Marcello Marchesi .
was released on 15 January:
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward web is a non-profit film of 2011 directed, produced and distributed by Peter Joseph . It is the third chapter of Zeitgeist: the Movie and follows a chronological Zeitgeist: Addendum .
The film was released independently in modern, 15 January 2011 in 60 countries and 30 languages, with 340 projections around the world. [1] It 'been called one of the biggest events in the history of independent cinema. [2]
The film was released for free on the internet since January 26, 2011 and received 300,000 views in the first 24 hours [3] and over 1.4 million views in five days. On February 1, 2011 was issued a torrent file for free download through the network Vodo , allowing the donation to finance the next film. [4]
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward identifica alcuni problemi della società, e propone un modo per vivere in equilibrio con l'ambiente, senza inquinare né distruggere le risorse naturali. Nel film vengono intervistati esperti in tutti i settori, come Dr. John McMurtry, filosofo della University of Guelph in Ontario, Dr. James Gilligan, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry alla School of Medicine di New York, Richard Wilkinson , Professor Emeritus della University of Nottingham.
Il film è diviso in quattro parti. Ogni parte è composta da interviste ad esperti, narrazioni e seguenze animate. (fonte Wikipedia )
Il futuro e le tecnologie rapportate alla coltivazione della terra, What can farmers do to prepare for the future of his farm?
In this BBC video, Rebecca Hosking on what it can do wonders in his own farm, where they raise cattle and sheep are kept indoors during cold weather by increasing the costs. The cultivation in permaculture and renewable sources for the Farm of the Future:
About the future, the University of Turin, is testing a new system of exploitation of solar energy, the change from :
Photovoltaics without silicon? It can be done, word of the University of Turin
University of Turin has recently unveiled a prototype solar panel made with organic materials such as clay and blueberries
Photovoltaics without silicon. As the solar that works at night seems like a contradiction in terms and yet the science is making progress on this front. From an idea by four researchers of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Turin, was in fact developed a prototype of a solar cell made of organic materials - so defined because disposable environmentally friendly - as the 'clay and blueberries .
breakthrough, the one born in the laboratories 's University of Turin, which actually comes from the technology being tested by the Swiss chemist Michael Grätzel and goes by the name of dye sensitized solar cells (dye sensitive solar cells).
The substance that allows these panels to harvest energy from the sun, in fact, it is a paste made of titanium dioxide and organic dye sensitive to light. Emulation of what happens with the photosynthesis explain the chemical at the University of Turin, and that is primarily capturing light and converting it into electricity.
In practice, thanks to the use of these dyes photosensitive placed between two sheets of glass can produce electricity through any type of surface and without the necessary exposure to sunlight, but also with diffuse light. This allows for a variety of applications now unexplored as the installation of solar roofs on cars, tissues able to recharge your cell phone, camping tents able to recharge the laptop.
These options are currently being tested at the University of Turin. And now the objective is to find a partner for the development of devices on the market within a year bring out this latest generation of university laboratories panels.
From the same source finally some good news, the multinational Chevron ordered to pay a high sum for environmental damage in the Amazon forest, the change from :
Ecuador, Chevron to pay for environmental damage is
issued a landmark ruling that in Ecuador after 17 years of legal battles, against Chevron, which will be forced to pay high compensation for the severe environmental damage to the Amazon rainforest between 1964 and 1990, with mining activities.
Chevron will pay a high compensation per i danni ambientali alla foresta amazzonica causati dalla Texaco
C’è voluto molto tempo, ben 17 anni di battaglie legali, ma alla fine la compagnia petrolifera Texaco , oggi assorbita dalla Chevron , dovrà pagare 9.510 milioni di dollari (8.646 milioni per multe e risarcimenti, più il 10% che impone la Legge sulla gestione ambientale) per i danni all’ambiente commessi in Ecuador durante la sua attività tra il 1964 ed il 1990. Di questa cifra, 5.396 milioni, saranno destinati alla bonifica del suolo; 1.400 milioni per riparare i danni causati alla salute pubblica degli abitanti della zona; 800 milioni per istituire un Fondo sulla 600 million for health and purify groundwater.
This is one of the highest compensation history that goes to compensate, again in part, a disaster that the contours of a real ecological disaster. While staying on the territory of Ecuador, in fact, the former Texaco has poured more than 68 billion gallons of toxic waste into rivers in the Amazonian forest and abandoned about 900 pools overflowing with waste from oil extraction industry. What's more, the company, due to structural failure of the pipeline, he dumped in 64 million gallons of crude oil.
would have been possible una cosa del genere negli Stati Uniti, patria della Chevron ? No, ecco perché. Nel 1942 lo Stato della Luisiana richiese che le acque reflue ed i rifiuti tossici fossero incanalati nei canali naturali di drenaggio, costringendo la Chevron ad impiegare la cosiddetta reinjection technology , una tecnica che permette di smaltire le acque tossiche attraverso condotti di scarico che le riconducano verso i campi petroliferi esistenti nell’entroterra dello Stato. Stessa cosa fece il Texas nel 1969, impedendo che si scaricassero rifiuti tossici nei fiumi e nei torrenti, anche quelli asciutti.
Transnational corporations control the planet, in his new book Antonella Randazzo says enormous power that corporations have on the world:
THE NEW DEMOCRACY Illusions U.S. hegemony in the era of civilization

THE NEW DEMOCRACY. Illusions of U.S. hegemony in the era civilization
(Zambon Publisher)
With the defeat of Nazi thought we got rid from the most dangerous criminals. But today, in light of new documents and new witnesses, we can argue that it is not. I crimes were only moved from Europe to Third World areas, under the pretext of "bringing freedom" to the people. In the name of freedom and democracy have been committed countless crimes and genocide.
The title "New Democracy", takes over the definition that the dictator Augusto Pinochet of Chile said the new situation created after the massacre of thousands of people and the suppression of the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. The New Democracy is a "democracy without people." The "new democracies" are now many, implemented and yet, tragically, to be implemented. The world today is far from being liberated by those who arrogate to themselves the power to commit crimes in the name of an ideology that is in the profit and power in his only God
This disconcerting fact there is rendered incomprehensible by the media, showing horrifying images of children dying from hunger and do not tell us anything about what is owed. Prevent the emergence of the paradox of a West that professes advanced and scientifically advanced, but is not able to save many human beings from starvation. Bodies of migrants are shown floating lifeless in the Straits of Gibraltar, but we do not explain the political and economic reasons which force them to flee their country, risking their lives. The media show us and guerrilla wars but do not tell us who manufactures and sells the weapons that make possible everything.
It 's time to put all the pieces of the puzzle in place, to make possible the full understanding of reality. And to tell who are the perpetrators.
This book sheds light on the causes of the major problems that oppress humanity. Without hesitation indicates the cause and its perpetrators.
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And after talking about the future of multinational criminals and we pass to the miseries of our house, the premier small despite the scandals and the indictment for extortion and child prostitution, although it has made our country become the laughingstock of the planet, despite the great manifestation of women in the Feb. 13 remains bolted to the chair, but if you were to see how effectively it is without lifting and transplanting? There's a picture that would put him definitely to the carpet, let it run, Made by The Daily :
Make It Tonight
There is only one photo that would definitely lose confidence in Berlusconi the Italians. It is the make-up picture of him, nature, perhaps a moment before going to sleep (for those three hours of sleep at night he says, of course), or when you get out of bed (maybe not the one that belonged to Napoleon suggested as a gossip, some time ago). That picture would ensure that the power to do collapse in all polls. In fact, the only step which is assumed not to exist. Because there is nothing in the world that the knight theme of most of his true image, namely that of a man of 74 years, with signs that Mother Nature and time have given him, flaws and wrinkles in other faces and other men are nothing more than the proud recognition of a life worth living.
This photo does not exist. Because if there was, perhaps, would be stored in an attic, such as the portrait of Dorian Gray , the famous picture suffers the miseries of fate instead of the vicious Dorian, and aging more and more, day by day. But the character was born from the imagination of Oscar Wilde remained eternally young because he had made a pact with the devil. While Berlusconi, at most, the pact it signed with the Italians initialed in Door to Door in 2001 (who remembers?) Before a notary Bruno Vespa.
And yet the irreverent cartoon depicting the Knight as a plucked turkey that has been around the world, from the daily :
And the world laughs behind ...
Devastating. For the English, who have opened their copies of The Guardian February 16, the cartoon by Steve Bell say much on the news these days and is regarded abroad as the head of the Italian government. There is no 'need for words. We have been accustomed to seeing Tony Blair described as a liar, but the Prime Minister, represented as a plucked turkey surrounded, like the Romans than once, by a laurel wreath, is given the simple title WNQR ( Wanker ). The many English who use text messages did not need much time to translate that code.
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If the government and institutional highest offices in this country there were women, as it would be worth living our lives, the intervention of a great woman to Piazza del Popolo, the blog of SilverGirl :
WOMEN Welcome back!
E '
Listen to this beautiful
intervention of a great woman
Alessandra Bocchetti
"we been too timid, too confident, too conniving,
delegating too much, too obedient!
must be given a shove! "
I want a country with a woman prime minister, a minister of the treasury, interior minister, DONNA.
I want a court Constitutional composed of at least 3 women!
I want a country with a president of the republic WOMAN!
yet to premier on the small Catherine Soft :
Now women are
afraid to B.
Berlusconi and women. a mocking fate accompanying the darkest season of the premier. There is a drawn face and upset Mr Berlusconi on the front pages of foreign newspapers. And there's the photo of Ruby the heart stealer , the heartthrob. More titles ( "The time for the worst Italian Prime Minister, the worst crisis of Mr Berlusconi on trial for the sex saga" , "risks 12 years in prison for lying" ), is on these two photos which must be concentrated attention. Even the foreign media does not escape that women are the real problem Berlusconi.
now when you see a picture of Berlusconi is always accompanied by a photo of a woman. And the combination speaks for itself. The leading storyteller, who has for years claimed to be a great seducer, the Italian playboy par excellence, is now being pilloried their women. When he was a brilliant and posed as gaga from overwork, was his habit to be portrayed by one of his ministers, "beautiful and brave" . The official photos were always looking for a woman he accompanied. The convention wanted to feel the embrace, the warmth of his physical darlings. Perhaps a survey, market research which is fixed, had recommended this tactic: the woman wears well, votes door, gives a human face. And who forgets them paean to the mythical home of Forza Italy, those mentioned constantly, those who made cakes, those who were at the heart of the family and the backbone of a healthy home. They cheered him, he was the male who would have protected, defended against the onslaught of the communists against the left radical chic that snubs the housewife.
Now what remains of it all? The photo of a old man, stopped to smile, showing all his 74 years, a face that now no lifting, makeup and more makeup manages to steal the tyranny of time. Across the image of Ruby, the mocking smile of this young woman, little more than a girl, a look of defiance mixed with recklessness. The story of the last two months is between these two photos. In between, many other photographs, always women, such as persecution, a female curse. The pictures of many showgirls, letters, letteronze, escort, prostitutes of various types, girls remade, sun glasses, bags, designer mobile phones with diamonds, boots € 800.
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A summary of the speech read to the Piazza Maggiore in Bologna during the demonstration on 13 February, blog Women thinking :
If not now, when? Our words for February 13, 2010.
yet exhilarated at the wave of life, militancy and cheerful sense of urgency to change things, we decided to publish here on the website a summary of the speeches we have read in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna and in the morning in Piazza Matteotti in Imola. To seal this day that has filled us with hope and determination to continue our fight and remember when we have some doubt that it really worth! The feeling
that comes before a full square is double that of today. On the one hand takes shape with the presence of all and all those who are here, the seriousness of an already intolerable situation. Secondly there is the distinct feeling that the space for the common reaction to the massive expression of dissent is possible, now more than ever! Feelings of alarm, emergency, dismay, yes, but also a feeling of belonging, of empathy, of sisterhood. How Women Association
thinking we are here today, Feb. 13, along with many other women in many other markets to defend the image of another woman, another view of women, different from the painful spectacle of these months, in recent years, different commercial use of women's bodies. It is not neofemmenismo or veterofemminismo, it's feminism. Feminism fell on thousands of possible faces of women, not women. A feminism without rhetoric made of words and actions of all those who sought a space of expression. Donne was born thinking like that, the willingness to accept the discontent and indignation, more and more popular among ordinary people, the rule of oppression in which women are forced into our country, effective action, compact but not monolithic , who wants to integrate into a transverse movement made up of many actors rehearsed in a common struggle.
Siamo convinte che se non facciamo sentire oggi il nostro dissenso, se non lo urliamo, ancora una volta verrà detto ovunque che siamo consenzienti, e si millanteranno ancora sondaggi che inventano un consenso al Presidente del Consiglio del 70 dell’80, del 120 %. Ora no, guardatevi, guardiamoci intorno: qui non c’è consenso, c’é solo dissenso . E si potranno ancora fabbricare sondaggi su misura, ma che non ci si permetta più nel nome del popolo, perché il popolo comincerà ad urlare “dimissioni” come ha urlato “vattene” il popolo egiziano sulla piazza Tahrir.
Per questo oggi chiediamo le dimissioni di Berlusconi. Non perché in lui sia incarnato il male Italy's supreme but because it is the first and necessary step to begin a process of cultural reconstruction, social and political life. We ask you as women, as citizens, and we ask all men and all those citizens who do not accept to be represented by Berlusconi and his court of lackeys.
The story of George Orwell 1984 is topical, Fabio Scacciavillani traces the similarities, shocking!The Nano Brother
Remember the Two Minutes of Hate ? In the novel 1984 (once science fiction, now already almost history) were the collective protests organized daily by the government of Big Brother. Orwell makes a phenomenal description: A ecstasy mixed with fear and vengeful instincts, a mad desire to kill, to torture, to break with a hammer faces walked the entire group of onlookers. The Two Minutes of Hate served to deflect the anger of the wretched conditions for Prole when poured, by the rulers (who were responsible for) to an external enemy (which change depending on the circumstances, alliances and Publicity). The scapegoat for all the atrocities was Goldstein The despicable individual, the counter-revolutionary who betrayed the party (no one knew when and why) and then became a renegade to whose face, that stood on giant television screens during the minutes of hate, was channeled the fury of the masses.
energize the hate in the world described in "1984" was one of many ways to consolidate control over Prole (ignorant and poor) and cement the loyalty of party members, who kept pace with the constant brainwashing perpetrated by the Ministry of Truth . In the scheme of Nano
Brother Ministry of Truth is known as Minzculpop. The collective ritual that performs a function similar to the Two Minutes Hate (which is not obbligatiorio participate, but the overwhelming part maggiornaza dazed too) is consumed during the newscasts through video messages, speeches and background blue sky "interviews" phony (legendary one where the applications were subsequently fitted to the responses). Instead of powers of Eurasia or Eastasia, the enemies are named with pounding complacency "Communists" that surround prosecutors, justice-, Constitutional Court, President of the Republic, 90% of the journalists left, the terrorists (prior to arrest) . In recent months it has even materialized Goldstein about in a person Gianfranco Fini, the reprobate saboteur of the Party of Love (in 1984 instead there was the Ministry of Love, but not puritanism Orwell imagined orgies worn inside). The rite is not always contemporary issues into a collective fit of cursing, but often rears in a growing frenzy of self-exaltation (the best Prime Minister for 150 years) in the telelobotomizzati recipients of video messages.
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And yet the demonstration of 13 February, and on improvident and sad statements of pseudo minister Gelmini,'s Blog Sognatricenata :
There were once some of the princesses' radical chic.
Some of these princesses were beautiful and young, while others were a little 'less, then there were those ugly. But not if it were a worry.
The beautiful, then, took care of their beauty, it is true, but not used it to make a career: going to job interviews dressed in a suit, a little trick ...
These princesses, defined radical chic, puritanical and moralistic, they had a huge flaw: used the brain.
Once upon a time the little princesses and a little radical chic.
Fine Girl, for heaven's sake, believing that their physical appearance were to prevail on the rest.
these children, mostly under 25 years of age, crowded the palace of a king of the Bunga Bunga, a practice never really clarified and on which it is best to keep the secret.
The King, also known as "flabby ass", gala-based Coca (light), beautiful girls and old men horny asunder. One day the princesses
radical chic is sick of being represented by the princesses of Bunga Bunga and decided to take to the streets armed with brain (what a nightmare!) To ask that was the dignity of women. At their side is also lined principles basis, also, with the brain and not with other parts of the body at random.
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The latest news from L'Aquila told by Thirty Seconds:
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exploitation of women's bodies in advertising is one of the most destructive and squalid that advertisers have never been able to conceive, in this respect a fine article by Phoebe1976 :
If calling
Despite all the events that you can do, it is undeniable that in Italy said the most true and that reflects the mentality of male and Italy as the old: "Throw more a hair **** that a bullock cart uphill. "I also said Vulva, and I do not feel I contradict her.
A corollary of this seems obvious to me that to sell papers and products in general is not the inherent goodness of the content in the product itself, but a couple of balls to advertise it.
It 's true?
Well, let's say that if you've never bought the magazine, you will average male will be attracted. Maybe even buy. But if the content is disgusting, will be the first and last time.
And precisely because of this a bolt of lightning rips the Italian news. What do you mean Ruby, did I say Egypt, the real news is that Belen Rodriguez was dismissed by Tim .
Yeah. Most Italian telephone company has commissioned a survey (it is the fashion) and discovered that her buttocks on display in Argentina do not like the families, who then decided to switch carriers.
Now, I would like to TIM few words to say them to him.
Far be it from me to defend Belen, which I find one of the most unpleasant creatures media that the blob Italian television has ever produced, you're sure Sigg. Tim's fault that the drop is hers alone? Do yourself a
bell'esamino of conscience, go!
I am not alone, it is a write screenplays for those nasty commercials, actually to be honest I'm not even sure he knows how to write. So if her being undressed and ornamental does not sell, do yourself a question: is not that it is the fault of your authors?
The music of these carousels without head or tail but based combination sull'inossidabile tits / ass, you know, phones sold in a bag, is so odious serial killer to be processed in the most innocent housewife Voghera. Then you complain of early delle famiglie?
E finalmente il piccolo premier è chiamato in giudizio in tribunale, il sei aprile prossimo dovrà presentarsi in aula con l'accusa di concussione e sfruttamento di prostituzione minorile, due accuse gravissime, cercando di fare cosa gradita al Cavaliere e a tutti noi Alessandro Robecchi indica il percorso da Arcore al palazzo di giustizia:
Un servizio al Paese: ecco l’itinerario Arcore-Palazzo di Giustizia di Milano
Basta con l’insulto institutions. In difficult times people need to stay close to their leaders. We believe, therefore, to gratify the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to publish the road between Arcore itineriario Freguglia and so, in Milan, home to the courthouse, where Silvio Berlusconi should be marked on April 6 next year. As we have seen in recent events, our beloved prime minister can not trust anybody anymore. Emilio Fede which is not the crest of the money that he pays around. Not Lele Mora that led to only a few hundred instead of the million girls who went to the streets to demand his resignation. Not Giuliano Ferrara, who knows that just because it moves a sweet aroma wafts of Hammamet. Perché dovrebbe fidarsi dei suoi autisti? Metti che il 6 aprile quelli si sbagliano e invece che a Palazzo di Giustizia lo portano in qualche night club, o al compleanno di una diciottenne… No, meglio non correre rischi. La cartina che pubblichiamo qui accanto dovrebbe essere sufficiente ad orientarsi. Le indicazioni precise, comunque, sono queste:
1. - Alzati, fai la doccia e vestiti bene. 2. - Parti da Arcore. - 3. Sveglia Ghedini, portalo fuori e dagli la pappa. 4. Procedi in direzione sudest da Via Cesare Battisti verso Via Alcide De Gasperi. - 5. Entra nella Tangenziale Est/A51 attraverso lo svincolo per Tangenziale Est/Bologna/Tangenziale. Strada a pedaggio parziale - 6. Telefona a Sallusti e digli di pettinarsi bene. - 7 Prendi l’uscita 6 Viale Forlanini.
E 'started the festival of Sanremo, Lia Celi gives us a hilarious report of the nice song event:
IO, TU E LE (MO) or ROSE: home it is also guarding a bin of songs / 3
- Second evening, physiological decline in audience: Tunisian immigrants enlisted Tuesday to watch the Sanremo Rai refused to repeat the horrific experience and you are thrown back in sea. "In Italy, life is much harder than in the Maghreb," observed a fugitive impressed by the conduct of Gianni Morandi, "we are in their seventies they stay quiet at home cared for by family you have yet to earn a living toiling in the night among young men who take them around."
- Luca Paul and bipartisan: After Berlusconi, have targeted the icons of the left. It 's the first experiment of' satire on demand, a new subscription service offered by Rai ...
- Belen Ely and more sexy. As planned, the beautiful argentina sang "Malo," but his performance has exceeded expectations: she sang very badly. Canalis wanted to join the girls pole-dance, but was gently dissuaded: piles of wood it takes two. Hot time of the night, the kiss between the two starlets, partially ruined by the "clang" produced by the impact between the teeth oversize Belen and shovel to the jaw of Ely. "The homosexual kiss? Mmmm, very exciting, "was the unanimous comment of Fabrizio Corona and George Clooney. By a curious combination, both boyfriend are staying in the hotel's 401 suites Ganymedes of Mykonos.
- critically acclaimed Giusi Ferreri, an artist who for years was divided between the craft as a singer and to cashier - who has never denied the past, as evidenced by the title of his latest album, "We feel the clientele." On each case, the points of collection-fidelity Ferreri, through which fans can win cookware, food processors and apparatus for the aerosol.
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Immigrants continue to arrive along the shores of beautiful country, Michele Serra anticipates the government's new measures on:
Immigrants, we think Brambilla
In response to the landing of Tunisian the minister of tourism will soon offer a controinvasione of Italians in Djerba, with all-inclusive buffet. Marchionne has instead had the idea to take them all, to make them work 36 hours hours a day
landings in Lampedusa
The new wave of migrants, poses serious problems for the Italian authorities. "They are trained in only a few radical chic salons of Tunis," said the minister Gelmini. But according to the first checks would infiltrate the radical chic only three out of five, immediately identified by police because they were drenched in sweat because of cashmere kaftan. According to rumors, there are three fugitives in Mazara del Vallo in disguise, arrived in Italy to participate in the Sanremo Festival at the invitation of Fabrizio Corona.
As for the other migrants, do not ask for political refugee status but that much more effective in Italy, the grandsons of Mubarak, presenting false documents. Some have even touched up the photo, adding a couple of balls, consider the true passport to our country. Since Parliament approved a proposal of the PDL, has just ruled that the grandchildren to help Mubarak is right, the Italian government was forced to give to every new immigrant a Swarovski pendant and an envelope with seven thousand euro, negotiable according to use Arabic.
Relations with Tunisia Minister Maroni reacted indignantly to the official statement of the Tunisian Government, which described it as "representative of the racist right." "I do not speak with the Arabs," his dry reply. To overcome the impasse, the League has raised the idea of \u200b\u200bsending forces in Tunisia to Italian police, a special body, with fez and musket, is ready at the port of Lampedusa, but because of the cuts will Tremonti riutilizzare gli stessi gommoni a remi usati dai migranti. L'arrivo degli italiani in Tunisia è previsto per il prossimo Natale.
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Le immagini delle amiche blogger, da Oro Fiorentino :
Da Rosa Rossa_3 :
From KayBlu :
look everything with my ordinary eyes, but eyelids fall
tired .. I eyelashes that look like blinds
flying time at the first sign of light ..
"never change" says my daughter looking at my face reflected in the mirror ..
knew love, how and at what price I became another woman!
Look better!
all starts, everything changes ..
and all my desires buried
draw maps that teach me how to smile.
are full of signs of aging
lagoons, stretches of blankets at night and
rocks overlooking the sea.
I want to shout my
remains caught between the teeth, photographs of men and dwarves
that I buried in holes of memory,
I have a sword in the heart
splitting words
slide while still on this side that
equal only has the heat of a slap and a dress
festival that jars.
The latest works by the master of satire Vauro on our little premier:
WOMEN AND oxen from your
Pillola del giorno: Maurizio Crozza a Ballarò
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