Viva le Esche Vive
Long live the live bait
is not easy for me to talk about books, let alone review them, because I'm not a great reader and I find it extremely difficult to make a thorough and minimally competent criticism on a literary text. Even more so then if the book in question was written by a person whom I respect and who is also become my friend. It is even more so if that book (which is a novel) is set in a place that does not exist, but that is ideally located a few miles from where I live.
Here, a normal person all these factors leads to a (pre) positively, instead of me - so normal that I know are not - act in the opposite way, so the expectations go up tremendously, divento supercritico, leggo con il ditino e il sopracciglio alzato (che non è nemmeno un esercizio fisicamente semplice, peraltro) e tante altre brutte cose. E' già successo che non mi sia piaciuto il libro di un autore mio conoscente e, con tutte le premesse di cui sopra, dopo avergli suggerito gentilmente alcune critiche proposte come costruttive (sic), il risultato è stata la distruzione di un'amicizia (la maggior parte degli scrittori è molto suscettibile e si prende molto sul serio, nel caso non lo sapevate). Ma non divaghiamo.
Tutto questo invece non è successo con questo libro - che è Esche vive di Fabio Genovesi (Mondadori) e c'ha pure un blog – che invece I found extraordinary. His style is simple, but as the reading proceeds becomes more powerful, it makes you get inside the characters, even if they are certified and culturally different from you, which is what a book should do .... via short, I told you that I am not doing bono reviews ... And then the story elements are included so obsolete to contemporary literature (fishing, cycling, heavy metal) to be extremely original and different from the rest. Around
do not talk much, but it's really a shame. And then, if the seed of an injury is - at least for me it is - from the title, then live bait part very well.
Update : Miraculously, he starts talking about the book. If you want a good review written by someone who writes really well, read the one of Matteo B Bianchi (well, when a writer speaks well of another writer of the same generation, it seems to me that the world becomes a better place), or listen interview of good Mario de Santis author of Soul Food Programme in Capital Radio and its review
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