Saturday, October 30, 2010

Heart Cath Painful Lump In Groin

If you're so good is' if you have no barrel

Up: Immagnie taken from the blog

Life would be infinitely happier if we were born to 80 years and we gradually approach to 18.
Mark Twain.
Se ti sta bene è cosi' se no sono botte Settimana densa di avvenimenti quella appena trascorsa, dalla rivolta di Terzigno alle disavventure del nostro amato sultano e l'ormai famoso Bunga Bunga che impazza su tutti i giornali e nel web, partiamo da Terzigno con le considerazioni di Luogocomune :

Minacciare sembra ormai diventato lo sport più in voga nel villaggio globale, multiculturale e monomaniacale, dove le banche e le grandi corporation impartiscono ordini e tutti gli altri, ad iniziare dai mestieranti della politica, del sindacalismo e dell'informazione eseguono pedissequamente, senza proferire fiato.
Minaccia Marchionne, seduto sullo scranno della FIAT,
azienda privata da sempre finanziata con il denaro dei contribuenti italiani. E lo fa nel modo peggiore, letteralmente sputando nel piatto in cui ha mangiato per circa un secolo, senza neppure premurarsi di pulirsi la bocca per educazione.

lavoratori, politica e mondo sindacale (ma con tutta probabilità solo i lavoratori sono interlocutori reali) di collocare all'estero anche i pochi insediamenti industriali ancora presenti in Italia, se non le verrà permesso di riscrivere a proprio piacimento le residue coordinate che ancora regolano il mondo del lavoro.
E lo fa con l'arroganza di chi si sente forte ed è consapevole di rapportarsi con un nutrito stuolo di servi pavidi and a mass of confused
workers in fear.
Threat Interior Minister Maroni, ...
... totally unable to explain to the citizens of

Vesuvian towns because the state builds and operates illegal dumps within a National Park because the stench and the cancer must be their traveling companions in life and why the criminal underworld, if certified and state becomes as if by magic all well and good.
threat to use violence, Maroni, if people dare to continue their protest, raising the specter of the "search for the dead and sending the police to violate the privacy of their homes con perquisizioni che rendano maggiormente tangibile il vero tenore della minaccia.
Minaccia la UE, o sarebbe più corretto dire i poteri bancari che gestiscono questa scatola vuota, imponendo agli stati membri
cospicue riduzioni del debito pubblico da ottenersi esclusivamente attraverso drastici tagli dello stato sociale e dei redditi dei cittadini, privatizzazioni e svendite del patrimonio pubblico e altre alchimie sui generis. Il tutto mentre il già folle bilancio delle spese militari ed i patrimoni miliardari dissipati nelle grandi opere dovranno costantemente aumentare, imponendo in futuro nuovi drastici tagli e nuove svendite, fino a quando ancora esisteranno gli stati nazionali.
... Continua

About suspension of democracy, there is a world order that governs us and affects us in our choices? Interview surreal

world domination

article Zret

- How can we rule the world? Billions of people? - It 's easy.

- what you say. - No, it's really easy. - Do not think, subjugate mankind, resorting to coercion is unlikely undertaking. - What constraint? Not! Today you can usare metodi molto più raffinati ed efficaci, anche se la violenza... - Quali sono questi strumenti?
- Ad esempio, la televisione ed il cinema: con la televisione teniamo gli uomini di ogni età e classe sociale, immobili, di fronte ad uno schermo con immagini colorate e dinamiche, ipnotizzati da programmi che assecondino i loro gusti o titillino i loro bassi istinti. E' intrattenimento: si definisce così perché li tiene e li trattiene in un perenne stato di trance
- Non tutti sono sedotti dalla televisione: alcuni mostrano interessi culturali...
- Non è un problema: noi trasformiamo la cultura in nozionismo o in sterile erudizione, ma dando l'illusione that knowledge. You know how many scholars and scientists spend their entire life behind huge rubbish!

- How?

- With

schools, universities, centers for mind control. In this way we create pseudo-scientists and pseudo-intellectuals who despise the common people, but I'm just a little 'less ignorant of the mass, but so docile.

- I am not convinced: knowledge is power. Could become dangerous for the system.
- Dangerous? First, their knowledge is only
what we allow them to acquire

. Also, if you make any false move, or corrupts them or ruin their careers, with defamation and slander.

- Maybe, but someone might become aware of their mass and rebel.

- Impossible! We fill them with things such as sell phones
. We are convinced that life without cell phones is incomplete, unhappy. The other day I saw a child who has had five years. Shouting and made a fuss because he wanted a cell phone, like the teenage brother. It 's a great success!
- Not everyone has the money to buy these tools or others.

- into debt. Money is another great way to control people. It is true that we to be greedy of riches: we have it all. They are the ones who are not satisfied ever: trying to collect money and items, mostly useless. When you borrow, keep them under control even more. Today almost all go into debt: for an apartment, a car, plasma TV, even a holiday ...
- All right, the links are very narrow, but, in my opinion, someone manages to pass.

- rule it out in the strongest possible. We control everything: education, politics, justice, law enforcement, the judiciary, the tax system, the media ... You can not escape.

... Continue

The situation in L'Aquila is always more dramatic, despite assurances that all is well there are thousands of people homeless and are preparing to spend another cold winter, and the center is always shielded by the military ,
Miss Kappa
wrote an open letter to the President of the Abruzzo region, make it run:

The authority of the President Nails

The President of Abruzzo, Gianni Chiodi, a few days ago voiced about the authority on facebook (

). Gli ho risposto.

Egregio Presidente Chiodi, vorrei reagire alla Sua intemerata in favore dell’autorità, anzi dell’Autorità, non una qualità di cui si analizzi il senso e la portata, per comprendere a chi spetti, a chi debba essere riconosciuta e perché, ma una sorta di valore assoluto. A prescindere.
Ho riletto la nostra bella Costituzione repubblicana: vi ho trovato i valori della dignità, dell’eguaglianza (art.3), della libertà (art.13,14,15,16 ecc), del rispetto della persona umana (art.32), ma non ho trovato il valore dell’autorità. La parola autorità, lì, non is never used alone, but as "public security authorities" (art. 13), "court" (art.21) to define a public function.
Then I read the most recent Charter of Fundamental Rights, which has legal force from just a year, and even there I found that the six values \u200b\u200bwhich are titled the chapters in which the paper is divided are: dignity, liberty, equality, solidarity, citizenship, justice. There is no mention of the authority. Yet the duties are not ignored. Indeed, it is stated that the enjoyment of rights under "entails responsibilities and duties to others as well as the human community and future generations. " The power itself is not good. From Montesquieu on, we learned that should be shared, controlled, subject to the law. The authority is won by the authority. If you set force, the mere authoritarianism. order without adjectives is not a value. The order also prevails in the cemeteries. And in the gulag. Obedience in itself is not a virtue. The duty to disobey unjust orders is one of the achievements of our legal culture, the result of profound "human rights revolution" that, after World War II, marked a turning point in the international community. After the horrors of war and the Holocaust. This duty of disobedience has nothing to do with the "numbing nihilism" or "bloodless relativism." Rather, it requires a surplus of courage and responsibility that you now see very few examples, and through no fault of '68. It 'really bold claim that the "ethical crisis" of the Italian company born from the "devaluation of the" when can clearly be many other causes. Corruption, for which Italy has a sad record, the collusion between public authorities ("authorities" in fact) and the mafia; dall'accaparramento personal benefits from those who should represent the nation, or be "the exclusive service of the Nation", conflicts of interest. Until the transformation into a commodity and media humiliating performance of the female body, just to name a few. From here is born a democracy that bad institutions predominantly expressed no ethical minimum. Unconnected with any instance egalitarian. Democracy is not a bad collecting respect for authority simply because he deserves it.

... Continue
The case of Moroccan underage girl "saved" by the Knight of the police headquarters in Milan with a phantom phone call from Prime Minister's office and the background to the tribal rite Bunga Bunga has been around the world, making ridiculous once again throughout the planet, are a few articles on the subject, from Byoblu
a debunking video:

Bunga Bunga all

Bunga Bunga for everyone!

Silvio Berlusconi is a
Sultan. Italy is a sultanate and Villa San Martino (Arcore) and Villa Certosa are two of his immense harem

. Every day, after making rite a few phone calls, mostly in bed and Ghedini to ensure that the Lodo Alfano processing, the premier organization dedicated to what really matters to him: Bunga Bunga evening. That's why it's so a friend of Gadhafi. That's why the Prosecutor 500 meters above the blond hostess and seventies. That's because it minimizes the Libyan leader, to label her as unworthy antics folklore, and that's why they do business together.

are equal. They are the same and spend the day waiting for the beloved Bunga Bunga.
Bunga Bunga per tutti!

Once Italy was the seventh power industrial and a lighthouse in the cradle of the Mediterranean. Today not only we are able to introduce human rights in the countries of North Africa, but rather import their tribal customs . We import from the Bunga Bunga Muammar Gaddafi and take lessons in democracy from a

undisputed king who reigns over Egypt for forty years: Hosni Mubarak . (
to understand who is the man from whom Silvio Berlusconi wants to go to school, watch this video
). It is no coincidence that Ruby, the underage kleptomaniac who attended the Bunga Bunga
Berlusconi (
after dinner erotic)

is been issued by the Public Prosecutor, last May, after a phone call from the Presidency of the Council indicated that just as the nephew of Mubarak . Obviously it was not true, but Berlusconi was sure that he would not take Hosni. Because they are the same . They have the same concept of justice on a personal : the Egyptian put in their political opponents so as not to have opponents in the elections, the Italian take out himself and the boy who loves . Obviously, no matter loves, but only whatever little guys, cheesy and anonymous as Naomi and Ruby. If you are ugly you can rot in jail. If you're a Greek god participate in or Bunga Bunga curargli cavities.

... Continue From not read this blog interview considerations and the future of our premier ... Impiccment.
So how is

if Obama telephoned the FBI to release a comely Ukrainian minor - accused of theft and former star of "Bunga Bunga

Party" at the White House - guise of no other than the grandson of Angela Merkel

, and asking to be entrusted
a show girl, er, sorry, a local policy that if they wash their hands immediately after release, and will be investigated for exploitation of the prostitution of minors along with two other men Presidential entourage. I do not know if am. I interviewed Silvio Berlusconi. I spent 20 years. But I did. I interviewed Silvio Berlusconi . To do that I burnt the best years of my life. I chased between Antigua and Palermo, Rome and Cinisello, Herat and Pyongyang. I've been to New Mexico in sleazy motel and waited for contacts in the most dangerous suburbs of Naples, I had to chase, lie and get away, I spent it all, I lost everything. But here we are. The public. Silvio Berlusconi has 94 years, is in her living room in Arcore, and is a peaceful man.

has finished piss me off.

Excuse me President, I had accused.

the face! But then who would it be?
A blogger ...
Hahaha (laughter) ... that end did you do? You were so convinced. Never mind. Then it's my turn to ask questions.
Let me then, and race, I've got that Veronica is waiting for me: Eat.

As Veronica? But you still see? There he is. You never knew a tube ... Lo dico a te perché mi sembri simpatico, e oramai la politica fa parte del passato. In realtà non ci siamo mai separati, la nostra è una famiglia unita, solida, chetticredi.

Ma le escort? E Noemi? E le Veline? Sì, ciao. Vai dietro ancora a queste storie? E' stata tutta una grande illusione, caro mio. Secondo te il Presidente di uno dei Paesi più importanti del mondo, con tutta la sicurezza che c'ha attorno, si fa sorprendere da 'na mignotta munita di registratore? E corre dietro ad una minorenne di Casoria? Ma cribbio, che c'avete in testa!
E quel bacio a Capezzone? Maffigurati! Photoshop, Sallusti è un mago.
Lei non ha mai betrayed his wife, so ... Never, never in my life. But you excited you so much, and you do not mind the other, and Carfagna, and hygiene, and letters. Try to think about it.

Indeed. In the midst of the most disarming the economic crisis of the century - stuff not seen since '29 - you needed was a filthy joke, a curse on the Jews and 4 pussies to the Ministry, we used to spend the months to discuss it. The rest is history, had left me to do everything. Everything.

Here. But how did he bend a modern Western democracy with its own interests, so many for so long, so blatantly? seee, Woodward has arrived! However, this question does not need to do to me, turn it over to the Italians. I've got I just tried. I had no choice. We've also said, and mica once!

Excuse me? Massa, me first, then Confalonieri, then Dell'Utri, now deservedly President of the Senate. Or down in politics, or jail. L '

have confessed even Biagi and Montanelli, and then on TV, and in many interviews. We were fucking beautiful that, in the merde

would say my friends at the Sorbonne. 4 trillion in debt - when billions were billions, not like now that no one million of debt, you're nobody - and then processes for mafia, corruption, money blacks, crime financial, and much more. We were assured that it was well known, obvious and that is why initially chose the path of transparency. But overestimated the Italians, it was not necessary: \u200b\u200bin fact, from then on negammo the undeniable, if we would be served even managed to deny the truth of the heliocentric theory. We were smart and telegenic: citizens enough ... and we voted ... And now, not once ...

Four times Premier, until '18 if I remember correctly. ... Continue

And still Lidia Ravera
: The Caiman Basso, barge, balding. Weighed down by a semblance excruciatingly banal. Had remained a face in the crowd, protected by the number of his fellows, would have stimulated, at 74, you feel empathy for those who can not age well. There are several. Even his erotic identikit places it in a sort of mediocrity male animal: vain, shallow and obsessed whores. If it had not become the most powerful country, it might have been a happy man. The seventeen, he would watch from afar, with your mouth water, sitting on the bench with the Lele, the joker and that of Emilio Gaddafi. The seventeen, of course, would not have even noticed. But nothing would prevent him from dreaming, some evenings, even after having had a little 'elbow, to close twenty una stanza e di giocare con loro al “bunga bunga”. Con le nostre benedizioni.
Da Ehvvivi :


delacroix. la prima cosa che mi è venuta in mente è stato delacroix. un'immagine mentale inquinata da un vago sentore di nausea, ma indubbiamente delacroix e la sua morte di sardanapalo, quel dipinto assai famoso che evoca potentemente la morte del re assiro.
lui, il signore di ninive, assiste con cinica ed annoiata indifferenza alla strage che si sta svolgendo davanti ai suoi occhi, consapevole che da lì a poco il fuoco avvolgerà quei corpi ed il suo, estremo sacrifice in the name of the boredom of life of all those who had existence.
okay, I realize that the parallel between the satrap of Nineveh (lust yes, but educated, powerful, a proponent of the peak of the Assyrian kingdom) and the satyr of hardcore does not hold, but the image of the painting does not leave me .
is no death, violence, disintegration liquid, vicious abuse. within a few years that followed, the Assyrian kingdom will crumble on itself. But Italy is already crumbling: politically, economically, socially, morally.
erosion constant that seems unstoppable, and that happens under the skilled fingers of a ruling class only to become increasingly powerful and arrogant (and who delivered in full to the overwhelming power of a country banking groups) and an electorate that, largely, dazed and blissful smiles, happy to sit on the Titanic while it sinks.
then I think that most of the Italian population is female and so I imagine that most of the Italian electorate is female, and I wonder how brave a woman may decide to vote for this political class that we so atrociously bad governance. ... Continue

And finally some considerations from the blog of Beppe Grillo


The people of bunga bunga

Girls minors over the paths of cities. Romanian, Lithuanian, African, Italian. A thousand. A
people of serial rapists
driven expectations. None of them asked the identity card for small women. Only the price for different modes of use. Children of ten to twelve years for sale in public places, in front of the cemeteries, railway stations, squares in the suburbs. And Chinese girls in massage parlors. The wipers of parked cars in the brochure with addresses, hours, pictures smiling with almond eyes. The people of bunga bunga not moved to the mass of teenage prostitution in our cities. Some people use them, those who ignore them and who is indignant to the public decorum. The mom with the stroller pulls right in front of the fifteen-rigged from Troy while her husband takes note of the platform on which beats. Berlusconi is a pimp

? E 'known. He has abused his powers? He does it all along. Did with bunga bunga

Ruby? E 'possible. Hundreds of thousands of Italians have sex with minors? And 'course. Eighty

abuse of children (children!) in the sex tourism trips Child_porn.jpg

(we are among the first in the world)? And 'try. So what? What we talk about today? Of course, Berlusconi, Berlusconi's just, again by Berlusconi.

In any other Western state, was convicted of Mills, not would have the television monopoly, was torn to pieces by the public for its association with the Mafia as eating or convicted in the second degree as Dell'Utri. In no state, nor in Libya or Russia, could have become Prime Minister. Only Italy could afford one as the psycho-dwarf. And 'the mirror of a part of the country that wants to fuck underage girls (and if the trumpet), wants to evade taxes (and escapes), would violate the law (and purple). ... Continue

Some questions about Bunga Bunga by Alessandro Robecchi : Some questions on the Republic of Bunga Bunga

The Republic of Bunga Bunga is experiencing these days exciting new adventures based on revelations itchy, sex, Presidents Council, Lele Mora, Emilio Fede and beautiful ladies. Il Manifesto, a newspaper that is serious and, if you allow, even a little 'rod is not willing to deal with it. But journalism is an ugly beast, and some questions are just Porsel, always considering the prominent role in the world and his reputation on the international scene. It 's true that were held in the residence of the Prime Minister Mr Cavalier Arcore Silvio Berlusconi (73 years), year 2 dN (after Naomi) feasts Erotic called Bunga Bunga with the presence of a young lady called Ruby (17 years)? It 's true that in these crowded party dozens of celebrities, two ministers, movie starlets and Premier? It 's true that the minor Maghreb called Ruby was "the only one dressed up? It 's true that Emilio Fede, as he admits, he met her there, but she showed 25 years? It 's true that the prime minister gave the girl a lot of luxury watches and money? We do not want to fish in troubled waters: the story contains many contradictions. For example, you can feel that with so many naked women around, Silvio Berlusconi gifts of money and jewels to the one that is dressed? It 's true that the girl, minor, stop for a crime (theft) was issued immediately following a call from Prime Minister's office? It 's true that the Prime Minister's office told police in Milan stunned that the girl is the nephew of President Mubarak of Egypt? And in this case, the matter will move forward to the international relations of the Republic of Bunga Bunga? Mubarak took it like? It 's true that the lawyer Ghedini had a nervous breakdown? It 's true that Arcore, after the holidays Bunga Bunga all go for a swim in the indoor pool? It 's true that these new revelations will increase the prestige of Italy in the world of night club? It 's true that Bunga Bunga is a sort of sexual ritual (also known as orgy if you like) dear to Gaddafi that he would teach to our Premier? And if so, Putin is not jealous?

... Continue

quotes Spinoza


involved in events cloudy with a minor. For privacy reasons will not be made on behalf of the Prime Minister.
(And go, Pierluigi, including the forthcoming election campaign is done!)
We speak of a history of the Moroccan prime minister with a minor. But I can not believe that a man of his morals go out with black women.
The girl said to have 24 years. Almost thought they were peers.
The girl, police for theft, was released through a telephone call from the Presidency of the Council. A case that suggests how comfortable do have a friend who does an imitation of Berlusconi.

(I guess that Berlusconi calls to the police station. "By the way, there's nothing for me?" )

meantime, you search for news on the young North African. It seems to be the daughter of the driver of Craxi Hammamet.

Models minors, partying with prostitutes and orgies lesbian home of Berlusconi. But in my opinion is the usual mount for him to regain support.

She revealed that after dinner erotic was called "bunga bunga." With children it is customary to give names to things catchy.

The children huddle around the Prime Minister. You never know you will be able to glimpse the will.

Investigated Emilio Fede: The crime of prostitution is preening.

Faith events involved in prostitution:

"I knew from the newspapers"

. That was a crime. The repentant


recognizes a man of intelligence. That's what brought him coffee.

Regina Coeli held

dies of malnutrition. It happened in a moment.


hit by a fist. He was enchanted.

spokesman of the PDL was punched in Rome. We hope this is the beginning of a tour.

(First Belpietro now Capezzone: these violent offenders are really breaking my balls to Berlusconi)

After the punch Capezzone is hunting the man, jumped the queue. Phone calls to claim

are currently managed through a dedicated PBX.

episode suspect an Italian. On two.

... Continue



flash application to the knight:

Ipse dixit

During an interview, a journalist makes the Premier a question blank (just in case ... is to say it ...)

'It is true that sooner or later, all chickens are coming home to roost

? "

The Premier replied:

"Sure ... But I'm so bald, eh eh"

She does not talk much, but in Rome the citizens of EUR area have already been alerted, has provided another layer of cement in the residential district for the preparation of the 2012 Formula One strongly supported by Mayor Alemanno, the residents up in arms against this latest devastation of the territory from the Republic

: GRAND PRIX EURO "casting concrete under the guise of F1"
Rome, mega project around the circuit dell'EUR skyscrapers instead of green areas. Our Italian: the ceded lands to private infrastructure in exchange for the Grand Prix of PAUL BOCCACCIO

The cement has the color of a photograph of what will be. Two tall twin buildings on one side and green on the other side of the Three Fountains in front of the white marble euro area, where now stands the red tennis courts and athletics tracks and green than basketball . Everyone will be a small rise, fifteen floors above the ground in that stretch altri sette piani accanto, a forma di una L, e tutti e due ospiteranno appartamenti di lusso, uffici e negozi, messi in vendita per lanciare e realizzare il Gran Premio di Roma e far sfrecciare nell'estate del 2013 i bolidi della Formula Uno nel quartiere.

I progetti Il progetto è stato presentato all'inizio di agosto in grandi cartelle rosse e bianche nelle stanze che contano del Campidoglio e adesso aspetta il via libera della conferenza dei servizi, convocata per il 9 novembre, e poi del consiglio comunale. I due palazzi del comprensorio si chiamano con nomi poetici, Porta dei Pini e Porta delle Tre Fontane. But there are 80 thousand cubic meters, which struck one of the historic green spaces intended for the neighborhood, the ones where the sixties generations of boys, with their white shirts and sneakers, began to run down the slopes, play tennis or basketball. So take to the field associations of citizens of the district (Eur Environment Protection Committee, Coordination Committees and Citizens for the Defense of Eur, the Coordination No Formula One and the lives of others Onlus) Nostra and Italy, with a dossier entitled "The hands on the euro" and an appeal to the mayor Alemanno, but also to the Ministers of Culture Sandro Bondi, and the Environment Stefania Prestigiacomo, e al premier Silvio Berlusconi. "Ribadiamo" scrivono "la nostra estrema preoccupazione riguardo un progetto che sembra aver preso forma parallelamente alla concezione di Roma Capitale, dimostrando finalità e modi privatistici, troppo lontani dall'interesse pubblico. Un'impresa che si è avvalsa, finora, di modalità di comunicazione a nostro avviso poco chiare, basate sui più agili metodi dell'imprenditoria privata, quando l'oggetto in discussione sono un quartiere storico, gioiello del Razionalismo, e il benessere di migliaia di cittadini"

I nuovi edifici, che si aggiungerebbero ai 150 mila metri cubi da costruire nell'ex Velodromo, spazzeranno via all'inizio tutte le strutture sportive delle Tre Fontane that would be razed to make way for construction sites and then reconstructed in the remaining space.
... Continue The revival of TG1 narrated by Michele Serra : If Minzolini puts us face

Augusto Minzolini

The heavy fall of plays concerned the director of Tg1 Minzolini. The blame the traditional pattern of the twenty Edition: Ten minutes of horrible crimes, ten minutes of Berlusconi, ten minutes from the cosmetics favorite Lady Gaga or saving a mule trapped in a stall with the broken lock. Locked in a room with his staff (consisting of a hypnotist, a ventriloquist, from an advertiser, by the chaplain of Mediaset and even a journalist), Minzolini is studying the revival of its news through a radical change of direction.
Here are several solutions to the study.

Stirring It would use the same elements, but in a less rigid. Example: Ten minutes of horrible crimes commented by Berlusconi, ten minutes of Lady Gaga saving a mule trapped, cosmetics favorite ten minutes from the victims of horrific crimes. Or ten minutes of horrible crimes committed by Lady Gaga, ten minutes to convince the mule Berlusconi not to resist, ten minutes Cosmetics favorite Paolo Bonaiuti. The formula has a limit of up to offer a dozen variations, but the advantage of not leaving any room for other news, according to the vocation of the main public service announcement. Augusto Minzolini relief is the opposite of the deepening. A formula has already been applied successfully in the news of Antigua, which always opens with the championship of surfing and continue with the recipe of the day. It was thought to buy the format and aired as it is, but the Italian Federation of the surf held the first partisan testing services, and the recipe of the day, always based on live lobsters, is considered dangerous by the union of the cameramen Rai. Discontent among the drivers, who find it difficult to read an entire newscast in English.

The lineup would remain the same, but it would be sung by the conductor, a ballet choreographer who improvises suggestive themes. The aim is to play down and give the audience a more optimistic vision of reality. Number zero in the conductor (tenor Gianni Tocai Gorizia, former king of operetta, took part in the League) was applauded in open stage for the sweeping interpretation of the day politics, with both acute and long preziosismi refer to PDL and impressive vocal cues followed by a dramatic collapse in direct when he sang the brief passage devoted to the opposition, the famous romance "just a line." Well even the corps de ballet, but with some logistical difficulties: the crime of Avetrana choreography, the dancer who played the popular Uncle Michael, turning a shovel hit the driver in the neck. Need a more spacious studio.

... Continue

A wonderful image from a dear friend, Dolcemania

The soft lighting, jazz , the rain on the windows, the sound of the sea, the warmth of a blanket, the silk sheets, delight with cream, caress the hair, a complicated game, chills on the skin, the pressure a bold hand on the back, emotion that knows no limit and distance ... surrendered without delay to all that is effusion.

Soft light, From Unabuonacattiva , what she likes: - Like .... - ... in the closet!

on ... chair!

... in bed!

Dafni From: Female (2) From Dalfusoditaiwan animated cartoons: WANT FUN

Femmine (2) New Art

morra Chinese ... leaves half of the slip

at the Museum

poor man of Vitruvius ... six superstitious or have other problems?

patonza of Power!

difficult love

The latest works
Vauro , miracles:

From enema the case Ruby:
AS 'HARD (so to speak) LIFE

bursts Ruby the case.

A crowd of lawyers is quick to deny and minimize,

is not new that the Premier is little busy with the ... frames.

For those who wish to learn can do so at: = HREA-1

From: Faith under investigation for aiding and abetting the prostatuzione!

From PV64 married life:

hours of love.

Pill Day: Toto and the Trevi Fountain

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Comparison On Redken And Wella Colours

I have a dream ...

In alto: Immagine tratta dal blog Benchley e io avevamo un ufficio cosi' tiny that if it was an inch smaller, it would have been adultery.

Dorothy Parker.

I have a dream. ..

Martin Luther King spoke these words during his speech on August 28, 1963 in front of the Lincoln Memorial

of Washington after a protest march for civil rights . We have a dream is the same sentence with which Michele Dotti began his battle to bring together as many people as possible realize the dream of finally seeing the beginning of a renaissance of our country, join, and then turn this call, maybe you can realize this dream :

I have a dream ...

I had a dream, it's wonderful and I no longer want to wake up. I dreamed that one day, one day soon, tired of waiting and hoping for better times, the most active sectors of civil society will gather together to organize the political change in our country, creating a ' alternativa credibile , seria, affidabile che tutti gli italiani potranno abbracciare al di là dei rispettivi percorsi politici di provenienza. Un nuovo soggetto politico, estraneo a tutte le vecchie logiche partitiche.
Un movimento fondato semplicemente sul
; quanto basta a capire che la raccolta differenziata è mille volte meglio degli inceneritori, che il risparmio energetico e le rinnovabili sono le vere alternative alla follia del nucleare, che le grandi opere servono solo ai grandi affari mentre sono le “piccole opere” quelle che migliorano davvero la vita della gente!
Un movimento che sa dire sì quando è il momento di dire sì e no quando è il momento di dire no, in modo chiaro e comprensibile a tutti: sì all’integrazione, al rispetto delle diversità, al pluralismo, alla libertà d’informazione, alla pace. No al razzismo, all’esclusione, al monopolio dell’informazione, alla censura, alla guerra e ad ogni forma di violenza.

Sarà così, riflettendo tutti insieme sui contenuti, che i rappresentanti della società civile -raccolti intorno a un tavolo- si accorgeranno di avere fra di loro molti più

punti in comune

di quanti non ne abbia mai avuti al proprio interno nessun partito nella storia repubblicana. Si renderanno conto cioè di avere creato in tutti questi anni di impegno silenzioso, non soltanto un orizzonte di valori comuni, ma anche un vero “programma” di azioni da realizzare per risollevare il paese, un programma fondato su una visione della società che nessun partito -fino ad ora- ha mai realmente promosso. E così, mostrando una saggezza che non si è mai vista in Italia, questi “leader” di un “movimento senza leader” sceglieranno consapevolmente di fare ciascuno un passo indietro , per poterne fare

dieci avanti tutti insieme


Ho sognato che ognuno metterà da parte per un attimo quel pizzico di orgoglio, più che legittimo… direi quasi sacrosanto, per i percorsi charm that has created so far and give up its signature, your name, your logo, to see its contents open to the entire society. It will be a

act of courage and greatness of soul

, as well as forward-looking humility! chi-siamo2

An act of historic significance, which will open a new scenario for the country.

It will be so that in one day decide to merge all together-for a common goal-the voluntary associations, committees, movements and civic lists, local networks of municipalities and local virtuosos, the world of fair trade and fair trade groups, the experiences of business ethics and consumer Critical, the world ecological and pacifist, the Committees for the common good and all those fighting against the mafia ... to create a unitary political

extraordinary project and open to every honest citizen of our country!

all together will create a party based on the common sense and based on honesty , starting from the beginning to present its program on the Internet, in squares, in all the magazines of civil society, in the toilets and beach huts mountain, waiting lists of pediatricians and the Post Office, pubs and concerts ... driven by the enthusiasm of millions of volunteers of all ages who are finally pleased civil commitment for their country.

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From the blog of Michael Dotti

the video shot by Transition Italy, describes the movements of civil society in the world, we are millions of people united by a common goal: to make more livable, more human our ill-treated world, without violence and with common sense:

Aisha a young Afghan woman, sold at the age of twelve by her father-master to be without scruples who has enslaved for years When she finally had the opportunity to escape his executioner ran away but was even track down Taliban and a court ordered the girl to the amputation of ears and nose, then helped by a U.S. organization has been able to repair the United States, from the blog
Freely you
the gruesome story of his young life: A new face for Aisha

I wonder if the tribal chief who issued the decision a year ago he could see his smile on TV or the Internet, I wonder if they heard the news that her husband Taliban prevailed with a knife on his face as a young girl and her brother the coward who 'has held steady, on the ground, at night, leaving her dying in a clearing of forgotten mountain in the heart of the new Afghanistan. The news comes from California: Aisha has a new nose. Certainly it is imperfect, provisional, a bit 'sad, perhaps by using the mass media. One of those who use implants in Hollywood. But Aisha is not Nicole Kidman in the role of Virginia Woolf, she just needs to return to his skin. The girl who had the courage to appear on the cover of Time magazine in August, with that hollow face from the blade, probably will not come back home to his village in Uruzgan province. Which house then? Her father, who, until the 'last tried to postpone it from her husband which the' had given in marriage, to ' age of 12 years to pay off a debt? The foster home now Aisha is from parts of Los Angeles and is called the Grossman Burn Foundation, the 'humanitarian organization that in August' s has taken away from 'Afghanistan.
... Continue From Blog

women's bodies
a video about feminism in America:

Yes, I am a feminist!

The American feminist movement has created this gem involving women and men, young and old, actresses and even Michael Moore! To explain what it means to be a feminist. Americans in these operations are teachers: look at how they can play with the word feminist removing the acidity, the harshness that sometimes are attributed to (there's a hilarious when the actress says, "feminist has nothing to do with women who do not shave ... "he looks perplexed legs and adds," Well ... let's move "...)
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continues Terzigno protest of the inhabitants of the park and surrounding villages of Mount Vesuvius, citizens who do not want dscarica in their territory, from the blog
change the story of what's going on, a story that has lasted sixteen long years Terzigno and the emergence, rage long 16 years The barricades in the street clashes with security forces, the guerrillas, the tear gas. The citizens of Terzigno and Boscoreale, supported by their respective mayors, are not resigned to the opening of the landfill Cava Vitiello. The second area after Cava Sari. The latest attempt, in Campania, to "lift the flap under the rug and sweep the dirt." A history of sixteen.

citizens are not resigned to the opening of the landfill Cava Vitiello. The second area after Cava Sari. The latest attempt, in Campania, to "lift the flap under the rug and sweep the dirt"
images aired on national news are shocking. Desperate people, police charged the crowd several times, old ladies you'd expect to see that instead they are walking in the front row and shout their anger in the faces of policemen from his face bloodied children, fathers who seem to want to rip hair from the head. A lady says to the camera that "even wanted to shoot a policeman."

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Luogocomune emergenza rifiuti truncheon on the politics of this government and our political class:
This policy, which empowers the baton

sidereal The distance that separates the "golden world" in thrive in the political class

and real country where people are struggling between fear, uncertainty and problems (often the largest of them) of various kinds, is becoming every day more stellar.

The politics of our time live exclusively on self and has now irrevocably lost the ability to deal with those people who at a fixed time is required to delegate, casting a ballot in the urn
, its representative. A character of "plastic" the politician, telegenic and engaging ways that will relate to her only through the TV screen, where he spoke on behalf of all those who voted (and therefore the state and law) will announce decisions invariably delegated to increase the problems, fears and uncertainties referred to above.
When the measure is full, and in recent months is happening increasingly often, people take to the streets, demanding a confrontation and demanding answers. But the political class has no answers and do not even have the humility we need to get off his golden world and go into the problems of "ordinary people" issues most often raised by herself.
is then that the only plausible answer for those who live among blue car, partying with cocaine in the salons that matter, tabloid television, now legalized bribes in the form of advice and self-panegyric, is to leave room for more than any other tool that is able to be convincing, moreover, without allowing any reply. The baton

beatings in Val di Susa, where citizens who are opposed to a work and economically devastating disatrosa have never seen the politicians refer to "exit" from the TV to provide explanations and engage in a confrontation, but in return they heard the hail of batons on their heads, ending more often than the hospital.
batons to Terzigno
, where the population is destined to be poisoned by an illegal dump under the control of was never had the honor of seeing each other off some politician among those who have decided to destroy their future. But every night they see down their clubs, in an escalation of violence during which the police have now violated any rule of one's marital status.
batons Cagliari, where the shepherds reduced to poverty, with their homes and their businesses now auction, asked to compare it with the county council. And received in return fired tear gas and beatings in a criminal at head height. With the result that Roberto Fresi, pastor of Sassari, in addition to the house also risk losing an eye. And yet
batons on protesting workers to have been placed in the middle of a road, batons on students who ask for it to be denied them a future. Beatings on the street

occupying the highway asking for an explanation (and receiving) on \u200b\u200bthe Bolkestein directive (done in secret) that will jeopardize the work that gives them a living.
beatings of taxi drivers, farmers, to secure jobs.

beatings in Chiaiano
in Vicenza and in many other occasions that we have surely forgotten.
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RAI its programs and the costs to implement them, by
explanation of why the service TV viewers should not look to profit:

Why Fabio Fazio and Loris Mazzetti is a gold mine

Franco Bechis, Libero now, has it in
Loris Mazzetti, guest yesterday Annozero evening, ironically referring to him as a technical
Lori is a veteran with capostruttura Rai behind busy as a director, writer, project manager in an endless string of hits
that have shaped the history of public service, beginning with all transmissions

of Enzo Biagi, which was a great friend, going through an endless series of great interviews, like "Let's talk about me" with Woody Allen , moving to the latest

Che tempo che fa
with Fabio Fazio. But this Bechis aware. Actually just trying to support an argument that does not stand. Franco Bechis Loris Mazzetti

Bechis writes: " [ed : Mazzetti
] provided for the first time the economic budget of that program: Fazio takes € 2 million of personal cachet, the transmission costs" 10-11 million € a year. " Mazzetti always describes the program as a gold mine, the door is that "7-8 € million commercials. " Should try to go to any office of a private company purchases anywhere in the world, and say: "I have a tremendously successful program, it costs 11 million and makes it into as many as 8. As a private TV station in the world would buy sight unseen failure than a program for sure before I go on the air already known to cause a hole in the company's budget of 3 million €? None. Would be put at the door engineer Mazzetti and jovial [ed
: means that jovial? ] Fazio, explaining that the free TV you do when you can do to earn the company, not when the damage is done. "Che tempo che fa" causes a hole in the budget, ie a loss of 252mila € per month. " As often happens, the catch is in the premises, in other words, not what is said but that may support or delegitimize an entire castle deductive. Bechis's article is based on the assumption that a program is a product that Rai's any company. False. ... Continue
At what point is the reconstruction in L'Aquila? The story of Thirty Seconds: RE-BUILD
Rebuild = new build and not build "from scratch".

if it is viewed as wrong " ex novo ", the Prime Minister is right to say that he rebuilt L'Aquila. The 19 settlements, temporary housing units (?) Are the new L'Aquila, home to all those who have had extensive damage to their homes. The old city? Bah, we should "build it again," but we are far, far away. Even the slight damage have all been repaired. But this new sense of the word rebuilding, understood how to build "from scratch", seems to have permeated a bit 'all.

The photo below is a building on the Right to Education (Regional), site Coppi, who for about 8 years (more or less) hosted services for college students: a cafeteria, bar, games room and study rooms.

The earthquake has damaged and its classification in terms of damage is unknown: perhaps it's "B" (little damage), maybe it's "E" ( extensive damage that seem really strange given that the building is new and has only the ground and first floors). It's been 18 months and we have no plans to re-construction. In the past months the canteen was housed in a tent, while the study rooms and bar ... not even talking about it. In 18 months the building could be safely rebuilt.
In fact it was rebuilt, that is built from scratch, on the former parking lot adjacent to the old building. Here it is!

Two all new modular structures, made up in a few days. Host table and bar!

And the study rooms? Do not worry, we thought the Canada with a new settlement (including the beautiful) including conference room, basketball gymnasium and fitness center (pictured below).
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continues crash course de
The Twiggy
to become an asshole from the trailer, the second installment:

When the nice guy is the presence of the woman of his dreams usually goes into a panic.
What do I do? What do I say? And if you send me to hell? These are the questions that turning them to stone. Them so much buzz in the brain that remains of stone. A fix. And before that comes the impulse from the brain to the vocal cords to utter a hello
, the dandy of the shift has already taken away. In a secluded corner.
That in this place there are too many maniacs. I am defending you
. He's right unfortunately. The maniac you are. Look at you. Dumbledore. Standing. Blankly. Half-open mouth in an attempt to make a sound, any. Hands folded in his pocket or to hide the sweat dripping. You're just the waterproof ... Not a pretty sight. Years of embarrassment and suffering you have suggested that the direct approach is not for you. Prefer fool their prey. Become friends. Wrong! I would not mention Max Pezzali. Repetto also because it could take it to heart. But we all know only too well what is the rule of his friend. Then the shit better than others. And heedless of the two meter sticks tongue in his mouth. That if such a remedy slap patience. We move to the next. The blond tuft knows so well with the infamous mechanisms of regulation of his hand by playing them in his favor. Having conned incantonato and consumed the prey, if they come out with ridiculous melodrama that is no longer the case with sex. What
c'abbiamo a good relationship too. We can not screw it up. Not you, I am
. And other delusions that simulate a PMS. As I always say. I have nothing against men with menstruation. I only seem right that they too c'avessero pains. Anyway. This seems to be in his eyes a fairly elegant way to remove the female who does not want more. But putting it on standby. What you never know that there is a lean period. And to argue that nothing is worth only the whores you are our friends and we're not the sluts ... The fake knowledge that you are creating a great relationship will never lead towards a more assiduous attendance likely. What they seek instead a good boy, and who cares. Why the shit does not want his girlfriend. The bastard wants only a certain number of females more or less infatuated that raise their self-esteem in due course. And not only that ... fact underlying the non-trailer there is a problem of self-esteem and self confidence. And the women that have both the radar's unsure. In the eyes of the good boy, and the maiden, the shit is a successful, good looking, important book. Not necessarily so. Sometimes it only does so believe. But do not ever tell real lies. Too dangerous. Could be found. Only half-truths. Do you think that lying and cheating is the only way to get what he wants. The good guy can not do it. Would be torn apart by guilt ... but a bit 'stage of fiction is really necessary. You've never done acting? Not even in school? Ok. The kindergarten Christmas play does not count. Especially if you saddled always the role of the comet ....

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And speaking of lessons, even Pataterna engages in lessons porn:

LESSONS PORNO Porn means a world that we should not feel ashamed because they do not invented here and therefore it is not our fault. But this time we do not blame Berlusconi for pleasure, otherwise the ringing those big ears in the shape of cheese and I do not think a thing of beauty.
Things were born in the age when the primitive man who does not know what to do drawing with chalk in the caves of the dismembered heads of animals, sketches of no one has ever had the patience to understand the figures of men who put the clubs in the ass to bison. So one day a primitive man, thinking rightly that the facts were so pornographic, tried to really put a stick in the ass with a buffalo truly say that the bison has not taken it very well and the only thing left was full the bat and then from that event people have noticed that the bison were not going well sexually. So began the practice of clubs in the ass girls.
sexuality have it all, since we were born. Everyone: men, women, gypsies (no offense), ricchioni (no offense), Naples (With injury), the elderly, drug addicts and Chiattone. But, you know, we are equipped with different accessories. Just to avoid creating a society of people that we approved all the same things, with our different sexual accessories can be curious to see what others take in the pants.
females from birth hold the butterfly (which are not equal at all since it can be: rich, smooth, the color depends on the hair, naked, without hair, with hair only on the sides, with the banana bunch, combed years 80, with wings, a mussel, aged), but the males take the third leg if they are lucky, if the penis is normal, if you are unlucky half a pencil, if you are the unfortunate stylus for posters, if they need a miracle seems to take only the balls. Then the girls take sisette well, which vary in size depending on how much they love him to Madonna.
The Job, called by one rai
side B, from two backside
rai, rai from three

backside, from the network 4 set of buttocks, channel 5

by an Italian
(sorry, but it is for a level playing field) is present in both men and women and while women must consent to being penetrated by stealth in the back otherwise he becomes sad and brings you out to eat, trouble to include something in the money-man party otherwise 100% Capoccia. Now if you are a man and do not you recognize yourself in this description means that you are gay and you have to make you a reason, right?

homosexuals like to use my butt to do a thousand things: chatting, having sex, sitting, excrete waste, making the wind. Read more is recommended the movie western: the bad and the person.

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The phantasmagoric recipes EvacontroAdamo : recipe for survival Category:

stupid cake

INGREDIENTS: A girl annoyed
A stupid boy

Half portion of a road A road profanity

5 tablespoons 4HG sighs of anger

A bag of laughs
Take the boy and stufatelo for good, put a drain in sink. Sprinkle with books, pens and folder and add in a bit of effort. Mix everything until you have a busy day, then put it in forno.Giunto slide to a boil in a pot on his balloon, motorcycle and car. Cook in a pan except the words. Turn out and let cool. After 15 minutes break two wheels on a bowl, whip until stiff and mount. Put the boy well wet with a little 'sweet liqueur
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communication service on the unemployed in Italy by Alessandro Robecchi


You are here - Some ghosts

Communication Service. Unemployed Italians are asked to stand still. If you move, mingle with each other, if you can not count them confused. 'S why the Bank of Italy said that the unemployed are 11 per cent, whereas the Istat says they are 8, 5 per cent. It makes a difference of two and a half out of a hundred unemployed Italians, who do not know where they are, what they do, how they fall within statistiche. Ovvio che in un paese dove le uova vengono scambiate per bombe, due punti e mezzo di disoccupazione in più vengono scambiati per un attentato alla serenità del governo, tanto che il ministro Sacconi si è un po’ alterato per i dati “ansiogeni”. Come nella storiella del dito e della luna – quella famosa in cui Sacconi guarda il dito – lo scontro non è sulla disoccupazione, ma su come diavolo contarla. In soldoni (avercene!), l’Istat non calcola i disoccupati scoraggiati, cioè quelli che un lavoro nemmeno lo cercano più, mentre Bankitalia li calcola eccome. E’ piuttosto grottesco che se sei un disoccupato generico vieni contato e se sei un disoccupato scoraggiato, con waterfalls arms in despair, self-esteem in their heels and poverty at the heels do not even count, you're a ghost. Moreover, even the poor Italians should stand still.

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Villas del Cavaliere and the homes of his ancestors told by Lia Celi :

The ancestor of B. and the tower of Babel

After all, all collectors are collectors of property: in terms of mobility, dead butterflies and stamps are not better of villas and palaces. So why blame the insatiable greed of Silvio Berlusconi for luxury residences, if not for the fact that a Album of butterflies you look in an hour, and to visit the entire collection of villas planetary Berlusconi takes a year and a valid passport? Especially as the premier real estate compulsive shopping is not a fad, but a recurrent tendency in its lineage from ancient times. You really want to be charged to the Knight family tare even this painful? While you think about, you tell some biographies of the premier examples drawn family tree.

Per fargli e disfargli ogni giorno gli scatoloni non bastavano assiri e babilonesi messi insieme, sicché Berluscodonosor dovette schiavizzare allo scopo tutti i popoli della Mezzaluna fertile. Informato che il calendario solare di giorni ne aveva 365, e quindi rendeva necessarie undici regge nuove di zecca, lo adottò con entusiasmo. Purtroppo i suoi palazzi occupavano già ogni metro quadrato del Medio Oriente, e così le undici regge dovette costruirle una sull’altra. Il risultato fu la mitica Torre di Babele, dove nessuno capiva nessuno: chiedevi la calce e ti passavano un martello, chiedevi un ministro per lo Sviluppo economico e arrivava Paolo Romani. Sul superbo re cadde the anathema of the biblical prophets: patience had destroyed the Temple of Solomon because he was the cactus shadow of his house in Jerusalem, but tell horrible jokes about Jews in the international summit was really too much. Ascertain the circumstances of the death of Berluscodonosor, but having 365 different postal addresses, the best hypothesis is that it was killed by a revolt of the postman.
Tito Silva deed
Console in the first century A. C., had amassed great wealth by selling advertising space in Roman bas-reliefs, which owned the majority. Quoted by Cicero among affiliates in the conspiracy of Catiline (MDCCCXIV card), historians will recall the activities in the building: during his consulate Tito Silvio built ten aqueducts, nine amphitheaters and an unknown number of spas, and everything in this park one of his villas on the Aventine. But he had many others: archaeologists have surveyed dozens and dozens, from Cappadocia to Iberia, all with private cemeteries, moray eels and nursery pen for the escort. Indeed, it seems that the hardest obstacle to the advance of Caesar in Gaul were not the Arverni of Vercingetorix, but the cactus plantations of the sixteen villas that Tito Silvio already had on the Riviera. Miraculously escaped lynching after the eruption of the volcano made too realistic in the garden of his residence Gallura Sardinia had buried a half, died of indigestion after a meal in which to impress Cleopatra, had been drinking one of his villas dissolved in vinegar. GENGHIS NAN Legendary Mongol leader, had only one weakness: he hated the camp, a serious handicap for the people proudly nomad. He argued that the yurts of yak skin gave him an annoying allergy, but in reality, perhaps because of its small stature, he had never learned how to mount a hard and downloaded on its numerous and young wives. During his first foray into Europe there discovered that the rich lived in yurts huge permanent brick called "villas" and was electrocuted. Back in the West at the head a horde of ferocious bloodthirsty architects and interior designer, took over, one after another, all the mansions luxury that was at his passing and then redecorate to your taste, leaving behind a long trail of terror, kitchens Boffi and rows of cactus. "They were better than the Vandals," complains a medieval chronicler, "they left only rubble, not white carpet and ugly sofas in leopard skin." But Genghis was not the usual brutalone Wasteland: In one of his villas Lombardy Tribal founded the University of Thought, where characters lecture held as Tamerlane, Celentano and Conan the Barbarian ("but as barbaric," stated Nan Genghis, "Conan is only interpreted, and I have the key of interpretation ').
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a poem and picture:

My thoughts expressed by a great poet decently.

E 'that a woman should leave a sign of self, the soul propia, for a man to make love because we are all good. (Alda Merini)

From Dafni, walking in the snow:

The latest works donna-di-schiena-celata2 Vauro
on our political situation:


Works Enema of

old stuff CARIBBEAN

And there you have the villa in the Caribbean?

I do not, but somebody has twenty or more.

And it turns out that the public lighting in Antigua was carried out with the money of Milan, Silvio loyal voters to the point of pay for the bulbs lit around the property abroad.

I wonder if the documents will shed light also bought ...

Once taken for a ride against the Italians.
Instead of thinking about problems of the country, the freedom of the handpiece is dedicated exclusively to the privileges of his boss, trying in every way to hide the real disaster to the country social and economic situation in which it is done through his own fault.

And finally the comment Altan

Pill Day: From Maddalena
a tribute to Jerry Lewis