David Frost.
EARTHLINGS - Earth - is a must-see documentary on the absolute dependence of humanity from the animals (used as a company, such as food, clothing, for fun and for scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers."
The film is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, nominated twice for an Oscar and won a Golden Globe in 2006, and the soundtrack is by Moby, the critically acclaimed artist.
Through a detailed study carried out in pet shops, breeding of domestic animals, shelters, but also in farming, industry skin and fur, in the sports and entertainment, and finally in the medical profession and scientific EARTHLINGS uses hidden cameras and unreleased films to track the daily news of some of the largest industries in the world, based their profits entirely on animals.
Powerful and informative, EARTHLINGS is a film that makes you think so far and is the most comprehensive documentary ever produced about the correlation between nature, animals and human economic interests. There are many well-made film on animal rights, but this surpasses them all.
impossible not to see him at least once in life. Illuminating. (The movie version on The True Beast ).
The new year begins, as usual, the banner of tariff increases, the motorway toll on fuel and so on. etc.. and we become poorer, the best wishes from Luogocomune :
Brindisi bitter
tied up glasses, rippling his lips to utter phrases good luck, we toast the new year arrives, but The predominant feeling is that while the disastrous 2010 finish, the tragedy continues, never mind the wishes and hopes.
do not need to be particularly pessimistic as the year include past and condensed in a series of ugly a seamless addition to making the wine bitter, have built the conditions for 2011 it follows faithfully in his footsteps, making men more and more alone, deprived of the joy of life and aspirations , dragged into a game of chance where the dealer only wins, but with dazed eyes continue to sit and play and then play again, although the only prospect is to lose everything, ultimately even our dignity.
year that dissolves in the wine glasses made from stale bitter will be remembered not as a function of sensational events that have changed the course of history and probably slip in the sands of time with no surprises, with its sum of human misery on the foundations of clay already are building more human misery, destined for a future that leaves a sour taste in the mouth of the metal.
The sell-off of workers , blackmailed, harassed, intimidated ...
... and encouraged to practice self-injury ,..... presented them as the "lesser evil", because basically almost like a kick in the shins with a caress when they convince you that the only alternative is a series of beatings on his back from which you do not get up again.
The increasingly obvious failure of a land raped by deep cementificazione selvaggia, figlia di un "progresso" che ha il cervello del malaffare e il passo del gambero, ma viene unanimamente accettato come elemento positivo da coccolare. Poco importa se ogni piovasco ormai è foriero di frane disastrose, alluvioni, morti e feriti. La colpa è sempre del tempo cattivo, del mare in burrasca e della brutta sorte.
I giovani privati di un futuro e destinati al ruolo di agnelli sacrificali all'interno di un mondo del lavoro che non esiste più, se non sotto forma di una babele schizofrenica senza senso nè costrutto. Giovani indotti da "cattivi maestri" a credere che tutti i loro problemi siano incarnati dalla persona di Mariastella Gelmini e condotti per mano a protestare against a gear, while a huge machine, which the teachers themselves are part, is preparing to tear and crush them without mercy.
And Byoblu :
I Have a Nightmare
I love the first year. The creditors will not call you, the representatives do not annoyed, not angry customers, checks are not protesting, the users will not come off, the Parliament and the Constitution does not squabble, the debt collectors do not require, not the IRS confiscation, the judicial officers not attached, the rate will not expire, the bills do not arrive, they do not sound the alarms, the arrears do not accumulate, the editors are not competing to see who shoots the biggest, La Russa and Gasparri eat the cake and then not straparlano, even readers of the blog do not comment ... All you do their cocks and therefore things are going well.
The first year is also a day of speeches. The President made his speech. The Pope made his speech. Beppe Grillo makes his speech. The speeches are made at all or not done. It is the address to the nation, made the speech to Christianity, someone dreams of being a speech to the planet, but nobody does the speech to his neighbor, no one gets standing at the table and make the speech to his family. Instead it would be nice. Nice and helpful. Why the talk to who knows you well are the most difficult, but are also the most true.
I have a dream, said the speech's most famous story. But I have a nightmare , so perhaps I should say I have a nightmare !If I close my eyes, I'm terrible dreams. I see terrifying images: a country without jobs , where a few families eat for all the others, a country without a future , where cardboard boxes tied with string back mournfully to fashion a country without dignity, hostage mirror of a political class of opportunism, vulgarity and moral illiteracy of a people who believe they have a lot but that now has nothing. I see people ignorant and disinterested, unethical and willing to do anything to pick up a few more crumbs. I see zombies, avatar fashion occupy streets and public spaces, places of importance, institutions and their human owners languish lifeless on the bed of intellectual surrender, surrender to each individual, losing weight, this withering in anorexia nervosa in an attempt to resemble standard consumer model, the perfect citizen mediocre, hyper-connected to a system which allocates the total control of himself. E there seems to be no hope.
... Continue
And still Mamma :
wish you a very bad 2011 if it is to those who deserved
serious health problems to those who have cheated, cracks, shady deals, contractors, consultants, two political offices, unnecessary work and gold on a recommendation, in other words those who have made money for cunning or connections and not merit. So they will understand what is truly important in life. PD
wish to drop below 10%, short of dying out, evaporate, go the way of the dinosaurs, and the Fiat Duna Videotel. So finally understand the concept of political responsibility, and will open the door to real change.
gruppettari wish the lemmings that follow the 'strong man ", rewarding the faces and not to ideas, to the left end of the 70s falling in a stream of current movimentini, small parties and abbreviations born around charismatic leaders who have in fact changed very little history of our country. So understand that Italy has no need of other leaders, sects, lodges and cliques, the change we must be with our face and without labels, and to save the country we can not suspend the exercise of critical thinking to give proxies in a white ex-cops, ex-communists and former stand-up comedians. Lega Nord Padania
wish to fail to see their beautiful family businesses because finally the black immigrants will 'fight, repressed, civil and criminal penalties. So finally learn to respect people che sfruttano.
Auguriamo ai leghisti terroni nati sotto il Po di trovare i soldi per la psicoterapia, così finalmente capiranno che per le proprie nevrosi urlare non serve a niente, men che meno votare lega.
Da Jacopo Fo :Allocuzione per il nuovo anno: ANIMO! STIAMO VINCENDO!
nell'augurarvi un anno radioso, con punte di piacere estatico e profonde venature di gioia artistica e appagamento sessuale (hard), colgo l'occasione per esprimere alcune considerazioni sul momento presente e l'imMediato futuro.
Innanzi tutto c'è to say that this year ended with a dramatic change in the world.
The sex scandals in Italy and Israel and a million secret documents put online by Assange and company have created doubt in the minds of the bad conscience that in the era of globalization, network, and the Society of the Spectacle, the secret is dead.
Now the evil of the whole world knows, with bitter certainty, that whatever they do eventually come out! We are in the age of
tracking phones, cameras on the street, digital information, the microregistatori and cameras always in the hands of millions of people with cell phones.
The powerful know that any prostitute always agree set off the scandal. You wanted the show non-stop? And now beccatevi the consequences.
The powerful can no longer trust anyone. They built a world where there are more constraints of family, party, nation and not just anyone can betray: it suits them as well!
Think state of anxiety that people live like B. ... You saw what they were willing to "spend" to get back into the fold of some leakage of the Future and Freedom.
B. knows that his people think only of their own interests. Li has brought up that way. And now also know that all Members of the PDL are doing the accounts than we would gain by moving Fini and then treating it returns with the PDL.
But this is life? No. It is a
Power is a ball of fat drunk and we are preparing to take the assault on the sky.
Yes, because the real alternative, the daily business of ethical and solidarity is growing day by day in the face of a sinister "political", which is the fruit (perhaps to coffee with schnapps. Maybe twice, so do not have to drive back at home, have already died ...).
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And Feminine Plural :
Boys on the complaint of Wit the national health system:
A signature for Gaia
Attacks on women, you know, are continuous and increasingly tough so much so that sometimes the desire to refute tit for tat seems to fade. Seems.
Go to a public hospital to ask for the morning-after pill or-horrors! - Break volontaria di gravidanza o entrare in un asilo nido a spacciare eroina nei biberon sembrano essere la stessa cosa, visti gli sguardi e le perole che spesso ti accolgono.Assassina , egoista, pazza. Sguardi di disprezzo e parole dette a mezza bocca, che quello che vorresti è mollare un pugno sul muso a chi hai davanti per levarti lo sfizio.
Mancano solo le botte fuori dai reparti di ginecologia e il quadro è completo. Immagino si stiano attrezzando.
Poi ci sono gli attacchi ai consultori , ogni volta dipinti come fabbriche di aborti e centri di pianificazione dell'olocausto del millennio, mentre invece sono luoghi in cui us women we care, we do prevention, we visit our children, we can talk and be heard.
are places in which to do our own inspections and perhaps avoid recourse to abortion, since it explains how the people there do not get pregnant and puts you in a position to protect you from unwanted pregnancies and Olimpia Tarzia, but to know? - from sexually transmitted diseases.
attacks are continuous and very hard and too often have the (not even too much) tacit approval of the policy (and here I think Formigoni , for example, and the massacre in the Lazio Region and the bill Tarzia) and talk about it so much it almost seems to lose of meaning.
As if we women that we were crazy to have instigated other things to think about, as if to defend what already exists (the 194, for instance) was a waste of time in front of the daily horrors (this thing I was told by a of my closest friends and yet I'm not going down).
Today I read a letter from a woman appeared in the book Augias La Repubblica, said that what he had to undergo a hospital in Puglia.
I copy and paste everything from here, hoping that it is not a problem. You sign up
Secularism and Human and roll, when you have finished curse 'is gentaccia. I know that quitting di smadonnare per scrivere vi prenderà del tempo.
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La FIAT sta tentando di far tornare questo paese al medio evo, da Giovanotta l'appello lanciato da Micromega per cercare di fermare questa ennesima infamia, da far girare a tutti gli amici:
Giorgio Cremaschi : "bisogna risalire al fascismo per trovare un accordo di tale gravità e portata antidemocratica come quello sottoscritto da Cisl, Uil e Fiat per Mirafiori. Oltre a distruggere le condizioni di lavoro, cancella non solo il diritto allo sciopero ma il diritto dei lavoratori ad avere una rappresentanza democratica eletta. Un fatto senza precedenti nella storia della democrazia italiana".
( l'intervento )
La società civile con la Fiom: "Sì ai diritti, No ai ricatti". Firma l'appello di Camilleri, Flores d'Arcais e Hack
Il diktat di Marchionne, che Cisl e Uil hanno firmato , contiene una Clause unheard of, even in that department-year confinement of Valletta had never imagined: the cancellation of trade unions that do not sign the agreement, the inability to have representation in the company, their termination of fact. This incredible destruction of an inalienable constitutional right is not causing the insurgency should be obvious that morale among all citizens who call themselves Democrats. Yet it is the functional equivalent, in one form or post-modern and soft (soft?), The squads against the union headquarters, with which fascism destroyed the right of workers to organize freely. This seems to us that the demand for general strike advanced by Fiom, both sacred and should be supported in every way. The unprecedented attack on the Fiat workers' rights is an attack on the rights of all citizens, since it undermines the fundamental value of democratic freedoms . That's why we feel an urgent need for civil society to demonstrate its solidarity with the more concrete and active Fiom and metal workers: it is the freedom of all.
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The latest news from The Eagle for Miss Kappa :
Just little

It does not take much. Just an old burner that fails, once again, in an old house is not your own, away from your life, and that makes you fall in the cold should not make you afraid. Knows him well from the cold. Yet the suffering. Just an article in L'Espresso, a newspaper that speaks of your existence, and that of your fellow sufferers. He speaks well, after twenty-one months. Speaks of it as you talk. Twenty-one months. But read it, see it on those glossy pages, scroll through the words with his eyes veiled, and touch the tragedy that you insist on wanting to overcome. And sometimes you can not. And then a friend posted on Facebook the old images of the most beautiful street in your town, the road in which he lived.
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And speaking of Fiat and the new agreement which purports to be signed with the workers, Lia Celi unveils new agreements in the program:
Less pauses at Fiat, the fear of flushing protest
Pietro Ichino're right: that of Mirafiori is a good agreement. He has only one drawback: it will serve to produce more Fiat car, which no one feels the need, even in Italy. Then we leave things as they are at Mirafiori, and an agreement not to waste so well done, apply it to other groups in need of new rules for some time. The more enlightened labor law have already outlined some scenarios. PARLIAMENTARY
Thanks to new technologies, the work of deputies and senators are no longer as arduous in the fifties, when it voted by raising their hands or difficulty inserting the ballot card. Therefore, the House and Senate can be merged into a new company with a time of nine hours for six days as part of a future joint venture between the Italian Parliament and the German Bundestag. More than a health-conscious members of parliament, it would be for the health of the Italians, if we think of how much damage it could do the honorable Scilipoti forced to legislate from Monday to Saturday. The Federcasta seemed willing to discuss it until it is realized that there was talk of six giorni lavorativi alla settimana, e non all'anno...
Grazie alle nuove tecnologie, la prostituzione non è più usurante come negli anni Cinquanta, quando i preservativi li produceva la Firestone e l'ardore dei settantenni andava risvegliato artigianalmente, senza l'ausilio di pillole blu. Questo tuttavia ha determinato un aumento spropositato dell'orario delle battone, che per soddisfare la domanda del mercato in certi casi sgobbano ben oltre le quaranta ore settimanali, senza contare gli straordinari malpagati, come sorbirsi le lezioni di Islam di un autocrate libico vestito da Sceicco bianco o l'ascolto forzato di un vecchio barzellettiere pelato. L'adozione da parte delle lavoratrici del sesso Mirafiori cartel, with a reduction of working hours, rotating night shifts and increases in salary, will be a step forward, even if the Federpapponi already complaining of being bypassed. ADVERTISING
Thanks to new technologies, the work of creative people is not as arduous in the days of Mad Men, when the campaigns were conceived in non-stop meetings with coffee and cigarettes. The computer, network, and particularly the fall in cocaine prices have made it easier and faster. The agreement of Mirafiori, which replaces the forty-minute break per shift with three breaks of ten, reflects the need to escape periodically modern copy in the bathroom for a refreshing line and now is obliged a pipparsi tutto in un'unica pausa troppo lunga, sicché, quando torna in riunione, l'effetto è finito e il copy, in depressione da astinenza, inventa cose tipo l'ultima campagna Mercedes («al diavolo le conference-calls, i social network, il sushi del venerdì sera»), chiaramente frutto della mente di un pubblicitario milanese dissociato. Ovviamente la Federpubblicitarimilanesidissociati è in stato di agitazione.
Da Chez Baghera la recensione del film a 3D Le cronache di Namia:
Le cronache di Narnia - il viaggio del veliero -
Lettrici che puzzate ancora of pig's trotter, which players have to compromise your New Year's chastity after anal liters of Ferrari and possibly mixed Unicum [ children do not do it again at home ]. Today, Baghi and his wife, went to pollute the air with their film Fulgor farts still full of pork rinds and lentils to see-as the title-the third episode of the Chronicles of Narnia, in 3D (mica Cock and figs). So let's talk. For those who did not know the story, I'll give you a quick Bignami:
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Le stupende immagini di Dina Art :
Di Coloratissima :
Di Desert69 :
Music Play
Di Romantica Perla :
You are a maze of intense emotions in dreams lived of stolen kisses of looks happy of naughty smiles. A labyrinth yes, studded with brio: and fleeing you my soul. With you there is no shame: I need use you to be indulgent with your body there yet my kisses and my anxiety lurks wonder where lost. And when the night comes you touch I touch you plan gradually To imagine still shy of being a child. | of Romantica Vany & King Lear |
Of Gold Fiorentino :
From Vauro comment on the agreement proposed by the FIAT
The Epiphany of enema :
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