Jayne Mansfield.
The Phantom of the crisis and the subjection of the masses
Two stories, the official story, untrue, that we are taught history at usum delphini, and then the secret history, where are the real causes of events, a shameful history - Honore de Balzac
The premise of the crisis banks, usury, slavery, illusion and political connivance
When a government is dependent on bankers for money, the latter, and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that receives ... Money has no motherland and financiers have no patriotism or decency: their sole purpose is profit. - Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815
1. The Phantom of the global crisis, as a trite cliché , is yet another old game that used fictitious proceedings with cheaters at the expense of peoples and governments. Yet another trick, MasterClasses over time, a handful of conspirators sectarian (always the same) are organizing on the skin of people.
It 'so obvious old and tested that can really difficult to see the global consensus that ignorance which it was granted. But Chamfort would say, "there are well presented nonsense as there are well-dressed idiots" ...
This does not in any way mitigates the responsibility of each observation given that the tendency to blame the failure divisante of minds in general rather than praising the qualities transformation of idiots in power.
How the universe, money is an illusion or, to quote Kierkegaard, "pure abstraction."
But unlike a lot of illusion originally investigated by Indian philosophy, as well as Berkeley Plato or Schopenhauer Ighina David Bohm, the second is artificial and affected. Money
commonly understood does not exist, if not in your mind. His instrumental Convention is only one among the many dogmas instilled over the centuries rests on your sleep.
The monetary system is maintained in healthy life (ie sick) ...
... to allow the undue perpetuation of a fraud based on the old debt and the perception ghosts insolvency arising therefrom. Everything, today more than ever, based on nothing.
This system, like any other axiomatic set up in time, not only is not the only one, but simply the worst. It derives from the slavery of employment, tax, income, health, energy, institutional, psychological, educational, educational, spiritual etc.
If you are not beneficiaries of this "nothing" in the form of digital numbers or the equivalent in euro banknotes (worth printing of only 0.30 cents each), you can starve in the street or under a bridge. So that is your life. Or rather, so you want to be worth ...
The human being, if not properly abiding monetary slavery of work based on nothing, is worth less than that piece of paper that would enable him to survive.
The global reach of the panic induced by the current economic crisis is its emphasis on bombastic and more obvious, and even more grotesque and ridiculous, were it not for the sinister intent underlying the design. The parade of waiters waiting and boys on the screen is all the more false and simulated the more incredible is the harvest of balls released. I refer in particular to politicastri, the accounting office and the pay pennivendoli.
central banks are private criminal associations which issue currency, without any cover in gold or precious metals, literally creating it from scratch at a cost printing. And this is only for that fraction of tangible currency in circulation which constitutes about 10% of the total volume of transactions. The rest are just numbers on screens accounting, nothing more.
The money is paid to the state (with a discount rate determined by the banks themselves) that unduly the community espropriandola di mezzi dignità e libertà grazie al giogo del lavoro e al conseguente prelievo fiscale volto esclusivamente a ripagare quel debito eterno contratto con la banca e gli enormi interessi che ne derivano.
I grassi banchieri nazionali e internazionali si appropriano della vita e del sangue di milioni di persone in tutto il mondo riducendoli in schiavitù con la connivenza dei governi e dei leader politici. Costoro, cedendo la sovranità monetaria alle lobbies massonico-bancarie (che attraverso i loro istituti e la finanza controllano il mondo), hanno deliberatamente espropriato i cittadini di qualunque diritto o libertà in cambio di privilegi personali e garanzie di casta.
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there a way to address the economic crisis, we must begin to think that environmental protection can be a very good job opportunities for thousands of people, explains Marco Boschini in this interview on The Shift :
virtuous community
An Italy to 5 stars, interview with Marco Boschini
There is still, despite everything, "a slice of the population thinks of changing the country, rather than changing the country." The Association of Municipalities Virtuosi was founded five years ago to bring together the experiences of local authorities managed according to criteria of environmental and social sustainability. We interviewed Marco Boschini tells us a reality far removed from everyday representation in national politics.
"We set out from below, we believe it is the only viable road today. Certainly it would be essential at this time to rely on a parliament, an accomplice"
Dear Mark, is a time when much is said about renew the policy for the revival of politics, 'young' and 'old'. In reality, however, yet few people know that for years there are a number of governments in implementing a policy different virtuous. Is that so?
Unfortunately that's it, yet few know our experience and it is quite ironic ... However, it is essential to proceed in the direction taken five years ago, with the primary objective of spreading the 'contagion'.
How is the 'virtuous community Association and why?
In May 2005, in the council chamber of Vezzano Ligure - SP, at the initiative of four municipalities between 3,000 and 9,000 inhabitants, to try to put together the practical experiences and common sense experience around Italy by tens of local authorities involved in environmental and social sustainability of the territories and communities.
What are the criteria for participation?
Common sense, the reality, transparency, honesty, the spirit of service ... Words seem far removed from everyday representation in national politics. Substance then we have identified and built a sort of identikit virtuoso of the town, which has to engage in five target areas: land management, carbon footprint, waste, mobility and new lifestyles.
many members now? And how you would want it?
48 municipalities recorded at December 13, 2010, the goal is to reach 8,101 by the year 2011 ...
The Association of Municipalities Virtuosi was founded to try to put together with practical experience and common sense experience around Italy
What are your greatest victories and the defeats which?
The biggest disappointment we had at our indifference manifested sent to all mayors of the Italian documentary video trip through the municipalities to 5 stars (a video with interviews, photos, and the story directed some of the most significant experience in best practices around Italy). They said four mayors, about 8,101 is not really a good percentage ... The big hits are the best projects we pursue, unable to show that you can live without inceneritori, senza centrali nucleari, senza cemento o petrolio...
Come diceva già a suo tempo Winston Churchill , siamo ormai entrati in un periodo di conseguenze. Figuriamoci quindi oggi. Prima ci renderemo conto di ciò, prima avremo un futuro di cui parlare. Perché non ci sarà governo o banca in grado di saldare i debiti del “crash ecologico”, se o quando ci verrà presentato il conto. Da Maurizio Pallante e Andrea Bertaglio un altro punto di vista sulla crisi economica:
Se si ascoltasse anche Cassandra, ogni tanto
Si sente dire in questo periodo che la crisi economy of the past years not only represents the end of an era, but also the end of the lifestyles to which we were accustomed to. Let's just hope it's true. The "commodity fetishism", to quote Marx , made us completely out of his mind. To borrow to buy a house, a car or a motorcycle was no longer sufficient. Have you felt (or was made to feel) the need to contract even going on vacation, so you can show colleagues what had tanned his return from a very boring stay across the world into a village to -inclusive, perhaps without even having bothered, after twenty hours of air, to leave the fence where it was pre-packed entertainment for sightseeing and local populations.
Due to all, in fact, from home to the most useless gadget. Which led us to the current situation. A crisis is not economic, not financial, but structural. The problem is that today, the so-called Cassandras who warned about the risks inherent in this type of attitude, can not even enjoy the fact of having been right. Why are paying out of their pockets, along with millions of other people who in many cases even if they are enjoyed so much, the debts of all the cicadas are crying poverty for some years and invoke the help of governments.
All right, you can not leave everything collapses. Also cut funds to the health or education to help those criminal associations called banks (while we're together for years failed to airlines rather than major works as useless as expensive). Well pull the belt until we are able, or until we are willing to do to help those who have not had any qualms in recent years when it came to speculate and to increase its profit. Moreover there is a remedy at all. Well, almost.
As both a serious financial collapse, or how deep is the beginning of the recession (and are given the total dependence on the market majority delle persone), c’è infatti una crisi molto più grave e dalle dimensioni molto più grandi di quella economica: quella ambientale. Il debito ecologico stimato è infatti di quattro trilioni e mezzo di dollari all’anno, il doppio di quello delle istituzioni finanziarie ( fonte ) . La razza umana consuma il 30% di risorse in più rispetto a quello che la Terra riesce a produrre e a rigenerare. Ogni anno si estinguono a causa nostra tra le cinquanta e le cinquantacinque mila specie viventi.
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Nonostante la crisi devastante che ci preoccupa tutti e non si riescono a trovare soluzioni, Jacopo Fo suggerisce delle valide job opportunities:
Do not kill the hope Young people have a future! Speaking of
Generation Zero is a crime against the self-esteem of boys.
not say that there is no 'future.
The future you can win (without killing anyone).
I would comment on this letter from a reader who signed Republic Martabcn to Roberto Saviano.
" Robert Caro. Your words are beautiful as always, but this time, alas, sterile. I am 26 years old, two degrees and really want to do. I'm angry, stove, discouraged. I no longer have reason to believe that "the good "you get something, not at these levels. A year ago I would be outraged by Rome, not today, today I'm happy. Because it is true that violence is a disgusting, but it is the last resort of those who are desperate. Using this term is no coincidence: he is desperate hopeless. And I am. I have no future: I'm 26 and I have already more than one. I will never buy a house because I will never do a job that allows me to take out a mortgage, my parents can not help me financially and I do not know if I ever buy a new car. If I have children will not be able to pay taxes to send them to university, and when I am old I will not have pensione. Non ho più niente da perdere e come me tantissimi, troppi altri .”
Indiscutibilmente in queste parole ci sono alcune verità: i giovani si vedono depredati del loro futuro e questo spinge a una ribellione distruttiva. Saviano e tanti altri hanno cercato di spiegare in molti modi che seguendo questa via non si rafforza il Movimento ma lo si annega. E basterebbe andare a vedere cosa è accaduto a noi negli anni ’70 per averne prova certa.
Così come è certo che l’attuale situazione economica esigera il suo sanguinante tributo in termini di vite annullate, di reazioni popolari di rabbia cieca e di controreazioni del potere ancora più violente e selvagge.
This tells us about the past and the only hope is that they form a barrier to this cultural madness: on the one hand a class of criminals and speculators thrown into the street and the other millions of people riding the backlash driven to exasperation. Today there are people like Saviano, which can have a big role in convincing many young people to choose peaceful means of struggle .
But I think there is another crucial point that we face if we want to limit this tendency to respond to the criminal folly of the system with violence (or depression). This is a key issue that the left does not want to face because of cultural vacuum in which too swims. This girl of 26 years, with two degrees, he writes in a clean and elegant, says: "I have no future." And the left applauds, looking for new arguments against B. Instead I would tell this girl to think that mistakes have no future! Mistaken. You have accepted a disastrous state of mind. If you want to convince you not to have hope, but you do damage, throw away the enormous opportunity in front of you.
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About young people and job opportunities, Freethought writes an open letter to Knight:
letter to Silvio Silvio
dear, I am a student
Italian, sono giovane e con molte prospettive per il futuro.
Ti scrivo perchè sentivo il bisogno di parlarti, perchè io lo so che non è vero quello che dicono di te. Secondo me tu non sei un puttaniere, e ti importa veramente dei problemi degli italiani, dei problemi del popolo che tu rappresenti.
non te la devi prendere quando ti danno del nano pelato mafioso piduista e puttaniere; devi perdonarli, ma devi sapere che tutta la rabbia e la frustrazione con la quale si rivolgono a te, offendendoti in mille modi, è dettata dalle condizioni in cui si trovano a vivere, o pardon, sopravvivere.
loro non ti odiano,sono tutte persone oneste in realtà, oh silvio, se tu li vedessi durante le loro giornate, sono persone così peaceful, are family men who love with all your soul, their wives and their children, they laugh and joke with them ... you see them so angry with you, but are not always so, try to understand them.
I realize that the situation is stressful for you, wherever you go meet people screaming at you, which seems almost ready to kill with his own hands, but you silvio must try to forgive them and look into their hearts.
will seem strange, but I assure you that are good people, are parents who have lost their jobs, and they do not know how to feed their children, young people who still want to marry or to live in what would define their home, but after the first few months, that mortgage becomes increasingly heavy to bear, are boys and girls who see their prospects fade for the future because they do not know where to go to study, why not have the money to go to the bites ... they are people with a great culture, young graduates who are content to pay the rent to make the committed, or to work in call centers.
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Women seen by Knight from the blog Bewitched :
Berlusconi and women: an article by a Swedish head
How to explain why the Swedes Italian Prime Minister, with his gaffes and i suoi passi falsi, possa essere così popolare in Italia? Un articolo di Kristina Kappelin, che ho letto su ITALIA DALL'ESTERO , lo fa egregiamente attraverso una lucida analisi del nostro Paese , estremamente utile anche a noi per comprendere il solido legame fra il successo di Berlusconi e la condizione delle donne in Italia (dalle quali per altro Berlusconi riceverebbe molti voti). Per ricordarci come un forte movimento femminile potrebbe essere davvero la chiave per sradicare le radici di questa situazione.
"Un movimento femminile forte, intelligente e dinamico sarebbe probabilmente una delle poche forze nella società davvero in grado di far vacillare Berlusconi " scrive la Kappelin "La liberazione delle donne è un terreno totalmente sconosciuto al premier italiano. "
Riporto di seguito la prima parte dell'articolo perché il pezzo è molto lungo, invitandovi caldamente a proseguire leggendolo per intero :
"Federica Rossi Gasparrini, presidente dell’organizzazione delle casalinghe italiane Federcasalinghe, mi ha raccontato una volta dello scarso rispetto di Silvio Berlusconi nei confronti delle donne in politica. L’organizzazione, that has 850 thousand members, suffered the courtship of Force in Italy during the 1994 elections and decided to give its support all'esordiente Berlusconi. "Berlusconi has promised to act in those areas most valuable to us. There has guaranteed that it will ensure that every woman can freely choose whether to work at home or away, "said the president in the 1994 interview with Corriere della Sera. Federcasalinghe he decided to put its 300 offices throughout Italy at the disposal of Forza Italy, contributing significantly to the electoral victory .
Federica Rossi Gasparrini became member of Parliament, and then tried to Berlusconi to keep his promises to housewives. At each meeting, Berlusconi did not spare jokes. Initially Federica smiled a bit 'to be polite, but over time his disgust grew, until, feeling cheated openly asked if the government really cared something housewives and their demands.
"Of course we are interested in running a household," Berlusconi said, laughing.
"As long as they are less than 25 years and lead the fourth."
My opinion is that is the question of Berlusconi and the female gender is so central to understanding this bizarre political, as the company italiana odierna e il modo in cui lui l’ha plasmata. Oggi si usa spesso la condizione delle donne come metro di valutazione della democrazia e dello sviluppo di una società. Da questo punto di vista, l’Italia fa decisamente una pessima figura.
Non è solo colpa di Berlusconi, d’altronde: il maschilismo ha radici profonde e numerosi estimatori in Italia. Questo non toglie che gli si possa rivolgere, a buon diritto, l’accusa di aver riproposto agli uomini italiani la concezione più retrograda della donna, elevandola a norma.
Trascurando il diritto delle donne al lavoro e a servizi sociali funzionanti, Berlusconi fa un grosso sgarbo all’Italia. long as women are relegated to the passive role of "eye candy" or free labor based on family welfare, an important part of the country's economic and intellectual potential will remain untapped. Keep women out of the labor market is holding back the well-being, as well as being a factor that weighs heavily on the low birth rate. Despite Berlusconi's insistence on the fact that the economic crisis is not really that bad, despite its promises of a glittering future, the feeling of economic insecurity is high and young Italians have little faith in the future.
Paradoxically, the votes of women are decisive for the political success of Silvio Berlusconi , but this also means that women can contribute to its eventual defeat. A strong women's movement, intelligent and dynamic would probably be one of the few forces in society that can really shake Berlusconi. The liberation of women is a land totally unknown to the Italian premier.
Italy is one of the European countries with the lowest female representation in parliament. Women are only about 21% of the members of the Chamber of Deputies and 18% in the Senate, faced with an average of 23% in the EU and 45% in Sweden. The opposition is more sensitive to issues of equal opportunities compared to government parties and has more women among its members. However, when it really matters, representation and the demands of women are easily put aside.
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In Abruzzo with the advance of winter the situation of those affected by the earthquake becomes more dramatic, the tale of Miss Kappa :

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Sempre da L'Aquila il racconto di Pedro, dal blog di Elenamaria :
mi chiamo Pedro
Mi chiamo Pedro. Adesso mi chiamo Pedro. Prima non avevo nome. Sono un gatto aquilano. Abitavo, prima del sei aprile, nei pressi della scuola della bloggeuse. Non avevo una vera e propria famiglia che si prendeva cura di me ma ogni giorno rimediavo un po' di cibo e qualche coccola. Con me vivevano una miciola e un cagnetto. Chi ci nutriva non era un esempio di dolcezza ma insieme riuscivamo a non sentirci troppo soli. Dopo il terremoto la miciola e il cagnetto sono spariti, come chi ci dava le crocche. La bloggeuse veniva tutti i giorni. Portava crocche e umido, ci faceva anche such strokes but then went away and I cried. When she went down there I climbed out of his car, hoping it would take me away from the rubble. But she did not have a house. If she went to fill the bowl of water to the fontanel followed. I was afraid it would go away without me caresses. Then his friends saw me and decided, together, that I needed a family. They put this picture on the internet and a Tuscan lady is in love with me. He asked, however, I came tested, because it has other cats in the house. When Clare and Gianluca they put me in the cage, however, I did not know where I would lead and I was really scared. Soon they passed out and then open the cage, chè avevano paura che fossi morto. Hanno detto alla signora che non si poteva fare. Ci voleva un'adozione sul posto. Ma lei si era tanto innamorata e ha deciso di venire a conoscermi di persona e ha detto pure 'hemmimportadetest.... Ha portato un trasportino suo e quando io l'ho visto non ho avuto più paura, perchè in quel trasportino sentivo odore di casa, di crocche, di coccole e di buono. Sono entrato nel trasportino e mi sono sdraiato bello bello. Siamo partiti e durante il viaggio ho dormito e ho fatto le fusa. A sera siamo arrivati in una casa dove c'erano un gatto nero e un gatto bianco. Questi gatti non erano tanto contenti di vedermi ma pure un po' curiosi. Ci siamo annusati e loro hanno soffiato un po'. Ma solo un po'.
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During the demonstration on December 14 in Rome, there have been numerous incidents of violence and devastation by infiltrators among the protesters, Valma75 public photos give some thought: A man
A young fellow, but seriously (one of the few still in circulation) of giornalistadiserieb found these three images in three different places. But given in series form an impression. We republish the sympathetic friend. To you draw conclusions.
Speaking of violence, violence against women, the comment Wit:
Bitch, you the six circles.
The excuse most loved by rapists is "that if you asked for it."It 's a great classic.
If you wear a short skirt or shirt a bit 'more detached, you're one who "plays with fire" and if you get raped is because you have resulted in the rapist. You've led into temptation and you can not be much to complain.
not think this is a great discovery, but now finally tells us also Bishop Arduino Bertoldo, Bishop Emeritus of Foligno. The friendly
emeritus piece of shit says " If a woman walks in a particularly sexy or provocative, the event has some responsibility and I mean that from the theological point of view also groped and sin. So also a woman who walking or dressing raises provocative or violent overreaction, sins into temptation. "
This for me is incitement to rape and of course is a gem given to us by pontifex.roma
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The choice of single women to be told by Phoebe1976 :
Finding love vol. 1
You think that in thirty years or so being single is a choice.
A job, a career, a car, a house, a circle of friends, cocktails, openings, travel and so many commitments that the agenda is not enough.
Run, run, run.
Maybe there's even time for an eclectic trombamico , nothing more.
And the evening return to your house empty, animated only by a fat cat and a bit 'selfish, that you love but you look bad for your long absence.
And sometimes, when you take off your coat and he meows Saving Silverman, do you think maybe you should buy more boxes to make up for the absence tasty and prevent you from cutting the jugular while you're sleeping.
But enough, thirty year old woman on the crest of the wave?
the morning through the foundation in front of the mirror you say yes, especially if you think about your friends who complain marry all of their life from desperate housewives and the decay of their vita sessuale.
La sera, togliendoti il fondotinta invece no, perché la casa è un po’ troppo silenziosa. Chiusa la porta sei tu e basta, e anche se non sei casalinga a volte un po’ disperata ti ci senti.
Marta, sì.
Lei che a tutte le feste comandate, battesimi, compleanni e matrimoni di familiari che non riesce a dribblare con un triplo carpiato in avanti si sente chiedere dalla vecchia zia megera di turno: “Ma tu? Ti sei fidanzata?”.
E lei vorrebbe all'attempata witch respond that no, he did not find the boyfriend, who mica grow on trees. And then, dear aunt, but you know how the world out there? You know how it became the company today? No, not in the 50s, when you went to church and the boy's bar while you ogle the past with the lace handkerchief on his head, no.
Today, dear aunt. The average thirtysomething man is single or if you hear or feel God Corona (which is even worse) or under a train for lasuaexchel'halasciato'stastronza, and therefore too traumatized to interact with you at a higher level than of fuck for fun.
... The government continues
Knight rejected the no confidence motion in the House for only three votes of difference, the members bought accomplices to the sound of thousands of euro, Lia Celi lists the various types of rescues:
Observers are unanimous: the last part dl 2010 to enliven the market, rather than Christmas shopping is the purchase of travel during the parliamentary vote of confidence on 14 December. Sniffed the trend, Italian and foreign multinationals are launching on the market models of deputies for all budgets, tastes and ages. Here are the most useful and original proposals.
Your premier is elderly and his majority is no longer self-sufficient? Are you afraid that the government may fall in the bathroom and unable to call for help? With Salvagoverno Beghelli can sleep in peace: it is a parliamentary practice and compact, housed in any party, big or small, left or right. Dotatodi highly efficient sensors placed on the jaw, Salvagoverno can feel the smell of crisis ten kilometers away, and the signals with an audible alarm perceptible even more bewildered by the leader of the Democratic Party. Once in class, whatever their line up, just enter the "pioneer" and vote of confidence in the government or at least abstain. It only costs you a month's loan as a plowed! Salvagoverno Beghelli, and your executive dies only when you want it!
proposals Michele Serra for Christmas shopping:
And for Christmas I hire a deputy
In times of crisis looms a sober Christmas. Ban expenditure crazy, everyone tries for his loved ones something intense, but also economic. Here alcune delle proposte più originali.
Multideputato Ricevere in regalo un deputato: un sogno che non è certo per tutte le tasche. I prezzi si aggirano sui 100 mila euro all'anno più le spese di mantenimento, in genere cospicue, e possono scendere a 80 mila solo per un deputato dell'Idv, che però grida a tavola e si pulisce le unghie con la forchetta. Un'intraprendente agenzia romana, sul modello delle case in multiproprietà, ha ideato il multideputato: con una somma ragionevole (dai 2 ai 3 mila euro) si possiede un deputato per una settimana, nel corso della quale voterà tutti i provvedimenti di vostro gradimento e boccerà quelli sgraditi. Interessante il senatore usato, anche di terza mano, at the end of term can be rented for only one thousand euro, complete with armchair, to be exposed during the important dinners. Entertains the guests awoke with a start at the sound of a bell.
Wikileaks All files are now of great interest to every home, cliccatissima. But they are still available in large numbers, and virtually unknown, software files of the second floor that can give great satisfaction. Download for free and give your loved ones the correspondence between the Dutch ambassador in Belgium and the French commercial attache, 1,200 letters with acute observations on the commercial situation in the Benelux. Or the annual report of the Cassa Rurale in Johannesburg on its account, ten 100 000 megabytes of transactions on current accounts, make uncomfortable reading for the whole family. Or, the files on the provisioning of NASA astronaut from 1962 until 1996, with revelations about the price movements of freeze-dried carrot juice. The Wikileaks mania gives every family in the world to an unusual Christmas.
Books-leaks and hard-leaks The idea is a follower of Assange. Violating the electronic records of publishers and record labels from around the world, has made available the text rejected the songs and rejected by the editorial caste. Give a book or a hard-leak-leak-a-friend is an act of civil disobedience at the same time a pleasure: the will be an adventure amazing. Among the most popular titles, the autobiography of Renzo Bossi, rejected because one page (to boot a separate squares) and the Inno di Mameli interpreted by the national synchronized swimming, with his head underwater.
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Citations scattered by Dario Vergassola on the political situation of our country
settimanella A good (but not too much)
December 11 to 17
Saturday, December 11
- I Finian confirmed to be all united on distrust. Well. We look forward to distrust.
- Demonstration PD. Bersani takes the stage and is moved by the enthusiasm of the crowd for so little.
- Napolitano on a visit to Vienna. A pleasant diversion: Mozart balls instead of those of Berlusconi.
Sunday, December 12
- Fini warned the Premier that, from December 15, FLI will be opposition. "Then we too," echoed Bersani.
- Ten years ago, the lobby filled with relatives and friends Alemanno Agriculture. Fertilizer was used.
- Berlusconi announces to his speech tomorrow to a high profile. Of course, the profile will not be his.
Monday, December 13 - Vote of confidence uncertain until at the end. You never know when you arrive, money orders.
- At interompeva Fassino Mussolini who gives back to the "vajassa. Alessandra reacted as: fs (Dial.) Women's coarse and vulgar prone to gossip and fight.
- Berlusconi: "The night brings counsel." He, as always, there tromberà up.
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are approaching the Christmas holidays, a few pictures to wish you a Merry Christmas, from Zingara1 :
Images of 'winter
eyes drawn on the mirror of nature, the snow
rejecting the colors of the sky, the mountains
expressed on two different levels of shine
the strong rays of light. The sudden gush
a 'frozen water,
first sign of a new season.
Running Deer,
hunger of a wolf;
without the right 'man put
laws of survival.
Solesenzanuvole From:
RomanticaPerla :
In the arms of night
of Romantica Vany & King Lear | Cold light that ch'appare |
Da Dalfusoditaiwan , alla corte di Cenerentola:
Alla Corte di Cenerentola
Da Rocco-Naturephoto immagini della natura:

Con l'arrivo dell'inverno (Which is not a "bad season", but ...) I set up a stakeout in a grove at the very battered trunk of a tree, full of holes, frequented by woodpeckers, one red and one green, plus I prepared a manger for the tits, and I have had some success (see pictures below) and in the meantime I did some hiking in the mountains I must go back to take more pictures but in the meantime something has come, the bearded vulture (actually a pair of vultures) I flew about ten feet high ...
Carrellata di opere del maestro della satira Vauro :
La violenza in piazza dalla matita di PV64 :
Nothing personal ... I dedicate this to those "peaceful university students' the demonstration in Rome a few days ago, who have found themselves" in between "unleashed a wave of unprecedented violence is not good to know "who" (although many suspect ....).
is certain is that intolerance and hatred of certain extremists (black-block? Pro-government infiltrators? Simple thugs? Communists?) Does not stop at nothing ...
... return stroke, the most savage and spontaneous, as well as coloring.
Well, what about .... I go out sometimes and so I do not care!
And to finish off the point comments enema :
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