Saturday, October 16, 2010
Cm5 Days Before Period
Above: Image taken from blog
Erma Bombeck

Terzigno: An example to follow
For weeks now the citizens of neighboring towns Terzigno and take to the streets to protest against the opening of yet another landfill in their territory, are systematically clubbed by the police but not prepared to suffer and once again stand by and watch the devastation their territory, from the blog
, perchè want to oppose with all its forces to open a second landfill in the territory in which they live is part of the Vesuvius National Park.
If the crazy idea which is to build a landfill in a National Park was not already insane action by itself can justify the reaction of any citizen capable of understanding and willing, if not yet lobotomized by barbaglianti screens of crap and nonsense barbaglianti of progress, you might also add that because of the landfills in the country can breathe now a rotting stench, the fruit grows with mutations worthy of a horror film and even the birds in the vineyards to dare " taste " l'uva. La scorsa notte centinaia di cittadini di Terzigno, fra un blocco stradale e una scarica di manganellate, ...
... hanno organizzato una protesta tanto pacifica quanto incisiva, consistente nel bruciare all'interno dei bidoni usati per riscaldarsi le proprie tessere elettorali.
Partendo dai camion che sversano la munnezza e passando attraverso le forze dell'ordine abituate ad "accarezzarli" ogni sera, sono in pratica risaliti ai mandanti da cui derivano i loro problemi, realizzando come l'unica azione sensata consista nello smettere (con un pò di sforzo disintossicarsi si può) di dare deleghe in bianco ad omuncoli e parassiti abituati ad amministrare la cosa pubblica nell'interesse privato.
Il gesto naturalmente ha avuto un carattere dimostrativo, volto ad evidenziare lo stato di esasperazione in cui versa la popolazione, ma la strada scelta è senza dubbio quella giusta.
... Continua
Su Terzigno e quello che sta succedendo il video realizzato da
Valigia Blu
Nell'inferno di Terzigno
Guido Bertolaso per risolvere l'emergenza rifiuti della Campania.
was a former landfill, the residents of Vesuvius have been waiting for the remediation and were left without a word to reopen, with the promise that within a year the volume of contributions would be reduced to a minimum with the entry into operation of the incinerator of Acerra . Too bad that, to date, partly functions: two out of three lines are inactive while the single line running last week stopped for a failure. It seems to happen often. For that sacrifice the municipalities affected by the landfill would have received compensation, money that never arrived.
arrive at the landfill along a path made up of auto-compacting on fire during one of the protests and parked there leachate to leak and dark liquids. On either side of the road what must be one of the most beautiful places in Italy, miles of vineyards, orchards, olive trees and completely covered with peanut powder, in a violent embrace of beauty and ugliness. As if the breath of death had blown up all that much of God The smell is unbearable, indecent, shocking. The landfill SARI is a protected area by the military, inaccessible, but on the one hand you can see everything, getting up on some railings flanking a handling, especially where children are riding.
It's huge and makes you feel before the immensity of the Vesuvius National Park
L'Italia è il maggior consumatore al mondo di acqua in bottiglia, una follia, il nostro paese è il luogo dove le multinazionali delle bibite realizzano affari colossali, dal blog Il Cambiamento :
Acqua in bottiglia? No, grazie. Ecco perché conviene bere dal rubinetto
L'acqua potabile che esce dal rubinetto di casa è sottoposta a controlli costanti e in molti casi si rivela di qualità superiore rispetto a quella in bottiglia. Ciononostante il 'belpaese' continua ad essere il maggior produttore al mondo di acqua in bottiglia, e gli italiani i suoi maggiori consumatori, con una spesa annua per famiglia che si aggira attorno ai 300 euro.
di Andrea Degl'Innocenti
- 12 Ottobre 2010
Si calcola che una famiglia media italiana spenda circa 300 euro l'anno in acqua minerale. Un quarto di questa cifra sarebbe sufficiente a realizzare tutti i lavori di riparazione e ammodernamento di cui necessita la rete idrica
Ci sono storie che a raccontarle quasi non ci si crede. Sentite questa. È la storia di un paese ricchissimo d'acqua, uno dei più ricchi al mondo. Ci sono fiumi e torrenti, laghi e ghiacciai, underground aquifers that are laying off huge jets of clear water. This country, just think, 'was also the first in which they built monumental aqueducts that brought water from the mountains in city squares.
For years the water reaches the homes of citizens. Here,
drinking water quality is excellent
, and its price, given the wide availability, rather low. Here, found it hard to believe, but this country is the world's largest consumer of bottled water. That's right, the98 percent of its inhabitants - almost all in short - usually buy bottled water.
This water is drawn to source to private firms, they are even appropriating a public good
- groundwater are public - do not pay royalties for bottling, or they are paying ridiculous. Then sell it at high prices to the citizens that the same water that belong rightfully theirs.... Continue
The public debt has reached the hyperbolic figure of 1843 billion euro, each of us is in debt from birth, the ruthless analysis
Byoblu: Public debt record. Half a million per family.
public debt reached a record $ 1.843 trillion
euro. What do you want to be? Trifles. Each of you has
120 000 €. Add in the mortgage, the rate for the machine, the rate condominiums, school books, the refectory, pencils, paper, and now even the banks (through Mariastella), the course for your daughter lapdance and feast for the eighteen years of your child, then your real debt is at least half a million
€ per family.
... ContinueMichael Moore for the revival of the Democrats, the newspaper article Unit: Elections: "Dear Obama .. Five tips for your trust " Less than a month to the elections and the outlook is catastrophic. On 2 November the Democratic Party should come out from the polls with broken bones. Sad to say, but they wanted - even though the Democratic majority is not responsible the dreadful situation in which we stand. But they had a year and a half to put things on track. But from the day they won the elections have been driven by fear. For many, the sticks that are about to receive is well deserved.
But if you are convinced that a return to the "harmful" of 2001-2008 would be sheer madness, then we have no choice but to save the Democrats from themselves. (Memo to Michael Moore for President Obama and the Democratic Party.
Subject: what they must do for the Democrats back on top by 20 November).
1. Launch an immediate message by all means TV commercials, Internet video and appearances televisione - per ricordare alla gente chi è stato l’artefice del disastro nel quale ci troviamo. Noi americani abbiamo la memoria corta (Una rapida verifica: a chi è andato l’anno scorso l’Oscar per il miglior film? Alla finale di baseball? Risposta esatta). Alla gente va ricordato continuamente che sono stati i REPUBBLICANI a scatenare due inutili guerre invadendo due Paesi stranieri e facendo affrontare all’America il conflitto più lungo della sua storia. E poi bisogna ricordare agli elettori che queste guerre ci verranno a costare oltre 3.000 miliardi di dollari. Bush & Co. hanno anche causato il più grande tracollo economico dai tempi della Grande Depressione. A Hollywood non conosco una sola persona that would be unwilling to free produrvi these commercials. Friends Democrats please stop doing the "uptight and boring," and sing it clear to those bastards! The people will be impressed when they see that you have found the courage and the guts to speak out. We want you to be Muhammad Ali, not Ally McBeal.
2. Prosecute criminals
announced that the Ministry of Justice intends to condemn both the economic crisis is responsible for those who have profited from wars. And this thing called by its name: organized crime. Do not get care from using the special law on organized crime and any other law may be helpful. Be sure to make it pay dearly to those who have rubato miliardi di dollari e la gente vi amerà. Vogliamo «Dirty Harry» (NdT, Uscito in Italia con il titolo di «Harry Callaghan») e non «Dirty Dancing».
3. Annunciate una moratoria sul pignoramento degli immobili
Nel mese di agosto i pignoramenti di immobili hanno battuto ogni precedente record. È andata peggio che in tutti i mesi dell’anno terribile 2009. L’emorragia non è stata fermata - anzi è peggiorata. Ed ora due delle principali organizzazioni criminali responsabili di aver cacciato di casa centinaia di migliaia di persone (la GMAC e la JPMorgan Chase) sono state costrette ad interrompere momentaneamente le esecuzioni degli sfratti. Siamo venuti a sapere che non dispongono dei titoli di proprietà delle case che vogliono pignorare. Siamo alla follia! Quindi se questa settimana volete fare qualcosa per il ceto medio, fate questo. Ci metterete non più di un’ora a scrivere il provvedimento e a renderlo esecutivo. Preferiamo guardare La vita e’ meravigliosa che Poltergeist.
... Continua
Lo sfruttamento delle donne in campo pubblicitario è cosa risaputa, dal blog
Il Corpo delle Donne
una delle tante iniziative per contrastare questo barbaro e incivile metodo di propaganda:
Cetrioli? No, grazie.
Protestare serve, eccome. Come abbiamo più sometimes repeatedly said, to express its strong disagreement is, and how!
soon publish a list of "protests ended well." Here's initiative
Letizia Ciancio, associations
Current Rosa and Equal
or disputes.
Letizia wrote an email to
IAP (Institute for Advertising Self-Regulation), and many other women have acted in a similar way, and protested against the publication of Sisley, the girl with the "end metaphor of the cucumber. Disturbing for the expression of the girl, reduced to objects of pleasure submissive. Nothing in liberating these ads che hanno solo scopo mercantile. Lo IAP ha Quindi: scrivete, denunciate, protestate. Facciamoci rispettare. E la liberazione dei corpi decidiamola noi, non facciamocela imporre dai pubblicitari in totale carenza di creatività.
IAP - Ingiunzione del Comitato di Controllo
Ingiunzione n. 103/2010 del 22/9/2010
Nei confronti di Benetton Group
Linea abbigliamento Sisley Mezzo
Stampa, affissioniArticoli violati
1, 9, 10
Il Presidente del Comitato di Controllo, visto il messaggio pubblicitario "Sisley - Let it flow," pointed to "Io Donna" cover-date September 4, 2010 - and on posters distributed in the city of Rome in September 2010, feels the same manifestly contrary to the Articles. 1, 9 and 10 Code of Conduct of Business Communication, as strongly suggestive and provocative, beyond the acceptable limits in a communication to the general public advertising such as that.
evidence, in fact, the exhibitionist and evocative nature of the representation, in which a woman is lying on the ground inside a supermarket surrounded by cucumbers, and with it comes an evocative to the mouth, tightening it between his teeth. The slogan reads: "Let it flow." Although there are no taboo subjects in advertising, there is no doubt that, in this case, the representation, for the phallic symbols unequivocal and explicit references to oral sex, is markedly indecent and vulgar, that transcend the limits of simple bad taste and decency, and to affect the target audience, revealing a violation of Article. 9 of the Code. ... Continue
A L'Aquila is always an emergency, the blog Thirty Seconds what happens at the university
Students (2)
For some 'me for days understood to be angry (A bit 'too often) for matters concerning the University to which I belong. But the story comes from far away, so tell you about copying a letter I sent to the Senate September 27, 2009. And then I will explain the anger of a year later. Maybe I'll be biased, but I still do not understand why it fills the mouth with words such as "L'Aquila University" "The University for the revitalization of the city."
Dear all,
I am writing to describe a situation of what might be called "captain of all to me." Please read it through, makes you understand why that kind of cooperation we can be with the other institutions of città. Premetto che dopo l'avventura capitatami, ho chiamato un Consigliere Comunale che mi ha assicurato che trattasi di una mis-interpretazione, e che domani chiarirà, lo ringrazio, chiaramente, in anticipo. Oggi sono stata al DICOMAC per la pre-assegnazione del mio alloggio nel progetto C.A.S.E. (Cese di Preturo). Il mio nucleo è composto da me, due figli ed uno studente fuori sede che ho aggregato, come previsto nei moduli del censimento che, alla consegna, mi sono stati timbrati e firmati da un funzionario del Comune che, evidentemente, non ha riscontrato alcuna anomalia. Oggi nella verfica dei miei requisiti è emerso: che i miei documenti sono tutti validi
che è vero che lavoro L'Aquila
is true that I have two children that although the student had a lease in the red zone to adjust more renewable unless the first three months of denial (via the student lived in Rome and is alive a miracle) All
agree pre-allocated the house, then to the municipal officials is a doubt about the lease of the student aggregate, in the sense that they are not really many years (as provided by a strange remark that, mind you well, was not at all in the instructions for filling out forms) do not know if you can accept it. Needless to register my protest about the fact that students do not have long-term contracts, the limit sources.
... Continuethat hemp is the plant with which it can replace oil and its derivatives is well established that the oil companies and multinationals will boycott the cultivation and distribution is very well known, about the cultivation of hemp a fresh news items Fresh from the blog
The new Silicon Valley
A former building contractor in Oakland, California, fifty years has decided to change jobs: Silicon Valley has created a software which does not produce, but marijuana.
Con altri investitori ha comprato un'immensa area industriale dismessa e, col permesso del consiglio comunale, è pronto a trasformarla nella prima piantagione industriale indoor di cannabis, con un fatturato annuo iniziale di 100milioni di dollari, con nuovi posti di lavoro e l'incremento perciò delle entrate cittadine.
In California, come in altri Stati, da anni la marijuana terapeutica è legale, ma il consumo personale è considerato socialmente accettabile da molti cittadini e la legalizzazione pare vicina.
L'ex imprenditore vuole creare un prodotto differenziato, garantito e di qualità.
La marijuana è molto meno dannosa dell'alcool. Only Italy, among developed countries, is considered by law the same way as hard drugs, much to the delight of the drug mafias, while a few million consumers (growing) in addition to the jail at risk of pesticide poisoning.
... Continue
From Happysummer
the advertising of a film of the past:
Woman Who Lived Twice
The woman who lived twice the 1958 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Boys on a tasty story from the blog ArancioeBlu :
Although the practice of the lake,
she decides to go sailing. Start the engine and goes to a small distance off, throw the anchor and began to read his book. a Forest Guard arrived by boat.
GF: Good morning sir, what are you doing?
I'm reading a book -
she says, thinking seems obvious to me! GF: She is in a prohibited fishing area D:
I'm sorry, officer, but not I'm fishing. I'm reading.
GF: Yes, but it has all the equipment. As far as I know you could start at any time. I bring with me and report .
D: If he does, agent, I will denounce it for sexual harassment . GF: But if I have not even touched!
D: This is true, but it has all the equipment. As far as I know you could start
at any time.
GF: I wish Mrs. good day. And the guard walks away. Never argue with a woman who reads it is likely that know even thinking. (not new, but it is very effective)
The Misadventures of telephone Laborderie :
I wrote this morning: Right now, my right ear is assailed by moltomolto irritating jingle waiting for Vodafone.
_To info on promotions four hundred exotic names that we have available to you, press 1 _To info on free calls from abroad (as if she could really afford to go abroad .. AH AH AH), press 2 _To
complain of his Intenet Key, press 3_Ok, she will also talk with an operator, but, my dear, I can tell you that there is no traffic up there, a heavy traffic, so see well Flip down the wings and smoke a cigarette yet quietly, or maybe two, in fact, look, face that putting in place the room and try to even the socks last night launched under the bed. In the meantime, we look for someone who wants to stay c'abbia to hear his pathetic complaints. (ok, I just finished talking with the operator damn, that was really a gentle operator, so I'll tell you the rest) -Hello, I'm your kind operator and the number I have on my arm when I tatuatuo *****, has been taken in ultile what can I do?
Cara-friendly operator, I hope to have selected the correct number from your menu tremendously difficult, because I stick my intenet, and you have a problem.
-course, complaining customer, has selected its own right! Tell me what problem brings us so cheerfully talking to this beautiful morning, but be quick, please, because my shift is from 37 hours to finish, and I still have to move to take the 5 euros in salary which pay for my studies, know how.
['m in solidarity with the telcos, I'd be a viper terrible if I did this work]
-Well, here in this beautiful morning I would taken so I can connect to the Internet, to devote myself to that to which every good student / worker / unemployed (not to emphasize is, please, the fact that I belong to two of these categories) is devoted to study before starting / work / look for a tank of petrol which set themselves on fire to raise public awareness on the problem of unemployment: The Holy fuck.
... Continue
Our beloved Prime Minister has seen fit to inform us on the workings of his government in the first two years, it seems that every citizen will be delivered to the house of things done by the book 'Executive
Lia Celi
recounts other famous works of the past:
pro Silvio Volume her: the book on the first two years of the Berlusconi government already Prize nominee Bankruptcy
is it true that ...
La ricchezza assomiglia all'acqua di mare: quanta più se ne beve, tanto più si ha sete.
(A. Schopenhauer)
ma anche il potere....
L'adulazione è come l'acqua di Colonia:
è da annusare, non da bere.
(Iosh Billings)
Si paga caro l'acquisto della potenza: la potenza instupidisce. (Nietzsche)
Per riuscire,
la gente abusa tanto delle proprie qualità because of its defects.
(Charles Regismanset)
... Continue
From the blog LaRosaneraa
a nice vignette:
From Alidade image of a lady:
for me this lady is fantastic!
A thought of OroFiorentino
I had no logical desire. Inside of me only sadness. Now I found myself, with my pain that is not Cancela but who lives together with my sun.
thoughts and words dribbled
life and suffering.A game that .......
can not arbitrate.
tomorrow ............
read the result.
The Suspension Year Zero has sparked a massive protest by thousands of citizens across the country, the commentary of Vauro , in part because:
The suspension of Year Zero and our Prime Minister's comment
The premier small strikes again.
We have evidence in his favor, but not naming it costs us nothing on trust: he is happy and we are for him ...
Pill Day: Maddalena says Dante
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