and Beppe Grillo lists his predictions for the coming year:
- April: Berlusconi's government falls. Consultations between the Quirinale parties and social partners. fails the first exploratory mandate entrusted to Berlusconi. Crowd in front Montecitorio. Throwing eggs at Palazzo Grazioli. The public debt exceeds 1.9 trillion. The EU asks Italy to an additional measure compared to the budget of 30 billion.
- February: According to the mandate assigned to Dragons. Growing unemployment fueled by the end of the layoffs for tens of thousands of workers. Confindustria said that growth in 2011 could be zero. An assessment confirmed by the IMF and the EU. Spontaneous strikes in the public service. Dragons in his first speech in Parliament by the Prime Minister, after obtaining a bipartisan trust, today announced that the sacrifices are mandatory and that Italy is on the brink of economic abyss.
- March lost revenues and new step in the public debt of € 1.94 trillion. The debt ratio exceeds 120% of the barrier. The interest on Treasury securities recognized by the Italian government reached Spain. We assume a bridging loan to Italy by the EU and IMF of 200 billion, with non-negotiable conditions in reducing debt, pensions and personnel of the civil service.
- April: social unrest throughout Italy. Berlusconi did not return from a trip to Antigua. Dragons announced on live television the block of five-year Italian government bond holders, who will still be paid the interest. Is extended by two years the period of freeze on increases in the public sector. E ' deliberata l'abolizione delle Province e l'assorbimento del personale nelle Regioni di appartenenza e reintrodotto l'ICI per la prima casa.
- Maggio: Flessione del 6% del gettito fiscale. La crescita zero del PIL per il 2011 potrebbe diventare negativa. Napolitano in diretta televisiva e a reti unificate esorta alla coesione sociale e alla solidarietà nazionale. Tensioni per la mancata vendita di parte dei titoli di Stato.
- Giugno: Si profila l'uscita dell'Italia dall'euro. Draghi avvia misure eccezionali per risanare la finanza pubblica. Prelievo del dieci per mille dai conti correnti, tetto massimo per le pensioni a 2500 euro e innalzamento dell'età pensionistica di due anni.
- Luglio: Le banche italiane sono investite dalla bolla immobiliare. Crollo dei titoli bancari e delle società immobiliari quotati in Borsa. Fallimento di alcune società del settore. Occupazione di immobili sfitti in molte città italiane. Emergono legami insospettabili tra criminalità organizzata, politici e imprenditori nel mercato immobiliare. Draghi vara una legge per scoraggiare la delocalizzazione delle imprese italiane all'estero.
- Agosto: Fuga di capitali dall'Italia e aumento della disoccupazione in particolare al Sud. Rivolte spontanee per beni di prima necessità in Campania e in Sicilia. Dell'Utri condannato anche in Cassazione entra in carcere. Il PDL si scioglie spontaneamente. Inizio dell'iter parlamentare per una nuova legge elettorale. Beppe Grillo presented to the Senate the law of popular initiative "Clean Parliament".
- September: The public debt exceeds the 2,000 billion. Plan for a cut of one third of the PA employees in five years. Decrease in consumption. Italy avoids for now the exit from the Euro. Increases the spread between the yield on Italian and German.
course a major contributor to our plight, the Knight is still clinging to his chair, Jacopo For expected his imminent departure:
is about to collapse!
Change from below.
Change from below.
Bettors give 2 to 1 that Berlusconi arrives until April 1. But I am convinced that they are wrong.
Now, to assess the situation realistically, I invite you to reflect on an episode riferitomi from trusted and reliable person, which occurred a few days ago, in an important meeting between five big companies' eco-technologies that deal with science fiction. We talk about the top of the top, even more 'hula-hop. A rampant manager of one of these companies, who generally wears edible panties ('cause you never know), wrote to its chief executive a private email, telling African and horns of one of the companies that would participate in the meeting, adding some term to make the most scurrilous' chiaro il concetto. Solo che poi, questo stesso manager ha stampato la mail con gli insulti in fondo al documento base per l’incontro. Ovviamente ne e' nato un pandemonio.
Now, to assess the situation realistically, I invite you to reflect on an episode riferitomi from trusted and reliable person, which occurred a few days ago, in an important meeting between five big companies' eco-technologies that deal with science fiction. We talk about the top of the top, even more 'hula-hop. A rampant manager of one of these companies, who generally wears edible panties ('cause you never know), wrote to its chief executive a private email, telling African and horns of one of the companies that would participate in the meeting, adding some term to make the most scurrilous' chiaro il concetto. Solo che poi, questo stesso manager ha stampato la mail con gli insulti in fondo al documento base per l’incontro. Ovviamente ne e' nato un pandemonio.
Racconto quest’episodio assurdo a una mia amica di Roma e lei mi dice: “Incredibile, e' successa la stessa cosa ieri nella ditta dove lavoro!”E’ una sindrome?E’ un’epidemia?Si'.Non esiste altra spiegazione logica alla situazione italiana.
Una percentuale sensibilmente alta di nostri connazionali ha perso il lume della ragione. Questo spiegherebbe un mucchio di eventi.
Prendi la crisi dell’immondizia a Napoli. Ora spero converrai che per quanto uno possa essere disonesto e stupido pare assurdo a reduction in such a state 'a city', because it 's too obvious that if you pull the rope and then there' s a minimum of public reaction and in the end, even the State ... The 'Ndrangheta could still earn billion euro and corrupt politicians get bustarellizzare to death without going to the demolition and totale.Non 'normal ...
criminals exist all over the world ... Only
we use 3,000 tons of waste to let people know who are the owners of a '... This whole region and' self-harm. I would like to know who 'their strategic advisor ...
And what they pay ...
The good news' that I think B. and 'dead and buried. And the Minister Mara Carfagna, the flat-spotted bravely Camurri PDL Campania bara.Persino put the nails in the newspapers of the President can not make it more 'and accusing him brutally attacked Bondi had found a job for the son of his companion for the former husband and then he said, without restraint, and that 'spoke' cause he was a human case
The good news' that I think B. and 'dead and buried. And the Minister Mara Carfagna, the flat-spotted bravely Camurri PDL Campania bara.Persino put the nails in the newspapers of the President can not make it more 'and accusing him brutally attacked Bondi had found a job for the son of his companion for the former husband and then he said, without restraint, and that 'spoke' cause he was a human case
... Have you seen the face of Lease and B. phone-ins to Ballaro '?
was livid. He was physically ill, poor creature. But how do you stand behind a leader who has now lost all sense of reality '?
However I understand that the bookmakers have quoted positively B. in survival up to April and beyond. In un’Italia cosi' puo' succedere che i morti continuino a camminare per mesi…
Tanto chi se ne accorge? E intanto a sinistra non si vede la possibilita' di mettere assieme un grande fronte ecoetico alla francese. Un bel sogno…
Una sinistra etica che sappia unificare la societa' civile. Ma non puo' funzionare…
Altro che unita', siamo quelli di rissa continua. Ognuno arroccato nel suo orto perfetto. A coltivare grossi cetrioloni sodomiti.
Nel nostro prossimo futuro si spera che l'informazione la si possa acquisire tramite una TV interattiva collegata ad internet, Luogocomune ne anticipa i possibili sviluppi:
Facciamoci la TV!
In seguito alla notizia della chiusura del nostro canale Youtube, molti utenti hanno espresso il desiderio di avere una “nostra TV”, dove poter gestire senza troppi patemi d’animo i nostri contenuti.
Innanzitutto, bisogna chiarire bene cosa si intende per “TV”, perchè nessuno pensa oggi di arrivare a casa alle 8 di sera e di accendere il 27 pollici per vedere il “TG di luogocomune”, piuttosto che l’ultimo documentario sugli antibiotici di Arcoiris.
O forse lo farà, ma solo perchè nel frattempo il 27 pollici sarà diventato il nuovo terminale Universal, which connects us to the programming over the air without distinction as to the Internet. The merger of the classic television and computer monitor is in fact just around the corner: the next generation of televisions will be equipped with an internal operating system that will allow users to connect directly to the network without a computer. Google already offers the operating system Android , which is installed on certain models of Sony, and allows users to chat on video with other users, or to conduct web searches directly from televisore.In Verizon offers some areas of California The experimental package FiOS, where the viewer can connect directly via the television, Internet channels such as Youtube or Hulu, or to social networks like Facebook or Twitter.In other words, the TV screen will soon become a kind of "browser" universal where the grandmother, with a touch of mouse, you can choose to see the reassuring Emilio Fede, or "those pazzerelloni of free information." opens at this point the real problem ...... that is content.
On the one hand we have the fact that television networks are able to offer hundreds of hours of programming per week, while the other would have a handful of authors, more or less determined and prepared, which could at most put together a decent couple of hours of content a week.
But we all know that the amount has never been quality. Indeed, precisely in order to address the immeasurable cost of TV programming, all the networks in the world are now reduced to doing commercials as a container, through various tricks that can cover almost half an hour of television. In the United States is virtually impossible to see 10 minutes of any program, without any obligation to put up as many advertising or other promotions. From what little I have seen recently pututo, Italy also seems aimed in that direction.
But we must keep in mind that the real damage of advertising is not made easier by the invasion of all the television space available. If you have need to put up with ten minutes of advertising, and then seeing a documentary as ten "Spa Food" , I think many would accept gladly exchange. The problem is that advertisers pay advertising space in direct proportion of the audience (more people watch your program, you can ask for more money for advertising space in it). Was born, by the network, run the exasperated audience, and this of course can only drag down the level of qualità.Tette asses and have always sold more of any intelligent program, and probably will in the future.
It is therefore essential to work around the problem at source, rather than trying to fight it in vain. (Rai has tried in the early eighties, to maintain a minimum level of quality, branded ass in front of the invasion of Berlusconi. But after a while he had to surrender, and soon found myself chasing the newcomer in the spiral down, in search of the 'audience at all costs ").
Fortunately, a future web-tv would not have such problems, because certainly not made the mistake of relying on advertising revenue to survive. In questo modo infatti verrebbe a mancare la libertà di scelta nei contenuti, unica caratteristica in grado di far preferire i propri programmi a quelli dei network-TV.In altre parole, se mai una web-tv potrà ritagliarsi uno spazio proprio, accanto alla massiccia programmazione dei network, sarà proprio per l’offerta di contenuti sostanzialmente diversi, in quanto liberi da condizionamenti esteriori.
Attenzione, però: il fatto che in Internet quasi tutti materiali disponibili siano gratuiti, non significa che non sia costato nulla metterli in rete. Se prendiamo ad esempio Arcoiris.tv, vi troviamo ormai migliaia di ore di documenti interessantissimi, su tutti i temi più importanti del momento. Ma per mettere questo tipo di materiale the network must first have a huge band (which is very expensive), along with several dedicated servers, and of course the personnel required to manage 24 to 24 hours.
From the Gulf of Mexico, eight months after the oil spill of the situation from the point blog The Change :
BP and Gulf of Mexico. The stock of the situation eight months after the disaster
While on one hand the BP sells assets of his business empire officially promised to set up the compensation fund by 20 billion, the other is preparing to reject thousands of claims and contain so the money actually disbursed. While all this is happening in the depths of the Gulf of Mexico, a survey ship bears witness to the deaths of more than 90% of corals around the well exploded in April.
of Andrea Boretti -
While on one hand the BP sells assets of his business empire officially promised to set up the compensation fund by 20 billion, the other is preparing to reject thousands of claims and contain so the money actually disbursed. While all this is happening in the depths of the Gulf of Mexico, a survey ship bears witness to the deaths of more than 90% of corals around the well exploded in April.
of Andrea Boretti -
Following the worst ecological disaster in the history of the planet occurred on April 20 last year, BP had promised the formation of a fund of 20 billion dollars
Let the point. Following the worst ecological disaster in the history of the planet occurred on April 20 last year, BP had promised the formation of a fund of 20 billion dollars for compensation to the people, industries and economies damaged in the Gulf of Mexico. To do this, at least officially, in the BP recent months has begun to sell its assets around the world.
After selling activities in Asia for about € 10.6 billion, BP announced this week the sale of 60% of PAE (Pan American Energy), its flagship in the exploration and processing of gas and Petroleum. The multinational oil would then be much closer to the establishment of the fund: "The agreement - said BP CEO Bob Dudley all'uscente Tony Hayward took over just overwhelmed by the consequences of the disaster in the waters of Mexico - has confirmed the determination to achieve BP sales targets are achieved for the most part now. "
But really this money will go to compensation? According Ken Feinberg, the person appointed by the White House to handle the thousands of lawsuits that have invested the multinational company after the disaster, many of these appeals and complaints will be rejected. In particular the complaints received about 450,000, at least 225,000 have been presented with an incomplete or inadequate documentation, and then will be removed from the potential beneficiaries. In the end, then it seems that the BP will host just 175,000 claims for a total of about 2.7 billion, or slightly more than 10% of the initial estimate.
Let the point. Following the worst ecological disaster in the history of the planet occurred on April 20 last year, BP had promised the formation of a fund of 20 billion dollars for compensation to the people, industries and economies damaged in the Gulf of Mexico. To do this, at least officially, in the BP recent months has begun to sell its assets around the world.
After selling activities in Asia for about € 10.6 billion, BP announced this week the sale of 60% of PAE (Pan American Energy), its flagship in the exploration and processing of gas and Petroleum. The multinational oil would then be much closer to the establishment of the fund: "The agreement - said BP CEO Bob Dudley all'uscente Tony Hayward took over just overwhelmed by the consequences of the disaster in the waters of Mexico - has confirmed the determination to achieve BP sales targets are achieved for the most part now. "
But really this money will go to compensation? According Ken Feinberg, the person appointed by the White House to handle the thousands of lawsuits that have invested the multinational company after the disaster, many of these appeals and complaints will be rejected. In particular the complaints received about 450,000, at least 225,000 have been presented with an incomplete or inadequate documentation, and then will be removed from the potential beneficiaries. In the end, then it seems that the BP will host just 175,000 claims for a total of about 2.7 billion, or slightly more than 10% of the initial estimate.
pain. And the ransom.
L'Aquila is the water in the throat. It rains continuously for days. The city, already at a standstill, now is immobilized. It rains on the project homes on the miracle of Aquila, taking in water on all sides.
rains on the gorges, on the hollows, on clogged drains. And it rains on the rubble and crumbling buildings of Old Town. On art and culture. And beauty. It's raining on our desperate condition. On citizens to the extreme: the homeless, with taxes and mortgages, and loans that are knocking at the door. The city is not a place flooded. The old town in a huge puddle which sailing stones and dirt. Which float in the promises not maintained. And the lies. The dead are gone tragically. I remain alive. Tragically. Wind it rebounds from the usual responsibilities of those responsibilities can not take them. Among the braggart soldier and the harsh reality of money is not there. Chiodi, the vassal of the rider, a man without dignity, a man with dignity by his people would, at a press conference in Rome, away from disaster and disaster, with Berlusconi, Letta and Bertolaso, lying, and the greatness of the miracle for optimism. The money is there and he is anxious to give it to us. But there's a few, with the eyedropper, and are still paying for the emergency. The City is in disarray, with the mayor Cialente, weaker ed afono, che non è capace di urlare i nostri diritti. E di pretenderli. I contributi per l'autonoma sistemazione sono fermi a sei mesi fa: 200 euro mensili negati a chi paga, per gli affitti, cifre esorbitanti. Di aiuti per l'economia al collasso non se ne parla neanche più. La ricostruzione pesante è di là da venire. Quella leggera impantanata fra le pastoie burocratiche.
Il vescovo tuona contro la manifestazione del 20 novembre "erano pochi, me lo hanno riferito degli amici che c'erano". Come se quei pochi, venticinquemila, sotto la pioggia incessante, fossero nulla. Persone neanche degne di rispetto. Invita, il presule, la cittadinanza a lasciar fare a chi sa fare. Perché scendere in piazza, quando c'è chi, nelle closed rooms, where he sits in the place of honor, will decide for us? But Auxiliary Bishop D'Ercole, however, is bishop of the people. Sign the law of popular initiative and welcomes the active citizens. So no one is unhappy. Two bishops, for all tastes. The operation of image and deception reign, as always, in the Curia.
And the kids, college students, are taken to the streets in the historic center tortured, and climbed on the roofs, to protest against euthanasia imposed on the university system, the decisions now unfortunately passed the vote.
L'Aquila is the water in the throat. It rains continuously for days. The city, already at a standstill, now is immobilized. It rains on the project homes on the miracle of Aquila, taking in water on all sides.
rains on the gorges, on the hollows, on clogged drains. And it rains on the rubble and crumbling buildings of Old Town. On art and culture. And beauty. It's raining on our desperate condition. On citizens to the extreme: the homeless, with taxes and mortgages, and loans that are knocking at the door. The city is not a place flooded. The old town in a huge puddle which sailing stones and dirt. Which float in the promises not maintained. And the lies. The dead are gone tragically. I remain alive. Tragically. Wind it rebounds from the usual responsibilities of those responsibilities can not take them. Among the braggart soldier and the harsh reality of money is not there. Chiodi, the vassal of the rider, a man without dignity, a man with dignity by his people would, at a press conference in Rome, away from disaster and disaster, with Berlusconi, Letta and Bertolaso, lying, and the greatness of the miracle for optimism. The money is there and he is anxious to give it to us. But there's a few, with the eyedropper, and are still paying for the emergency. The City is in disarray, with the mayor Cialente, weaker ed afono, che non è capace di urlare i nostri diritti. E di pretenderli. I contributi per l'autonoma sistemazione sono fermi a sei mesi fa: 200 euro mensili negati a chi paga, per gli affitti, cifre esorbitanti. Di aiuti per l'economia al collasso non se ne parla neanche più. La ricostruzione pesante è di là da venire. Quella leggera impantanata fra le pastoie burocratiche.
Il vescovo tuona contro la manifestazione del 20 novembre "erano pochi, me lo hanno riferito degli amici che c'erano". Come se quei pochi, venticinquemila, sotto la pioggia incessante, fossero nulla. Persone neanche degne di rispetto. Invita, il presule, la cittadinanza a lasciar fare a chi sa fare. Perché scendere in piazza, quando c'è chi, nelle closed rooms, where he sits in the place of honor, will decide for us? But Auxiliary Bishop D'Ercole, however, is bishop of the people. Sign the law of popular initiative and welcomes the active citizens. So no one is unhappy. Two bishops, for all tastes. The operation of image and deception reign, as always, in the Curia.
And the kids, college students, are taken to the streets in the historic center tortured, and climbed on the roofs, to protest against euthanasia imposed on the university system, the decisions now unfortunately passed the vote.
More good news on the face of advertising, Nivea withdraw the ad that demeans women, from the blog Bewitched :
eye to spot: Case Sensitive, Nivea responds
In these days has done much to discuss spot products with Nivea For Men Seedorf protagonist. The spot depicts a lecture given by Allegri players of AC Milan and has clear allusions malicious culminating in the punchline of Seedorf "I understand, mister, the important thing is to throw it inside" with a lot of giggles from the general claim final sealed product "What men want." In short, the usual cliches, the usual stereotypes, usually creative stroke of genius. But so now you know all the spot / s since the Web's indignation was quite widespread and did not go unnoticed even to the Courier, who recently published an article on this story.
In these days has done much to discuss spot products with Nivea For Men Seedorf protagonist. The spot depicts a lecture given by Allegri players of AC Milan and has clear allusions malicious culminating in the punchline of Seedorf "I understand, mister, the important thing is to throw it inside" with a lot of giggles from the general claim final sealed product "What men want." In short, the usual cliches, the usual stereotypes, usually creative stroke of genius. But so now you know all the spot / s since the Web's indignation was quite widespread and did not go unnoticed even to the Courier, who recently published an article on this story.
Mario Monicelli committed suicide, a tribute to this great director from the blog SuzieQ :
Mario Tuscan damn ....
.... your Brancaleone he performs this monologue demonstrating, just as long, a courage that is very far from the truth. Do you feel safe, it is arrogant, mocking, he does not know .... play with fire and in fact, not just the death is revealed, immediately lower ridimensiona.Certo tunes and it takes courage to live, but it takes a lot even to die. What an ugly phrase
rhetoric, that sucks! But I felt worse these days, you were a single man, desperate .....
will certainly be true, but you screwed them all again, you lived according to your choices and choose to die, but only when you decided, consistent to the end.
And let others speak, you've cheated and you've cheated death.
Hello Mario.

After the Pope's stance on condom use, a very religious believer writes an open letter to the pope, from the blog Mamma :
Letter from a disgruntled faithful
Mail Ratzinger
Mario Rossi, who signed on the spot of 8 x 1000 to the Church, does not agree with the opening of Ratzinger.
Holiness genuflessissimo humble and I decided to write because I have always been a devout Catholic. I got married in the Church many years ago, I have always considered sacred and eternal rules of life that forces us to the Holy Mother Church, I have always gladly paid 8 per thousand, as indeed we have seen very well in advertising and has made me famous on TV, I always sent my children and my grandchildren to the catechism with great satisfaction visible - sometimes excessive - in my parish priest, I always paid my own pocket and willingly prostitutes whores that I attended and also the HIV test that I do them every time, I always paid more of my own pocket and a little 'less willingly the silence of those poor unfortunate filthy sluts blackmail course I was pregnant, I did jump through hoops to avoid arousing suspicion as to not make me an asshole sgam that are from my wife, and of course I have always confessed regularly after every whore tour and I have carefully refrained from home without having received a ' complete acquittal, so do not ever offend the sanctity of my marriage, so I trust that His Holiness will easily understand my vague disappointment for my fucking incazzatura this novelty condoms. As they say its parts, Holiness, that in Rome, "that you possino", or "openings, but that old," but also "de vattenammoriammazzato you opening your mortacci them." The fact, your Holiness, who is faithful to us looking like the news they do not like them, we are not the least interested in the openings of the Church, because, excuse me the courage, if there was to wait until 2010 to use condoms Courtesans with whores then you could wake up even earlier, is not that hard to understand eccheccazzo.
... Conntinua
Underwear told by Gummy :
Although in my heart there chil (l), this is not a sexy post. So the voyeurs are asked, the sexual predators, youporn's addict, the sadoNasochisti, perverts and all kinds of racial and religious education to change blog.Vedo that I was alone.
I wanted to tell you about cleansers. Arieccovi all quanti.Voglio to clarify once and for all. A buyer's handbook of soap intimo.Ce are thousands. At neutral pH, at acidic pH at 5.5, antibacterial, calendula, seeds of the pomegranate, rose, hawthorn (but it stings?) To soap (this is two in one: you can also wash your pants) , al pesco odoroso d'oltralpe, al muschio selvatico, alla malva (il preferito di Milva)...
E potrei continuare così.
Ma come fare a scegliere quello adatto a noi?
Basta riconoscersi in uno dei seguenti profili psicologici.
Il Diplomatico
Il diplomatico sceglie il sapone neutro. Quello a piacca 5punto5. Non si sbilancia il diplomatico. Non farebbe mai un torto agli alcalini nè ai basici. E sceglie per la via di mezzo, lo riconosci subito un diplomatico. E' quello che alle elementari quando riceveva il bigliettino "Ti vuoi mettere con me? Rispondi Sì o No", crociava sempre il Forse. Escogita la tecnica del: mi lavo senza schierarmi.
Il serial killer dei germi sceglie un antibatterico.Anzi chooses more than one. One for each ... area. Before you wash your hands with disinfectant, then sciacquetta private parts, then wipe dry with a sterile, disposable underwear and then slips and seal everything with silicone.
The fragrant smell
has developed and is keen that everyone knows that he or she has it in pine, rose or wild-born. Has the craze for good smell, and takes an applied arbre magique pants. He died a day due to the fragrant perfume of suffocation annoying.
... Continue
After the great success of the transmission Come away with me on RAITRE Fazio and Saviano, RAI in working with new high-profile programs, Michele Serra is able to anticipate some of them:
Rai looking at a flop
dismayed by the success of "Come away with me," the leaders of Viale Mazzini studying new programs that go bad, otherwise Mediaset gets angry.
think "Go fuck yourself" with Sgarbi and "Vado, rest or both?" to give voice to the Democratic Party.
Dismay at Rai Rai the overwhelming success of the program "Vieniviaconme. A disaster with unforeseeable consequences: port professional prestige and money in the coffers of the company, ruining the plans of economic management Masi, providing closure for debts by 2011 according to the mandate received from the Government. To run for cover, Mauro Masi and his staff are studying a series of high-profile flops that play meridian breath Mediaset and bring back public television in its institutional level, that is on the verge of bankruptcy. Here are the first rumors
Vadi away with him Entrusted to Gianluigi Comparison and built the new headquarters of Rai Italy, is the League's response to "Vieniviaconme. It will be a comprehensive review of major leaguers artists and intellectuals, with a detailed statement of values \u200b\u200band ideas in that area. One flaw the short duration: the authors can not put together more than five minutes of the lineup, four of which were taken from the opening theme, "Urgh!", Sung by the choir of green shirts. The remaining minutes will be a poignant reminder of Gianfranco Miglio, il grande intellettuale scomparso che propose l'annessione della Padania al Terzo Reich. L'equipaggio di una nave negriera, in costume d'epoca, gli renderà omaggio con un suggestivo balletto finale.
Venghi qui da me Le migliori escort della scuderia di Lele Mora (come Lola Tornado, capace di creare uno spettacolare vortice roteando la lingua, e la estone Milka, una ex cestista radiata perché durante il time-out si accoppiava con l'arbitro) daranno vita a una simpatica kermesse, anche se non si sa ancora quale. Si sa solo che la costumista della Rai ha ordinato mezzo metro di stoffa per realizzare i costumi di scena di tutte e venti le puntate. Tra gli elenchi previsti, oltre al tariffario delle conduttrici, spicca l'elenco del telefono di Milano 2. Rivoluzionario, al ribasso, il budget: sarà la prima trasmissione nella quale gli ospiti, che saranno molto numerosi, pagheranno per il loro intervento.
Ma vattene affanculo Di e con Vittorio Sgarbi. Elenchi di insulti a piacere, in presenza dell'insultato legato a una sedia e imbavagliato. Nella rubrica "Bella Italia", Sgarbi illustra le bellezze artistiche del paese, incazzandosi senza motivo e urlando come una bestia. "È solo per dare unità di linguaggio al format", spiega Sgarbi. Anche i titoli di testa, per la prima volta in televisione, saranno urlati da un attore che si sta allenando da mesi con speciali esercizi di espansione polmonare. Le associazioni of deaf people are very interested in the experiment.
... Continue From Blog
Ninfearosazzurra a beautiful image

From the blog Dalfusositaiwan images of the painter Tatyana Chuvashia:

From the blog Diane Diprima Last Tango in Paris

From the blog Coccinella145 a beautiful picture:

blogger by his friend Dolcemania image and poetry
apparently serene space that surrounds me.
False and scratchy oblivion,
applicant and vicious obsession
echo in me,
mind restless and feverish.
A glimmer that bears your name
torture me with painful and sweet punishment.
strenuous ordeal,
strenuous ordeal,
give in to your carnal absence
knowing you're there.

From Mom the dog from the Knight defense:

From PV64 married life:
The world trembles, waiting for news of the next bomb to Wikileaks.
We will know what he did in the process of Silvio Obama, who was referring to talking about a traitor in the government? Or will we know if
Mariastella he picks his nose (or other natural orifice)?
We will know what he did in the process of Silvio Obama, who was referring to talking about a traitor in the government? Or will we know if
Mariastella he picks his nose (or other natural orifice)?
The protest is spreading throughout Italy.
And he does not understand why ...
And he does not understand why ...
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