Kenneth Horne.
Casalborgone 12 / 2 for lunch benefits Ippoasi
We held a lunch benefit to the association Ippoasi for Saturday, February 12 at Casalborgone (Torino), you can find all the references in
Facebook group or on ninomalgeri (or click in the upper sull'elefantino right in the blog)
During the day we will discuss on several points: the bloggers get to know us personally and begin to cooperate with us, help Ippoasi to keep the animals saved from the slaughterhouse, to spread the philosophy of a ' healthy nutrition and correct, and to learn about renewable energy and join the group purchase offer to all interested parties to subscribe to the cooperative group that will be created to build a cultural center and information described in blog, many people have already joined, please confirm your membership as soon as possible if you can not participate Physically, however, will appreciate your virtual membership, we'll keep everyone informed of developments ...
Visit the web page and if you are making a contribution to help the animals housed:
Your answer: attend · Share · Public event
Time: Saturday, February 12 · 10:30 to 17:00
Location: "Il Ciabot" Cerro Road, 31-10020 Casalborgone (Torino) www.ilciabot.it
If you want to help make this project to happen, copy this message and send it to your contacts Splinder, blogspot, facebook.
Speaking of sex scandals involving the premier small, many women were outraged at the exploitation and commodification of the female body, many events were held across Italy to protest and force the poor ' seventy men with severe mental disorders (it has already reported by the time his ex-wife Veronica Lario) to resign as chairman of the board, testimonies and appeals of these days:
From the blog Bewitched :
mobilization is neither women nor men
I do not think it makes sense today to speak only of women's movement, but as we've already written , development of a transverse movement both genres for generations. More. I think it makes sense to speak of a single large protest movement that has in itself different actors and different claims: are women, temporary workers, students, homosexuals, laid off, unemployed, pensioners, immigrants with no rights and all segments of the population suffer most from a system of power as old as the world, which is , in fact, also governed by a secular sexist discrimination. Women can bring their concerns within this large protest because our demands are the same as others see respected our rights.
The basic problem is not, in my opinion, only the commodification of women, but the widespread prostitution of a people increasingly forced to bend and yield their dignity in order to survive . A situation where women, as always, are the weakest link, what is more difficult and therefore more likely to be commercialized. Also because of an actual "campaign" detrimental to the media image of women, consecrated to eternal sexual object.
I keep thinking that does not make sense now to talk about women's issues in Italy. Because for every question there is one female that the male acts as a mirror , both sides of the same coin: the mentality of "crony-sexist-patriarchal
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Zanardo: raise their heads, all together over 74 thousand for the appeal of the Unit: signing too
studied in Monaco of Bavaria, was twenty and I looked at my German friends with a mixture of admiration and amazement. When I was offered something that did not convince me at all, when you invited me somewhere that did not interest me, so I could refuse to, but mine was always "No. .. thanks ... sorry but ... no 'and I smiled embarrassed the look down, do not be so worried about most welcome.
Benedikte, conversely, looked at his interlocutor in the eye and uttered a loud and very serious, "Nein, danke." I struggled against innate shyness, but it was not only that the reason for my discomfort, I felt it. Is that to her, Benedikte, did not seem to care much of the consent of his partner, at least not more than his personal welfare, it was clear what to make her feel good and what is not: he acted accordingly.
I have thought often of my German friend in these two years of militancy in the area, the months when I brought in schools and associations, universities and in the debates on video Women's bodies and the media education project New Eyes for TV.
I have met thousands of women of all ages and with them I tried to answer the questions that I put in the documentary "Why do not we rebel? Why not take to the streets? Why do we accept this humiliation continue? ".
Why not sex but it is now being proposed by the humiliation of our television at all hours: scorned women, women shot with the camera gynecology, women on all fours and hung like hams derided by presenters older girls and collegiate.
I'm interested in the responses of normal women, not just those involved, not to those who events there are always going, not the intellectuals. I am interested in the answers of the teachers quiet, housewives, the elderly seem to be invisible, little girls, those women of whom never speaks but which represent the majority of the population.
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From the blog Consumables :
It is not lawful

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From the Blog
Wit :
Hypocrisy is photogenic
La Repubblica called muster her readers (and later readers): send a photo against the "brothel" Berlusconi!E are already thousands of accessions. Dozens and dozens of photos of women more or less young, more or less pretty, often three-quarters, that everybody knows that the picture is better. Almost all
with a sign, a post-it, a sheet of notebook: am a woman and I say enough! The most brave
have used Photoshop.
Non so quante gallerie siano già disponibili, ma sono tante.
In fondo cosa c'è di meglio per combattere Berlusconi di una bella foto?
E ve lo dice una che a suo tempo abbracciò la Cuggia Lau per farsi la foto “orgogliose di essere coglione” (ed eravamo bellissime, non c’è che dire).
Quello che si chiede è dire che io non sono una puttana, che io sono una donna rispettabile, che mia figlia non la darò in pasto al drago.
Io donna per bene, tu troia, ovvero la divisione del mondo in categorie: donne per bene e donne per male, come se davvero could liquidate all in Madonnas and whores, as if there were a world in the middle ( do not know who the girl who makes these cartoons, but thank you to exist ).
The vast majority of those faces do not take to the streets with the workers of FIOM, because they are too extremist.
not going to the torchlight on violence against women, because they are only veterofemministi regurgitation.
not go to the principals spontaneous because there is no solid political base behind.
But the photo on the republic that will change the country!
A little 'as the signatures of the PD. One million signatures to oust Berlusconi, your photo against a world of whores and pimps.
Um, there's something I do not come back, though.
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The chamber rejected the request of prosecutors in Milan to search the office of the accountant Spinelli, an employee of the Knight of the girls involved in the payment of Arcor, the comment Byoblu :
The reopening of brothels
The Chamber, 315 in favor, 298 against, deny judges the search Spinelli's office. This means that such spaces are considered "political secretariat . As Spinelli, "political secretariat" of Berlusconi, lubricate a prostitution ring is worthy of a Nigerian, we deduce that the tasks of a political secretariat is also to provide the balance of paid sexual services. This is equivalent to formalize the prostitution of State.
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puttanaio In all this one thing is certain, the little premier should resign, and the ultimate weapon to force him to leave the chair will be the thousands of photos that will start to circulate, as documented Il Fatto Quotidiano :
il Papi desnudo
E' cominciata la riffa sulle foto senza veli di B. Avvocati e agenzie pronti a vendere lo scoop
Il presidente del Consiglio sa dell’esistenza di queste immagini e trema. È terrorizzato dalla possibilità che questi scatti decisamente compromettenti siano pubblicati. Teme quasi di più le immagini che circolano, incontrollate, che non il processo.
Le foto sono state scattate, in più occasioni, nelle residenze del presidente del Consiglio dai cellulari delle sue tante ospiti. In queste ore sono in corso trattative fra agenzie specializzate e alcuni settimanali per aggiudicarsi lo scoop che è forse destinato a cambiare la storia politica del Paese.
Un primo tentativo di piazzare sul mercato le foto c’è stato recentemente, ma è fallito. Qualcuno si è presentato presso un’agenzia del settore per vendere pochi scatti, ma eloquenti, pretendendo oltre un milione di euro. Era un intermediario che agiva per conto di una delle tantissime “papi girl” entrate in questi anni nelle residenze del premier. In una delle intended to place photos, Berlusconi appears without clothes, surrounded by some girls in a time when there are no explicit sexual acts. In other photos that circulated underground in a kind of auction, the President of the Council is also in the company of young women.
However, nothing but quiet after dinner with soft drinks and karaoke. Other dinners that innocent. With a deadline a bit 'old-fashioned, one can say that the photos are portraits in movement party "red light".
photos confirm the stories that some witnesses are in the interception and the written statements before the magistrates in Milan. TM, a friend of Nicole Minetti, gives a description of the dinners Arcore light years away from that provided by Berlusconi and investigations by defense counsel and Niccolo Ghedini Piero Longo . "It seems to be the Bagaglino but it's worse. A puttanaio. With Berlusconi, who touched the girls ass. Now if you do those things in the bedroom, your business, but just in front of everyone! I wonder, the next day, how he can work. "
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Clashes continue in Cairo between protestors and supporters of the anti-Mubarak regime. The latter broke into a hotel looking for foreign correspondents. A Swedish journalist was stabbed and is now serious. From last night the victims were more of ten. El Baradei: "No to dialogue if the President does not leave power" (source Done The Daily ), the popular uprisings are involving all the Maghreb, the testimonies of Luogocomune :
What happens in Egypt?
We said "transformation" and not "revolution", which makes the whole thing a thousand times more important Egyptian and of any significant armed uprising. The armed revolt normally express a general anger, instinctive and articulate, while the Egyptian people is proving to be very clear to both the causes and the purpose of his discontent. They do not want just the ouster of a dictator, to be replaced by another dictator disguised as a false progress, but want of precise and tangible changes in their daily lives: freedom of expression, civil rights, independent trade unions, and a standard of living for all that is at least decent.
Today in Egypt two thirds of the population lives with an average of two dollars a day, and this is inconceivable in a country that for decades have received support and financial aid by billions of dollars directly from the United States. E 'therefore evident that the support of the Americans ...
... do not serve the welfare of the population - when ever served that purpose, really? - But keep a regime that takes control in this population, against its own interests. A dictatorship of the imperialist master, in fact, even if disguised as enlightened leadership. Now that the Egyptians have understood, and that is why they will not accept a simple reshuffle "cosmetic" but that will go on until they see materialize before their eyes the changes that are looking for.
Another interesting aspect of the story is that there is no question of a "revolt" inspired by Islamic groups, as many might believe. As the "Muslim Brotherhood" has a certain consistency in Egypt, its leaders have been careful not to try to take the reins of a movement a thousand times larger than they could control: this is the ordinary people who protest, and whether they are atheists, Christians or Muslims has nothing to do. Indeed, in a very significant gesture, the "Muslim Brotherhood" has humbly united the protests, on Tuesday, acknowledging that this initiative did not originate from them.
It 'also important to note that the conflicts of today are not the result of a "flame" impromptu, but the product of a long run, made up of a growing social discontent, which started about six years ago. In 2004-2005 came the first popular movement, which protested "against the continuation of Mubarak's power and against the transfer of power to his son Gamal." Between 2006 and 2008 there was a series of more than 800 strikes in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe Delta, which involved not only students and workers, but also civil servants and government employees. The latest round of strikes, April 2008, was crushed in a brutal manner by the police, but the Egyptian people now understood what could be the strength of a popular uprising. A third moment of revolt was triggered in June 2010, killing of a student by the police, and brought a new wave of protests and a strengthening of the popular anti-government movement.
Thus we can understand better how the fuse of rebellion has been enough of Tunisia, marked by similar themes of social protest, to unleash a massive drop in the streets of the Egyptian people registered in those days.
social networks have also played an important role in all these years, contributing to the rapid spread of information that has come to unite the people of Egypt under one banner. Now of course, Mubarak has shut down the Internet in Egypt, but it is too late. People know clearly what he wants, and knows very well that can get it.
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And since Mom Blog :
We are more enslaved than those who made the pyramids
Greece, Tunisia, Egypt and now rebel against that titanic economy, where the third-class boats without drowning while in the first-class orchestra playing the trumpets of media propaganda. What does it take to make us react?
The theater of the fake democracy is throwing the mask: our systems of government are more like 800 aristocracies that the ideal of "government by the people of ancient Greece.
And the Greeks were the first to rebel, closely followed by Tunisia and now even the Egyptians, who are raising its head after years of dictatorship, recording nell'intellighenzia rebel nostrana only lukewarm support, confirming that the 'people's revolution only acceptable to the anti-system is done with grace and good manners , not too rowdy and possibly through the attorney and talk-show television.
But today more than ever, it is clear who is the enemy we face, and is not a midget mafia peeled and Mason with obvious behavioral problems in sexual and relational . The real target for anyone who cares about their own survival and their future and the 'plot transverse cracks and bipartisan, lobby, and micropotentati power groups that are gnawed from within Italy, and laid the foundations for the likely social and economic collapse that would lead us to slay among ourselves in a situation similar to that of Yugoslavia , where warlords and other caciques walked on the corpses of their countrymen to build their own highly personal wealth and power.
you really think people are ready to turn workers into slaves to their own advantage would have qualms about turning them into cannon fodder? You are still so deluded about the goodness, nobility, culture and education of a caste that held an entire nation by the balls across two millennia? You do not hear the voice echoing in the air Fantozzi says that "as human her ..." to treat each of these bands reserved for criminals?
The traitors who must be enabled to first do no harm to drag us into civil war are the exponents nobility of the capitalist who wants to steal money from his pocket in a thousand ways , sucking every penny from our work product. bankers are thieves who have stolen savings by selling waste paper from certified consultants hired and passed off as safe investments, are the lenders who put the noose around the neck of the mortgage those who dream of giving shelter to his family, are the truck drivers on duty and placed their puppets in parliament , who steal money from our taxes and preach the free market clinging to the roofs of State measures, are the powerful merchant , those who cheat us with their crap all products When we buy useless things, we use mobile phones at rates that idiotic, buy tickets to transport poor dear, to make gas at inflated prices, absurd figures to ensure that machines will never complete the installments. It is also the false intellectual antisystemic that we wallow in the system and live in the great , ready to turn up their noses with their hypocritical respectability just someone you run a whistle, a raspberry, a torch, a graffiti on the walls or an act of rebellion can not be controlled by the rhetoric of rebellion caviar.
Wars and devastation in the warmer areas of the world are financed by banks and feeding, The change from the blog the description of this vile trade legalized:Banks in war, the finance arms
We are accustomed to consider the global conflict as a serious problem but away from us. Maybe not imagine, though, that often the weapons with which these wars are fought are funded by lenders to whom we entrust our savings. To become aware of start from the black list of Italian banks involved in the armaments market.
Military vehicles, weapons, ammunition with which to arm themselves protagonists of these conflicts come mostly from Italy
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the tribal strife in Central Africa, the endless war in Ossetia and Chechnya, the rebel Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka and the Karen people in Burma still Chiapas, Haiti, the Horn of Africa The island of Timor and many others. These are just some of the wars to be the dawn of 2011. There are dozens and it would be impossible to analyze one by one the reasons and procedures for conflict and still is not what we want to talk.
Apparently these are situations that all of us Italians, us westerners, we feel far away. Maybe we are a bit 'more apprehensive about what happens in the Balkans or Tunisia, per via della vicinanza territoriale; oppure seguiamo con maggiore interesse le vicende delle repubbliche ex sovietiche, del Kosovo e dell’Albania o del Darfur e della Nigeria, perché sappiamo che molti degli esuli e dei rifugiati che scapperanno da quei posti si dirigeranno verso la nostra penisola. In generale però quello delle guerre è un problema che seguiamo con un certo distacco , che pensiamo non ci riguardi, che sentiamo lontano. In realtà è più vicino di quanto possiamo immaginare.
In che termini? È molto semplice: i veicoli militari, le armi, le munizioni con cui si armano i protagonisti di questi conflitti provengono in buona parte proprio dall’Italia. E c’è more: to feed a round of money in 2009, the EU has exceeded 40 billion euro, of which 6.7 in our country, we need a well-structured system of financial intermediation and substantial size. Who do you think represents this? Just commercial banks that for better or worse everyone supports us to manage our savings, all from Unicredit 'Union Italian Banks from Popolare di Milano at BNP Paribas . But we get into detail.
The government annually has to issue licenses to manufacturers and banks who want to finance transactions
The financing of operations relating to the export of arms is governed by Italian law 185 of July 1990 and subsequently updated in 2003. The annual report in which the government draws up the budget arms market opens, in its 2008 edition, with a few caveats designed to justify the legality of the commitment and support industrial and commercial in this particular segment. The right of every country to adopt appropriate tools to defend and protect its own internal order and the need to maintain "a level of technology, production and employment is not negligible for the country's economy" rappresentano i presupposti per legittimare il commercio di armamenti.
La relazione prosegue con un discorso che si destreggia abilmente fra richiami al famoso articolo 11 della nostra costituzione – l’Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla libertà degli altri popoli e come mezzo di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali… – e la necessità di mantenere buoni rapporti con i paesi con cui ci relazioniamo (anche quelli in guerra), fra la messa al bando di determinati tipi di armi – chimiche, biologiche, nucleari o idonee alla manipolazione dell’uomo e della biosfera – e i già citati aspetti di politica estera, di difesa, di sicurezza di carattere tecnologico e industry. In short, do the necessary assessments on the subject in general and on specific cases, the government year's task is to issue permits to production companies and banks that intend to finance the trade.
About weapons, banks and the military, you may have noticed that for several years after the abolition of conscription and the introduction of professional soldiers, in every town in Italy there are soldiers in camouflage and trucks in the streets, now we have got used to it, we will not be that you are preparing to repression of Piazza? From the blog of Daniel Martinelli :
Towards urban warfare
Station Treviglio January 2011, soldiers in camouflage with students and commuters
It's called Urban Operations in the Year 2020 . It 's a NATO project that provides for the clerical army in urban warfare by that year, when the world population will hit 7 billion and a half of people crammed into overcrowded neighborhoods, mostly in conditions of economic poverty.
The new wars are no longer between states but within individual states . He knows well the rich and corrupt oligarchy restricted who holds power and who does not intend to give up their privileges. So, groped for maintaining this difference in class will be suppressing revolts, riots and protests with growing social unrest as it is already happening in Tunisia and Egypt starving. The army is preparing to become the "means" or if you prefer the divide between rich and poor. The Italian Defence Ministry has already adjusted for that purpose. He enlisted a few thousand young people engaged in a certification course in urban struggles, greeted by the Berlusconi government with the operation safer streets launched in 2008, when Russia sent in the streets and squares in Italian 2,500 young people in camouflage .
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Also Sunday, February 13 at L'Aquila women take to the streets, the testimony of Thirty Seconds:
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The premier small and nights Arcore other comments, the blog of Lia Celi :
Nicole Minetti: "I am ascending Virgin Lenon"
A What is certain, Nicole Minetti is not a "two-bit maitresse 'poor thing, who would not give at least six, with all the cards you do? But to rise in the Pantheon of bricks it takes more, as can be seen from the biographies of some of the brightest figures in the history of prostitution.
Viene così chiamato lo scheletro rinvenuto di recente in una caverna dei Pirenei: a far intuire che si trattasse della prima maîtresse della storia furono il reggicalze di pelo di mammut e il numero di cellulare di Silvio Berlusconi inciso sulla parete della grotta. La prostituzione era nata subito prima della scoperta del fuoco: furono infatti le battone preistoriche ad accendere il primo falò, per riscaldare le fredde notti sui marciapiedi del Paleolitico. Ma le ragazze di madame Macrò-Magnon non vendevano sesso: l’homo sapiens viveva in orde dove nudità, stupri e orge erano routine, e per il cavernicolo la massima trasgressione era frequentare una donna solo per giocarci a sudoku. La prestazione della prostituta veniva paid with a deer (hence the expression "making horns ")...
macro-Magnon probably ran a cave by the hour, but probably had other sources of income: according to paleontologists would have been surprised by the last ice age while on his way to a meeting of the Regional Council.
brothel madam of the most popular in ancient Rome, in its luxurious rooms met all the VIPs of the City (it was here that Caesar spoke for the first time the famous phrase "You too, Brutus, my son? "). Austere Cato hated because it applies discount for students but not to the Legionaries and Stoic philosophers bachelors, Marcia not mustered vulgar prostitutes, but dancers and actresses in his career in search of an engagement, because unlike the sex workers, were really prepared for anything. He became friends with artists and writers was to convince her that a poem Virgil sodomy among the Homeric heroes entitled Aneide would never have been adopted in school curricula, and it was better to correct something. According to the Christians of the brothel Rufiana summed up the worst of the pagan gods: his prostitutes were Bacchae Juno, jovial, and sexually volcanic aphrodisiac. The madam, repented, converted, and promised that in his club now forward would work only daughters of Mary, the first to give it away.
legendary courtesan of the fifteenth century in China, began his career as a prostitute in court, but was soon promoted to manager of the brothel imperial having healed from a nagging problem of premature ejaculation Prince Dura Ming. Expert in Taoism, Pu taught his girls to that sex is the search for harmony between yin and yang yuan, and that man is the other half of the sky - one that does not get pregnant. Marco Polo, who frequented his restaurant was so excited to devote to environmental Pu Tan is a whole chapter of his Million . "What a stingy," said the madam, "he had said at least half a million." The emperor, who was affectionately at his death claims that were buried in their tomb effigies in clay Pu and his girls to complete, but the project was abandoned because the army of terracotta soldiers of Xian came out all nights to visit, and returned in pieces.
You are here - The old man and the pupa
I killed my wife. Embee? At home everyone does what he wants. This is more or less la difesa delle masse berlusconiane, forse ancora prevalenti nel Paese. Difesa puntellata da disparate teorie. Una, molto in voga (rilanciata recentemente sul Corriere da Pigi Battista in polemica con Micromega) suona più o meno così: l’antiberlusconismo che disprezza i berlusconisti è controproducente e finisce per favorire Berlusconi. Tesi interessante. Già, perché ci ostiniamo a disprezzare i berlusconiani? E’ grazie a loro, dopotutto, che Berlusconi traballa. Non fu forse il più fidato leguleio di Silvio, il berlusconiano di ferro Ghedini, a definirlo “utilizzatore finale” quando si scoprì che quello andava a puttane? Non è forse berlusconiana Nicole Minetti che lo chiama “vecchio”, "Flabby ass" and "piece of shit"? E 'Berlusconi Barbara Guerra, who at the thought of spending the night at the Arcore "is vomiting." E 'Aris Espinosa Berlusconi, who says that sleeping with Berlusconi "is stressful." Berlusconi was Patrick D'Addario, even a candidate in elections in Puglia. E 'Berlusconi Lele Mora, one with "Little Black Face" in the ring of the phone to pin Silvio million. E 'Emilio Fede Berlusconi's beyond words, living an own goal. Berlusconi Fini was to say. And 'Dr. Berlusconi Tremonti, what, in metaphor, grind to a halt the coffin. Berlusconi are mothers, padri, fratelli, fidanzati delle zoccolette di Arcore che le spronano a dare di più e portare a casa di più.
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E da Michele Serra :
Ma quale Silvio d'Egitto
Preoccupato per gli accadimenti al Cairo, il presidente del Consiglio ha deciso di puntare sulle Sorelle Musulmane, alle quali dedicherà un casting. Inoltre vuole portare la pace con una serie di barzellette sui cammelli e regalando confezioni a piramide di Ferrero Rocher
Silvio Berlusconi and Mubarak
Berlusconi following with great interest the events Egyptians. After asking his international policy experts why the demonstrators march from the side, made a phone call prior to the police station in Cairo to recommend the immediate release of Mubarak in the event of arrest: "It is the uncle of a dear friend of mine" said the receptionist, "and if you take him I will send a person I trust to pick it up."
The charge would be the Egyptian contortionist "Karima", aka Marisol Pinariello, a scammer international Berlusconi has himself elected city councilor in Suez after seeing his picture on a calendar for electricians. Will lei a salvare l'amico Mubarak, portandolo in salvo in una delle residenze di Berlusconi in Medio Oriente? Di certo, il nostro premier non vuole lasciare nulla di intentato per aiutare l'anziano collega, conosciuto tanti anni fa a Montevideo in occasione di una convention di tiranni, despoti e dittatori alla quale Berlusconi tiene a precisare di avere partecipato solo come osservatore.
A parte il rapporto personale con Mubarak, al quale Berlusconi non manca mai di far recapitare, a Natale, la confezione a piramide di Ferrero Roché, molte altre ragioni legano fortemente il nostro premier all'Egitto.
Le mummie Il processo di imbalsamazione ha sempre affascinato Berlusconi, che ha cercato, con successo, to adopt still alive. For example, the replacement of the hair with a cap lacquered was performed with the same procedure used for the pharaoh's death mask Kafonkhamon III of the Second Dynasty. Another pharaoh, Buhrinaton I had, only the mummies of royal blood, the gilding of the penis and the replacement of the brain with precious sandalwood chips, unable to imagine that 3000 years after the practice was tested on a living being. The circulation of the skin of the face with the technique of the press to tighten the papyri, very long and painful process, but was tested on three human subjects chosen at random from Capezzone, Bonaiuti and Cicchitto.
La cultura Berlusconi ha fatto dono a Mubarak dei diari autentici di Tutankhamon, scoperti da Marcello Dell'Utri su una bancarella di Porta Portese. Si intitolano "Er mejo sarcofago è er mio!". Nonostante siano battuti a macchina, è perfettamente riconoscibile lo stile dell'epoca, specie nel capitolo dedicato ai ristoranti sul Nilo, con spiritose annotazioni sulla mania di coprire di ketchup piccante il pesce andato a male. Marina Berlusconi ha anche voluto acquistare, per la Mondadori, l'autobiografia di Omar Sharif, sostenendone la candidatura al Nobel. Più complicata l'acquisizione della biblioteca di Alessandria. La città piemontese, amministrata dalla Lega, si è detta all'oscuro di imaginary fires and devastation of his library, which is in excellent condition.
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The images of the blogger friends, Gold Fiorentino :
Di Lucybell :
Di Nadia 1946 :
IL mondo è nelle mani
di coloro che hanno
il coraggio di sognare
e di correre il rischio
di vivere i propri Sogni
Di Le Corde del Cuore :
however it is ...
Inside the disappointment
Rivers of illusions ....
passions rise to the death of words ...
words that drive me out ...
callous indifference that masquerades consistency of sound ..... Wicked
since hitting the sword that rages inside ....
Between a Kiss and a hug who wear false heat ....
Harsh I hear the silence around ....
Ride helpless hanging from a tree ....
A fire burning in the silent sigh .....
And PV64 :
... let's go back a bit 'down to earth, or else that the IZ us too in the clouds and lose the sense of contemporaneity ....!!
Pill Day: The characters you come with me to read
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