Saturday, October 9, 2010
Swollen Nipples Before Period
Above: Image taken from blog
Gaspare Morgion

L'ennesimo episodio di stupro e assassinio di una ragazza di quindici anni è la riprova che la maggior parte delle violenze sulle donne vengono commesse all'interno delle mura domestiche, qui di seguito l'opinione di donne esasperate e combattive, da
Quanti corpi, As yet we have to endure torment before Italy declared a state of emergency for women?
"I have killed her after raping Sara" - Read the article
"Male violence is hidden
especially in the family" - Read the post
of Feminism in South ... And again: ... Meanwhile
Viviana Vivas (
) .. And meanwhile, continues on TV, as if nothing had happened, the horrible display of naked female bodies and commodified with moves from brothel to incite the base instincts of men.
.. AND journals and advertising continue the despicable display of feminine attributes to more and more young girls matched to any theme or subject as cannon fodder. .. It advances the prostitution of the body and mind for the sake of women's career development or survival, justified and even praised by members of parliament or the government.
... ContinueIn the end, Little Red Riding Hood met a new big bad wolf.
At 15
Wit Da : of journalism, social hypocrisy and bullshit.
When a girl of fifteen years disappeared, the first thing you do is run these days on facebook to see who has a profile picture, how many friends have, which group is registered, in hopes of finding something.
Then you continue going to take from every angle the clothes he wore, the books you read, the music ascoltava, i poster, il diario.
Poi la ragazzina si trova.
Alla “ribelle” si spiega con tono paterno che la ribellione è sbagliata, che non si deve fare l’oca in giro, che internet è pieno di pericoli. E lei annuisce sorridendo, senza trucco, vestita da educanda e abbraccia la mamma. Se invece la ragazza viene stuprata parte la caccia al mostro, si chiedono e si danno i più macabri dettagli e lì le puntate sono decisamente più d’una, con ospiti, opinionisti e di nuovo lacrime e abbracci, col solito contorno di luoghi comuni sulla rete, sui tempi che sono cambiati, signora mia, non si può più turn on their own. And these are non-EU without control, then. And yet these skirts too short and heavy make-up, where we will end.
But sometimes the girl dies and the media point of view is a turning point transmissions, links, appearances, opinion screaming, psychiatrists table, plastic. And not only in the afternoon, we finally have the first night. It is to be stationed
hours before the doors of the houses, ring doorbells, telephones to talk to, interview neighbors, the greengrocer of trust, the school friend. But never, even for a moment you think to apologize for the crap that has run on that girl threw up a few hours before.
... ContinuaLa deriva del sistema dei media ormai ha superato ogni limite di decenza, ecco l'ultimo scoop de Il Giornale sulla Marcegaglia, la quale comunque non è propriamente uno stinco di santo, basti pensare agli affari del suo gruppo sulla gestione dei rifiuti e sugli inceneritori, dal blog
Non leggere questo Blog
il dettaglio delle notizie oggi in edicola:
Shock in tutt'Italia: ricoverati centinaia e centinaia di lettori del Giornale.
[Clicca e ingrandisci]
Non hanno retto il colpo. Così, a tradimento. Early in the morning. They waited with hungry desire to be able to browse
Mark Cedolin The inept and parasitic ruling class of our country has grown accustomed to all sorts of short-circuit logical reason why we should not be surprised about anything, talk to him daily cataloging exposed to photographer by trade policy, trade unionists and many borrowers, the circle of meaningless utterances good only for creating the resulting material which are routinely filled with various telebugia rag and our own. no surprise, therefore, the learned dissertations experienced in these days by public figures in terms of violence, aimed at prophecy the danger of a return (return?) Of violence in the country, a result of events "very disturbing" and that poisoning undermine the social climate. No surprise, but lead us to think that these gentlemen are now firmly convinced of dealing with a mass of telericoncoglioniti totally devoid of any ability to discern between the real and the virtual world, a homogeneous mass, amorphous, totally devoid of any critical spirit and yearning for dignity. A
uomo come Bonanni, sindacalista al servizio di Confindustria e notorio "coniglio" che qualche anno fa in Val di Susa rifiutò il confronto civile con un paio di centinaia di manifestanti NO TAV, lasciando che fosse il deputato del PDL Roberto Rosso a dialogare civilmente con i cittadini, senza che questi naturalmente gli torcessero un capello, è assurto al ruolo di martire di un' inenarrabile escalation di violenza, dopo avere ricevuto qualche fischio e un fumogeno (non pietre e tubi innocenti) durante l'ospitata alla torinese festa del PD.
La CISL da lui presieduta, si dichiara vittima di episodi di "squadrismo molto grave" e oggetto d'inusitata violenza, ...
... dopo che i muri della sua sede romana sono were dirty this morning with eggs and red paint, a small group of protesters who accuse the union of a line of conduct Bonanni too flat and condescending with the dictates of Confindustria and Fiat. A
do fear the plight of a country now on the brink of violence, has also contributed a few days ago "terrible" journalist of the ambush occurred Free Maurizio Belpietro, pursued (as he himself pointed out) because a journalist in one piece who has the courage to write things that are troubling.
who had not followed the story would be inclined to think that the indomitable Belpietro is miraculously escaped with gunshot wounds gunman at close range by an attacker, a Because of its articles that exposed the fraud of the September 11 attacks, attacked the financial policies of the EU and bring to light crimes relating to the illegal disposal of toxic waste. None of this, the hero in a nutshell Maurizio Belpietro never had close contact with some attacks. Contact (or presumed such) took place between an agent of his escort and a mysterious man with a gun in his hand, on the stairs of the apartment building where he lives Belpietro, while the same was to get the facts within their closed his apartment. Belpietro Neither has ever written anything that is independent from political mash of gossip and stories that now are at the heart of the confrontation between right and center centro sinistra.
... Continua
Le ultime notizie da L'Aquila raccontate da
Trentotto Secondi
Oggi mentre seguivo una lezione per imparare ad usare una piattaforma che servirà per migliorare la didattica integrativa tramite e-learning, il discorso è scivolato sull’Aquila. Il simpatico e giovane docente, che non è aquilano, ma da un po’ di giorni la raggiunge, mi ha detto che al di fuori della città non si sa nulla, se non a grandi linee. Era abbastanza stupito di dover programmare il suo viaggio verso L’Aquila la mattina presto: si è realized the complete chaos that reigns in traffic and did not remember that.
So I explained the situation of university students and all citizens missing. Speaking talking the talk has shifted to the question taxes. "But really paid? And for what? "Then I understand that by Jan. 1 we also give back what they" politely "we were given. Would not believe it! "These things do not know dall'Aquila out."
So I decided to write this short post.
"What do you want? Not paying taxes? ". Yes, we seem to hear a myriad of people that say this. Well, then come to L'Aquila. Or rather undefined in this agglomeration of people who still insist to be called Aquila. Come and see.
Apart from reconstruction to many of you started, or at least, considered difficult and slow, there are people (not me, thankfully) who have lost their jobs, their businesses. Small businesses, shopkeepers and artisans. They had no facilitation. Yet they are paying taxes and have to return them.Queen was recruited, and during his military service, has suffered sexual abuse. Now is a great obese, has a husband and five children. He decided to enlist in the Marines to feel closer to his deceased father who had fought in Vietnam. Already in training camp for the men realized that they were not real soldiers, but only entertainment. During exercise it started raining and all the men went indoors, but not women: "So you reinforced" laughed. Half of the women two days after he had pneumonia. During the inspection, the rooms the top put your hands in the laundry and sniffed her panties. Regina was raped during a weekend away from home base. There were two, and went on all night after having drugged. Marines. The victims are mostly girls, often struggling with their first experience away from home. Becoming a soldier is the only way to get an education and the only way to do certain jobs that otherwise would never be able to get. For many it is also a way to escape family problems, to abusive parents. For these women to enlist is like falling from the frying pan into the fire.
... Continue
Napoli,4 ottobre 2010 Festa di San Francesco D'Assisi, the singer created the waste in the Campania want to live 'this was the week that blew up the big lie waste in Naples. In July 2008, Berlusconi announced on TV that the tragedy of 'monnezza'in Campania was resolved. This week the' rubbish 'in the street (Naples and province), and rebellion of people against Boscoreale Terzigno and discharges into the National Park of Vesuvius have deflated the 'balloon' media. In the seventeenth first commissioner, we must admit that we are in the waste crisis. I experienced first hand the dramatic week that saw the imposition of another rebel Vesuvian towns dump their territory, the Cava Vitiello, which could contain 15 million tonnes of waste. This National Park of Vesuvius! The European Union itself has held that "an aberration". On the afternoon of Sunday, September 25, I was in Boscoreale (adjacent to the landfill), to bring my / our solidarity with the people that the previous night had been beaten to blood by the police and the mayor who was on hunger strike. That peaceful civil resistance and had clashed with police who clubbed unarmed demonstrators with their hands raised. These people humiliated and wounded, came as a balm to the bishop's words Depalma Nola (NA): "The church is in solidarity with the thousands of people these days just protest to defend their land and their life. This protest is sacrosanct and is not influenced in any way, or arising from the presence Camorra. To say that the Camorra is behind the protest is only to create an alibi to hide the weaknesses or deficiencies in the institutions. "At night, we walked with so many people to the roundabout of Via Panoramica, countries where the citizens of Vesuvius ( Boscoreale, and Boscotrecase Terzigno) have set up a garrison. Accompanied us in this way a nauseating smell of the landfill, which reminded me of the "stink" unsustainable landfill Korogocho (Nairobi-Kenya)! It 's a "stink" that envelops all countries Vesuvian e fa vomitare la gente. In prossimità della discarica , ad accoglierci ci sono i poliziotti anti-sommossa, armati fino ai denti. Il confronto con i poliziotti diventa serrato. C’è chi urla, chi piange, chi chiede spiegazioni, chi insulta.”Caricatemi-urla una donna che fronteggia la polizia.
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Sull'informazione un altro autorevole commento, dal blog di
Alessandro Robecchi : Editoriale - Una risata ci seppellirà
L’orchestrina che suonava sul Titanic, pur con l’acqua alle ginocchia, aveva almeno il suo stile. Le filastrocche zozze delle osterie cantate da ebbri, pur terribili, contengono qualcosa di schiettamente popular. Just as the petty-petty Italy at the bell and gave birth between localism vulgar reproach so at least his literary characters, the Don Camilli, the Pepper, the cumenda, the "Theron," petty stuff but real gold compared to the disgusting skit aired yesterday in the shadow of Deputies. "The covenant of pajata," write the news, and we wallow in what is called "soft information" that swell the news. Oxtail versus polenta, rigatoni and lambrusco, unwilling to seal the truce between the League and the fart GENERON Roman, including the boss of the middle finger el'Alemanno small mayor of a big city-small-large Polverini governatice in a vernacular (we see, Annam ...) beside which Sora Lella seems to Rita Hayworth. The power disguised as common people, and he more crude and vulgar, and at the same time disgusting pretense of a meeting that duty, the two powers who hate and are forced to go hand in hand in order not to collapse the castle, not to end process in the head, bring home the conflicting interests which are held up like precarious buildings, each resting on weak inadequacy of the other.
Calderoli with his mouth full, Polverini that take Bossi, La Russa and Gasparri Gasparri aggressive as usual, cross-dialect and gastro-territorial claims, in a huge drawing by Grosz that describes all the repugnance and disgust of a worn-out and full power, incapable of any challenge that is not vulgar and insulting. Weimar, by comparison, seems to Mickey Mouse. Too easy ironies about this cross between slum and Bagaglino, this intertwining of cultural poverty that reigns in the country, and crushes him. Movies of the fourth order absolute and vulgarity, as well as the jokes of the supreme leader and his wealth. The trap is well known: the color, the satirical note, the sneer that the laughter and tears punish or try to do so. But it is not - this time - to fall into a trap. Too easy and too little, and even impossible - it must be said - put in jest that power any more than lui stesso. Intorno, dietro, accanto, un Paese impoverito e stanco, bloccato dalle cricche, senza modernità, neppure più quella feroce del mercato, ridotto a trastulli di potentati etnico-affaristici.
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Nell'ultima puntata di Anno Zero Luigi De Magistris è stato lungamente attaccato verbalmente dalla signora Santanchè, da Pyperita un gustoso commento:
Chi si accontenta gode
immagine tracie 76
Surely loyalty to his master gives good results, and if you call a little 'in dignity if those who care: I would, however, a suggestion, instead of human beings could use trained monkeys, they do the same service and are satisfied with just a few bananas.
The center-left and the frantic search for a foreign pope, Michele Serra suggests some candidates:
Elimination of a Pope foreign
Dario Franceschini
If you vote in March, the candidate who will be prime minister of the center? The internal candidates the Democratic Party ready to come out and challenge Bersani are about thirty, all of the Bersani. Added to the veltroniani, the prodiani, the franceschiniani and Anjou, a component in sleep for centuries but now decided to resume its role within the left. The primaries, given the number of candidates, should provide six qualifying rounds robin and a final to be played at the Colosseum at night con leoni veri e diritto al pollice verso per i delegati. Ma si dubita di fare in tempo: per questo prende sempre più corpo l'ipotesi di un "papa straniero", esterno al Pd. Vediamo i nomi dei principali papabili.
Karl Aroldsen È il segretario dei laburisti norvegesi. Quarantenne, trilingue, fisicamente prestante, colto, intelligente, onesto, sposato con una bellissima modella ma anche omosessuale, amatissimo dal popolo, un computer dell'università di Yale lo ha indicato come il miglior leader di sinistra del mondo, e i sondaggi lo danno al 70 per cento in qualunque paese si presenti. Aveva accettato con entusiasmo di venire in Italia, presentando un programma formidabile e un governo di soli premi Nobel, ma the veto of Arturo Parisi sent everything upstream.
Bachisio Suribonis
is a Sardinian shepherd, have-nots: Neither does the sheep, and bears only the grazing cattle to the loan. He does not understand anything about politics, and his chances of being elected are listed in 1 billion from bookmakers, which has the same chance of being elected to the Quirinale Platinette. Despite this, his candidature gains weight from day to day because the poor would be the first of which is the name as a candidate of the Italian left.Zingaretti is the third brother, the youngest. It has been suggested to him after the name of the two elder brothers, the actor and the politician Luca Nicola, had split and veltroniani dalemiani. Bruno pleases both camps, and even Arturo Parisi assured that it would not object to your application. The only problem is that it is fourteen years old and would hate to leave the school. ... Continue
By popular demand, the tasty recipes from home Bagheera :
chops fried eggplant
Molli Readers, turgid players. Baghi is never a dick. But when he does something he does by God's hands and platinum are all good (apart from the origami porn agree with me that require years of specific courses). Thus, for Categories:
recipes Sister Baghi
and for the series''
fried bono is also a donkey
,''Today we're making together the
chops fried eggplant . First of all revenues in the perfect mood: make sure that your partner has thoroughly cleaned the kitchen so that the oil spill on the wall and the stove will cause a certain level of joy and not wasted. joker make sure that the partner has not replaced the vegetable oil with the juice of aloe for smoothing calluses stubborn sure that your pets are not going around you to break your cock and about to get on the stove to avoid create fireballs spinning
as always, do not wash your hands
- gives character to the dish.
- ingredients and procedure:
- get yourself some good round eggplants, those that are not really purple but a little 'bluish. In essence, the testes of transgenic smurf.
- you also need an egg, possibly pick up one from not smerdacchiato chicken with dryness anal laughingstock of the whole chicken, and bread crumbs, which honestly I could do by yourself with dry bread that kept for 8 weeks in the pantry to give to the pigeons to kill them choking. then take a frying pan, the one you use to beat your sweetheart on Coppino when he comes home drunk believed to be an elf pilgrim who has exaggerated with the infusion of nettle, and a bit 'with oil seed , olive or what c'avete.
peel the eggplant as you would a potato, with the skull of Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia and make it into slices.
... Continue
- Giusi Vanella a great writer, from his blog
- quotes:
- Bacco, tobacco and Venus
The pessimist believes all women are immoral;
the optimist hopes so. (Anonymous)
The kiss of a woman can not trace in the soul, but he always leaves the
collar jacket.
(EJ de Poncela) Women perverse tempt us. The good women bore us. Here's the difference between them . (O. Wilde)
With plump women it takes longer because you have to slow down on curves . (G. Vanella)
To be truly happy a woman needs three lovers: one for the checks, for a chic and one for the shock. (E. Duclos)
Latest citations Spinoza:
Orc uncle
Lodo Alfano, and the Future of Freedom "yes" without emphasis ". The same defensive line for Priebke. "
. After approval will be limited to uncork a Tavernello. Launch Campaign
home of Team Freedom. Commenced:
"has some prejudices against the heads of state under investigation?" .
Missionaries of freedom of the PDL will present the results of the government to each family. Stealing their time well.61mila militants of the majority will run throughout Italy, from house to house. Typical of those who are certain that he was still consenso.
“Passeremoalla storia come il governo che ha sconfitto la mafia” , ha detto Berlusconi confermando l’abitudine a concludere con una bestemmia le sue storielle. ... Continua
Da Monaca Bastarda un simpatico animaletto:
Il Kobra col sale
se lo mangi fa male perchè non si usa così
OroFiorentino :
Le immagini rubate di Daphnuti :
The Polverini refuses to accept the mayors who are protesting against the closure of a large number of hospitals in Lazio (as if they had a few already so) and called the police who come immediately identifiable - as if they were criminals of the first category - the demonstrators.
You return to the old methods of Grandma ... from headaches to cancer, a beautiful pass and purge everything.
And the fascist purges are experts!
Pill Day: From
Lilabella a wish for the weekend with Negrita
What noise is happiness?
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