Charlotte Whitton .
Una giornata storica domenica tredici febbraio, in 280 piazze in Italia e nel mondo centinaia di migliaia di donne hanno manifestato contro lo sfruttamento del corpo femminile e per costringere il piccolo premier a dimettersi, partecipazione oltre ogni più ottimistica previsione, solo a Roma a piazza del Popolo oltre un milione di persone, e poi Milano, Torino, Napoli, Bari, Palermo e tantissime altre città tanti slogan ironici and entertaining and one large and imperious invitation: Resign! "If not now when."
From The republic your day in Rome:
All colors dignity
The "enough" of women in the square
Participation beyond all expectation, many young people, in Piazza del Popolo in Rome too many men. A sea of \u200b\u200bwhite scarves and no political symbol as requested by the organization. To unite all the idea of \u200b\u200ba dignity that can no longer forget to claim Katia Riccardi ROME - There were mimosas in the square. Not a single twig. But the red carpet, which indicated the way to Piazza del Popolo. Where not waved the colors of the parties, the rainbows of peace and arms waving. But ideas, stroller, high heels and flat shoes, balloons and roses. Some white scarf, the color that is the set of all colors. And that was chosen for the day today. A day to say if not now when . To put a stop to the logic of bunga bunga. to tell him the dignity of women.
Women are not coming to party, but to show their faces, to hear responses from other women in the hope that someone look at it, and then stand aside. With dignity, for their dignity. It came in their thousands, housewives and students, professionals and mothers, grandmothers, poor, wives, many, many were elderly. Seats close, with bags in hand, made under the fountain, on the steps, sitting, in order for an important day long, for many, a new experience. Today, the square was women. Do not prudes, moralists or "radical chic," said the leader of the CGIL Susanna Camusso referring to Minister Maria Stella Gelmini had defined so that people who have expressed today.
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Immense Women
... and when you think that now there is no hope,
that there is nothing to do,
that this country is dead,
They arrive, the
Many women describe their experiences, Lidia Ravera from Piazza del Popolo:
The smile threatening
Il palco gestito con precisione tecnica e sobrietà. L’attenzione. Il sorriso minaccioso delle donne . Il sorriso mesto degli uomini. Quelli che erano lì, a smarcarsi dalle barzellette di regime. Stavo davanti-davanti, appoggiata alle transenne che dividevano la zona palco dal catino della piazza. Immancabili, in zona palco, le donne della politica, accerchiate come sempre dai giornalisti. Livia Turco, la Melandri . Chissà perché non possono mai stare in mezzo agli altri, in mezzo alle altre, le professioniste della politica…. Anche Michele Mirabella was in the stage area, with three girls that if they were giggling, with microphones that reached out toward him. I wonder what basis was there. I wonder what he had to say. I thought, who just simply be among the famous? Who just being there, listening. Clapping. Yet this is the fun of participation. Being number. Being in the midst of all. Meld. Feeling strong at the same time because it drives thousands and irrelevant. There were so many, really.
To tell you the difference our (beautiful speech of Bocchetti : men can not do without power, sat down on their luck, are sitting on their chair). To tell the our desire to clean up this country from the scum. To say that they are scum Berlusconi and his supporters cynical (what you do for a paycheck, a privilege, a chair!), Not the girl who uses the only power granted to women than to enjoy a man.
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streets to women,
but also for men
I have too many reasons to get to the streets Sunday 13 . I you are creating a mental traffic jam. Provo to proceed in order: fatigue, nausea, rejection of this subculture sexist and decrepit, the bunga-bunga Berlusconi, who, for months, reminds us, obsessively, a poor model of the relationship. The man who pays, promises, gifts. The cute boyfriend who offer, lend, claim blackmail. The urge to say "enough." If not now, when? Now, of course. Now.
But that's not sick. Send via Berlusconi: it is a precondition to start talking about politics, economics, welfare and culture. Public debt. Infrastructure. School. Of Everything. So yes, yes, send him away. And then we send him away, we women. All in the square. Many places and many women. Let us see, this is urgent. Far different from the model to see how we liked the premier, but mainly because we are different from us. As we are people, not working, not things. People. And people are different from each other.
For Women- people, this government has done nothing. Social safety nets are , martyrs of the crisis. Cutting services, indifference to dramas such as youth unemployment, an aging population. Women, people are forced to care work, to cover the shortcomings of the state does not care ... Why Berlusconi must organize the truckloads of fresh meat for the soirée , must defend the law ... And while women do not enter the political elite or are selected to enter the attractiveness and availability. This too must end. Has to stop because it brings into the stall meritocracy. And the meritocracy is the foundation of democracy.
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From Angela Vitaliano :
Tell me your heroic normal
I thought of my grandmother, Arcangela , who raised five children, a widow, in time of war and fascism. You do not accept that the Fascists' never even begging.
I thought of my aunt, Elena , which in the early morning, when he was still almost night, he walked to work. Kilometers in the shadows, with trucks of soldiers passing by.
I thought of my mother, Maria Pia , who has never made a holiday but one of the first things when we were kids, me and my brother has taught us to sit tight.
I thought of my cousins \u200b\u200b Clara and Anna, who kilometers ground trains, in the nightmare called "precariousness of the school" without ever losing the passion for their work. I was thinking
Anna, beautiful as the sun, who wanted to become a model and Lele wanted in his "girls". But she said no, because "everyone knows what happens in those laps . I thought Catherine
who worked in television, behind the scenes, and that one day he told his boss that the " asked to have sex with his friend " which she liked, she was pregnant and he replied "I do not see the problem . I thought
Rosa, to which Catherine sought help because he knew he would lose his job, said that "all we paid our price, but then we can gain figures no one else would . I thought
Manuela , graduated with honors, that tells me almost every day of her dreams and the great effort to try and achieve great sadness that the axle and, looking, in my small way, to stem. I was thinking
Antonella , Electric Berlusconi, who is my friend, prepared, intelligent, brilliant and serious and that this, like all others, damn hard to find a job.
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Two women living in London and express their views on our country, Simonetta Agnello Homby :
I mean I'm Italian without having to be ashamed
few months ago in London, in an interview, I was asked what I thought of the last Berlusconi had interceded with the police in favor of a Moroccan girl accused of theft. I thought that the prime minister had heard the news on the radio - an immigrant who steals from hunger, victimized by the police (an advocate of children know well the kind of "institutional racism") - ed'impulso had mobilized for her. "The intervention on behalf of un’emigrante islamica è un bel gesto,” dissi. Quando andai in Sicilia fui rimproverata da amici e parenti per le incaute parole: la ragazzina che avevo immaginato povera e indifesa era Ruby . Vivo all’estero da quarant’anni. Ho trasmesso ai miei figli un’orgogliosa appartenenza alla Sicilia e all’Italia. Mille volte ho difeso il mio paese dalle critiche degli stranieri, sostenendo che abbiamo sani princìpi morali e che la corruzione e il clientelismo diminuiranno- ci vuole tempo.
Ora non posso più. Non soltanto Berlusconi ha corroso il senso etico degli italiani, ma ha inflitto a noi donne un’ulteriore umiliazione: ci ha strappato la dignità. This septuagenarian face rebuilt offensive comments does not skimp on the physical aspect of the opposition MPs, ministers and chooses candidates and young and beautiful, flaunt their sexuality and overflowing treats women (and speaking) as objects of pleasure, showering them with gifts in proportion to the degree of satisfaction that I get. International meetings and acts as a peasant embarrassed statesmen with jokes of a sexual nature. His communication skills from seasoned entertainer with an appealing vulgarity caricaturist, the unpredictability of the behavior, the overwhelming superiority of the media it controls and the absence of opposition have compact mantenuto alta la sua popolarità permettendogli di offrire agli elettori una pruriginosa telenovela sulle gesta del maschio italiano che non si arrende alla vecchiaia e si gode giovani voluttuose.
Da Francesca Romana Ammaturo :
Non è un paese per donne
di Francesca Romana Ammaturo*
Ho 25 anni, faccio il dottorato in sociologia a Londra e mi occupo di diritti delle persone lesbiche, gay, bisessuali e transgender: esattamente il tipo di tema di cui piace discutere nel nostro “bel” paese richiamando polpettoni biblici, una Manichean view of sexuality and punishment, and a sacred sense of the ridiculous. I'd like to talk to say how humiliating it has become to be a citizen of a country openly homophobic, sexist, mediocre and bad government, but rather are other considerations that lead me to write.
The other day I was in the gym, weights room television set tuned to the BBC channel for children. The conductor of the transmission, a pretty young girl, missing an arm. are disabled myself and my first reaction is "wow how these English are ahead" , assuming that the choice was made without pity or compassion verso la presentatrice in questione, ma per merito. Un commento superficiale che però lascia spazio ad una riflessione più profonda che riguarda la dignità di noi donne , la dignità di quella ragazza dal sorriso pulito, il vergognoso onere imposto sui nostri corpi, sulla nostra felicità e sul nostro futuro.
Le squallide vicende di questi giorni, la sfrenata esibizione della mercificazione del corpo fatta, fosse anche nella migliore delle ipotesi, senza “retribuzione” nei palazzi del potere, stride fortemente con quella immagine della Bbc, con quella normalità e bellezza tipica di un mondo imperfetto come il nostro, un mondo in cui la debolezza fa parte della vita e in cui non tutti possono – e soprattutto vogliono – aspirare a fare le miss, letterine e altri vari soprammobili di carne per trasmissioni televisive.
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Da Chiara di Notte il racconto della Città invisibile:
Senza uomini

There are those who act only to divide us, and in the conflict, then we wallow. Are bad men, even though the opposite seems to see them, and it 'just misleading image with which they are basing their strategy believe it is an inherent rivalry' women that no woman is able to suppress. Cosi ', knowing handle this rivalry', they can succeed, leaning a bit 'here and a bit' the 'once and once to one another, depending on the circumstances and conveniences, to incorporate the disputes by themselves created, so as to assume a dominant role, or at least weaken them. These are the worst men.
Then there are those who believe the roosters in the henhouse. They do not accept that le pollastrelle possano avere un cervello autonomo ed indipendente, e che decidano tranquillamente del loro destino facendo a meno di ogni presenza maschile. E’ un concetto, quello della donna non incatenata ad un uomo, che non riescono proprio a sopportare. Si riconoscono subito per i loro atteggiamenti da tacchini gonfiati, da uomini che non devono chiedere mai, ma che anche non concedono mai. Sono abituati a non attendere il loro turno, qualunque sia la fila che ci sia da fare. Eppure, nella citta’ invisibile, fare la fila e’ necessario. E’ una questione di domanda e di offerta, ed anche di qualita’ del prodotto. Questi sono gli uomini piu’ fastidiosi.
Other testimonies from the squares by BStevens :
In spite of those who said that a rally was not necessary. The gesture was urgent, however.
How Assunta Sarlo said onstage: "(...) and there is precious, our indignation, if it is an antidote to the exhaustion of a country that still humiliates women (and men) who inhabit it." The square - the square faces, laughter, and the colors of the umbrellas - gave us strength, shared power and speed. If not now, when? Tomorrow. What we have to move .
"I know that your brother is very sleepy. Has big eyes and shiny"
"yes, he slept little today ... you are going to rally?"
"Sure, we're women!"
"we too are going, but we are mostly male. We have only the woman's mother"
"poor thing ..."
out of the subway.
"have you seen how many people?" Awesome "
" you know what makes me angry as hell? "
"a lot of things, you're an angry ruffian brawler"
"Now, I say. You know what infuriates me now?"
"to be told that this is an event for women and women. What does that mean? Is not this is a problem only for women. is a question of general interest, not just women. like when you manfesta for the rights of immigrants. not only occur outside the EU. that nerves nerves nerves! "
" raining cats and dogs. Put caps "
" Thank God we brought a condom for the stroller of microbbit ... "
" What is a condom? "
" were neighbors! "
" bellusconi no! bellusconi no! bellusconi no! pelco nobody is ullando 'bellusconi no!'? bellusconi no! bellusconi no! "
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The latest news on the front of Abruzzo, another woman who has fought for almost two years in L'Aquila, Miss Kappa :

Even women who talk about their February 13, Phoebe1976 :
Yes, I was there.
So yesterday I was there.
Not in my back, but away. But I was there.
And if it is true that I've got a lot of thought before participating, it is also true that I have not regretted it at all good and corrupting the minds of children, and I have also made a worthy accompaniment. But it is typical of women think twice before doing something, put all the "but" and "but" to the right place. Centering one's opinion.
And in the end go the same, because the good news is and also the right.
Yes, I was there.
Although I am always reluctant to participate in these things, I often rhetorical.
But there is evil in the rhetoric, at this point? And 'the greatest evil?
Yes, I was there.
Although I think that women should unite and fight every day, without askance and slaughtered for nothing. Although I think that, in addition to the Berlusconi government, there are thousands and thousands of other reasons to make our voices heard.
Yes, I was there.
Because frankly my anger has passed danger levels. Why
my hypothetical son can not be born and live in this lousy world, where the hair spray has more synapses. I want to have respect for the institutions of law, which studies civic education in the knowledge that the law is the law.
E Pyper :
Image SapphireKat
TG1: Time to sales, thousands of women have found themselves in the Piazza People in Rome, taking advantage of the beautiful sunny day, not to miss the latest deals.
TG4: To include all the women leaving for Arcore are not enough taxis and blue cars, so it was prepared a collection point in Piazza del Popolo. Nearly one million ready to be "queen for a night."TG5: thousands of women have found themselves in People's Square to celebrate Valentine's Day. A note of manners, even the dog Alfonso Signorini, after long-nosed, he found a soul mate.
E ancora un'altra donna, Lia Celi ed il suo umorismo travolgente:
Giuliano Ferrara, ieri pro-life, oggi pro-stituzione.
Lampedusa, 1500 extracomunitari nel campo di calcio. Ma l'Inter oggi non gioca a Torino?
Genoa, begging for spare change in front of churches and hospitals are prohibited. And above all unnecessary.
do not dream in a country where a girl is not free to give it to a tycoon's television career. I dream of a country where a girl is free to give it to a television tycoon without at the same time give to the President of the Council.
Berlusconi: "In Italy climate of DDR." Very true: the media is the speaker of the government, the opposition does not exist and the economy is in shambles.
Naples, abuse of a child under age five. Finally young people are drawing closer to politics.
Ferrara un'assise promotes anti-Puritans in Milan at the Teatro Dal Verme. The Teatro Dal Porco was already occupied.
The Vatican: "Confession on the iPhone is not valid." Sins can be deleted only through iTunes.
With the new fiscal federalism very strongly desired by the league are the study of new taxes, Michele Serra speaks in preview:
And now, a beautiful communal duty
Federalism built with a cascade of local taxes opens the way for the imagination of the directors. Expected rates Treviglio between Lecco and customs and tax sbrisolona for the protection of the language Cimbrian
When fiscal federalism, after an agile process of law lasted nineteen years, is finally in place, municipalities can now also impose new taxes . We see the principal.
IMU What is the difference between the ICI, which had just been abolished, and the IMU? He explained, with his usual clarity, the Minister Tremonti: "The ICI was a municipal tax on the house, but the IMU is a municipal tax on the house." The IMU (an acronym for Change in ICI) will serve as the mayors to pay for the trip to Rome, where to queue with the outstretched hand in front of the Ministry of Finance to ask for money for the salaries of city employees.
tax Why tax only the houses, and not the people? Entry into force of a new tax. To ensure fairness, will be proportional all'ingombro of every citizen, who must give the city a planigrafia detailed surveyor's own body, with shoe size, waist circumference, weight and height. At the suggestion of the Prime Minister, her tits are considered ancillary surface.
waste tax has been approved an amendment by Mr Bragagnon (Northern League) according to which it is not correct that the tax Waste is paid only in the block in the municipality of residence, stealing resources from other municipalities that have helped to produce the wastes. To prove the validity of his argument, Bragagnon overturned on the table of the Finance Committee his bag of garbage containing crusts of fontina cheese, clam shells, the Adriatic, an entire femur of Chianina, apple cores and two condoms Chinese Trentino. From now on, every family will have to gather the waste according to the origin, weigh it, fill in the form ("Self-certification of federal waste") by paying in proportion to each location or a portion of the home, by choice, bringing any waste bin in the city of origin.
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RAI wants to impose contradictory programs of public networks, Alessandro Robecchi provides some suggestions:
Long live the biodiversity in the public television
You have to look at the proposal with joy majority of the Board of Supervisors in Rai, maybe we are not supporters of biodiversity? Perfect! Now, if an executive office in a ficus Rai will also make a dwarf palm. If there is a talk show Lele Mora will be there, to balance, even a human being, if there is Berlusconi ci vorrà una persona perbene. Per bilanciare Belpietro ci vorranno almeno tre ospiti in buona fede, se c’è Sgarbi bisognerà invitare una botte di valium. Al Tg1 per bilanciare Minzolini si potrebbe affiancargli il panda nano dello zoo di Nanchino, che ha maggiore senso della notizia. Nessun regolamento è perfetto, non facciamoci illusioni: non esiste in natura un organismo vivente, dall’ameba al rinoceronte, che possa bilanciare Ghedini. E nel caso fosse ospite Giuliano Ferrara chi gli si potrebbe affiancare? Forse solo Giuliano Ferrara potrebbe essere all’altezza del contraddittorio: avremmo così un grasso signore sudato che sostiene il libertinismo e l’autodeterminazione della donna (nel darla a Silvio charge) which fights with a fat sweaty man who denies self-determination of women in cases of abortion and artificial insemination. Then, to balance the two Ferrara, call the blue helmets. The more complex the question of satire: if there is one left that makes me laugh (we Crozza) will take a right that makes me laugh (we Cicchitto). If a gag is making fun of, say, the Santanché, how to balance? You could make fun of Santanché the surgeon, the only surgeon in the world ugly. As you can see is preparing an overwork for the managers of public TV.
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Images from blogger friends, Cuore562 :
Da Oro Fiorentino :
Da Irenegj :
Da Viola62 :
Le ultime opere del maestro della satira Vauro :
E quelle dell'artista Enteroclisma :
pill: Maurizio Crozza to Ballarò
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