Sunday, January 2, 2011

Can You Burn A Blu-ray To Dvd R

The debts of the Italians and the causes of the economic crisis

In alto: Immagine tratta dal blog

Se quest'anno nessuno ha intenzione di mandarmi dei regali per Natale, non vi preoccupate. Ditemi solo dove abitate e io verrò a prendermeli da solo.
Henny Youngman .

I debiti degli italiani e le cause della crisi economica

La fine della crisi economica è di là da come and next year will be even heavier on the outskirts of 2010 that we leave behind, the unstinting and timely analysis from the blog The Change :

read more studies and predictions, often in the opposite , on the Italian economic situation and exit from a recession that is continuing. The solution, however, not be traced in the data up or down, but the analysis of a mechanism that makes this structural crisis and then infinite.

The news about the Italian economic situation and exit from a recession that never seems to end are conflicting

We are going through in recent months, a period of great uncertainty which some consider reflux, transition, even after shooting the crisis currently affecting the Western economies since 2008.

Unfortunately, as is now customary in cases like this, it is very difficult to obtain a complete picture of the situation because the media report news fragmented, manipulated, if not blatantly false according to the guidelines that are dictated by their control mechanisms.

A couple of articles published recently, however, border on the grotesque, because it can not only read and understand the actual condition economic Italians, but they say the exact opposite, with two different points of view which in theory should be based on hard data. In short, to the Italian families the crisis is resolving or getting worse?

the first idea is Il Giornale, which was released December 21 with an article titled Surprise, we are richer than we think . Marcello Foa The author puts emphasis on the comparison between the status of ' Italian economy and that of other global and European countries. The source of the data being analyzed is the bulletin of the Bank of Italy, a publication from decine di anni rappresenta una delle fonti più autorevoli per monitorare l’andamento degli indicatori economici dell’Italia e dell’Europa.

Secondo alcune fonti i privati cittadini italiani sono mediamente fra i più ricchi al mondo
La prima confortante notizia ci dice che la ricchezza netta delle famiglie italiane costituisce il 5,7% di quella mondiale, a fronte di un contributo al PIL che non supera il 3%. Questo vorrebbe dire che i privati cittadini italiani sono mediamente fra i più ricchi al mondo. Il dato riguardante l’indebitamento privato sembra rilevare che oltre che ricchi siamo anche responsabili: il debito privato è pari al 78% del disposable income and is a virtuoso record against the Germans (100%), Americans (130%) and the British, who are burdened with debts amounting to almost twice their budget.
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A confirmation of the continuing crisis, the latest data from ISTAT blog The Daily Done:

Alarm Istat: one family in three is unable to bear the costs unforeseen difficulties in the South

especially the residents of Sicily, Campania and Calabria. Those of the Centre-North Piedmont and Lazio

have increased, nel 2009, le famiglie che non sono state in grado di fronteggiare spese impreviste, che si sono indebitate e che sono in arretrato con debiti diversi dal mutuo. Inoltre, dato che l’inflazione è stata più alta dell’aumento dei salari, in termini reali i redditi netti delle famiglie sono scesi del 2,1%. È questo il quadro che emerge dall’indagine dell’Istat su “Reddito e condizioni di vita in Italia negli anni 2008-2009″. Nel 2009, il 15,2% delle famiglie ha presentato tre o più sintomi di disagio economico. Un valore, questo, che non presenta variazioni statisticamente significative rispetto all’anno precedente e si conferma molto più elevato tra le famiglie con cinque componenti o più (25,8%), residenti nel Mezzogiorno (25,1%) e tra le famiglie con tre o più minori (27,1%).

Il quadro offerto dagli indicatori di deprivazione e di difficoltà economica si presenta sostanzialmente immutato rispetto all’anno precedente, quando era significativamente peggiorato rispetto al 2007 (anno in cui a soffrire di tre o più sintomi di disagio era stato il 14,8% delle famiglie, contro il 15,8% del 2008). Tuttavia, evidenzia l’Istat, crescono le famiglie che non potrebbero far fronte a spese impreviste di 750 euro (dal 32,0 al 33,3% in media), quelle in arretrato con debiti diversi dal mutuo (dal 10,5 al 14,0% di quelle che hanno debiti) and those who are in debt (from 14.8 to 16.5%).
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Da Maurizio Pallante the real causes of the crisis, the Movement for the blog Degrowth happy :

Pallante, but growth is not the remedy, is the evil

If the world is crumbling, is because he pretended to grow wild. The Great Depression? And 'that growth. It ends a cycle of 250 years, industry. Politics? Merely serve the exponential growth of the economy. And now that growth is over, because they are running out of resources of the planet, here is the spectacle of the collapse of the global economic crisis, social, ecological, moral. Money as a single value, the war as the only solution. Western society lurches, disintegrates, however, the economy will be able to find ways out. We are on the verge of a catastrophe? Maybe. Unless you tip the scenario: the crisis is a golden opportunity for the cultural revolution of which the world needs. The

says Maurizio Pallante, Italian promoter of decrease, committed to raising critical forces to build an alternative platform, including policy, which set a rebirth of ideas for the future. New paradigm: decrease in GDP does not mean social unrest, but better quality of life. Avoid drastic reductions in welfare? Quite possible: just give space to the potential which the West has the vast resources of advanced technologies. Two key areas: energy and construction. More technology, less waste equals more business, more revenue, more jobs. Example: building a well-insulated house reduces the GDP, distance, because the house will consume less. But a campaign of ecological restructuring of the real estate would result in a multitude of benefits: more work, less impact on the environment, less waste of energy.

same goes for renewable energy: Instead of chasing after the "irresponsible return to nuclear policy, "would be enough to turn consumers into small self-energy producers, thanks to modern technology for energy generation. If you shoot an alliance between research, policy, industry and end users, you change direction with immediate outcomes: zero devastation, less maxi-cost, no risk and a huge injection of healthy economy, aimed at improving the planet, from the daily lives. Construction and energy are two engines of the future possible, that Pallas (Movement for Degrowth Felice) has undertaken to redesign along with new networks of civic citizenship, with Giulietto Church (Alternative), Massimo Fini Movement (Zero) the network "for the common good" and many others. Objective: To create a new political entity, to compel parties to take note that it is time to revolutionize the skyline.

The analysis is lucid, starting with the great crisis of financial capitalism: tecologiche innovations, yet designed to increase productivity by increasing the supply, reduced demand and employment. The markets today are saturated. Construction and automobile, the leading sectors in the postwar period, have exacerbated the gap between supply and demand: to the point that traditional measures of economic policy, aimed at increasing demand through public spending deficit, not have had the results hoped for expansive and have only exacerbated the public debts of many countries, to insolvency today explodes, shaking the Americas and Europe.

In parallel, you drammaica the ecological crisis: climate altered, depletion of fossil fuels from oil, rising greenhouse gases and waste emissions that exceeded the capacity of the ecosystem of metabolism, while the depletion of soil represents a fertile growing alarm. Unemployment and new forms of poverty are the reflection of an immediate crisis, which for the first time it deprives young people the vision of the future in a society devastated by money, the only value in the field if the organization is aimed only at economic growth of commodity production. If the exploding global gap between rich and poor, the result is a creeping war for control of strategic resources, agricultural land, valuable minerals, oil, gas, drinking water.

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There is talk of returning to nuclear power in Italy, despite a referendum that rejected this nefarious technology, the last nuclear disaster happened in Niger, from the blog Newfoundland :

Nuclear accident in Niger
On 11 December at the mine Somair uranium in Niger million gallons of radioactive sludge leaked from damaged poured into three pools. A radiological disaster in the silence and disinterest of the Western world.
In these days of great sweep of the Italian nuclear communication, Greenpeace's blog reports that "Last Sunday we published the news of radioactive leaks from a mine of AREVA in Niger. Yesterday we learned that the disaster is 10 times worse. Areva, the company controlled by the French government (over 90 per cent) had to admit that the tanks have leaked to the mine Somair "overflow" 30 million gallons of radioactive sludge and not 200 000. Furthermore, the area involved is 20 hectares and not 2 as is known so far. Still no official figures on the levels of contamination, but Almoustapha Alhacen, who conducted the analysis for the local association Aghir in'Man, confirmed that the contamination has already involved two hectares of land. "

Contrary to statements by Areva in Niger to meet safety standards valid at the international level, last May a Greenpeace report, "Left in the dust" has revealed in detail how the villagers of Arlit and Akokan are surrounded by water, soil and air contaminated dalla radioattività.
... Continua

Da Trentotto Secondi l'augurio di buon anno, da una donna de L'Aquila, post terremoto:

Sta arrivando il 2011.

E’ consuetudine scrivere qualcosa, un augurio, quando l’anno vecchio sta andando via e il nuovo si accinge ad entrare. Lo scorso anno scrivevo così .
Quest’anno però è difficile, paradossalmente più del precedente, forse perché nell'Aquilano here in 2010 has been eventful, but poor results. Needless
then baptized in 2010 as the year of awakening, events, Aquila pride, the dignity of citizens, because all this has cost us a lot in terms of energy, strength and courage, but at the same time, year-end , the concrete results are not seen, at least those who had hoped for.
So named this as the year of 2010 Aquila awareness and above all to have a ruling class unfit and incapable. Politicians who, more or less, have not sought unity, but division, managing to inflict even accepted the emerging town meeting.
It is for or against, always someone, something, assemblies, wheel barrows, laws, events.
No one who has been able to seize the wealth of many ideas, projects, so many minds.
We have been promised after every event: "The rubble will be a thing", "we now have six months to settle the tax issue," the reconstruction began "you will have specific building regulations", "the contribution of self- Accommodation is coming, "but there is the master secret" and so on.
The stick and the carrot.
We did not give up, ever.
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Public health is increasingly in shambles, an aberrant pattern continued for decades by this cowardly politicians subservient to private clinics and the Vatican, at one time was a little better from the Byoblu memories of the past:

When I visited the doctors!

Sordi Medico Mutua

When I was little, I had a doctor. A weird. He used to recommend to my mother, if il bambino al terzo giorno non è sfebbrato, mi chiami che vengo subito . Pensate: veniva davvero! Certo, le sue pratiche rasentavano la stregoneria, così in bilico tra un rito voodoo e certe danze sciamaniche, però infondevano sicurezza. La mamma diceva: “sta arrivando il dottore”, e già ti sentivi meglio. Poi ti cambiava le mutandine e la canottiera, ti dava una rinfrescata nonostante il mal di gola, tanto per conservare il giusto decoro che si deve al cospetto di un estraneo, dava aria alla camera da letto per cinque minuti e poi via sotto le coperte, ad aspettare il fatidico suono del campanello.

Il dottor Gandullia entrava, rasato di tutto punto, gradevolmente profumato, la valigetta swelling of cards, vials and syringes. After a brief conversation about the symptoms of the patient, standing in the entrance closely supported the presence of an anxious mother, without further delay and in a deep voice, authoritative and asked to visit. Then with a firm step and strong-willed made his entrance in the room.

His presence was in itself miraculous, nothing would have happened because someone was finally dealing with you. And nobody better than him, that invincible hero bogeyman of microbes and bacteria, have been able to heal. Maybe even with just laying on of hands, those hands treated with the nails clean and cut to length, not too short not too long, so as to leave a thin white crescent at the end of the fingertip and boxes of medicines that veered between the fingers, with the sound muffled and dull thin cardboard so nice to hear.

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Cohabitation as a family is hard to bear if the man of the house is not engaged in housework, the story of MammaVolante :

The longstanding DILEMMA ...
This morning, as thousands of other mornings, like other millions of tourists and afternoons and evenings and half days and so on and so forth so that is fine anyway ... has come back, in our house ... the age-old Dilemma .....

BUT WHY 'MEN AND WOMEN ARE SO' DIFFERENT?? BUT WHY 'men and women have the same priorities' / thoughts / problems / ideas / INCUMBENT ......

There was nothing shocking, or catastrophic, and certainly not .... just an enlightening episode as many aberrant in its simplicity ... that revealed, for the umpteenth time, signed the diversity unnatural and complicated and exhausting that there is always ... ... between men and women from early childhood to old age ...

Last night on the worktop in the kitchen there was a paper bag containing a crust of biscuit ....
this morning on the plan lavoro della cucina c'era un sacchettino di carta che non conteneva più un biscottino di frolla.....chi può essere stato ad impadronirsi di un indifeso biscottino a forma di cammello???
Chi se non il famigerato ladro di leccornie riservate ai bambini della famiglia, GrandePuffo!!!

Ora, non è sicuramente un problema insormontabile, ma diavolo di un diavolo...lo diventa senza dubbio se si ripresenta ogni volta...e se non è il sacchettino è il barattolo della Nutella abbandonato sul tavolo, o la confezione vuota delle merendine rimessa al suo posto nonostante non più contenente alcuna merendina...
Ma cosa ci vuole a fare mezzo passo e buttare un sacchettino dentor la pattumeria? Nemmeno un passo dato the arms of the gift GrandePuffo long as the wings of a pterodactyl .....
But what does it take to wash a sink of dirty scraps of orange after the juice has been done? A second, maybe two?

not pedantry, it is not even the killer instinct is just .... a little claim to respect, and have compulsory for those who come after you ... if you must throw the bag without ever having enjoyed the biscuit for those who must scrape the patina encrusted orange residue in the sink .. for those who did not scofanato even a milligram of Nutella and a spoon to wash and store the jar in the cupboard ....
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Love is ... by Bagheraa :


Love is for you to choose the best slice of ham instead of eating it.

Love is naked washing dishes by hand, by suffering, that if it was for me to remain there until Easter Monday.

Love is give you the best pillow even though it has always been my forever and ever.

want you to see Love is always laughing.

Love is not cheating in the game ( but winning with my own strength superhuman ) because you you are corrected.

Love is pretending not to cheat in the game.

Love is first let me sleep after watching a horror movie without waking up with un'alitata lethal.

Love is becoming 1 / 1000 to spell out shit like you.

Love is give you a plate of pasta with mushrooms, without more rubarteli.

Love is wash your underwear being careful not to make them pink.

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The scoop Michele Serra, Italy was stopped at 1981!:

Scoop: The time is at a standstill since 1981

Books by Bruno Vespa. The tour of Dalla and De Gregori. Clashes between students and police. Now it's official: In Italy a beam of photons from a distant constellation blocked everything exactly as it was thirty years ago

Manifestazione del 14 dicembre 2010
event of December 14, 2010

The Return of the riots has not taken surprise of the researchers of the paranormal, the only discipline that can interpret the events of the last 30 years Italian. "What happened is simple," explains Professor Giorgio Mobilius, dean of the Faculty of Occultism Lugano: "Because of unusual cosmic phenomenon, a beam of photons from Sirius party hit your own country, stopping time to 1981. For the record at 18:26 on 14 May, while Bruno Vespa devoted the first copy of his first book in a Roman countess alcoholic and Dalla and De Gregori departed for their first tour. In the rest of the world the time went on, you have not. "

Coincidences seem almost incredible
strengthen the hypothesis. The forensic science has established that one of the cobblestones used against the police is the same as the independent Gigi stramonium launched against the agent of Swift Gennaro Piriniello that day in 1981. And most unique is that to run it, thirty years later, he was the son of thorn apple, and the child to receive the head Piriniello. Another clue

disconcerting: not far from the site of recent clashes there was a concert Dalla and De Gregori, identical to that of 1981. And Bruno Vespa was signing a copy of his new book at the same Countess alcoholic! "It should have been dead for some time," Professor Mobilius presses, "because of advanced cirrhosis. Why is she still alive? Of course, because time has stopped." Identical, thirty years later, the salaries of cops, who are paid on the decision to Tremonti still in lire.
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Alessandro Robecchi the vicissitudes of the new directors of the newspaper Libero:

Editorial - Freestyle

usually does not come out until Monday Free. Yesterday, however, free and released. The reason is not hard to guess: the reconstructed pair Felt-Belpietro has the little problem of tearing copies to the Journal (who comes out on Monday) in a thrilling race of servility to those who shoot the biggest. And so yesterday I shot Free two for the price of one. The first, someone would attempt to mock the life of Gianfranco Fini, wounding and by shifting the colpa su ambienti berlusconiani. Niente male. La seconda: una signora di Modena, di professione prostituta, nipote di un vecchio camerata (e non di Mubarak… dilettanti!), avrebbe fornito i suoi servigi in cambio di mille euro a “un tizio uguale in tutto e per tutto a Gianfranco Fini”. Insomma, una doppietta. Fini che paga qualcuno per farsi sparare e intanto va a puttane manco fosse un Silvio qualsiasi è la cosa più vicina al bingo che si possa pensare dalle parti della redazione di Libero. Lasciamo naturalmente alla magistratura, ai lettori di fondi di caffè (e di Belpietro, che è peggio) e alle predizioni di Nostradamus l’arduo compito di dipanare la matassa, di separare l’invenzione dalla verità. We will limit ourselves here to say that the "method Boffo", already successfully tested, has its own evolution: two for the price of intimidation. Boffo Boffo for for three and fourteen, and here is the formula of the magic circle to smear a political opponent, that Gianfranco Fini, poor star. Then the judiciary will do its job, things fall by the wayside, forgetfulness will cover all the witnesses will run away, Belpietro will make his television smile and who has seen you have seen the fast setting mud is requested. The language we already know, is that the baton media, dell'indiscrezione of tell-and-not-say, castor oil on paper. I mean shit with feigned indifference and even spread of the famous drawl hide his hand will not be a trap to "undermine the credibility of the Free?" asks Belpietro, pretending that there is really a credibility to diminish (to think is the funniest thing of all editorial).
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Best wishes for 2011 by Splinder friends and their latest pictures from Romantic Pearl :

Flashes of Light

stay awake wondering

se questa notte trascorsa
a vagare tra luminose stelle
potrà mai portare
il pensier mio a te.

sperando che un sogno
mi lasci al mattino
il sapore del miele;
sognare carezze leggere
che durino il tempo d’un giorno;
e poi di nuovo notte,
per un altro sogno
che inondi la mente
con quel caldo stupore
che genera il soffio del vento
che soffia.

Esser vicini,
lontani mai veramente.

Nelle confuse mie notti
ti guardo svanire
tra lampi di luci
di Natale
mentre il cuore promuove
battiti a mille all’ora
che nell’anima mia
risuona fino ai timpani

B u o n e F e s t e

Da Dina Art :

Upload Immagini

Upload Immagini

Da Kamasa54 :

Happy New Year!

From SweetKymberly :

"Climb the first step with confidence,
not necessary to see the whole staircase"


In the vacuum left,
in a dream trampled, there's a little light ...

the glow of the summit.
It 's a small point,
still distant.

light that emanates hope
desire to reach that day.


From Annaspace :



And Iry50 :

Bruuuu friddhu Stamatina

... who comes to finu marina

lu munti zuccheratu biancu

gela lu sgarddhu, turtura i denti

sbattenduli cha e dhà senza diri nenti

Na’ pecura bela scianddhu di sta nivi i farina

voli iocari ma rumbula, rumbula

finu a arrivari du muntuni Geremia

chi permalusu la rincurri

pi tuttu u pasculu di Geresia.

U pasturi stancu ripusa di la iornata di fatica

vicinu lu focu, mentri buccheggia cercandu respiri

inta na’ bucca bagnata i suduri

na’ ciaraneddha senti sunari

E’ Peppi lu capraru chi scindi da muntagna

di sta fulata friddha di morning

cercanddhu still 'memory

sguardu written so lu of the story. A

pocu to pocu u sonu salts salts Versu u cielu

profunatu and purple wisteria

E 'party, it's Christmas, ventures spur u still

above-skinned and swollen surprised

nu frusciu Sunrise Rusin.

Sona sona by Peppi gufianddhu peddhi of muntuni


of Penza and Rigali nuccia cu lutrini

and foil from grasuteddhi hands.

Viniti, or viniti all people!

cuntinua sonar pecuraru

lu cha 'ciaraneddha swollen culuri

nasciu, nasciu u Ridinturi

portu to nuvella is u iornu di'amuri. There is a

canzuni sunnu

u boi u scieccareddhu

who riscaddhunu fiatu u cu bimbu beddhu

to pay the ground lie between Peppi and Mary

who riddhunuti cuntenti ta prugigiu stiatu

study by a national glory and cumeta a so be it.

Ballunu the firs innivati \u200b\u200b

ciprissi tired and without dreams sperdiri

while saddha n'cervu above n'porcuspinu

between the crystals and the Nivi ghiacciatu nasinu nu.

Among culuri beddhi of ay Jutes

inchi the maintenance of those loaves stenddhi

and you do not stop them Baruni preputenti

loose nu risu more Duman

regalulu chiste a land without Padrun

The greetings Vauro :

Thought of Altan:

works enema hunting and his wishes:


is finally passato.
Dopo averlo tanto aspettato, milioni di persone hanno tirato un sospiro di sollievo il giorno successivo ...


Di recente sono stati arrestati due cacciatori che utilizzavano dei richiami installati sul cellulare per attirare gli uccelli. Loro li hanno beccati, ma chissà quanti farabutti faranno lo stesso.
Noi che siamo molto buoni, a loro auguriamo di attirare delle prede di dimensioni enormi
... veramente enormi !!

Pill Day: From Maddalena girls defend your virginity


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