The planet has enough energy to sustain life for millions and millions of years venire.La question is whether these new generations will have the desire and will to achieve this new industrial revolution. Let describe the situation. I had the privilege to develop the launch of the Third Industrial Revolution to the EU, creating a development plan based on five pillars. Pillar: The EU has committed to transform 20% of renewable energies in 2020. It is a great challenge but is mandatory, each Member State must achieve this within ten years. According pilasstro: There are millions and millions of buildings in Italy and across Europe: homes, offices, factories, shopping malls, industrial plants that can be converted to energy power plants that collect around their buildings: the sun, wind, heat from the ground. Ora abbiamo 91 milioni di costruzioni in tutta l’Unione Europea. Se proviamo ad immaginare cosa può voler dire convertire ognuna di queste costruzioni in una piccola centrale energetica , possiamo iniziare a capire l’enorme potenziale che si potrebbe ottenere. Ma tutto ciò deve essere basato sulla sostenibilità, non sulla speculazione. Terzo pilastro: Abbiamo bisogno di raccogliere l’energia prodotta, perciò dobbiamo impegnarci in tutta la UE all’ uso dell’idrogeno per stoccare le energie rinnovabili . Perché il sole non sempre splende, e il vento non sempre soffia. Sono energie a intermittenza. Perciò l’idrogeno come mezzo di stoccaggio ci permette di raccogliere these energies and use them for electricity when we actually need. Fourth Pillar: This is an extremely interesting. We are going to use the same technologies which underlie the Internet, the very same technologies in Italy and Europe to build a distribution network that works just like the Internet. So there will be millions of people who produce their own energy, energy " green" in their buildings and around them. The hydrogen will store energy that do not use the energy surplus can be shared through a network of intelligent distribution. You can share the energy con milioni di altre persone. Perciò, proprio perché le nuove generazioni stanno crescendo con l’idea di poter condividere i propri archivi digitali attraverso internet, possiamo dire a questa generazione: “ Ora avete questa opportunità, questa responsabilità, di produrre energia nei vostri edifici, nelle vostre case, nei vostri luoghi di ritrovo, di raccoglierla attraverso l’idrogeno come se salvaste i vostri media digitali, dopodiché condividere quella che non vi serve ”. Quinto pilastro: I primi veicoli elettrici sono comparsi quest’anno. I primi veicoli a idrogeno usciranno nei prossimi due anni. E le persone saranno in grado di “ disconnettere ” le proprie auto, camion, autobus per poi connetterli alla rete di distribuzione del Paese per prelevare elettricità oppure restituirla alla rete. ... Continua L'altra domenica nella trasmissione di Riccardo Iacona "Presa Diretta" si parlava di donne e di come esse vengano emarginate e sfruttate nel nostro paese, Il blog Vita da Streghe ne parla in questo post: L'insostenibile tentazione di levare le tende "Così abbiamo detto ai papà, prendere o lasciare: se il padre non usufruisce della sua quota (ndr: di congedo per paternità) , la famiglia perde le weeks, are not paid, the mother can not use them instead of her husband and we have established by law. By law. "
last night entitled " SENZADONNE ." Harsh confrontation between us and Norway, where Iacona has seen fit to go to interview neopapà parental leave (in addition to drop in at several other places, such as such as a television editorial). To say or to reiterate that in Norway men and women raising the children together and work together to domestic activities (and woe be to remove the proud father the right to build a strong relationship with their children!) and find that the public television ever, ever, you can see women who do not speak or half-naked because there "has the talent."
seems to be on another planet but no. Not the Wonderland but a state, not too far away, they just decided to promote equality between people of different sex, and that looks a bit ', makes me feel all better.
di mettere a disposizione della città, in attesa che sia ripristinata la nostra casa, il Municipio, spazi adeguati pur se provvisori, possibilmente a Piazza Palazzo o Piazza Duomo, con opportune verifiche di sicurezza dei percorsi.
Vi abbiamo chiesto di
poter disporre di uno spazio (regolamentato), che sia una tensostruttura o un prefabbricato, ove riunirci per lo svolgimento di assemblee, consigli comunali e ogni consesso nel quale si discutano atti pubblici.
To date we have received no responses of any kind. E 'intention to claim to have my personal response to the request. We need a place, now more than ever, it is proved useful as it was the tent that we used up to a month ago. For assemblies, to the cultural, for conferences and debates. A place that exists in other towns or villages, but not here in L'Aquila. I will try to get an answer, immediate, reliable. If you do not receive the same response or had negative or smoky or time is too long, I will work with my fellow citizens to start a subscription throughout Italy for the purchase of a marquee. ... Continue
street artists have always been considered second-class characters, but their art has nothing to envy to the great artists of cinema and TV, lover Monaco wrote a post on ' subject: ON THE ROAD I love the street performers, awaken the soul of each city, creating a timeless glimpse on a gray flatness and svalvolante. Sometimes they are acrobats or jugglers, singers and musicians, living statues and mimes, dancers ... We find them on street corners or at traffic lights with their clubs or are looking for .... creating poetry in the traffic and smog, a tent on the dreams that we have buried within us and, by their gestures by strolling players, reactivate them for brief moments ... intense
probably not fair to make comparisons, but it takes great courage to jump into the crowd anonymous , often made by people rude and ignorant, that they considered beggars. ... Continue
The famous Stockholm syndrome described by SuzieQ :
Stockholm Syndrome
It takes a post-liberation, we want to own! That leaves the chest in an explosive, like those made famous in film burps, see what the legendary Monte Carlo Fantozzi when accompanied by his employer, the Count Duke Vattelapesca. Remember when forced to down a crate of bottles of Perrier sparkling mineral water? Here's what! Or even one that shoots Terence Hill Trinity after eating a pan of beans stews. If the burp was so I dare not think about the rest .... Well, I have already drained half bottle of Coke (those 1-liter and a half) I will not burp because I'm an educated person and also because I would not want anyone to think of a sudden volcanic eruption, while leaving in My immeasurable generosity and devoted himself wholeheartedly to Silvio Berlusconi. I want you to enfold everything and drag it away on a desert atoll? No, it could happen to believe that The Island of the Famous "and begins to do clown. Ruttifero No better than the wind drag it to Pluto and then leave it there forever.
I have learned ... Recently I learned many new things. 1) I learned that those who say that stress makes you fat says bullshit. And I was one that he said it. Though inside me, deep in my soul gross lies, I was perfectly aware that maybe if I had not eaten Chinese Mondays and homemade ravioli from my mother on Sunday, the stress would not have made you fat. Therefore, I declare to the world, that stress lose weight.
2) I learned that after two weeks of continuous high-heeled shoes murderess, the wounds will heal, become turf and do not tolerate any more. And you do not have to spend billions more patches to fix the heel. And you never have to hide behind the corner office to replace the dancers with decolletes. 3) I learned that, put a strappona-time on the train and ten minutes-materialize a good steak than eighty pounds. No, I speak not strappona I am. Even as we all know why-me-not approach steers. They approach the dwarves. I said, during one of my (many) trip, I sat next to a blonde with her tits and mouth to larynx height boat that then-thanks to the help of my friend to whom I sent the photo via iphone-I found to be soubrette a disgrace. However, apart from having made it known to the world of his photo shoot in a nightclub in Rome, was very amusing to observe the attachment of the beef that went from "I'm sorry, I was snoring by chance" (no, but I miss sleeping, ox bad) to "the horror that sell these sandwiches on the red arrow, so fat." Except then be thrown out at the height of Florence because it had no ticket. Beautiful figure of shit, good. ... Continue operational plans devised by some eminent personalities to save miners in Chile, told by Lia Celi
What is it that makes mine go in San Jose?
Locked in a gut-sac, have hit rock bottom and must also dig: the twinning between the Italians and thirty-three miners trapped in mine in Chile's San Jose is already in practice. The difference is that in order to bail out the miners that someone is going seriously. The state company Chilean Enap has an entire alphabet of the Serbian plan of salvation, suggestions from around the world. Plans have already been tempted from A to D, but the alphabet is still long. Here are some of the most original.
large bad luck, with alien invasion, the return of Godzilla and a few years in prison for corruption). Bertolaso \u200b\u200bThe plan has three phases: a) ensure che a San Josè ci sia un centro-benessere con massaggiatrici brasiliane in bikini rosso, b) far assegnare agli amici i lavori di trivellazione e c) accusare tutti gli altri soccorritori presenti e futuri di non saper fare il loro mestiere. «Sarà una grande vittoria anche salvare una sola vita umana,» assicura, riferendosi alla sua, che verrà seriamente minacciata dalla furia dei parenti dei minatori intrappolati.
deciso ad accreditarsi come statista mondiale, il leader libico, già installato sul posto con la sua leggendaria tenda bianca, sostiene che l’unica speranza per i lavoratori è la conversione all’Islam, e ha fatto inviare in fondo alla miniera San Jose thirty copies of the Koran. "In the mines named after the Prophet there's never an accident," said the Rais, one of the long speeches that held daily with a loudspeaker on the well's mouth, and to be suspended because the miners, exasperated, taking titles in the walls already faltering of the tunnel. Gaddafi also heartened by their wives: "You can always answered with a Libyan. Indeed, since many are, say at least two Libyans. "
Plan D as Satan. To reach the gallery from below rather than from the top: the devilishly simple idea of \u200b\u200bthe Lord of Hades, whose realm is located just 50 meters from the mine, 700 against the surface. Satan said he was ready now to provide workers with thirty-fine cuisine and vintage wines, and a life of ease and wealth, in return, of course, a firmetta with blood on some parchment smelling of sulfur. To negotiate with the miners left the dictator Augusto Pinochet, now a welcome guest from Hell 2006: "The pact with the devil works, muchachos," he said to the poor, terrified, "with what I did to Chile would have ended lynched thirty years ago. But I died in my bed at ninety, and with a wealth of millions and millions of dollars. " From Marilicia ode to summer that it VA: Summer
Beautiful, more beautiful life
you, summer. Warm, warmer love, like love and
disappear in a puff. You
following autumn, to mourn the sadness of your order.
From Vauro the latest news on our national political landscape:
Le riflessioni di
Enteroclisma :
Siamo alle solite.
Il piccolo premier non riesce proprio a tener chiusa quella bocca, fonte di bestialità che hanno reso noi ed il nostro paese ridicoli agli occhi di tutto il mondo.
Ancora una barzelletta - vecchia del resto - a cui persone di scarse capacità critiche ridono servilmente.
Ma la bestemmia con cui finisce la storiella ci crea una domanda ...
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