Corrado Guzzanti .
L'ultimo scandalo del piccolo premier a base di minorenni e concussioni è forse il capitolo finale della tragedia di questo paese che si trascina da oltre vent'anni, come dice Peter Gomez avremmo preferito che il crepuscolo di Silvio Berlusconi fosse arrivato per la sua conclamata incapacità di governare, per i suoi rapporti con la mafia, per le mazzette versate a giudici e testimoni, per il conflitto d’interessi, per le leggi vergogna e per l’infima e truffaldina classe dirigente selected by him in these years, but the important thing is that makes the bags together at the court of dwarfs and dancers who have supported and sustained in these four decades, Knight go away!
To get the idea that pasta is made of this so-called leadership of this story is enlightening Stefano Benni :
The seven gnomes of Zurich.
amid a forest, there lived the seven gnomes of Zurich. They were the richest and most skillful speculators of world stock markets, but were still simple people. Their house was only one hundred and ninety rooms, all surrounded by deer and rabbits, some alive, others hung from the cross-linked to two thousand volts. In the meeting room began to speak the authoritative Dotto. He was graduated from Harvard in insider trading and had studied the science of wound with Romiti. Even Wall Street feared his predictions.
- Brothers gnomes - she said - the moment is difficult. The market has gone crazy and is under what we call it the Clinton effect, that is going to tiramenti and you never know if what he says is true. Therefore, we must develop new investment strategies.
- I have an idea - Aeolus said, drew a line of coke and exploded in a sneeze - this is the time to invest in the drug market. The South American economy is weak, and you can buy tons of stuff at bargain prices. Just choose an honest and reliable partner, the Italian mafia, the triad of China, the new Russian mafia. And it is opening up new areas for sale. There are two hundred million of the world's soccer players. If you convince them that cocaine has the same effect of creatine, we are rich.
- Shut up, junkie shit - Bashful said the meek. - The best market is Japan. They are in temporary crisis, but soon will release the last generation, that is, inventions that do not enter the market until it was sold the previous generation.
green car with the airbag made a haystack, computers that get you to buy another computer, smart cameras that fall asleep during the debate. And Games Portable interactive where you really shoot him, just take them under his arm and go in the center of any Italian city. And the game "the little geneticist," where you can coin your kittens or do a hybrid between a grandfather and basset-hound and see if it comes out Cuccia. The future is in the east.
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In the future we can improve our lives, I suggest you watch the two videos below, the first speaks of the movements operating in the world, the second in the history of the last decades and possible solutions for the future:
The Multitude unstoppable
From movement Zeitgeist Italy (strongly recommended to all to subscribe to the movement!) The documentary film Zeitgeist Addendum , written, directed and produced by Peter Joseph offers an alternative to our style of life, moving from complaint to action:
(To view the entire documentary without interruption click HERE )
To understand what we eat every day is essential to be informed about the food chain that is now in total control of large multinational groups, The following are services on what's happening in the global food circuit, from the blog Byoblu :
Each year 48 billion animals born , live and die in an inferno that even the worst of Dante's circle would have imagined. Many camps, by comparison, were pleasant resort.
The factory farms are the worst of the worst fantasy of a passionate writer of horror, are places where billions of living creatures, able to feel emotions and to feel pain, living a life of agony from birth to death. Many of them never see the sunlight, live in narrow cages where they can not even turn around, their size is artificially inflated to the point that their bone structure gives compared with a weight not expected, and very soon stop to stand on legs. Females of the pig, even if pregnant, the pregnancy go up unable to move. Those who live in crowded and are 9 million annually, on the contrary are so near to each other that they become aggressive and eat the tail. To decrease infections, their tail is cut no half measures. The chickens are forced into spaces so tight they can not even open their wings. Many of them die because no space to move, unable to reach food or water. The other, exasperated, they bite all the time, so their beaks are amputated with scissors. The surviving chickens are hung on metal hooks and a machine beheads them, plucked them, dismember them and boxes them. They are images that I wanted to include in the video, but I guarantee you will not want to even look at a package of chicken thighs the supermarket.
industrial farms dry up resources. It takes 20kg of grain to produce 1 kg of meat . It takes 2 000 400 liters of water to make a hamburger.
Industrial breeding harm health. A chicken that comes out of that hell in the unlikely company can have more fat than protein. It has at least 25% more than its counterpart in free-range. The damage caused by the impact of ' obesity on quality of life and accounts of public health are incalculable. From those nauseating pit of flesh, urine, feces and blood out antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as a particular kind of staph infection that is spread by direct and cause disgusting red pustules on the skin: the infection is called MIRS (MRSA, Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus ). But even leaving new diseases that cross the species barrier and reach the man, as the Mad Cow Disease (BSE - Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy ) or the recent highly contagious and deadly bird flu .
An animal raised on a farm, outdoors, free to run around in the sunshine or the rain is a happier animal first, but it is also an animal most healthy , Which produces high-quality food compared with a paltry premium. The factory farms produce food for each year 10 billion people, we consume only us, in less than 2 billion . Experts worldwide agree that it is possible to produce food in abundance, quality and all without factory farms, in full respect for life, dignity and welfare of animals.
Despite the illusion that the consumer is to have a wide variety of brands and products, in fact, these are all headed by a very small number of super-aziende alimentari, che poi li immettono sul mercato con nomi e sotto marche diversi. vedere per credere, dal blog Luogocomune :Cibo S.p.A - sottotilotato in italiano
A proposito di "superpolli", riproponiamo il documentario "Cibo S.p.A." che abbiamo pubblicato la scorsa estate, per chi ancora non l'avesse visto. E' sicuramente un lavoro da non perdere, se non addirittura da rivedere più di una volta.
Scarica la versione in alta definizione da Arcoiris.tv
Cibo s.p.a. è un documentario che descrive la trasformazione radicale dell'industria food occurred in the U.S. in recent decades. A closer look at what has happened in America is certainly important to understand what is likely to see happen to us very soon.
Despite the illusion that the consumer is to have a wide variety of brands and products, in fact, these are all headed by a very small number of super-food companies, which then to be sold under different brand names and under. Even more disturbing is the fact that, regardless of manufacturer, one of the main ingredients remain the corn in its many different forms.
Its very low cost, achieved artificially through heavy public incentives,
... ... has led to use it as feed for cattle, instead of grass that should be their ideal nourishment.
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We all like the frog in this video, we make a jump before the water gets hot! From the blog Stefania211 :
We are all very soon ... a big jump!
Hemp is the true and most important alternative to oil and its derivatives, can be produced with hemp clothing, paper, fuel, cooking oil, biodegradable plastic, with this wonderful plant can produce more than 240,000 products, that is why the oil multinationals have been able to make it illegal across the globe, you can also use it against tumors and cancer, from the blog Luogocomune :
Marrijuana and cancer: myth and reality
E 'release on the pages of the Corriere della Sera yet another article proposes that the "legend" - never proven scientifically - that marijuana causes cancer , completely forgetting about all the latest research, showing instead the exact opposite. As
have used the question mark in the title ("The marijuana increases the risk of developing cancer?"), The article quotes a research output of the Courier on 'European Journal of Immunology , according to which "the tetracannabinolo (active ingredient in cannabis) 'asleep' immune systems thereby increasing the risk of developing cancer. "
In truth, by reading the abstract of the research, it turns out that the hypothetical link between marijuana and cancer is very tenuous, and the same article - that's to be recognized - presents the hypothesis with all due "conditional."
But in fact, the reader is left with the impression that marijuana can cause cancer, but is left unaware of all the most recent research suggesting instead that cannabinoids are a very effective weapon against cancer. We would therefore propose to the authors of the vision of this film, which includes some excerpts from a documentary (about to be completed and signed by the undersigned), which covers just this topic.
Some of the interviews of the original unedited form, endorsed by myself and fellow directors here in California. Other research,
... ... like Dr. Tashkin and Dr. Guzman, have been known for years, but are systematically neglected by traditional media, whenever we talk about cancer and cannabis.
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several weeks on all TV channels dominates the commercial nuclear power, a subtle and subliminal message in favor of the atom, a dirty campaign by multinationals wanted to try to convince the Italians in the goodness of the atom the referendum that will probably take place this spring, to understand the devastating consequences if it were to pass the use of uranium is useful to read this article Mario Agostinelli :
uranium as yet?
The holding of the referendum on nuclear is an opportunity to return sovereignty to the citizens on a national energy policy requisitioned by lobbies and barred the horizons of sustainability and democracy. A referendum evokes participation is impossible if there is no penalty in ' information, if you do not give room for different views and if the options are clearly not opposed to read. This requires you to understand that the choices being discussed, including alternatives, should govern ad un esame di ragionevolezza e quindi che il gioco vale la candela. Nel caso dell’energia nucleare, l’esaurimento assai prossimo e inevitabile dell’ uranio decreta di per sé l’insensatezza di approntare ex novo una filiera di reattori nel nostro Paese.
Di fronte alla presa di coscienza dell’imminenza del picco del petrolio, la prima reazione emotiva è “allora useremo l’uranio”. In effetti, l’energia nucleare è spesso presentata come il toccasana che risolverebbe tutti i malanni e che ci permetterebbe di superare senza danni la crisi energetica ormai in corso da qualche anno. Tuttavia, i fautori dell’energia nucleare glissano sulla questione della disponibilità di uranio , il quale è una risorsa minerale limitata, così come lo è il petrolio. Quanto uranio abbiamo, realmente? È possibile che siamo vicini al “picco dell’uranio”, allo stesso modo in cui ci stiamo avvicinando al picco del petrolio?
In effetti, si tratta di fonti e di forme di conversione di energia molto diverse: mentre petrolio, gas e carbone hanno a che vedere con la combustione istantanea di forme di vita alimentate dal sole migliaia di secoli fa e accumulate nelle viscere della terra, per l’uranio si tratta di trasformazione per via artificiale e controllata di massa in energia. L’uranio è un “combustibile” that does not burn and which is formed regardless of the existence of life forms and in times far more remote, relatively closer to the large initial explosion, the big bang. To understand the origin, the myriad of stars we see are the engine of the ongoing construction in the process of nuclear fusion of atoms more complex from the lighter hydrogen, until the permanent ones such as iron and far more unstable than those with number of high mass, such as uranium 235 . An element that can not be renewed, because of the long sequence of nuclear fusion comes from, is quite widespread, but relatively little dramatically and therefore exhaustible on our planet.
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The referendum halter-wanted by the CEO had just 54% of the vote, despite the grueling campaign of blackmail and the media and all parties who have labored to get through, but since it takes Marchionne soldoni good? the response from the blog I will go down :
The payroll Marchionne
According Budgets Fiat CEO received a total of 31.16 million gross
Marchionne probabilmente aspetterà. Può attendere fino a un massimo di cinque anni, un periodo nel quale le quotazioni potrebbero salire ancora, soprattutto se Fiat centrerà l'obiettivo di salire al 51% della Chrysler prima che la società americana vada in Borsa. Ora la Fiat è salita, secondo gli accordi, dal 20 al 25% di Chrysler, senza sborsare un euro , solo con l'apporto delle sue tecnologie. Intanto Marchionne vedrà maturare altre stock option, da esercitare a un prezzo più alto, 13,37 euro, mentre l'anno prossimo potrà ricevere 4 milioni di azioni gratuite: ai prezzi attuali tutto questo tesoro ha un valore di circa 200 milioni di euro , prima delle tasse.
But Marchionne, who calls himself a metalworker, who wait and pull ahead only with the paycheck end of the month. Arrival in Italy now the CEO of Fiat has received a total amount of wages between 35 and 40 million euro gross , which is more or less halved from the clutches of the Treasury. From 2004 to 2009, according to the budgets Fiat, Marchionne has received a total of 31.16 million gross.
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The latest news from The Eagle's Blog: Thirty-eight seconds :
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Il subdolo e opportunista fotografo Oliviero Toscani, dopo averci scassato i maroni con le campagne pubblicitarie a favore dell'industriale e faccendiere Benetton, ha partorito uno squallido calendario che pubblicizza un consorzio di pellami, unanime protesta delle donne nauseate da questo ennesimo sfruttamento del corpo femminile, dal blog Il Corpo delle Donne :
Il Paese du Pilu
Il fatto lo conoscete: Oliviero Toscani lancia un calendiario per un Consorzio di Pellame, usando la "pelle" e il pelo pubico di 12 donne, corrispondenti ognuna a uno dei 12 mesi. Si scatena un putiferio, le donne insorgono, lo IAP intima di ritirare la pubblicita' in questione.Fin qui, tutto nella norma italiana: Toscani sapeva benissimo quanto sarebbe accaduto: molti anni in azienda mi fanno verosimilmente sospettare che, quando il Consorzio Pellame ha chiesto a Toscani il progetto, gli avrà pure detto di non avere un gran budget per lanciarlo sul mercato. "Nessun problema" avrà risposto il fotografo "basta parlare di figa e in Italia la pubblicità is guaranteed "- deliberately use the word vulgar, sorry if I offend someone, but it serves to express exactly what I mean.
Full of the Lord of Darkness consortium signed the parcel lavish Tuscan because in return will have a media plan for a millionaire low cost. In fact, the calendar is presented. The newspapers, which at this time have nothing to say because it seems that Italy has serious problems, throw on the obscure tidbit and the Consortium is to have a media plan that normally would cost millions.
We Italians and Italian all in the meantime, click on the calendar will be times when we explain this obsession with Italy, which involves women too, for pictures of naked women.
The news that hurts me but this is not
the aggressiveness of the poor or very poor Sgarbi Toscani or more of the poor still Crepet, combined to quibble with an attendance of hair pussy. This we have already seen. It 's sad, but true. Please quickly teach your children grandchildren, brothers, sisters, that there is a word, honor, and another, dignity, it is urgent to revive. Caring about those who think that words are obsolete.
No, what hurts me is that I imagine the scene: the arrogance of the art critic to girls Frida , who report their abuse, he shouts, strips, the insults. It 's like when you insult De Gregorio La Russa called it "Concitina," the Premier who is mocking the Bindi, is my marketing manager of years ago that my suggestion in front of a professional, he is unable to Interpret, the liquid laughing because "women are weird".
There, at that time, we lose strength. Insult, the mocking, as it responds to violence? Sgarbi screaming like a madman in front of a girl of twenty years: what do you do?
Yeah, are for men. Because the only thing that comes to mind is that for centuries by men things have settled with violence. The Sgarbi a century ago would have found an answer that challenging him to a duel, a man now dismiss him easily with a punch, and if more brutal, as it happens every day, with a weapon.
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's commentary on this subject Wit :
I'm not able to ignore.
Catherine Soft knowing the online newspaper, wrote an article on the calendar of Vegetable-Tanned Leather Consortium and the controversy that followed.Soft invites everyone to "ignore ignore, ignore "what appears to dismiss as provocation of a creative, perhaps in bad taste, but nothing more.
is worthwhile to recall in this connection to soft and distracted the words of the official statement of the Union of Women in Italy 11 January 2011:
When words are skillfully combined with the image the effect can be a punch in the stomach .
This is what escapes Soft: pubi are not to be offensive and damaging the dignity of women, but the words associated with images.
Speaking next to a tanning pubic hair, then bind a woman's body to a dead animal, processed and then transformed in a product to use and sell, this is detrimental to our dignity. This offends us and that's what moves us to act, going far beyond the provocation (real or perceived) of a photographer, which in fact was not intentionally appointed.
UDI did not want to censor anyone or start a discussion on creativity, but has asked his friends if they were not too outrageous use of words associated with images and if so, to ask the customer account, then the Vegetable-Tanned Leather Consortium.
again from the press, found on the site http://unionedonne.altervista.org/ :
The photo of a female pubis, which in itself may have nothing scandalous, it becomes unbearable for a woman when you think about his body as a tanned leather. It arouses indignation that this timetable be presented in a city marked by the horror of murders that has prevailed on the female pubis.
This obviously has escaped Soft and many who accuse women who reported the calendar in question to the IAP will censorship.
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The greetings Pyper the mayor of the capital and its joint part of the junta (My Wife and Kids ...):
photos themisery
The new proposals for the new year for optimal use of the honest members of the Council, including Mayor:
- hung as decorations to live Cloud Fuksas;
- facts Formula 1 racing at the speed of the streets Eur.
analysts of consumer markets are concerned, a new philosophy of spending is growing daily in our country, it tells Lia Celi :
Help is Patch Go on!
subversive the black bloc? Quite the opposite: they increased the turnover of the companies producing windows and boxes, with beneficial effects on GDP. Even someone who draws stars five-pointed on the walls contributes to the economy, shelling out some money to spray paint. The real threat to the system are those that split the windows, but those who watch them and just: the millions of Italians who, according to the latest report consumption, reduced the average annual expenditure bringing it back to the 1999 level. "Eleven years of consumer education thrown in the toilet," says Professor amazed Auchan Carrefour Institute of Economy wasteful. "You think, we believed that with the crisis, people would consume more. To cheer you up when you've lost your job or your account is red, nothing better than a nice afternoon hypermarket, at the cost of binding the chain of communion. This is the modernity. But in Italy are recovering foot poisonous theories old and defeated by history, such that when money is short, you buy only what you need, or you need to save for contingencies. "Dangerous ideas that some hotheads are putting into practice, giving life in small groups already attention by the police authorities. Here are the abbreviations more threatening.
The old woman downstairs keeps the TV at full volume on the 'Live Life'? Better call the Digos: is a typical trick used by RR to cover the deadly rat-tat-tat of their Singer machines ...
A song of death for the clothing industry: the cry of "buy one and adjust percent," the mending, average age 70 years, repair and fit skirts, jackets and trousers in Zara and H & M to extend its life beyond the canonical three months, sabotaging the ongoing purchase of new leaders. Interception near the haberdashery, where Rr is supplying their own arsenals, have immortalized their proclamations raving: "Two points here this coat makes you another season" or "just change the cover and back again." Connected with the German counterpart of Baf (Burda Army Faction), the mender are collecting adepts among the younger generations are organizing paramilitary camps in the dining room in which they teach subversive actions like attacking buttons, clothing dye and patch up his trousers.
The name comes from the fact that they do not buy anything until you have eaten every last crumb stores that already have at home. They are generally passed all'Ultraconsumismo after a traumatic event, such as the seizure of kitchen cabinets, or being attacked by a giant milk enzymes developed by a 3x2 tiramisu forgotten taste of yogurt in the fridge. Since then Ultraconsumista nell'1x1 believes only, and not to yield to the U.S. offer as those grocery bags of mail. But the behavior most tipico si riscontra alla vigilia dei ponti: l’Ultraconsumista è l’unico cliente del supermarket che non riempie freneticamente il carrello come se stesse per scoppiare la guerra termonucleare globale. La polizia ha aperto un fascicolo sul presunto ideologo del gruppo, il fantomatico Max Diecipezzi: nessuno sa chi sia, però sono intitolate a lui tutte le casse veloci degli ipermercati, le più frequentate dagli Ultraconsumisti.
As everyone knows, this site takes very little to the cultural education of its visitors. 'S why we offer regular pages of good reading, that strengthen the spirit and help the civil and cultural growth. For today's reading we could choose the prose of the great Hemingway or some classics of Italian literature, on the Calvin Pavese. Instead, certain that a surprising choice will stimulate the reader's curiosity, we chose an Italian opera more substantial, a book of a thousand and more pages that a text is required, but that few have read: The Criminal Code. Sure, it's not an easy read. E 'for this reason that abbiamo scelto un piccolo passaggio, e cioè l’articolo 600 bis . Il testo è ovviamente consigliato a tutti gli italiani, ma anche ai numerosi cittadini stranieri che vivono qui, specie alle ragazze da poco maggiorenni. Ecco il testo.
Chiunque induce alla prostituzione una persona di età inferiore agli anni diciotto ovvero ne favorisce o sfrutta la prostituzione è punito con la reclusione da sei a dodici anni e con la multa da euro 15.493 a euro 154.937.
Salvo che il fatto costituisca più grave reato, chiunque compie atti sessuali con un minore di età compresa tra i quattordici e i diciotto anni, in cambio di denaro o di other economic benefit, shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to three years and a fine of not less than € 5,164.
Where the fact of the second paragraph is committed against a person who has not completed his sixteen years of age, apply the penalty of imprisonment from two to five years.
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Beautiful images from the blogosphere, the blog of Lellamonella :
From the blog Desert.69 :
From Blog OroFiorentino :
From blog DalfusodiTaiwan :
La follia a volte è meravigliosa
Jim Warren
età difficile
arrivano solo di notte
la bellezza della Furia
volare via
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From Vauro the latest works on our devastated country
It works by enema :
complicated relationship
Da Inserto Satirico :
L'ultimo scudo
Pill Day: The advertisement campaign in response to the nuclear
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